
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! Its an inspiration to see all the "under his/her calorie goal" feeds.

    I did much better on the sleep last night! Though I did get up for about an hour at 0200, I feel much more rested from going to bed earlier.

    Question for everyone:
    I know this is a controversial topic on MFP but I want my group's feedback. Last night, I struggled to actually eat the calories I had burned during exercise. I simply wasn't very hungry. I went ahead and had a chex bar and 2% milk to use up the calories though. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers and happy Tuesday!


    Yes, you should eat at least half (or more) of your exercise calories back. I've been on here for several months and can tell you that it does work!

    You should really be eating according to your BMR ( ). This number basically tells you how many calories you would burn if you were to be in a coma all other words, do absolutely nothing! MFP has already built in a deficit from your BMR, so you should lose weight as long as you follow the plan.

    A basic rule of thumb is that no one should NET under 1200 calories. This isn't foolproof, but a good guess. You may lose weight quickly if you net lower, but your body won't sustain it and you will plateau within 1-2 months. Basically what will happen is that your body will think it is starving itself and suddenly hold on to all the calories it can get. And beyond that, functions in your body that you don't think about - like hair growth or the healing of a scar will slow. Then more serious functions will slow too. This isn't meant to scare anyone, it's just stuff most people don't realize when they push their body too far.

    Finally, most everyone on MFP has been an over-eater to one degree or another, so if they consistently tell you they are full on a very limited number of calories, I either wouldn't believe them, would think they are fooling themselves or at the very least being very unhealthy about the journey. Just my two cents...

    thanks for the info - i will definatley try and eat some of my exercise calories now - dont want to go into starvation mode! but i really dont feel hungry after a work out and i am eating lots of filling things like pasta and potatoes - so not empty calories and yes i have definatley been an over eater but i did a juice fast not long ago and was starving! now i have juice or banana for breakfast and healthy lunch and dinner and a few treats along the way - mainly ww! :D

    I think it's about finding a balance. We all have days we aren't hungry and days we are starving. You don't need to eat immediately after a workout or force yourself to eat. Just figure out routine times for you to eat and habit will most likely do the rest. :smile:
  • Ok, so this is my third morning when I was too tired to wake up for the gym .... the guilt is settinig in. I am losing weight (I weigh myself every morning but I record only once a week) but I don't want next time I go to feel sluggish. That's what happeneds when I hit the third day without a workout. Maybe I can squeeze in a 30 min run this afternoon, get my 5k in so I don't feel that guilty.
    I think my new personal challenge will be close my ears to my family drama - between my mom, my brother and everybody else, I am tired. How can the people you have the closest can affect like this? This is more of an internal question because I know the answer is "they just do!"
    Oh well, it is what it is. Call me vain but I preffer to dream of my future single digit size clothes right now!
    Hope you all get to be a little selfish today and work on yourself! :)
    Loredana :drinker:

    YES about the family drama! I am going through the SAME thing right now. I also seem to be the neutral party so everyone comes to me and complains about everyone else. It gets VERY draining and I have found that my gym time is the only time I seem to escape from it!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! Its an inspiration to see all the "under his/her calorie goal" feeds.

    I did much better on the sleep last night! Though I did get up for about an hour at 0200, I feel much more rested from going to bed earlier.

    Question for everyone:
    I know this is a controversial topic on MFP but I want my group's feedback. Last night, I struggled to actually eat the calories I had burned during exercise. I simply wasn't very hungry. I went ahead and had a chex bar and 2% milk to use up the calories though. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers and happy Tuesday!


    Yes, you should eat at least half (or more) of your exercise calories back. I've been on here for several months and can tell you that it does work!

    You should really be eating according to your BMR ( ). This number basically tells you how many calories you would burn if you were to be in a coma all other words, do absolutely nothing! MFP has already built in a deficit from your BMR, so you should lose weight as long as you follow the plan.

