Women 200lb+, Let's Apply Ourselves This April!!!

RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
edited April 1 in Motivation and Support
🌻 Hello, ladies, and Happy April!!!🌻

🌻 The weather is changing, and we're changing with it! What are your goals for this month and the spring overall?

🌻 What do you feel like you've been doing right? Feel free to brag! And is there one specific area that you'd like to concentrate on or something in general that you'd like to work harder on in April?

🟡 If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM!, you're one of us.

🟡 In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

🟡 All are welcome, and if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

🟡 Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🌻 This April, let's astound and astonish ourselves with everything we can accomplish!!!🌻


  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 165-168

    April 1: 176.2
    April 8:
    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:

    Thanks @RavenStCloud! Let’s do this!!
  • sarahfg82
    sarahfg82 Posts: 6 Member
    edited April 1
    41 year old ,5’4”
    Starting weight jan8 280.2
    Current is 270
    I’ve been sick for the month of March and still on going so no exercise for me until this virus attacking my ears etc goes away. Have been maintaining my deficit at the very least. So ready for this to be over and get back to it.
  • vedra_b
    vedra_b Posts: 135 Member

    April is my birthday month, and I'll be turning 48! To celebrate, I've set some goals for myself: I aim to lose 5 pounds this month. I plan to hit the gym at least 3 times a week and take two walks every day. Additionally, I'll ensure to drink 100 ounces of water daily. On top of that, I'm committed to including a weekend gym session in my routine. Here's to a healthy and fulfilling birthday month ahead!

    Almost 48 years old

    April SW:232.8
    April GW: 227.8
    UGW 165

    4/1: 232.8

  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    @mmatcha_latte CONGRATULATIONS on 49 pounds! That is truly incredible.

    I LOVE avgolemono soup! So delicious and protein rich. I suggest a heavy hand of fresh dill. You have inspired me to add this to my meal prep for next week. I have several lemons calling out for a purpose.
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 71 Member
    So I weighed in for the first time this month. I knew I had to gain weight since my last weigh in. But I guess I will take this as my new starting weight for April.

    April 5- 223.8
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 165-168

    April 1: 176.2
    April 7: 175.6
    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:

    Not a great week, weight-loss wise but still a loss, so I’ll take it! I’ve increased my workouts this week, so I’m hoping some of my slower loss is due to water retention? One can always hope! I’ve also been sleeping poorly, and I know that always has an effect on my loss as well.

    I’m one day early for my weekly weigh in because this afternoon, I’m headed to a week-long conference for work. It’s pretty much impossible to correctly count calories when I travel (since I don’t like pulling out my scale in the middle of a restuarant 😂) and I don’t think I’ll have a lot of choice as to what I eat because we will all be served the same thing for each meal. But, I packed some protein bars and protein powder so I’m hoping that if a meal seems ridiculously high in calories to me, I can abstain and replace with what I brought. I also won’t have access to a scale.. oh well! I know that ultimately, creating a lifestyle of change is what matters but I would also reeeally like to see 174 soon.

    I’m bringing my workout gear and there seems to be a small gym on property so hopefully I can at least stay active. Another plus is that portions are generally pretty small here in Central Asia (unlike the crazy big restuarant portions in the US!) - my husband actually has trouble getting enough food when we travel! Ahhh, if only I had his metabolism..
  • jennbeth1
    jennbeth1 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, ladies! This is my first time joining this, as I only just restarted MFP and my weight loss journey this month. But monthly tracking seems brilliant and motivational!

    41 years old
    SW: 264
    April GW: 250 (more aggressive, I know, but I've already lost 6 lbs. Future months will be less.)
    Ultimate GW: 185
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,385 Member
    Good morning and happy April, everyone!

    Thanks again @RavenStCloud for keeping this thread going month after month. We love you for it. :heart:

    First, the monthly format:
    Saturday weigh in days
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🌻 April Goals!🌻
    🌻 April GW: 179

    🟡April SW: 182.2

    🟡Stick to weight loss calories 7! days! a week!
    🟡Log everything in grams
    🟡Do not deviate from the workout plan!
    🟡Check in with this thread every. day.

    I remarkably didn't gain much weight if any in Japan, through absolutely no tracking on my part.

