Women 200lb+, Let’s Mix It Up This March!!!



  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,287 Member
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    - Exercise - 6x a week (changing plan for March)
    - Water - working towards 80 to 100 ounces daily
    - Better Nutrition *Work in Process
    - Less Alcohol * Work in process. Much drier March..targeting January's success.
    - Get back to 10,000 steps a day (minimum) ~ weather is getting nicer so much more "doable"
    My Mantra:

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳

    3/2 214.8

    Update for 3/2 weigh in. A good number :) It's actually the lowest I've seen in 2024!

  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    edited March 5
    Beginning of March Check In:
    Jan: -9lbs
    Feb: -4lbs

    This month, I'm working on building strength (2-3x a week) and doing cardio to make my heart happy--both literally and figuratively--with swimming and a dance class (2-3x a week).

    I met with a dietican today and we hammered out some numbers that I needed help with (macros, grams of protein, calorie goals, etc). She was lovely and super encouraging and if you're at all thinking about going to see a dietican (dieticans have more training than nutritionists), I would definitely recommend it.

    Looking back at my food log, I ate a lot of protein bars as meals, usually because I was in rush. So this month, I'd like to concentrate on eating full meals and getting in lots of veggies. I also need to increase my protein intake by 20 to 30 grams, so I might check out some protein shakes.

    I was really discouraged when I got on the scale at the end of February and saw that I had *only* lost four pounds. While I know this isn't a rational feeling, and it goes againist my whole mantra of taking things slowly and building better habits, I still felt down. Which is why I can't weigh myself more frequently than once a month, because I know it affects my mood. I don't know what I was expecting the scale to say (maybe another -9 like I had in January...which I know was half water weight) but losing one pound a week is still good progress. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

    Something I'm proud of is that for the last two months I've exercised 16 and 15 times respectively. My body is coming to like working out and even expecting it. It's a great feeling. I'm also learning to listen to my body when it says it needs to rest, too.

    Overall, in March, I want to just keep my head down, not make any big changes, and keep slowly putting one foot forward.

    Happy March, everyone!
  • 99overlook
    99overlook Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 5
    Hey everyone!
    New to the community, not new to logging and tracking and drinking water and, and, and……
    Went through some life changes and ended up with 252 pounds on my 5’4 frame. April 15th 2023 had had enough and have lost just a touch over 50 pounds so far.
    I read that so many of us saw February come and go with good intentions but like myself just could not keep it going. Well I’m back at it. I need to ditch my sugar cravings! They are wild right now. I love working out but motivation of course kills me! I have a very active job but sometimes that throws me… does anyone else have a very active job and don’t really know how to work caloric needs into it? I did so well last summer I need to get that mojo back and get some more weight off.
    So tonight I reevaluate my goals:
    CW 200 was 195 in December.
    Height 5’4
    UGW 155 - 160
    First Goal 192 April 15. My one year 60 pounds
    This month I want to focus on getting back on track and finding the right caloric and macro balance.

    Happy to be here and excited to not do this alone anymore!!!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 64 Member
    Last night I went on a walk with my husband. I didnt get to go as fast as I normally go, he has severe back problems, so he doesnt walk well. We both needed it. I am going to try and walk on lunch today, its suppose to storm tonight.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 633 Member
    64 years old
    Starting weight: 210 (Jan, 2024)
    Lowest weight: 180 (Sep, 2021)
    Goal weight: 168

    March 5: 206.2

    I've trying to cut calorie here and there, especially earlier in the day. Not a lot, like 5%, just to tic down the total logged each day b/c I still go over my goal, although I usually have at least some deficit.

    I have a weekday off, which is rare except in summer (as a teacher), so I plan to go out and hike some with the dogs.

    Have a good day, all.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 77 Member
    42 years old
    SW (10/22) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0lbs
    CW 180.2lbs
    Weigh in day is Thursday
    Total loss to date for 2024 12.8lbs
    April 4th goal: 175.2lbs

    February was not as nice to me as January...
    Moving forward this March!! I am already ahead of the game with my movement that I have been talking about for the last couple of months. I really enjoy doing "walk at home" videos when the weather isn't as nice out and really I like doing them in addition to going for actual walks because it's set at an aerobic pace and it's just really nice and simple (not too simple, I def. get a workout). I have been aiming for 3 days a week.
    My calories are set so low right now (1360 base goal) that I have a hard time having much of a deficit unless I work out.

    March 7:
    March 14:
    March 21:
    March 28:
    April 4:
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    edited March 5

    Thursday Weigh-In
    42 years old
    Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs
    March SW:181.3
    March GW: 175
    UGW 160 and I'll reassess.

