Women 200lb+, Let’s Mix It Up This March!!!



  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    @skintight303 Thank you. I’m checking into it.

    Having a decent day and still have a lot of cals left to eat, but I don’t want anything that I have and I’m too lazy to go get something. A rare problem to have and I’m not going to sweat it. There are plenty of days I’m over goal so it won’t hurt to be under it once in a while.

    What are your weekend plans? My 65th birthday is Sunday and I’ll have cake! Lots of walking and some jogging and reading planned too.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 78 Member
    @skintight303 Congrats on being in the 170s!!!! I’m SUPER jelly but oh so happy for you!!!!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 78 Member
    @sarahfg82 I tried to add you… you’re set to private, maybe that’s why I couldn’t 🤷🏼‍♀️ you can add me if you’d like 😊 also, welcome to the group!!
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    @sharon81 plateaus are THE WORST and I feel for you. It will come!
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome @sarahfg82! Another mom in her 40s here. Happy to meet you!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited March 16
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in day!
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🍀 March Goals!🍀
    🍀 March GW: 180

    💚March SW: 184.8
    3/2: 183.4
    3/9: 181.2
    3/16: 180.6

    💚Stick to weight loss calories 7! days! a week! until Japan trip ❌ 4/7
    💚Log everything in grams until Japan trip ✅
    💚Do not deviate from the workout plan! Except maybe the Japan trip ✅
    💚Check in with this thread every. day. until the Japan trip ❌ I read here yesterday, but forgot to post!

    Of course, I like this weigh in, but also I woke up with a headache from the alcohol, so I might be dehydrated. Can't count on this weigh in sticking around exactly like this, but hopefully closer to it. Weight average 182.3.

    Today's the first day of this week where I'm eating that lower-salt blood pressure friendly diet, and I'm starting with my morning snack being a banana and some protein nut butter. I LOVE this nut butter, y'all. I'm going to prep my breakfasts for the week while I'm making mine, which is a huge egg frittata with spinach and mushrooms, and log my food and portion it as I go.

    Because! Today, and the rest of this week, is going to be bananas. Today, I meal prep, go to the gym, and then help out with an event for the sorority organization I'm vice president of, that I didn't know I needed to help with until last night. I was at the gym, shaking it with the girls, and missed a call, so I texted at like 930 at night, lol, and the pres. was like, we need you!! I'm never one to turn down someone who needs help, haha.

    But that means! When I leave for the gym today, I won't get back to the house until like 6 at night. Sigh. At least tomorrow's Sunday, and I don't think we have anything planned. Which is good, because I have got to clean house, and get more ready for Japan. I'll pack all of my food except for my dinner and take it with me out, so I'm not tempted by pizza at the event.

    Tag party time!
    @sharon81 it could be any number of things, but as long as you stay consistent, you'll make it. It's so easy to get disheartened- I remember when I first started going to the gym regularly, I was stalled for about a month at the same weight, tearing my hair out, haha. It was just all the muscle repair was requiring more water retention. Bodies are amazing, and frustrating, haha.

    @skintight303 YOU'RE DOING AMAZING! The time change has also really messed with my family- we're all tired this week. Hopefully it gets better for all of us soonest.

    @mkculs13 if I don't post tomorrow HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Cake and a walk and reading sounds like the ideal birthday, to me.

    @sarahfg82 hi and welcome! I am also 5'4" and a mom of two, I totally get your concerns! You're in good hands, this is the best thread on the site. Keep posting and we'll keep supporting you :smiley:

    @kristinwoods919 you're killing it! Best of luck to your daughter, I did that in high school, too.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe Thank you. I’m so happy to be turning 65. No idea why. But I weighed in too light today bc I am definitely dehydrated—I just didn’t get anywhere near enough water yesterday. I’ll fill up today and see where I am tomorrow.

    My eldest and I had a lovely morning walk with the dogs today. And I can try running at 5 pm tonight-exactly 72 hours after a steroid shot to my other/eft knee. Here’s hoping.