    I did walk absolutely everywhere, was very tired and sore every day, and ate just alllllll the fish and rice, and I think all that helped. We saw so many great things- Himeji castle, Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine to Inari, the goddess who brought rice down to Japan on a flying white fox, Todai-ji, the temple to the Buddha, the shrine at Nara where deer are sacred, so we fed some. They bow when they would like a cookie from you :smiley: We went to Tokyo and Osaka and Kyoto, and of those, Kyoto was my favorite. Lots and lots of history there.

    Below are some photos (and some of what I ate, lol- the convenience stores over there have amazing food, believe it or not, and there are convenience stores everywhere, so we alternated between very fancy meals and convenience store food, haha).
    In fact my first dinner in Japan was convenience food, haha. My food on the left- the soy eggs and onigiri- I ate so many onigiri, and they were all so good- I especially liked the ones with salt salmon inside.

    The next day, we went to the imperial palace in tokyo and on a restaurant bus, which had several courses of amazing food

    That night, we went to Osaka via the shinkansen (bullet train- it's so fast and convenient!), and went to sushi-ro, a local chain sushi conveyor belt place. Obligatory plate picture, haha. I'm still thinking about the shrimp cheese basil pesto mayo sushi I had there. I need to recreate it.

    The next morning, we headed out for Himeji castle. Conbini (convenience store) breakfast, this combo slapped- the pork katsu sandwich and strawberry cream filled donut, yum:
    We also went to Osaka castle, although we didn't go inside. That night, I got noodles and a mille crepe cake from the conbini, along with a can of rose called Hoegaarden, lol. The noodles were so good!

    The next day, we went to Nara and Todai-ji, and fed the deer. I had a lot more pictures, must not have uploaded them. We also went to Arashiyama bamboo forest and fushimi inari taisha (the 10000 gates), of which none of my pictures did I upload yet, so mad at myself.
    We ate at the conbini again, and I discovered a love for a royal milk tea frappe with biscuit bits in it, I had this frappe several times, and I want to recreate it so bad.

    We checked into our ryokan, and the next morning before breakfast, we went to a famous spot for sakura- old railroad tracks. The ryokan breakfasts were absolutely bar none amazing. We also went to a 2 michelin star restaurant in gion, and it was incredible. We also went to Heian shrine and Kiyomizu-dera twice- once during the day, and once at night for the sakura illumination.

    The next day, we went to Nijo castle, and it was raining, so we did a lot of our shopping for gifts. We had some incredible ramen and gyoza, and I got a lemon ramen they only make when it rains. We also caught our shinkansen back to tokyo, and dinner was combini again. That little cake was so light and fluffy and cute, and those onigiri- when I tell you they have a stranglehold on me. I have ordered an onigiri mold for myself, lol.

    The next morning, we went to senso-ji before breakfast, to beat the crowds. The ryokan breakfast was again unparalleled, and afterward we went to shinjuku-gyoen park for a digestion walk, went to a ninja-themed restaurant for lunch (cheesy, and too expensive, but the food was good- that little frog guy is sweetened cream cheese around a strawberry on top of a brownie), did the last of our shopping, and used the onsen (a hot spring, but imagine more like a hot tub) in the ryokan. This was the view right outside the onsen.

    Our last morning in Japan, we had one more great ryokan breakfast, went to Ueno park for the sakura, and sadly had to leave.

    Yesterday, we were still recovering from jet lag, and I couldn't sleep past 1:30 in the morning, so I got up and made japanese side dishes:
    Potato salad
    Zucchini tempura
    Marinated eggs
    Red bean paste
    Teriyaki spam
    Chili cucumbers
    Caramelized onions
    Bacon sweet potatoes
    Pickled parsnips

    And for dinner I made salt salmon, so when my onigiri molds come tomorrow, I can recreate the food I liked so much in Japan. I also bought some side dish plates, because I loved eating a little of each side dish with rice. Great experience. I need to find a place to get a mille crepe cake around here, that was great.

    Anyway! It's time for Operation Beach Body! I've only got a little over two months to get ready for our weeklong beach vacation. I know you all can help motivate me for that.


    I have read all your posts, but this was a long one, so no tag party for me today, haha.

    Have a great day, everyone!