    A basic rule of thumb is that no one should NET under 1200 calories. This isn't foolproof, but a good guess. You may lose weight quickly if you net lower, but your body won't sustain it and you will plateau within 1-2 months. Basically what will happen is that your body will think it is starving itself and suddenly hold on to all the calories it can get. And beyond that, functions in your body that you don't think about - like hair growth or the healing of a scar will slow. Then more serious functions will slow too. This isn't meant to scare anyone, it's just stuff most people don't realize when they push their body too far.

    Finally, most everyone on MFP has been an over-eater to one degree or another, so if they consistently tell you they are full on a very limited number of calories, I either wouldn't believe them, would think they are fooling themselves or at the very least being very unhealthy about the journey. Just my two cents...

    thanks for the info - i will definatley try and eat some of my exercise calories now - dont want to go into starvation mode! but i really dont feel hungry after a work out and i am eating lots of filling things like pasta and potatoes - so not empty calories and yes i have definatley been an over eater but i did a juice fast not long ago and was starving! now i have juice or banana for breakfast and healthy lunch and dinner and a few treats along the way - mainly ww! :D

    I think it's about finding a balance. We all have days we aren't hungry and days we are starving. You don't need to eat immediately after a workout or force yourself to eat. Just figure out routine times for you to eat and habit will most likely do the rest. :smile:

    i try and eat at the same times each day - sometimes it can be difficult with a one year old!! lol. i just dont want to plateau - one of my worst nightmares!!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Todays workout already complete now just working on my water intake and food. I have been sleeping well the last 2 nights which is great I think getting up early and getting the kids off then working out and staying up throughout the day is really helping because a few nights last week my sleep pattern was all out of wack!!

    Judy feel free to talk as much as you want I love your positive energy.. Sorry for the lost of your mom last yr and as the time draws near feel free to lean on us we are here for you. Glad your dad is doing great!!! Have a wonderful Monday!

    great job getting lots of sleep and working out! I still have to fit my workouts in this week. Gotta figure out a way to make it work. I am getting up at 5am and getting home around 5pm when I get my daughter ready for bed at 6pm. Maybe I should try some workout dvds. I actually have some workouts saved on my netflix instant queue I guess now is a good time to try them out

    Netflix workouts sound like a good idea once your little one is all settle for bed!!
  • Hello All,

    Today i burnt 1000 calories at the gym, but then i saw walnut tarts (mini) couldnt stopmyself ate 6 of them :(
  • AMoore33
    AMoore33 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice. I think I didn't feel like eating my exercise calories last night because I had just finished exercising. I walked at lunch today and didn't want my mid-afternoon snack. Tonight, I will be adding a few more minutes to my exercise but I'm definitely going to go with the protein shake afterwards. I get my calories, protein, and since its a shake, I don't think I'll have to worry about not feeling hungry enough to "eat" it.

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hello All,

    Today i burnt 1000 calories at the gym, but then i saw walnut tarts (mini) couldnt stopmyself ate 6 of them :(

    That's what working out is for!!! You can enjoy 6 mini tarts.... really how many calories can they add up to??? Good job:happy:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice. I think I didn't feel like eating my exercise calories last night because I had just finished exercising. I walked at lunch today and didn't want my mid-afternoon snack. Tonight, I will be adding a few more minutes to my exercise but I'm definitely going to go with the protein shake afterwards. I get my calories, protein, and since its a shake, I don't think I'll have to worry about not feeling hungry enough to "eat" it.


    Love seeing a profile pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's great! Keep up the good work you are on the right track!