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    - Exercise - 6x a week (changing plan for March)
    - Water - working towards 80 to 100 ounces daily
    - Better Nutrition *Work in Process
    - Less Alcohol * Work in process. Much drier March..targeting January's success.
    - Get back to 10,000 steps a day (minimum) ~ weather is getting nicer so much more "doable"
    My Mantra:

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳

    3/2 214.8
    3/9 217.8
    3/16 216.0

    Mini Goal - want to see 213 by 3/30!!! Yes!
  • Neds1980
    Neds1980 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all. I am back to try and loose weight for my health. I turned 44 this week and have gained quite a bit of weight (almost 20lbs) since September and I feel so achy, bloated and unfit.

    I used to weigh 285lbs at my heaviest, 20st 5lbs. I did get down to 16st 5lbs, 229lbs at the end of 2022 but now I am 262lbs! I am gutted to have gained 33lbs in just over a year😔

    Anyway, I woke up today feeling really achy and bloated. I managed to walk 8k today but my joints really hurt. I am so unfit. I would live to lose 108lbs!

    Things are not easy for us at the moment. My husband has lost his job and I am not I secure employment. We have a young family to support. We really are feeling the financial pressures so planning meals on a budget is a must. In addition to this, I need to find free ways to excercise. I have an exercise bike but I want to find a good spinning youtube video to keep me motovated. Any recommendations?

    Happy to take on board any of your top tips and I will try to remain positive to support you all too. Good luck all, keep up the fab work.
  • Neds1980
    Neds1980 Posts: 28 Member
    @mmatcha_latte your meal sounds lovely. Happy St Patrick's Day! You are doing great, really motivating to hear your clothes are loose now. I can't wait to report that soon!

    I have been quite focused today - day 1 (again) for me. Just coffee and two marmalade toast, then a tea with chocolate penguin and will be having my roast dinner in an hours time - which smells sooo good!

    Really grateful for this community group as I need motivation.
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 27 Member
    edited March 18
    33 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 2021)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 2021)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 2023)
    Goal weight: 165-168

    March 1: 183
    March 4: 182.4
    March 11: 181.2
    March 18: 179
    March 25:
    March 31:

    Really happy with the loss this week! I haven’t seen the 170’s in a year and a half! My husband told me that he can feel my rib cage when he hugs me now, which felt good. I probably have another 5lbs or so before anyone else notices, but I can tell and so can he! I also weigh less than he does for the first time in our marriage, which makes me (secretly) thrilled.

    Also, 2lbs/week is definitely the max of I what I want to lose, so when I hit that on Friday, I added an extra 200 calories of snacks for the weekend. I had popcorn on Saturday and a lemon bar yesterday, whoop whoop! Last time I lost weight, I was so motivated by the scale drop and so fearful that if I stopped, I would never start again that I NEVER would have done something like that. I’m trying for a more balanced approach this time around.

    I am also feeling the results of being consistent with fitness for the last month.. I can now do 10 push-ups (from my knees) - a month ago, I struggled to even do 1-2! My goal is definitely to get to 10 push-ups from my toes but upper body strength has always been a challenge for me, so that will take a while. But, I was there in 2021 so I know I can get there again.

    @Neds1980 Congrats on Day 1 again! I find that the first week or two is always the hardest for me. Once my habits are in place, it’s much easier to keep going - but starting is HARD! You got this!!

    @mmatcha_latte Feeling and seeing changes in your body is honestly more important than changes on the scale! At least for me, I can look TOTALLY different at the same weight depending on health, fitness, etc. Before you know it, it’ll be time for new clothes!!

