Ages 70+



  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,438 Member
    @jan110144 The River Valley is the largest Urban Park in Canada, with more than 160 kilometres (99.42miles) of maintained pathways and 20 major parks. The River Valley is a natural wonder for all Edmontonians (Alberta). The parks, trails and attraction facilities offer unparalleled opportunities for all to get outside and play. We walk about 3 blocks to connect into the West River valley. The North Saskatchewan River runs through the Valley.

    Just for today I am off to the Senior Centre 40minutes on the treadmill and 45minutes stretch and weights. Looking forward to a pedicure later.
    Have a great day everyone!! B)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    I grow Plumeria trees. Some are very slow growing and might take years before you see any blooms, but when they do, you have the prettiest and most fragrant blossoms you could find anywhere. You might have seen these before as they’re used to make beautiful Hawaiian leis.

    I get so impatient and want them to bloom right away; but if I’m doing everything right (right soil, fertilizer, watering and placing where they get plenty of sunshine) eventually, I’ll see the flowers. Maybe not this year… or even the next… but the day will come. I need to remember to "trust the process".

    The same thing applies to my dieting regimen. As I consistently follow my healthy diet plan, I know that eventually I’ll see the results and reach my ultimate goal. I know it won’t happen overnight and I might not reach my goal this year or even the next, (I’m working on losing 100), but it will happen. Again, as with growing plumerias, I have to remind myself to “trust the process”.

    I hope sharing this will provide some inspiration to you. In the past 10 weeks, I've lost 13 pounds. It's not a huge amount, but it's been steady and without the pains of dieting, just mindfully eating the right foods at the right times.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member

    Nothing notable here yesterday. Did have a late night snack for the first time in almost a month. I took the time to determine if I was actually hungry or if it was something else. Decided I really was hungry so I had some dry-roasted peanuts.

    @jonni82014 now I AM realky jealous. Wish we had such a lovely place to walk around here.i have only been to Alberta once - Banff. One of the prettiest places I have ever visited.

    @BarbMessimer I love your Plumeria analogy. So true ... and applies to so many areas of life.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,438 Member
    Today is catch up around the house day made a pot of stew and soup. Try to concentrate on my Spanish and Ukrainian lesson. Be Present.

    @jan110144 Banff is our backyard so to speak. 4 1/2 hours drive. Great analogy.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    Worked out in the yard all day... Repotting and fertilizing plumerias, weeding, etc. It took me a long time because I had to use a walker due to my bad knee. Almost fell twice but was able to catch myself. I'm going to have to be more careful. It's bad enough to have an injured knee... I sure don't need a fractured hip!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Nice day yesterday, but still too chilly. Another concert last night (chamber music recitals) and another tonight (philharmonic). It has been a week full of musulic ... 4 concerts in 8 days. This will pretty much be it unl the fall.

    @BarbMessimer do take care of that knee and be careful.!

    @jonni82014 are you learning two languages at once?? That's challenging!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,438 Member
    @jan110144 Yes. Two languages at once. Challenges my brain. I have been learning Spanish for three years and Ukrainian (my roots) refresh for the last 6 months.

    Just for today We (DH and I ) will walk in the River Valley ; connect with nature. Away from the hustle and bustle.

    Have a great day everyone B)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    I've been "going at it" outside with my plumerias but I feel the need for a break today. Might do a little housework, or not. Tomorrow will be another outside day so I need to be well rested. 4 more days to the end of the month, and I need to work on dropping another pound or two. (I always record the lowest weight for the month.) I made a great pork roast yesterday so will have some of that plus steamed broccoli and a large salad... perhaps some cottage cheese and fruit for a bedtime snack.

    @jan110144 ... Happy Earth Day! We need to connect with nature everyday!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited April 27
    The last concert of the year was super. Now nothing until fall🙁 Today pretty much a down day. Nothing on my agenda except walks and some chores around the house. Should even have time to read and maybe a movie tonight. Dog will be happy that i am not running off to something tonight. Speaking of tonight ... I am having mystery meat for dinner. Literally. I was organizing the freezer this week and came across a frozen "something". I usually label things I put in freezer. Not this time. Will be fun to figure out what I am cooking ... or not.

    @jonni82014 time with nature is really crucial for my mental health ... even if it is just walking through my neighborhood. I love living in a walkable neighborhood ... even though it pales in comparison to what you have. I truly am jealous!

    @BarbMessimer wishing you the best with your weigh-in.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,438 Member
    @jan110144 Your are hilarious "mystery meat" Same scenario here when my son was a toddler; he got in the walk in pantry and removed all the labels of the cans. A few of our meals we a mystery as well.
    Are you a participant in the concerts? Chamber music - can you expand a bit on the subject; sounds very
    We all find our place that provides us with peace and serenity in our walkable neighbourhoods.

    @BarbMessimer Good luck on your weigh in. Gardening is so therapeutic. It's a bit chilly out here to consider planting though the Garden Centres are open. We usually start planting the 3rd week in May.
    Yesterday for the first time I enjoyed some butter chicken and chicken biryani. So tasty. Speaking with the restaurant owner I also got educated about different ethic foods of India. Good experience.