    So glad to see all of you on the board!!!! Let's get this done!!! Then most important stay at our goals. We will for sure need another group when that time comes:wink:
  • I feel exhausted and sick! I've been eating nothing but party food and take-out. I definitely need to get back on track and start eating healthy and exercising bc I'm sooooo tired of feeling this way! Its barely 7pm and I'm in bed lol. Tomorrow is another day right? I'm just seriously lacking motivation lately :( hopefully a good nights sleep will help me pull myself together.
    Sorry kind of a random rant....ill blame it on being tired.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey friends - I really have to get to bed. I have to leave at 5:30 am YUCK!!!!!!!! I hope to be home early to check in. I had a stressful day in the car and then home prepping for working with Nestle tomorrow. I had a weird spell and I came super close to passing out while driving on the freeway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaked me out - I was talking to a friend on the cell (with an ear piece of course) when it happened. I was able to stay calm and exit the freeway....parking, drink water, walk around the car and re group. Not sure what it was...blood pressure was good when I finally got home..had a head ache but felt OK later this afternoon. I did skip my workout tonight. Ate on track today.....wanted some wine tonight, but just said NO

    I have running class tomorrow night. We are moving up to run 3 mins walk 1...yikes I bearly made it through 2 min run...not sure how I will make 3. I feel like quiting...but I won't! I am hoping I am at the point where most want to quit but once you break through it's cake....ha ha , that's what I am telling myself.

    Have a great night - and a terrific tomorrow :smile:

  • I am not sure how many calories though i just checked every where couldnt find the exact count. MFP has quite a few on its list but they are all 100 plus therefore i used that and it turned out to be 600 plus thats why i was disappointed but not sureif that was the right plug in my diary. :'(
  • AMoore33
    AMoore33 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey friends - I really have to get to bed. I have to leave at 5:30 am YUCK!!!!!!!! I hope to be home early to check in. I had a stressful day in the car and then home prepping for working with Nestle tomorrow. I had a weird spell and I came super close to passing out while driving on the freeway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaked me out - I was talking to a friend on the cell (with an ear piece of course) when it happened. I was able to stay calm and exit the freeway....parking, drink water, walk around the car and re group. Not sure what it was...blood pressure was good when I finally got home..had a head ache but felt OK later this afternoon. I did skip my workout tonight. Ate on track today.....wanted some wine tonight, but just said NO

    I have running class tomorrow night. We are moving up to run 3 mins walk 1...yikes I bearly made it through 2 min run...not sure how I will make 3. I feel like quiting...but I won't! I am hoping I am at the point where most want to quit but once you break through it's cake....ha ha , that's what I am telling myself.

    Have a great night - and a terrific tomorrow :smile:


    Best of luck today. I hope the light-headedness was an isolated incident. You will blast through running class tonight...I just know it!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey friends - I really have to get to bed. I have to leave at 5:30 am YUCK!!!!!!!! I hope to be home early to check in. I had a stressful day in the car and then home prepping for working with Nestle tomorrow. I had a weird spell and I came super close to passing out while driving on the freeway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaked me out - I was talking to a friend on the cell (with an ear piece of course) when it happened. I was able to stay calm and exit the freeway....parking, drink water, walk around the car and re group. Not sure what it was...blood pressure was good when I finally got home..had a head ache but felt OK later this afternoon. I did skip my workout tonight. Ate on track today.....wanted some wine tonight, but just said NO

    I have running class tomorrow night. We are moving up to run 3 mins walk 1...yikes I bearly made it through 2 min run...not sure how I will make 3. I feel like quiting...but I won't! I am hoping I am at the point where most want to quit but once you break through it's cake....ha ha , that's what I am telling myself.

    Have a great night - and a terrific tomorrow :smile:


    Sounds like a case of pushing yourself too hard .... from what I read I see you are very serious about your workouts, staying on track with the food plus the stress from work .... Make sure you take some recovery time too or just plain easy workouts. Burn out is not good.
    I know the feeling when you want to accomplish everything, when you are on a roll with the whole lifestyle change and you don't want to miss the wave, but what I have learned is that waves come and go and my goal is to make this a steady pace. Good luck today ...
    On a side note, I was readying about your Nestle account and I was smilling because I just found out I am getting a new client which is a brewry. Hopefully they send some free samples for Christmas :))
    Have a fantastic day!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    I wanted to make a suggestion for the group - since one of our goals this week was to get to know each other, I want to suggest that if you post something here to sign with your real name instead of your screen name. It's a lot easier to actually put a name with a person than a login ID.

