Every. Day.



  • wewillbskinny
    wewillbskinny Posts: 125 Member
    Day 20

    208.9 - SW
    197.2 - .9lbs
    -11.7 lbs total.

    Having a tough time last few days. Not with the staying on track thing. Just overwhelmed in my life. Trying to do too many things and pulled in too many directions. I have been making mistakes and forgetting to do important things that need to be done. Don't know how to get out of this cycle....

    @Awegg05 Your baby is adorable! Hope you enjoyed your outing. 🙂

    @jan110144 Have fun at the poodle party. Sounds like a blast!

    @krabuck. It looks like you are on the right track now. Keep up the good work!

    Goals for today:
    Laundry, cleaning and some paperwork.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,515 Member
    Having a tough time last few days. Not with the staying on track thing. Just overwhelmed in my life. Trying to do too many things and pulled in too many directions. I have been making mistakes and forgetting to do important things that need to be done. Don't know how to get out of this cycle....

    I’m just taking it all one day at a time.

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    I weigh on Mondays. Scale did not budge an ounce this week. A bit disappointing, but not surprising considering the nearly 10 pound (mostly water) drop the first two weeks. The best thing is that I feel great and I am eating in a very healthy, sustainable way. Now ... I just need to trust the process and just keep going.

    Poodle party yesterday was great fun. Was a beautiful, sunny, albeit a little cool day. Which was good for the dogs and nice for the prople.

    @wewillbskinny hope things get less stressful! BUT, a huge congrats for staying on track despite everything going on.
    Don't know if it will help ... I have taken to making a to do list in the morning while I am drinking my coffee. Makes sure I don't forget anything. When it gets to crazy, I look at the list and try to simplify by eliminating things that don't really have to be done today.

    @MargaretYakoda one day at a time is a wonderful attitude. I am pretty good at not dwelling on the past but could definitely use some work on not jumping into the future!
  • Awegg05
    Awegg05 Posts: 168 Member
    Day 35: 222.8 (+3.4)

    Good morning! Yikes on the scale, but I expected a gain. Over the weekend I decided to relax on the diet a bit, not wanting to stress myself out over it during our little excursion. I didn't go *crazy* by any means, but I haven't had substantial carbs in a while now, I also drank a bit. So I'm hoping by getting back on track today, I'll be able to make up that gain in no time!

    The concert was fun (but too late for me) I had been up since 4am and didn't know how I was gonna make it. The crowd was big and lively, which got my anxiety going. I left around 930, missed the main set. Walked the boardwalk and got myself a scoop of ice cream and headed back to the hotel. I was excited to go pick up my baby yesterday and snuggle. He was such a happy guy and Grandma reported he was perfect through the night!

    So it's Monday morning. My motivation is kinda low but I know what needs to be done.

    I'm so happy everyone is doing so well overall! It's hard to juggle all the different aspects that life throws at you. One day at a time, for sure! 💪
  • wewillbskinny
    wewillbskinny Posts: 125 Member
    Day 21 - End of week 3!

    208.9 lbs
    197.8 +.6 lbs
    -11.1 lbs total

    Hi everyone. Thank you for the support.

    I tried to put out of my mind things that were not done, and tried to relax yesterday. I did laundry while watching tv. 🙂

    So I found this place that sells prepackaged fresh meals. You can just buy them or you can get the delivery plan. I got a few on Saturday to try them out. The meals so far are delicious. I think this will make my meal planning alot easier if I continue to get these meals. You just warm up the meal and thats it. Comes with protein, carb and vegetables.

    @MargaretYakoda I definitely agree with you to take one day at a time. I usually try to focus on this, but was definitely was overwhelmed this weekend.

    @Awegg05 We are all in this together. Keep your head up, you will definitely get back on track this week. You surely needed some adult time, hopefully all in all it was a nice little trip away.

    @jan110144 No gain is a win! AND, you did most of the week with no tracking. So kudos to you!

