my accountability thread Day one



  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Well, slinking back. I've logged in for three days now. The discipline of tracking shifts something in my brain and I become more conscious. I hit my goal weight of 172, then put on ten pounds. The good thing is I've been rowing, biking, and also a bit of free weights regularly and my cardio and muscle strength is very good. But, a 25 minute rowing session and a couple trips on the bike can't offset enough calories to make a difference in weight.

    I've been doing a lot of reflection and journaling around the psychology of binge eating. Part of the drive to overeat is driven by imbalances in dopamine, epinephrine, and serotonin and also insuline. Part of it is emotional/psychological. I've been dialoging with the part of me that wants snacks, and bringing it into meditation. Just opening up to this aspect is helpful and there's been some integration around this. I want the issues around food to relax and the energy around eating to settle down.

    Last, I have a jar of beet kvass fermenting. I used a recipe with some cabbage and a small amount of onion, and I added a few kefir grains. You chop uncooked beets into a mason jar and add water and salt. It ferments after a week and makes a potent probiotic rich liquid that can be drunk or put on salads. This helps rebalance the gut biome. It actually tastes really good.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    3 days left to finish February STRONG! I can do this :) Can you!!!
    My arm shifted out of alignment even more than originally so I had surgery last Thursday - Ouch :s
    Oh Sarah, No added sugar! I will try this for the remainder of Feb. Kudos to You for putting it in my head!
    Both hubby and I have been rewarding ourselves with sweet treats most of the month so needless to say I have gained 5 pounds. It is always so good to hear from you @gregphopkins! I've always wanted to ferment some cabbage for sauerkraut, but I read of a couple foods that I shouldn't eat because they diminish the healing process, both foods I've thought of as healthy and really enjoy. Sauerkraut and grapefruit juice??? I'm going to look at this more in depth today.
    I hope everyone has a good day!
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    edited March 1
    The kvass is done, and the best batch I've made. The onion turned sweet in the mix. It's very good, and there's a feeling of strength and energy during the day after drinking a small glass.
    Sadly, the goddamn weight is on me like a cheap suit. Actually up a pound today. I've been doing better with diet and eating, but perhaps age has slowed my metabolism and I need far less food. Hard to embrace this without feeling a sense of sacrifice and anger. Like, what the hell. Feels like the mandate is lean protein and vegetables 80%, and once a day allowing beans, rice, lentils, beets, potatoes, and squash. Probably would benefit from the regimen of cramming my meals into a 6 to 8 hour timeframe with around 16 hours of fasting but I'm just not ready to do that. I've cut way back on cheese, and post-dinner snacking hasn't been too bad but the slightest misstep seems to immediately carry a 2-pound punishment.

    Last, our weight issues come with a lot of self judgement. David Whyte, a modern mystic, is offering Three Sundays in March, $65, a Zoom based exploration he calls Re-Imagining Shame. I've signed up. Lowering the blowback from emotions can make the journey to fitness much easier.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hello All!
    I got up for a few hours from 1-3am and posted, but lost the post :s
    I did good yesterday, March 1 so I'm declaring this a "Good" month!!!
    My arm is getting a fraction better each week but running is still out of the question.
    @gregphopkins Glad your kvass turned out good. I hate to take time to make something and then it be a flop! Yes, vegies and proteins are my base for every meal, maybe a little rice or tater once in a while. But,,, hubby has been buying sweets. I think I've convinced him to stop as his weight is increasing also.
    How is your sugar diet going Sarah? I just started eating Honeycrisp apples in the past year and they are so sweet! I know it's not right, but I don't count fruits as sugar. I'm missing me some Sarah, Sweetheart and Marla!!!