    See you around!

    Loredana :wink:
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hey friends - I really have to get to bed. I have to leave at 5:30 am YUCK!!!!!!!! I hope to be home early to check in. I had a stressful day in the car and then home prepping for working with Nestle tomorrow. I had a weird spell and I came super close to passing out while driving on the freeway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaked me out - I was talking to a friend on the cell (with an ear piece of course) when it happened. I was able to stay calm and exit the freeway....parking, drink water, walk around the car and re group. Not sure what it was...blood pressure was good when I finally got home..had a head ache but felt OK later this afternoon. I did skip my workout tonight. Ate on track today.....wanted some wine tonight, but just said NO

    I have running class tomorrow night. We are moving up to run 3 mins walk 1...yikes I bearly made it through 2 min run...not sure how I will make 3. I feel like quiting...but I won't! I am hoping I am at the point where most want to quit but once you break through it's cake....ha ha , that's what I am telling myself.

    Have a great night - and a terrific tomorrow :smile:


    Stay safe, that's pretty scary stuff!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Ok, so this is my third morning when I was too tired to wake up for the gym .... the guilt is settinig in. I am losing weight (I weigh myself every morning but I record only once a week) but I don't want next time I go to feel sluggish. That's what happeneds when I hit the third day without a workout. Maybe I can squeeze in a 30 min run this afternoon, get my 5k in so I don't feel that guilty.
    I think my new personal challenge will be close my ears to my family drama - between my mom, my brother and everybody else, I am tired. How can the people you have the closest can affect like this? This is more of an internal question because I know the answer is "they just do!"
    Oh well, it is what it is. Call me vain but I preffer to dream of my future single digit size clothes right now!
    Hope you all get to be a little selfish today and work on yourself! :)
    Loredana :drinker:

    YES about the family drama! I am going through the SAME thing right now. I also seem to be the neutral party so everyone comes to me and complains about everyone else. It gets VERY draining and I have found that my gym time is the only time I seem to escape from it!

    Good luck to both of you with the drama! That can be exhausting. Do your best to block it out whenever possible.

  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm happy to say I've been getting my 8 hours of sleep, and last night I took the dog for a 40 minute walk/run, got up at 6:30 this am and did my Yoga Dvd too!! No exercise tonight as one kid is sleeping over at my mom's house and the other one will be having some special attention time from us - we r getting pizza and having a movie night.
  • Hey Julie,

    I'm a friend of Postive Power (Judy) and I would love to get in on this challange. Is it posible?

  • Everyone is doing so well! Its an inspiration to see all the "under his/her calorie goal" feeds.

    I did much better on the sleep last night! Though I did get up for about an hour at 0200, I feel much more rested from going to bed earlier.

    Question for everyone:
    I know this is a controversial topic on MFP but I want my group's feedback. Last night, I struggled to actually eat the calories I had burned during exercise. I simply wasn't very hungry. I went ahead and had a chex bar and 2% milk to use up the calories though. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers and happy Tuesday!

    I don't think you should force yourself to eat if you're not hungry
  • I feel exhausted and sick! I've been eating nothing but party food and take-out. I definitely need to get back on track and start eating healthy and exercising bc I'm sooooo tired of feeling this way! Its barely 7pm and I'm in bed lol. Tomorrow is another day right? I'm just seriously lacking motivation lately :( hopefully a good nights sleep will help me pull myself together.
    Sorry kind of a random rant....ill blame it on being tired.

    I know what you mean, I feel so terrible when I am off the wagon and eating junk food. All you can do is make healthier choices meal by meal, day by day, week by week and before you know it you won't want the junk anymore. get some sleep and wake up refreshed and ready for a change tomorrow : )
This discussion has been closed.