    Have a good day everyone.
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 32 Member
    edited April 23
    Week 2 for me
    SW 264.8
    This morning 259.0

    Excited to be out of the 260s, it’s been a long time. I know the scale isn’t everything, but there’s not much to notice changing in the first weeks. Although I do feel my energy level has increased a bit. Good choices are getting a little easier. I made it through the weekend without setting myself back. I did find churro flavored Oreos at the grocery store and I am a cinnamon girl so I bought them to try. So so good.. I had ONE! And then I took them to work and left them for the rest of the office. I did trust my self control but at the same time I know just how easy it is to fall back into old patterns. I meal prepped over the weekend. I found this meal on TikTok that has sweet peppers, chicken sausage and cauliflower gnocchi and it’s delicious so I made a big batch of that for lunches. And I made some jars of overnight oats. Dinners are the challenge. My husband is a very picky Pennsylvania meat and potatoes guy so I have been making the same protein for us but different side dishes to go with it. So far it’s working out.

    I am on week 3 of C25K, I did two days over the weekend and took yesterday off but I did walk on my lunch break.

    Todays goals:
    Week 3 day one of C25K
    Stick to my planned breakfast, lunch and snacks
    Make good choices for dinner

    @Awegg05 what concert did you go to? And also the snack queen in me needs to know what flavor ice cream you got haha

    @wewillbskinny awesome find with the fresh meals, that is so helpful! Nice weigh-ins too!!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Good day yesterday ... last of our sunny days. Rain most of the day today. Need to get out early if Abby is going too have her walk. Fixefmd this week's new recipe in my one new recipe a week challenge to myself - spaghetti squash pizza casserole. This one was a winner (after two flops). Extra bonus - three servings in the freezer for future dinners.

    @Awegg05 Glad you had a good night out.

    @wewillbskinny The pre-prepared meal plan sounds good. Let us know how you like it. If really good, let us know yhe brand!

    @krabuck Sounds like you have a good answer for the challenge of staying with your plan while aldo cooking for your husband. The prep work also really good. Congrats on the ONE Churro Oreo. That was a big accomplishment, both in going ahead and having something you wanted and not splurging. We'll done!!
  • wewillbskinny
    wewillbskinny Posts: 125 Member
    Day 22

    208.9 lbs. - SW
    197.2 lbs. - -.6 lbs
    -11.7 lbs total

    Still trying to get through each day, one at a time. Hopefully, things clear up in the schedule soon.

    @krabuck Congratulations for getting out of the 260's! Also, great willpower on the oreo churro. I think that is the jist of it, portion control.

    @jan110144 That casserole sounds delicious. Also the frozen leftovers, even better. 🙂

    Super busy, so have a nice day everyone.
  • Awegg05
    Awegg05 Posts: 168 Member
    Day 36: 222 (-0.8)

    Hi guys! I got on and back off this app multiple times today. I'm having a tough time prioritizing it at the moment - so much personal/family stuff going on right now, my head is spinning. I'm going almost all day without eating, or even thinking about eating. Every day I'm trying to talk myself into getting back on routine, back on the treadmill, ect... but I just can't seem to get going.

    @wewillbskinny let's get through this together - day by day, task by task!

    @krabuck congrats on your accomplishments! Moderation is a big key to things - enjoy, but don't go crazy :) great job!

    @jan110144 I loveeee spaghetti squash! Please share the recipe!
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 32 Member
    Day 10 for me 258.8 (-0.2)

    It’s wild how this journey can be such an emotional roller coaster. One moment I am so pumped and excited for the progress I’ve been making but in the next moment I feel overwhelmed and defeated by how far I have to go. It really is agonizing but I know the only way to get results is consistency.

    Stick to planned meals and snacks
    Clean up the kitchen after work

    @jan110144 I would love to check out the recipe as well!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Before I forget... recipe - https://www.eatyourselfskinny.com/spaghetti-squash-pizza-casserole/#wprm-recipe-container-16652. As usual, I can't totally follow directions. I used a jar of pizza sauce vs marinara. Also, did not use the entire squash, only about half. But pretty obvious when adding the squash to the sauce when enough. Finally, sprinkled some parmesan before serving.