    The solidarity I feel regarding the sloppy/messy/undisciplined February are STRONG. It was interesting to see how small backslides could send me off track for days. I did have several trips/celebrations during the short month that I don't think I was fair regarding expectations. I need to be more realistic about the fact that I will have to have maintenance weeks built into life as I work toward the weight loss goal.

    March Goals:

    * Log my calories EVERYDAY (good, great and most importantly, UGLY)

    * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily.

    * Exercise 3 times a week at minimum (running or strength, with at least 1 being strength).

    * Complete a monthly plank challenge

    3/1: 181.3ish--Spent a long weekend in Montana, no internet, no scales, no CARES :)
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    181.4 this morning! A huge drop, we'll see if it sticks around.

    I had an extremely long (15.5 hour) day yesterday being an election official, with the upside being that I only could eat the food I brought- I couldn't leave the site all day. I got lightheaded a couple times just because I wasn't taking breaks like I should've, but I ate and it went away. I meant to check in last night, but I was so tired. Well, not so tired I didn't get a little extra exercise last night :wink:

    Today! I'm at work with my prepped meals, and I'm taking the girls to gymnastics after school, which means I am going to be eating just what I buy for dinner, and no more than that, so I just have to make sure I buy the right thing.

    Tag party time:
    @itladyee way to go!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    @RavenStCloud you're doing really great, I completely understand the feeling of being disappointed with something reasonable. We all shoot for the moon, haha, but we land in the stars still!

    @99overlook welcome! I can't wait to start hearing more from you, this is the best thread in MFP (imho).

    @kristinwoods919 love a good walk, and increasing TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) by doing it. :smiley:

    @mkculs13 a hike with the dogs sounds so fun!

    @sharon81 February was bad for you and me both, haha. I totally get the exercising to make up for more eating at a huge deficit, the one thing I would make sure of is that you're counting all your food correctly, because everything counts, with a calorie count that low. I think what you might find is you can keep a deficit with a higher calorie limit if you track carefully, but worth playing around with.

    I used to think I had to have 1200/day, and it was unsustainable- and I was still not making as much progress as I wanted, so I was miserable, felt doomed to failure. Turns out, I'm really good at not counting handfuls of chocolate chips or spoonfuls of peanut butter. :blush: So my calorie limit for a reasonable weight loss was much higher than I thought it was.

    @skintight303 YES TO MAINTENANCE WEEKS! THEY'RE SO IMPORTANT!! I read a metaphor I love for this- weight loss and the will to do it is like filling a tub with water, where the tub having water in it is weight loss- if you try to do it for too long, the water will overflow the tub and you'll dive headfirst into treats, so you have to manage your "water level" and "pull the drain" - aka have maintenance weeks- every once in a while so you can keep the tub as full as you can for as long as you need it.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • mtumale
    mtumale Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning. I am so happy that I logged in this morning after over a month and found this thread! I fell off BIG TIME and I have got to get back to it for my health and sanity for sure. I fell every single pound and not in a good way. Thank you for all of your inspiration here. I think I can!

    Mom of 3, wife, sister, auntie who wants to enjoy the rest of my life with my family and not avoid pictures for the rest of my life! I want to feel comfortable in my clothes and body, not be out of breathe all the time and make sure I am around to see my children grow and live life to its fullest!

    Age 52
    Height 5'4"
    SW 238 1/2012
    Highest W 283.5
    CW 255.4
    GW for March 250
    UGW 165

    3/03: 255.4
    Total month loss:

    Weekly goals:
    -Movement at least 3x/week
    -Track my food DAILY
    -64 oz of water each day
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    180.8 today! The downward slide continues, which is fun! It's got to stop soon, but until it does, my average is going down, which is great.

    Tonight! Going to try for some splits practice at home- I've got the girls tonight, Whatsisface is going to some work thing, so we're going to take the opportunity to eat spicy ramen for dinner, which he doesn't care for, and hopefully all chill.

    Time to do my meal planning for next week and put in my grocery order at Aldi. I enjoy the clean slate of an empty meal prep week- I can do what I want with it.

    @mtumale welcome! I have two littles, 5 and 8, so I totally get it. I'm also 5'4"! This is the best thread on MFP, I can't wait to get to know you some more. :smile:

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 77 Member
    42 years old
    SW (10/22) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0lbs
    CW 2/29: 180.2lbs
    Weigh in day is Thursday
    Total loss to date for 2024 12.8lbs
    April 4th goal: 175.2lbs

    March 7: 182.0
    March 14:
    March 21:
    March 28:
    April 4:
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    181.something today, which is fine, because it's still well below my average, pulling it downward.

