Running around the world

The circumference of the earth is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 kilometers) as measured at the equator. Ever wondered how long that would take to run?

There are a LOT of folks on this board using running to help them get or keep fit, lose weight and build muscle. Running is also a great way to build a healthy lifestyle and to help us meet new people who share the interest in being fit and healthy.

So... how long would it take us to run around the world if everyone on the board posted their mileage? There are a lot of us here who run, I can't imagine that it would take all that long.

I figure that every little bit will get us closer to running around the world. At a guess, more people on the board are from the US than Canada, so I think it makes sense to post in miles. For those running in kilometers (like I am), just multiply by .62.



  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    I'll start us off:

    5.25 miles

  • Freaky3kirsty
    Freaky3kirsty Posts: 26 Member
    I can double your total, I did 5 miles today also

  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Maybe you can set up a game, where partcipants try to 'run around the world' before a certain date.

    I'm participating in a calorie burn challenge, to kill Jabba the Hut :) see below:
  • xunsungxherox
    2.6 miles today.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    5.5 miles today.
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    I think we'll need to keep a running total, so everyone's going to have to do some math along the way (oh look, it's an educational game too!).

    How long do we think this will take to do? 1 year? 18 months?

    Running Total (see what I did there with the pun... running total indeed): 18.35 miles
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Ok I did 7.69 miles today!!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I been tracking my miles for the last 9+ years (when I got bit by the running bug). I'm up around 16,500 or so. I need to move some miles from one log to another to get my exact total.

    These days I'm good for ~ 2,400 per year. So maybe another 4 years until I've circled the globe.
  • luv2run
    luv2run Posts: 54 Member
    I ran 5.82 today
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    18.35 + 7.69 = 26.04

    hey look we've put in almost a marathon today.
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    26.04 + 5.82 = 31.86

    (you know, I can't be the only one doing math ;) )
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I did another 3.1
    soooo 31.86 + 3.1 = 34.96
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I did another 3.85 miles this morning.

    34.96 + 3.85 = 38.31

    At this rate I don't think I'll live long enough to see the journey's end.
  • rugbyfella
    rugbyfella Posts: 12 Member
    2.3 for me yesterday

    40.61 keep on running.
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    40.61 + 3.72 + 5.58 = 49.91

    6km on the treadmill on Saturday
    9km on the road and in the trails on Sunday

    Woo hoo.

  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I forgot to add Friday's miles.

    49.91 + 5.5 (Friday) + 5.4 (Sunday) = 60.81
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Since my last update....I have run 6.7 miles
    60.81 + 6.7 = 68.51
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I'll add mine from the week.


    drumroll please...83.71
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I ran another 6 miles this morning to bring the total up to 89.71
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Add another 6 for me.

    95.71 is the new total!