Lose 10 lbs by April 15th, 2024- focusing on a healthy lifestyle and enjoying life!



  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited February 29
    @mightybunky , Hi! Welcome! I am glad you found us. It is so wonderful to go through this journey together.

    I am grateful for my dog Snoop who motivated me today to go for a longer walk and we played with his ball! It was cold but very sunny.

    Win- I am drinking a lot of water and I have not eaten the cookies my daughter baked last night.

    Challenge- I would love to eat a cookie 😂😂😂I know that sugar is not good for me as I am pre-diabetic. Also, once I have a cookie and end up eating more sugar.

    Have a wonderful night everyone!

    We can do this! 💪🌼. Keep posting even if you are not having a great day. Every day is a new day!

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    Checking in!

    How is everyone journey going?

    Mine is going well with healthy eating, daily smoothies and gym at least 3X a week.

    I have gained weight (not fat) due to bloating/water retention in the midsection; about 5 lbs in a week lol

    I’d love to hear what everyone os doing daily/weekly.
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    I have to clean his eyes. I can't do it everyday as his eyes are very sensitive.
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    It is pouring with rain today, very grateful to have a rowing machine at home so I don't have to go out in it!

    Wins - have worked out 4 days in a row

    Challenges - I was SO FAR over my calorie budget yesterday, need to relearn portion control

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    HI everyone!

    @tatilove1988 Your are doing amazing! weight is not always the main measure of success specially if you are working out and retaining water! Keep up the good work!

    @mightybunky wow, rowing machine! you must get a very good workout. I also went over my portions last night! I have to log in my food throughout the day. I lost 15 lbs in the past logging my food everyday.

    Thank you for motivating me! I am going to walk with Snoop and we will play with the ball. I am trying to get to 10K steps everyday!

    How is everyone doing?

    We can do this!

  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    @Paz922 logging really is key isn't it, to keep the focus on what you're eating and where the extra calories are creeping in. That's so great that you lost 15lb before, how long did it take to lose/gain and what changes did you make?
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 1
    @mightybunky Yes, logging the food is so important. I could easily have two avocados a day which is a healthy food but has a lot of calories so I eat only one.

    I lost 15 lbs leading a group challenge on MFP. There were about 20 people and probably 10 posted everyday. Sometimes even 4 times a day. We all did it together. This is what worked for me.

    -Posting everyday even if I went over my portions and felt defeated. This is the key. Posting was my safe place.
    -Kept my body moving and set a goal- walking, dancing etc.
    -Lots of water
    -Very low sugar and almost not alcohol. I find that even a glass of wine disinhibit me and I end up eating so much more.

    It took me about three months to lose the weight with no starvation and not feeling deprived. Some people lost 20+. I kept the weight off for three years. Unfortunately, my youngest daughter got sick and she was my priority. I gained the weight back as it was difficult to eat healthy and did not want or had time to cook. She is doing so much better now and I need to take control of my health and self esteem. My oldest daughter is graduating from college on May 4th. I would love to lose 12 lbs by then. It is not about just fitting into a dress. I am 54 and I want to live a healthy life which can only be done by me.

    Thank you so much for asking me! It helps me so much to look back and remember what worked for me.

    What drives or motivates you to lose the weight?
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    Hi @Paz922 , I'm so glad your daughter's doing better. And it's great that you have the graduation to look forward to!

    I guess I got less active as a result of the pandemic and then caring responsibilities, but didn't eat any less. Last year has been tough and I've compensated with biscuits and cake. I sort of knew I was not in great shape, bits wobble and bulge, but was still shocked to get on scale and see I'm 20 pounds heavier than I was at my fittest!

    So I just want to get back to feeling good about my body, not ready to embrace middle aged spread just yet/ever. I'm on day 4 of logging and working out properly, no excuses, but I know this is going to take a while and hoping groups like this can keep me motivated and honest. Thank you so much for setting it up!

  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    @mightybunky- I just logged my food!

    I am grateful for the awesome salmon my husband made

    Wins- I walked outside and went to the gym. I used the bike and the elliptical for the first time in three years!

    Challenges- My daughter baked cookies again and the whole house smells so good. I will not have them.

  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    @Paz922 good morning! Well done on the logging, good luck resisting the cookies 🍪

    Today I am grateful to be spending the day with friends (but first a row!)

    Wins - reduced portion of pasta last night and it was enough

    Challenges - pizza restaurant tonight, so calorie budget is out the window. Will try to compensate elsewhere as much as I can.
  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    Last night was pizza night. Only ate 2 slices 🥹

    But I’m hungry this morning. I need to go make my daily smoothie lol
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    edited March 2
    Hello everyone,

    @mightybunky I did not have the cookie! Good job on the pasta last night!