    I decided at work today to eat a whole small jar of protein nut butter, which was delicious, but also means that dinner tonight was a small potato with a whole bag of steamed broccoli and that's it. :lol:

    Gym tonight! A jazz dance class, I'm excited. And excited to sleep in tomorrow morning, waking up has been tough lately with how busy I am, lol. And this coming week is going to be no better- gym every night except Tuesday, my rest day, and THAT's got a committee meeting in it I have to attend. Life is lifing right now.

    I just have to distract myself until I leave for the gym in 15 minutes, where I won't have my whole snack cabinet available to me, so tag party time!

    @sharon81 you're going to do well this month, I'm manifesting for you!

    @ceceflyy we all have those days, and what you do after them is what counts- the fact that you did get some exercise in is a win!

    @kristinwoods919 you're doing it! :smiley:

    @gillwellow look at that beautiful loss line! That's good steady loss right there, congratulations and welcome!

    @sarah12277 yay loss! and walking is so underrated for exercise, I like it a lot when the weather's nice, and this time of year is the time to bust outside because spring is starting to spring, haha. I do find when I limit my carbs a bit, that calorie deficits are easier to maintain. But I do love pierogis :lol:

    Have a great day everyone! TGIF!
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    edited March 8
    Thursday Weigh-In
    42 years old
    Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs
    March SW:181.3
    March GW: 175
    UGW 160 and I'll reassess.

    I'm slowly getting back on track. Starting with the tracking of all food and getting my standard movement (floor climbing and 10K steps per day). I'll then move into more dedicated exercise. Working on giving myself some grace in this moment.

    I may need to focus on minimums/non-negotiables (calorie deficit and steps) and escalate when I'm feeling up to it. It's the dregs of winter-what can I say. The truth is-if I can stick to my calorie deficit-I'll reach my 5lb loss by the end of the month. I have a work trip the 18th-21st, so I know I need to be ahead of the curve going into that week...

    ***REVISED*** March Goals (aka non-negotiables)

    * Log my calories EVERYDAY (good, great and most importantly, UGLY)

    * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily
    * 10K steps/day

    The below are nice-to-dos:

    * Exercise 3 times a week at minimum (running or strength, with at least 1 being strength).

    * Complete a monthly plank challenge

    3/1: 181.3ish--Spent a long weekend in Montana, no internet, no scales, no CARES :)
    3/7: 180.1
  • CeCeFlyy
    CeCeFlyy Posts: 22 Member
    Today has been a MUCH better day! Very grateful for this community 💜

    Step goal & calories burned goal for the day has already been met and it’s only 4PM. Going to hang out later so going to prep my dinner to keep me on track.

    Only daily goal left is water intake and it’s warm today so that should be breezy.

    The released the dates for carnaval (if you know you know ☺️); So, now I have something to look forward to.

    Very excited!

    Hoping to squeeze myself into this costume end of May 😋
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in day (for me)!
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🍀 March Goals!🍀
    🍀 March GW: 180

    💚March SW: 184.8
    3/2: 183.4 (-1.4)
    3/9: 181.2 (182.4 average) (-2.2)

    💚Stick to weight loss calories 7! days! a week! until Japan trip ❌ 6/7 I did
    💚Log everything in grams until Japan trip ✅
    💚Do not deviate from the workout plan! Except maybe the Japan trip ❌ 4/7
    💚Check in with this thread every. day. until the Japan trip ✅

    I'm happy to see all my hard work paying off, and it has been hard! But the feeling of waking up and being excited to see the number on the scale, to measure my progress, is worth it. I might actually make goal this month before the trip, which would be phenomenal. Gotta keep this energy into this next week.

    This morning, gym: a new class taught by my friend called Tough as Nails, and then advanced poles.

    Tonight for dinner, I'll make cheeseburgers for the fam, and I will make my signature Cheeseburger Platter for myself- it's a burger, but ground instead of patty, and a potato cut into fries, arranged on a plate with fixin's on top- the ketchup and mustard and lettuce and tomato. Delicious, saves me the calories of a bun, can't wait. Here's a pic of when I've made it before:
    Doesn't look like much but she SLAPS.

    I slept on my shoulder wrong last night, gotta work out the crunchiness before the gym.

    Tag party time!
    @skintight303 get it you're doing so well! I'm so happy you're on the cusp of the 170's, so exciting!

    @CeCeFlyy GIRL THAT COSTUME IS EVERYTHINGGGGGGGG I want to see it on you, you can do it!!! Incredible, I kinda want a carnival costume myself. :smiley:

    Have a great day, everyone!