    Ya'll have a Good Weekend!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    I stayed within my calorie budget for the first 2 days of the month - YAY!
    I also try to get in 20 minutes of exercise each day, which could be stretching. So far so good!
    Today the challenge will be the exercise bc church keeps me busy several hours today.
    I hope everyone has a Good Day!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Just checking in to stay accountable!
    Day 3 of doing good and I'm so happy with that!
    I got in some squats and stretches yesterday, so I feel good about my exercise and calorie goal!
    I feel younger than I did a week ago <3
    Have a Good Week!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! Gosh so sorry I have been MIA! @BevelyW1108 so sorry to hear that you needed surgery. Hate that happened to you. I am glad you are on the mend and staying the course. I am still doing good. I am up two pounds but then that is minimal so I am happy about it. Really trying to eat whole foods and throw in an occasional protein bar since I do not eat much meat.
    @greghopkins....sorry you are struggling with binge eating. I used to do that a lot and realized it really helps for me to have more protein. I got in a bad cycle of binge/restrict eating and that is no good at all. It is something I always need to work on. Your fermeted foods sound good and they are so good for your gut! I am learning how much our gut fauna plays into our well being.
    My husband had surgery and is doing well so he cannot drive and I am also helping a neighbor who cannot drive so between the two of them I am very busy along with my other volunteer duties! Just happy I am the one who can do it. Spring is just around the corner and I am getting ready for some sunshine! Best to all of you! Thanks for checking in
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,468 Member
    @gregphopkins Would like to try your kvass recipe but wondering if it works without the salt? Any added Na is a noticeable wt gain for me. Everything I read says the gut health drives the bus.

    Been eating more fish and broccoli, and adding either ground nuts, avocado or olive oil somehow to all the meals.

    @BeverlyW1108 how is your postop recovery going?

  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hello All!
    Well, the weekend is almost here, not meaning much to an old, retired lady!
    I went for my 2-week ckup after surgery yesterday and I wasn't totally ecstatic. He wants me to keep wearing the sling until I go back in 2 weeks. I thought I would start PT, but he said I am not showing any stiffness, so PT is not needed yet, yet??? :( I would also like to get off of the pain meds, but he said he doesn't want me to take Ibuprofen, the only other option that works because ibuprofen slows the healing process. So here I am, not driving, dependent on hubby :/
    Ya'll are eating so healthy. I am still struggling with counting calories, haven't advanced to macros yet. I do look at them and am within reason. I've cut down a lot on carbs since I'm not running, so that is a plus. I know I will increase the carbs when I can run again.
    @cory17, I noticed on your profile that you want to climb Mt. Whitney. Have you done that yet? We went to CO for a month last summer and are going for 2 months this year. We climbed Bierstadt, our 1st 14er!
    We loved it and are hoping to do one or two more this summer.

    Thursday is Thor's Day - so let's be tough!

  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    cory 17, the kvass cures in a brine, so for this kind of fermentation it is essential. I just started a third batch. It's very good and it really sets well with me.
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    edited March 8
    Well, back at it. 100% of my "issue" is due to insulin release when I eat after dinner. Since the body can't use the food for energy immediately, there is an insulin release and the body stores the food. Thus, 200 calories extra all goes into fat. Staying away from carbs and food in general after 3 meals must be a bright white line. If I eat extra food after dinner I will immediately get a craving for more even if my belly is full. So, choices.