    It is nice that you are going out with friends. I try to eat protein and lots of water before going out to dinner so I am not starving when I am out. It does not work all the time but I try :smile: Have fun!

    @tatilove1988 That is awesome that you had two slices. Pizza is my weakness! What are the ingredients in your smoothie? I used to make them years ago and I should go back.

    Today it is a cold and cloudy day. I just want to get back to bed. I need to focus on achieving my 10K steps and taking Snoop out. It looks so challenging right now.

    BTW- English is my second language, please excuse my grammar and spelling. I hope you are not English teachers hahahaha :smile:

  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    @Paz922 It’s hard eating this so few slices of pizza but even harder to lose the weight gained by that pizza 😂 but lawd it’s delicious.

    I enjoy green smoothies. As a base I open put bananas (for sweetness), haskap berries (for high antioxidants), and some type of greens (spinach, Kale, chard, beet greens). Then I’ll add other fruits and veggies I have on hand like broccoli, berries, pears, avocados, etc…
    For protein I’ll add a nut butter and or some skyr.
    Blend all of it with a milk of choice.

    I did a smoothie challenge last year, right on here. I’ll try to find the thread and link it here. Maybe it’ll give you some ideas
  • Paz922
    Paz922 Posts: 346 Member
    @tatilove1988 Thank you for the smoothie recipe. Have you tried any protein powders?

  • Milsy777
    Milsy777 Posts: 7 Member
    edited March 3
    I’m in!@Paz922
    Hello love this!
    I’m Amelia from Australia
    Thanks so much!
    I’m a newbie in this community however not to MyFitnessPal food logging
    Your Healthy support group with others is just what I’ve been needing

    I’m 56 years young a kidney transplant survivor of almost 9y! Praise God🥰💪
    Excited about my new motivation and motivating others…..

    What I am grateful for….My miracle Kidney, my Faith, Family, work etc etc …..so much

    Wins- love drinking 2L of water 💦 everyday. When on dialysis I could only drink 500mls!

    Challenges - consistency distractions

    Starting weight- 95.6kg. 210.7 Ibs
    Goal weight- 90.00kg🎉 198.4 Ibs

    March 2024
    3/3- 95.6 kg. 210.7 Ibs

    Wishing much success to everyone! 😃
  • phreekles7
    phreekles7 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm late but up for the challenge 💪What I am grateful for….feeling more motivated to get back to healthy eating. Finding will power is my biggest obstacle to losing weight.

    Wins- I've got a day of healthy food planned and some prepared, I just need to keep the kids snacks at bay! 🫣🤣

    Challenges - keeping to healthy eating and calorie goals today.

    Starting weight- 182 lb
    Overall.goal - 140 lb

    March 2024
    3/3- 182 lb

    Great to meet everyone 🥰
  • mightybunky
    mightybunky Posts: 90 Member
    edited March 3
    Welcome new people, this is such a great group!

    What is your first language @Paz922? Your English is excellent. Congratulations to you and @tatilove1988 for resisting temptation!

    I did not stick to two slices of pizza BUT my win for yesterday was checking the menu in advance, choosing what to eat, sticking to it and planning my other meals around it so for the first time since coming back here I was actually under my calorie target 🥳

    Challenges though: working out what to wear to go out really made me see where those extra pounds are sitting 😔

    Today I am grateful for blue skies, hoping to go for a run later and ... drumroll ... it's that day of the week:

    Starting weight- 170.6 (highest ever 😟)
    Goal weight by April 15- 160
    Overall goal (I see some people have added this, so to let you know it's more than 10 pounds here too, this is hopefully just the start)- under 150

    2/29- 169
    3/3- 167

    Not a bad start, but my problem is always sticking with it, really hoping groups like this can help me with that.

  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    edited March 3
    Paz922 wrote: »
    @tatilove1988 Thank you for the smoothie recipe. Have you tried any protein powders?

    I have used protein powders, but whenever I can I get protein from whole foods. When I can’t, then I’ll use the powder. Just make sure it’s from a hood source. I like the brand "garden of life".

    Here’s a link to the green smoothie challenge. You’ll find more recipes there along with pictures and all.


    If link doesn’t work, then just search May green smoothie challenge in community.

  • angiev44
    angiev44 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join challenge.

    3/3- 157 pounds
    Goal- 130 pounds

    I am grateful my daughter is coming home to visit on Friday for 10 days. I am grateful for my pets. I am grateful for my job. I am grateful for my husband.

    Lean turkey chili- one package 99 percent fat free ground turkey breast. Brown in pan with cooking spray. Add chili seasoning. Add 3 cans diced tomatoes (fire roasted), can black beans, can kidney beans, mix in can of fat free refried beans to thicken. Serve warm with crackers. Can add hot sauce to increase spice.

    I make this every weekend so I can eat it through the week. Lots of protein and fiber and very filling.