
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Machka - I know you're aware of this, but the more you can do before you move in terms of painting and floors, the better! We bought this house in July of 2018 and didn't move in until October, so we could get things done, and I'm so glad we did. It's so much harder to fix or change things once you've moved in, or at least we've always found it so. Your views are just stunning, and I hope the new home is safer for Rowan. Falls are so scary. The interesting change for me that came with ownership is the ability to think in terms of the next season or the next year in the house, especially with the work outside. Watching the seasons turn over and over in the same place has brought great joy and a very different way of thinking. I found myself wanting a Bradford pear tree, but remembered that they only last about 15 years here, and felt that was too short a space of time... :o On comfort food, one of the things Corey taught me was to make grilled cheese with light mayonnaise instead of butter. It's soooo good that way, cuts out about a third of the calories, gets just as brown and crunchy and so much less oily.

    Later, kidlins,
    Love from Arkansas,

    We are planning to do just about all the work before officially moving in. There might be a bit we leave till later like the closet doors, for example.

    The doors are "french doors" - they open out into the room which ends up using a lot of the room. You can't have a dresser or bookshelf next to the closet because the closet door wouldn't open properly. Although I can see some of the appeal - I think it is easier to get at everything in the closet with these "french doors", I'm not keen on them.

    So we might change them out ... but we might do that down the road a bit.

    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,067 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Power stayed on all night despite strong winds.
    After doing PT before breakfast yesterday just couldn’t make myself move more. ;{
    Beth bravo to your son for helping and foo on the staff. Grr.
    Tracey his brother is the only one Joe speaks to, on the phone, perhaps once a month. The nephew is an adult. He may be hesitant as when his younger brother visited, Joe came out of the man cave, met the nephew’s bride, said “hi” and retreated back into the mancave. OR, the nephew may be rightly hesitant because of his criminal past. Even though these are NOT the nephews we fostered, Joe was so hurt by the experience he wants nothing to do with any of them. [sigh] I respect his wishes when it comes to him, but go my own way for me. Took the visiting nephew and his bride out to lunch. Keep in touch through FaceBook with the nephews we fostered. Not sure what all I’m willing to extend to this nephew. Almost makes me thankful for my small family and geographically distant cousins. “we were taught at the nursing home to let the residents fall. Apparently, it can cause more injury trying to catch them than not.” That is so very very very hard to believe!
    Annie that “leave some food on the plate” would be a hard experiment for me. I do much better asking for a “to go” container and packing up half, like Lisa.
    Machka so very very happy for you. :love: the views. Would love to see pics of your current garden after all your plants/hardscape have been move to the new one.
    Lisa “That kind of vagueness [sometime next week) is not my favorite aspect of any relationship. . .” Amen, sister amen! Here “sometime next week” could be between this morning (unlikely) and never (yeah really). What Machka said about the cost of compression socks, I wear Sockwells (~$30/pr). Prefer Sigvaris but @ $76.96/pr and only one color I like . . . Linda amen to the first world Roomba problems. Lately Maizey hasn’t been docking herself securely, running out of battery and dying. Still searching for that sweet spot for the dock. You’re new here so you haven’t heard the hundreds? Thousands? of times I’ve said how much I loathe vacuuming…. :devil:
    ‘nuff fun, time to feed the pooches, wii balance games and PT.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    April: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Today is: A good day for deep dish pizza and a caramel sundae!! 😋

  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: Power stayed on all night despite strong winds.
    After doing PT before breakfast yesterday just couldn’t make myself move more. ;{

    Linda amen to the first world Roomba problems. Lately Maizey hasn’t been docking herself securely, running out of battery and dying. Still searching for that sweet spot for the dock. You’re new here so you haven’t heard the hundreds? Thousands? of times I’ve said how much I loathe vacuuming…. :devil:

    Mine is named Doubtfire. She was preceded by Fluffy and Rosie. I'll say she is the best of the three, and she mops (sort of), but we do have our issues. :D
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Good afternoon
    Just brought a few things to whole foods to return to Amazon.
    Not much interesting going on.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,697 Member
    Lisa - that is funny that we have been so long without seeing our friends.
    My friends flight changed again this morning, I’m waiting to hear if there is another change. She should be arriving in Toronto for the layover soon.

    I hope you get some rest today but not enough to cause insomnia again tonight.

    My comfort food is any that takes me back to my grandmother’s. Corn soup, potato scallop, pancakes (when I can get them made like hers) and Doughnuts, but only hers.
    I’m actually thinking of making a batch because Cheryle grew up with her doughnuts too.

    Machka - Congratulations! What a view!

    Beth - Those prices are insane! In NB the government used to take money from savings, my grandmother was worried about that so she put all of her money into an account with my brother and Mom’s names only. It was still her money for her use. The government just couldn’t touch it.
    It’s a shame that all of your Dad’s savings are having to be spent that way.

    Pip - I have no words.

    Barbara - Do the brothers not speak to be able to work this out themselves? Or is the nephew old enough to call himself. I hate being put in the middle of those things, unfortunately I find myself there a lot.

    Beth - we were taught at the nursing home to let the residents fall. Apparently, it can cause more injury trying to catch them than not. I’m glad I was never in the area when a resident fell, I don’t know that I couldn’t try to stop it.

    They are talking about outlawing “for profit”nursing homes here in Canada. The differences in care that was brought to light during Covid really spoke volumes.

    Rebecca - I am getting used to do dishes but I’m sure grumbling about it.