    @CupcakeCrusoe Hope you are surviving your crazy week!! I’m thrilled you get to go to Japan soon - have a blast!!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 78 Member
    I don't know what is going on but I am an eating machine lately.... I have been trying to stick to my calorie deficit but it's been really hard since last Thursday. I am genuinely HUNGRY and seemingly eating everything in sight. So far it hasn't had any gains, but man oh man... I don't know why I am so ravenous... I have had a day or two like this right around my cycle but this is like.... many days in a row.. anyone else experiencing anything like this. I am drinking a ton of water too, so it's not that and I am not doing any heavy working out or extra activities......
  • CeCeFlyy
    CeCeFlyy Posts: 23 Member
    Weekly Check In • 3/18

    SW: 237
    LW: 236
    CW: 235.4
    GW: 165

    One thing I want to improve from last week:

    Giving myself a routine.
    I had my little cousin a few days last week and that meant getting up earlier and taking her to school and just going to bed early and waking up early did something for my mental health.

    One thing I enjoyed from last week:

    I had Dominos on Friday and didn’t eat the whole pizza!
    Domino’s used to be my go to binge food. I used to offer a Medium pizza with pepperoni, jalapeño, and pineapple, feta cheesy bread, and chocolate lava cake. Every pay day Friday. I would go home and watch movies and eat the whole thing. This time I enjoyed pizza with friends, had a couple of slices and stopped when I was full. So very proud of myself. We even had left overs.

    We also went to walk the lake in our area and it was nice doing an outdoor workout and enjoying the view.


    🦋My booty is getting rounder 😊 I was looking in the mirror the other day and the side profile is looking nice. I’m starting to see certain parts tone up and that’s keeping the calm as the scale moves upwards some days.

    On another note, I’m a bit kooky and love to give myself impossible goals. So! I’m starting 75 hard today 🥳 I need some discipline in my life, not working has made me lazy. And I need to be able to say I completed something to build my self confidence. Day 75 lands very perfectly on June 1st to kick off summer. That’s also the weekend of the 2nd Carnival I’ll be attending. One of my 2024 goals was to complete it at-least once because it’s something I’ve always tried but failed at and now seem like the perfect time. (Mind you all of this was decided last night lol).

    I’ll probably be posting more often to keep myself accountable and will definitely need some cheering on!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    Its been a hard week for workouts. It has been crazy busy. Though, I think today and for a week and a half it will be a lot easier.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Saturday weigh in day!
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🍀 March Goals!🍀
    🍀 March GW: 180

    💚March SW: 184.8
    3/2: 183.4
    3/9: 181.2
    3/16: 180.6
    3/23: 181.8 (average 181.8)

    💚Stick to weight loss calories 7! days! a week! until Japan trip❌
    💚Log everything in grams until Japan trip✅
    💚Do not deviate from the workout plan! Except maybe the Japan trip✅
    💚Check in with this thread every. day. until the Japan trip❌

    It has been an absolutely crazy week, here! And this upcoming week is going to be no different!

    I will say that I saw 180.0 this week, but that's how the cookie crumbles. My average is down from what it was last week, so we're doing alright.

    I will say I feel extremely strong this week, AND! I see muscles more often, especially my traps and even more biceps.

    @itladyee you're doing great!

    @mmatcha_latte the fit of clothes changing is so great and an important marker!

    @Neds1980 I'm so sorry to hear you're going through a rough time! The nice thing (if there is one) about meal planning is that it makes weight loss much easier- you stick to the plan, you lose the weight. Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more from you! I don't have any spinning channel recommendations, as that's not my exercise of choice, but hopefully someone else can!

    @girlinkaz744 I love this progress for you! Thank you! I can't wait.

    @sharon81 I get this feeling! Sometimes, on weeks when I just never can get enough food, I change my mindset to more maintenance, that way- maybe my weight loss is slowed, but I also don't binge. I'm glad to hear you're handling it well!

    @CeCeFlyy I love this progress for you, conquering a former binge food! Wonderful! If you want to do 75 hard, I believe you can!

    @kristinwoods919 you have persevered, even though you were having a long hard week!

    Have a great day, everyone!