    Nothing notable about yesterday. Pretty uneventful day with lots of rain. Got out early with Abby, and did nearly all 10, 000 steps in one long walk. Soooo much easier than it was a couple of weeks ago

    @wewillbskinny and @Awegg05 I hope everything starts to become more manageable soon. Maybe you can at least find a few minutes to just breathe!

    @krabuck the mental aspect of making significant changes is, I think, definitely the most challenging. Hang in there and see if you can find a mantra that helps you focus on the here and now. I really like wewillbskinny's "Just for today".
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello all :) I enjoyed reading everyone's daily life choices. I hope you're all well.

    I have much more to lose than most of you, but it was a positive moment to read how you're all doing. Keep up the good work!

    I've been trying to follow a Mediterranean-style diet for about a week and a half. A lot of fresh ingredients. My doctor is putting me on medications on May 2 and starting me on this diet on that day, so I thought I'd try to get a head start.

    It's tough. I'm finding that I simply don't enjoy the taste of a lot of this style of cuisine. I understand that it's about fresh ingredients, low processed items, and whole grains; but a majority of the veggies are ones I'm just not really excited about. It's also a lot of fish, and I have never cared for seafood. But, I tried salmon over the weekend of the first time in many years, and it was palatable, so I'm happy about that. My husband made pan-fried salmon with a sweet soy glaze, Portobello mushroom caps and roasted red potatoes. I had the recommended serving size of everything and it was a nice meal.

    I struggle with snacks and things to eat at work. Eating fresh stuff is harder when you work in an office without a proper kitchen with which to cook. I've been eating a lot of eggs and tuna for the past week. My snacks are not Mediterranean-style, because there really isn't any snack foods I've found yet. But I try to keep healthier snacks here - fruits and veggies, lowfat cheeses, jerky, etc.

    It's been tough getting my body used to the reduced food intake and different style of foods. It is unhappy with how many less carbs I've been taking in. I physically feel good when I'm eating sugar and carbs, so this has been a hard change.

    I'm currently at 260 lbs as of this morning. Two weeks ago I weighed 270; Friday I weighed 255. Weight is weird. I'm having my husband help me take my measurements today so I can maybe see a different progress there instead.

    Thanks for reading :) This was cathartic.

  • wewillbskinny
    wewillbskinny Posts: 125 Member
    Day 24

    208.9 - SW
    196.8. - .4 lbs
    -12.1 lbs total

    Hello all.

    I actually typed a comment on here this morning and forgot to hit post. LOL

    I had a fairly good day yesterday and stayed on track as far as calories go. I did a water change on the aquarium. The baby fish are flourishing! So many of them. As my husband says, the tank is "infested" with baby fish.

    I just went to the dentist for a cleaning. Love how my teeth feel after a good cleaning. 🙂

    @Awegg05 Nice weigh-in!
    It is definitely easy to get sidetracked with day to day life, but we both need to prioritize ourselves and try to start each day off with a good breakfast. I have the same issue as you, but it typically involves no/little lunch.

    @krabuck This is a difficult journey, so I prefer to look at this as a marathon snd not a sprint. There may be valleys and hills on the way to the finish line. We just have to keep our eye on that finish line. We are on the journey together. You can do this!

    @jan110144 I just might actually try to cook that spaghetti squash casserole!

    @kaferine69 Hi, and welcome! I have found this discussion to be very helpful to me. (thank you @Awegg05 for starting it).
    We are all here to lift each other up and I hope you find the support you need here. Measurements are a great tool, as well as progress photos.

    Have a great day all!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 46 Member
    @kaferine69 Hi, and welcome! I have found this discussion to be very helpful to me. (thank you @Awegg05 for starting it).
    We are all here to lift each other up and I hope you find the support you need here. Measurements are a great tool, as well as progress photos.

    Have a great day all!

    Thank you! I have friend-requested you. It could be fun to see each other's progress, in addition to checking in on here every day.

  • michealmoore2176
    michealmoore2176 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, It will be a pleasure to connect and share thoughts on diet and weight loss; I am interested in meeting and making friends. Perhaps we could be good friends if you don't mind. Thank you
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Nothing notable here yesterday. Did have a late night snack for the first time in almost a month. I took the time to determine if I was actually hungry or if it was something else. Decided I really was hungry so I had some dry-roasted peanuts.