    Michele - our local high school does hair and such too. It’s a great way for them to learn. I have never heard of a gift for a preschool graduation, but maybe a book about starting kindergarten would be a good gift.

    Well after a few changes my friend’s flight is back to the original time of arrival. So almost midnight.
    I am going to ceramics, I’ll come home, put the dishes away, watch a couple of shows, maybe have a bath and then it will be time to go get her. I live 5 minutes from the airport so I don’t have a long drive to get there.

    Off to ceramics, I’ll probably check in later.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    There's definitely a system! Knives with wood handles I like to set out on a dish rag. Plastic containers next, setting them on the grate type shelving in the bay window kinda window. Then I put cutlery in the water, and wash plates and bowls. Those in your the drying rack. Last is pots and pans. Either on the drying rack or shelf. I have a space to put the utensils in the rack, but its a huge space, they kinda get
    lost in there. That's my bit of an OCD system in a nutshell. When I made soup the other day I used a lot of things, so of course I had to wash dishes before I made dinner. Pain in the butt!😂
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    The compression socks I buy are also about $9 a pair. I did have a $5 coupon for the last pair I ordered. Mine are light compression. I like them because they look like regular knee high socks and they have dogs on them

    Voice is much better still a bit gravely. I am not sure if I will sing on Sunday and have to wait and see. I now drink a tsp of apple cider vinegar mixed into a small glass of water first thing in the morning and rinse my mouth out afterwards. Apple cider vinegar is very acidic and can be hard on your teeth. I use an organic one that also has probiotics. I am also continuing with the aloe to help heal any damage from the GERD. I still often feel I have to clear my throat (a side effect of GERD) and have some of the dry cough. I am gargling more and sometimes with salt water. Not eating grains helps too or too spicy of foods. Because I caught it early the home remedies are more effective. It is when you get repeated laryngitis or laryngitis last for more than a week it is harder to treat with just home remedies.

    I did get my tooth powder (a mix of calcium and phosphorus) I put coconut oil on my toothbrush. Then dip it into the powder and baking soda mix (in a small flat dish). Thanks to Rebecca's reminder I brush my teeth like they are fine china for two minutes. I try to remember my tongue too.

    I have a dental appointment next week so it will be too early to tell how effective the new powder is yet.

    :heart: Margaret
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
    Barbie ~ You and Jake are two cuties! :smile:
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,697 Member
    edited April 5
    Well I lost about a week, so I went back about 5 pages!

    Heather: Great you have a date for the surgery!

    Lisa: Glad you had no clots and sorry you had to go through that medical test!

    Michele: Great job getting the stairmaster in and then water aerobics!

    Rebecca: The shrimp in the picture looks delicious!

    Sue: I t will be great when that tenant is gone!

    Debbie: Great on the 15,000 steps!

    Tracey: Hope you really enjoy your visit with your friend!

    Machka: Congrats! on the house! I love the view. It will be exciting putting together a new garden! One level...very smart!

    Linda: Sounds like a great night out! Dinner at a Cuban restaurant and the theatre!

    PipCD: Good for you for getting to the cremation ceremony! Interesting about pulling the gold fillings out! You don't hear about that every day!

    Well I lost a week! My shortness of breath continued and I went to the doctor and the NP ordered blood work and an x-ray. They said they would know more in 48 hours. But Monday evening I felt so bad I talked myself into going to the ER. I was told I had a low chance of having a pulmonary embolism and was put on a monitor for an hour. The doctor never came back to me. I was discharged after an hour. It was a waste of time.

    I called back to the hospital to make sure my Covid test was negative and it was. Yesterday morning the doctor's office called and said my D-Dimer test was high....I looked on the portal it is .78 and my wbc is 12,000. The office nurse said D-Dimer tests were an indicator of inflammation but Google says they are also an indicator for a pulmonary embolism. The nurse said I needed a CT scan and this could wait until next week because they are closed the rest of the week. Well I am not sure that is the best idea...but my breathing is not as bad as Monday. It comes and goes. Hopefully I am over the worst of it and hopefully the CT will be negative!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    These shrimp are amazing! They are from India, and seem really good quality.
    I only had three, and though my servings seem to be three, or four, I needed more! They are cooked, and slicing them they taste like scallops to me. Great on salads, tacos, soups and in pasta.👍🏼💖
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,869 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Hallo all!
    The good news is that I have been given a date for the second hip. 26th July. That's 8 weeks after the first one.
    That gives me 10 weeks until the October cruise. I will have to have a discussion with the insurance team about coverage for the risk. They may not take it, or charge too much. We will have to pay the balance for the cruise before the operation. I would be happy to cancel and put the deposit towards the second hip. But there is also John to consider.
    I went to see the nurse for the brachial bp test. Nothing there. I asked her to enquire about the doctors report on my health for the insurance. It's been 10 days with no communication and I have asked 3 times. Things then started to move. They charge £45 for an insurance report, so I am waiting to see if Saga are satisfied with the documentation I have already supplied from the surgeon and the physio. I also asked for stronger painkillers for the night time, but nothing has come through. How useless can you be!
    Well, at least things are moving!

    Edie came over with Max this afternoon. They walked over on their own. Max attempted a 'Fauvist' picture.
    He was not happy with the result, but I like it. At least he didn't give up!
    Edie spent the time working out how to construct a 'Battleship ' board with John. Very complicated.
    I had no idea what to do, but just started and ended up with this experiment.
    We all pushed ourselves out of our comfort zone.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx