Ages 70+



  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    @jan110144 ... Love your walking partner! She's beautiful!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    All good yesterday, although yesterday was an interesting experiment in 'non-dieting'. I had a luncheon meeting with a buffet. Pretty much all food that I would not normally choose if I were on 'a diet'. Ate everything in reasonable portions (except for the rolls because I don't like cheap white bread and the dessert because it just didn't look good). Enjoyed the meeting and the food.

    Today will be another challenge at eating, enjoying food and not feeling deprived. Having company for dinner which will involve Tuscan Chicken and Tiramisu and wine. (I will be eating some dessert!) Again, my focus in to just eat moderate portion and enjoy the evening and not obsess over what I am eating. If I can do these things, I will consider the day a success.

    Have a good day, everyone
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Yesterday DH and I went grocery shopping (much need) because we turn every ingredient in the pantry (except dry goods flour, sugar etc.) and freezers (defrosted them) into meals which left only a few cans of tomatoes and 2 loaves of bread. We do this about twice a year. Fresh start.

    For me: Every recipe, every meal ( whether I prepared it or not) the constant analyzing (obsession) if or what I eat will throw me into a tail spin is exhausting. My decisions of what I eat are, for the majority of the time good ones. However..This type of thinking is so hard to let go of because it is so ingrained. It sits in my subconscious. I sometimes feel that I might have to go to behavioural therapy due to this type of thinking. One of my mantras - Keep Calm. Carry on. only holds so much water.
    I wonder if my thinking, sabotages my releasing of weight? Hum...

    Just for today: I will try to free myself from my "negative thinking" and be present in all that I do.
    Off to the Rec. Centre 50-60minutes stretch and weights. 45minutes walking on the track.

    Enjoy your day B)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    @jonni82014 ... I hear you! There are days when I eat what I want of food I know is good for me and don't give much thought as to the number of calories or how often I'm eating. It feels good. I also don't weigh for a few days. Later, I get back on track, start weighing daily again and "tighten up".
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Hello, I just saw this thread. I am 71. I am a long time MFP member and lost 40 lbs at one time but lately I have been inactive here. I struggle to lose weight when I am working full-time. I was laid off during the pandemic and lost 20 lbs. I got a great limited duration job and struggled with keeping it off. I got it back down when that ended until I found a full-time permanent job. Since then I haven't been on MFP. However, I just gave my notice that I would retire the 1st week in May. The main reason was my health.

    My 1st priority is getting healthy with more exercise, eating healthy foods cooked at home and getting stronger. This is when I lose. I find I don't have time to go grocery shopping, cook and get enough exercise when I am working full time. My husband isn't retiring yet.

    I really like Aquafit and missed it when all the pools closed. My husband I started to get back into it when the Y opened up again but now that more are going to the Y there is only one time we can go. The other times are when we are working. The night aquafit classes were so crowded you couldn't hardly move. I like to go at water walking times and do my own thing. I have been doing it long enough to know what to do without a teacher. So I am looking forward to going more often to do aquafit on weekday mornings and I want to add in strength training. Aquafit includes strength training too but I want to add some out of water strength training. I plan to start back into walking more as well. I feel like I am getting weaker with my lifestyle of working fulltime. I work hybrid with 2 days in the office with a commute.

    I wasn't really going to start back here until I retire but by visiting today and seeing this thread it makes me realize that for the coming weeks I don't want to just finish my job strong I want to get a head start at my 1st goal of retirement.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    @KeriA ... Glad you found us! I retired at age 73 for health reasons. I loved my work but physically couldn't manage working so much. Wasn't getting enough sleep and not eating well. I've since lost 68 pounds and feel so much better. I enjoy grocery shopping and planning my meals. I gave my employer my all but now I'm giving that same amount of energy to myself.

    Glad you've made the decision to retire and join our group.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    After reading @Melwillbehealthy comment this morning, this popped up on my FB feed

    I love what you put here, so true!

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Apr. 20

    A great day. Last night's dinner was very enjoyable. Not sure if it was the "permission" I gave myself in advance, or what, but I enjoyed every bite and sip but did not go beyond reasonable portions. Felt wonderful to enjoy dinner and not stress about anything!

    @jonni82014 "However..This type of thinking is so hard to let go of because it is so ingrained. It sits in my subconscious. I sometimes feel that I might have to go to behavioural therapy due to this type of thinking". I typically don't recommend books, but reading this makes me think that "The Emotional Eatic, Chronic, Dieting, Binge EatingAnd Body Image Workbook" by Judith Matz et al could be very helpful for you. It is NOT a diet book. It focuses primarily on the thinking process, and related emotional issues, that underline many eating issues. I have found it really helpful in trying to get out if the diet and restrictive thinking mindset.

    @KeriA Welcome!! Happy upcoming retirement!! It is great to have the time to focus on what you really want to do. I think my favorite aspect is being able to linger over coffee and not have to rush out of the house in the morning.

    Have a great weekend everyone
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Welcome @KeriA @BarbMessimer thanks and hoping your knee is recovering.

    @jan110144 I'll look up the book title suggestion.Thanks. A book I have revisited is Feelings Buried Alive Never Die...By Karol K Truman. In the book are examples of using other words to describe feelings. One feeling I had/have is Betrayal: (I had body betrayal when I was diagnosed with BC) I should be present to use words such as: Forgive Merciful Love and Peace instead of Betrayal. Makes sense.
    Last night saying my prayers I gave thanks to my body for "carrying me" through good and not so good times.

    Just for today: We are going to the Farmer's Market. A pleasant diversion from the Rec.Centre and Senior Centre.

    Have a great day!

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    I've been busy fertilizing and repotting plants this week. I'm slower than molasses as I have to be careful of my injured knee. Of course, pain limits my movements but according to what I've read, I shouldn't completely rest my knee all day or the muscles would atrophy. But I'm getting a few things accomplished and that makes me feel better psychologically. I limit myself to working on my project a couple of hours twice a day with an hour rest period in-between and at night, completely rest it. I'll sure be glad when it completely heals!

    @jan110144 ... I agree. The best part of retirement is my mornings when I'm happy to have no place to go (like work), sip my coffee and contemplate on what I'll do with my day. Some days I feel ambitious and then will tackle a few projects or if I have errands to run, I know that will take up the better portion of the day and get me out of the mood to do anything, so I do what I can before the errands and then take it easy afterwards. Of course, some days I decide to do absolutely nothing and that's OK too. So happy to be out off the clock and away from the working grind!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    I'm really happy to be here among like-minded people. I believe we all understand that it's not just about losing weight but improving our health, and we consistently keep at it. We know it's a long journey... for the rest of our lives, but we choose to follow our healthy course. There are ups and downs, and that's to be expected, but we pick ourselves up and continue on. So happy to read about others' experiences and be able to share some of mine.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited April 21
    Great day yesterday. Everything on target. Two nice walks with dog (a bit nippy).
    Dinner out at a Thai restaurant I had not gone to before ... excellent! Topped the night off with a concert by Purdue's award-winning "Wind Ensemble " (a full concert band(. Purdue also has an award-winning Philharmonic. Fantastic musicians ... and no music major!

    Should have a fun day today ... birthday party for the poodles did a one time only breeding of her poodle. She kept two and the other 4 went to friends locally. Every year she has a birthday party at a local private dog park where they my can run amok. Fun time!

    @jonni82014 I can't wait for our farmer's markets to get going... we have 2, on different days. Great when local fruits and veggies start coming available.

    @BarbMessimer glad you are able to start doing things, even if slowly. Just be careful with that knee! Totally agree about our little group.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    @jan110144 ... You have a lot going on.... Good for you. I love the poodles' birthday party! Have fun!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Back from the Rec Centre - 50 minutes weights and stretch. 30 minutes walking the track; boring today as the weather is getting warmer; so I choose outside.

    Just for today - Three smoothie today; that's all. Smoothies are packed with protein, fruit, veg. probiotics and fibre. Lots of water and green tea. Giving my digestive system a well deserved day off.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    I weigh on Mondays. Scale did not budge an ounce this week. A bit disappointing, but not surprising considering the nearly 10 pound (mostly water) drop the first two weeks. The best thing is that I feel great and I am eating in a very healthy, sustainable way. Now ... I just need to trust the process and just keep going.

    Poodle party yesterday was great fun. Was a beautiful, sunny, albeit a little cool day. Which was good for the dogs and nice for the prople.

    @jonni82014 Happy for you that weather is warming up. At least for me. Being outside is a huge mood elevator.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,437 Member
    @jan110144 Yes trust the process. I had three smoothies yesterday; I thought I would release a bit of weight. Not an ounce. I'm building muscle; which may not move the scale but it takes up a lot less room in my body. Keep Calm. Carry on

    Just for today off to the Senior Centre. 50minutes weights and stretch. 40minutes Treadmill.

    Have a healthy day! B)
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member

    Good day yesterday ... last of our sunny days. Rain most of the day today. Need to get out early if Abby is going too have her walk. Fixefmd this week's new recipe in my one new recipe a week challenge to myself - spaghetti squash pizza casserole. This one was a winner (after two flops). Extra bonus - three servings in the freezer for future dinners.

    @jonni82014 building muscle is soooo good. I admire your consistency. There is a tendency for it to temporarily lead to inflammation (taxed muscles) and, hence, upward weight blips. That is just temporary and in the long term it helps to increase metabolism (plus it is just a healthy thing to do)! Getting back to the gym is the next step in my plan to get healthier.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    I have not set a pound weight loss goal in a very long while. And it is time to do it now!
    It will be a hard challenge yet I figure I have half the battle won even at the start because I want it.
    Many New medications since last year have weight gain as a frequent or possible side effect, and it feels like all of them have had that effect on me. My only east recourse is to stop those meds and that would be cutting off my nose to spite my face. … so the only other recourse seems to be to work on what I can do. And that is “weight loss diet”. I am starting today and my plan is 6 weeks long for this first challenge to myself.
    Wish mr strength
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,437 Member
    edited April 23
    Today is a great day!
    I stayed on track - mindful eating and exercising

    Off to Rec Centre 50minutes of stretch and weights 45minutes walk.
    Going to check the Rec Schedule to possibly get into a class or swim instead of a track walk. Save my walk to head outside to the River Valley.

    Have a fun day and by the way
    @nsk1951 good luck on you wellness plan and a toast (melba - :D ) to the strength to do so.
    @jan110144 reads like you have been having good successes creating new recipes the spaghetti squash pizza casserole sounds yummy.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    A pretty uneventful day yesterday. Lots of rain. Got out early to get Abby's walk in. Did all 10,000 steps (about 4 miles) in one walk. Really encouraging how much easier it was than the first time I did that a couple of weeks ago.

    @nsk1951 congrats on starting your mission to a healthier you! Keep coming back... sharing a journey with others is always easier than trying to go solo.

    @jonni82014 I don't know what the "River Valley" is, but it sounds like a wonderful place to walk. Alas, here in Lafayette we are a bit scenic ally challenged. The state park here is flatter than a pancake.