    @kaferine69 Welcome! The first weeks of a major change are just tough. Be gentle with yourself and take the time to find what works for you. The best diet in the world is not good if it is something you can't maintain. Maybe instead of cutting out the things you like, start by cutting down while you experiment with new foods???

    @wewillbskinny "I actually typed a comment on here this morning and forgot to hit post." ... made me laugh. Something I do all too often.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • wewillbskinny
    wewillbskinny Posts: 125 Member
    Day 25

    208.9 - SW
    195.5 - 1.3 lbs
    -13.4 lbs total

    Good morning all!

    Pretty average day for me yesterday. I ended my day over by one calorie. LOL

    The major change I have made in my eating patterns is my attention to portion control. I dish out my meal and do not reach for unneccessary seconds. Also, I have cut back on the crazy snacking. I still will have a snack, but only one serving of the snack. I am measuring and counting any snacks I eat. I am not on a specific diet. I am just counting calories. Seems to be working for me.

    Nothing extra on my calendar today, so hopefully today is a quiet day.

    Have a nice day everyone.

  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 46 Member
    I had McDonald's yesterday. Oops. But I ordered less than I normally would and still only ended up being 130 calories over my limit. I definitely could have made worse choices. But today I am back to the grind and it was the first I'd been unhealthy in two weeks, which is, unfortunately, a good job on my part. I still came in at about 1700 calories for the day, which is much better than the 3000 or so I would previously be eating.

    This is hard!! Really hoping better habits will start feeling like second nature soon.
  • Awegg05
    Awegg05 Posts: 168 Member
    Day 38: 219.4 (-1.4)

    Hey all! It's so exciting when I come here and see a new face! :) welcome @kaferine69 ! I'm really grateful for our little group here. It's honestly been the most motivating part for me thus far.
    I'm doing a weight loss challenge currently and weigh in was yesterday. I was happy to see that I've actually lost the most % of body weight out of the group, despite some hiccups along the day. I *also* today weigh as much as I did on Saturday (before my mini-vacay)... so it took me 3 days to lose what I gained over the weekend. Not too shabby. Im technically at my lowest weight since I started in December... 20 more pounds to go to get to one-derland. I haven't visited that "land" for a few years now, so it's an exciting thought. I also got tagged in a picture from over the weekend and could actually SEE a change (my boobs go out further than my stomach now! Lol). I'm hoping these little motivators will help my mind get back on track. I'm still pretty much only eating one meal a day (dinner), but I did convince myself to have a couple hard boiled eggs for lunch. Budget has been tight since the move so I haven't been able to fill up on "keto" groceries just yet. I'm hoping once I get more variety back in the kitchen, it'll be easier to eat. I honestly haven't been tracking my food because every time I posted my diary, it said I was *too* under calories. But I really feel like I need to get that back on track. I got the treadmill area set up today and gave it a little test run in my socks. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually hop on the thing for a bit (with shoes, of course).

    @wewillbskinny you're getting deeper into onederland as the days go by - you're doing so great!!

    @jan110144 thanks so much for the recipe! I'm hoping to try it out soon. No one else eats spaghetti squash in my house - so more for me! :)

    @krabuck I too have a hard time keeping a stable emotional state through this. Consistency is very helpful and knowing that this isn't an overnight fix. Instant gratification doesn't work here. But man oh man, the work is WORTH it. And when you start reaching goals and feeling better, it becomes second nature. Stick it through and you'll be so proud of yourself:)
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member

    Nice day yesterday, but still too chilly. Another concert last night (chamber music recitals) and another tonight (philharmonic). It has been a week full of musulic ... 4 concerts in 8 days. This will pretty much be it unl the fall.

    @wewillbskinny love your approach. Sounds very solid and, most importantly, really sustainable. May take longer, but I think working with your current diet (unless it is totally awful) and making step by step changes and adjustments is a great approach to long term success.

    @kaferine69 you did well yesterday. Just remember that you just need to be good enough and consistent and you will be successful in the long run. Perfection is not necessary.

    @Awegg05 enjoy the treadmill!