    Some reassuring news, which I knew but nice to have reinforcement: Dr. Anthony Jay is a Ph.D. biochemist who studied fats and cholesterol as his main focus. If all indicators of health such as triglycerides, blood pressure, testosterone, vitamin D levels, etc. are good, then don't worry about cholesterol unless it gets above 300. Especially if the genetic family baseline runs a bit high. My cholesterol runs 210 to 310, LDL around 180. I like to keep it around 260 total with weight control and exercise, and there is no correlation with this level and heart problems. This is based on a study of 12.8 million people looking at death from all causes and correlating this with total cholesterol levels. The whole ballgame of health management is reducing inflammation in the body as much as possible, and lots of exercise.
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah! 175 and change today. 6 lbs weight loss. Still marshmallowy around the torso but I'll take it. Lots of exercise recently. Yesterday around 2 hours on the bike, good steady cardio and 20 min on the rowing machine, plus some weight lifting. Keeping at it.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hello Fellow Fitness Pals!
    I have had a very bad mind set lately. I don't seem to care and I want to eat in abundance. No doubt I've been feeling sorry for myself and I can't seem to shake it. I go for a walk and feel better but it doesn't last long. My weight hasn't increased much, but I can definitely tell I'm getting soft in places that used to be firm and toned. I try to think of our summer vacays but am concerned I will not have full range of motion in my arm to hike up mountains that I sometime have to use my arms. I'm hoping that putting this on paper will help me change my attitude. I am so blessed in so many ways. Hubby is working in the yard now that the weather is nice, but there are so many things that I have to restrict doing. Ok. Thanks for listening. Greg, it sounds like you are doing good, keep it up! You are an inspiration to me. I'm going to look into Dr. Anthony Jay. And I don't really understand the "inflammation" thing. I just understand healthy foods and exercise are good for me.
    I hope Everyone has a Great Day!
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Beverly--ups and downs, keep at it. Hard to manage the motivation. I can feel the ship turning around, slowly. The onset of warmer weather and brighter days is a huge factor. I'm reducing the amount of cheese I've been eating, by a lot. I managed to get several kohlrabi which are quite low in calorie and seem to satisfy the urge to crunch down on something. Yesterday I made a vegetarian chili using adzuki beans. Very good and filling. I am doing pretty good with exercise. I went on a 38K ride that included several kilometers up a steep road into the mountains. The motor on the bike makes this possible, and the cardio is still there, getting up in the 130 range, heart beat. I'm trying to get in for a fitness exam. Want to get my VO2 max reading. Re: inflammation. Dr. Berg on YouTube has good stuff and many posts.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning All!
    Thank You Greg! I’m happy your boat is making the turn. Today I commit to grabbing the wheel on mine✔️ We have a short trip today to take some firewood down to some friends so I have to cut it short. Have a good and healthy day!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi all! Just checking in! Oh Beverly hate that you have been having a hard time lately! I know it get so discouraging when you cannot do your normal routine. I remember that so well when I broke my ankle. One slip and things can go off the rail for a while. I hope you are doing better. @greghopkins glad you are doing well and turning the ship. For me once I get some momentum I feel so much better. Weekends are still so hard for me. I am retired and every day should be weekend but I still go off the rails on the weekend and try to make up during the week. I joined the Y and today is my first day to go. I'm looking forward to it.
    Thinking of you all and hope you have a blessed day!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning! Good to hear from you Sarah! I woke up feeling much better than I have been. I'm anxious to hear how the Y went. Hubby is finally ready to get back to going to the gym. I've been wanting to try the stationary bike, but I don't have enough range of motion in my arm to drive to the gym. Greg, I started watching Dr. Berg on UTube! I am really enjoying it, learning a lot. I'm not big on cutting out whole food groups from my diet, but I can definitely cut down. I'm going for a long walk this morning. I hope everyone has a Blessed Day!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Happy Sonday to All!
    Wow, I woke up before 3am and couldn't get back to sleep, not sure why. But I'm still feeling good, ate good yesterday and went for a long walk, 5.83 miles with about half a mile of marching. I can imagine what the neighbors thought!!! Like most of us I would like to be healthy without pills so I'm going to start eating sauerkraut every morning as a probiotic. I really do like it so it won't be hard. And since I've been taking pain meds for my arm I've started eating prunes daily. I've read good things about prunes, but I'm not sure if I can continue once my constitution is normal :D
    Have a nice Day!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Good Morning!
    Just checking in to say I am thinking of you!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 554 Member
    Hellooooo???? I hope everyone is doing ok. I am doing so-so on my eating, but I can move my broken arm a lot more than I could a month and even a week ago. I'm going to run tomorrow. I haven't run since 1/13 and I'm very anxious to see how much I've slowed down.
    Keep up the healthy eating and stay happy!