    Just for today Off to the travel agent to talk about change to our itinerary for the upcoming trip.
    If it's a not too windy. We will go for a walk.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited April 28
    Mystery meat solved. It was a package of tamales that my friend's daughter in law brought for Christmas. I was given a package and stuck it in yhe freezer. TOTALLY forgot them. Very different from any I ha e ever had. Very surprised to find a whole chicken leg inside! Unfortunately, did not care for it. At least met my goal of trying something new every week!

    Other than that, an uneventful day. Off to help at a fund raiser this morning. Tomorrow having HVAC system replaced.

    @jonni82014 where are you going on your trip? When?
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,438 Member
    edited April 28
    @jan110144 I would like to try tamales; never had one.
    Speaking of HVAC we are having our furnace, humidifier, hot water tank replaced and a new AC installed. They are 20years. Thank you Costco we win a few $$ back on our Membership, Costco promo another 15% discount and points on our Cash back Credit Cards Very pleased that there is not a lot to retrofit.
    Our daughter and SIL (Germany) had a set of twins (boy and girl) in December. Going to Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany in the summer. I have not travelled to Europe before.

    Just for today: Off to the Rec. Centre 45minute walk on track it's raining. 50-60minutes stretch and weights (cable) maybe a dip in the pool or hot tub.

    Have a great day everyone B)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 310 Member
    My knee's getting better in spite of myself... Been working on repotting plumerias. Hard work... Can't imagine how many calories I've burned but I'll take all the ones I can get! lol. I use a rolling walker to get around and sometimes put a pot on the seat to roll it to where it needs to go. "Where there's a will, there's a way." I almost have all of the 62 plumerias repotted that I inherited from my friend. She would be so proud of how well I'm taking care of her "babies". One even bloomed today (pretty early for blooms). I'll be at it again tomorrow and then I have to give my own a little attention. Lots of work but I love doing it and glad we've had some dry days so I can get things done.

    @jonni82014 ... What a great trip you're going to have and to see those little grandbabies as well. My son and DIL were stationed in Germany too and I finally got to go to Europe. I had a wonderful time. We went to Austria and Italy. I even got to tour the lost city of Pompeii. Great memories. My grandson was 2 and now he's 25. My, how time has flown!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Not much going on for next couple of days since I will pretty much be stuck at home while they replace hvac. Everything moving forward wonderfully with intuitive eating. (Actually dislike that term ... find it totally NOT intuitive, at least initially). A little struggle staying away from the scale this morning, but I am moving to weighing in just once a month ... so not til June 1.

    @jonni82014 what a great trip you have coming up!! I'll bet you are very excited to see the twins. I have been to France, Germany and the Netherlands, but not Belgium. What are your travel dates? Will you be traveling by train once you get there? (I love European trains)

    @BarbMessimer SIXTY-TWO plumerias repotted! Wow! That IS a lot if work. You will have to post pics when they all bloom. Pompeii was one of the most interesting places I have visited.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,438 Member
    edited April 29
    @BarbMessimer 62 plumerias! You must have a huge plot of land. Are they shrubs? I was curious and looked up plumerias on Wikipedia. Sooo... beautiful. Wikipedia had a video of a plumeria blooming. I bet the fragrance is overwhelming. Pompeii will have to be another trip.

    @jan110144 mid summer is our trip. Yes we will be travelling by train.

    Just for today: Went to the Senior Centre 20minutes on the treadmill (raining outside) 45minutes stretch and weights. Wednesday the Senior Center will have speakers for 1/2 of the day leading discussions on de-cluttering and downsizing. They call it Toonie Talks as Canadian has a two dollar coin called a toonie. That's what we pay.

    Turkey tacos ( without the shell) for dinner.

    Have a great evening :)

  • gates6489
    gates6489 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I would love to hear any tips you can give me on this journey.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday was pretty boring. Stuck inside most of the day while they installed my new furnace and because it rained most of the day. Did manage to get two walks in for Abby between the showers. Installation continues today with the air conditioning install. Free tomorrow!

    @jonni82014 Never heard of the Canadian 'toonie' before. I am looking at the whole downsizing thing in the not too distant future. Placed myself on the waiting list for an apartment in a senior living community. Most likely it will be 4-5 years before a vacancy comes up. I am not ready to do that right now, but may be by then (I will be 85 in 5 years. The length of the wait time really surprised me. The good thing is that when you get to the top of the list, if you decide you are not ready, you can pass and remain at the top of the list until you are.

    @gates6489 Welcome! Where are you in your journey? You will find we are a group of folks each following our own path. For example, I am a month in to focusing on 'intuitive eating' (actually hate that term as I find my eating is far from 'intuitive'), but am tired of a life of sequential dieting and decided it is about time I change eating habits permanently. So far, so good. I am finding it a really good fit for me and it is going well. The key role of the group for me is accountability. Having somewhere to 'report in' on a daily basis is really helpful this early in major change process.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,438 Member
    @jan110144 The two dollar value coin is called the toonie (two). We have a one dollar value coin called the loonie. It has a bird on it. The lake loon bird hence the name loonie.
    We are decluttering and downsizing however at this point if we were to downsize from our house to condo we would be paying the same price. There would be no equity in the house to draw on. The condos we were looking at are the same price as the our house. Senior living is sooooo... expensive $6000. - $8000. per person per month. Nothing available as Senior Community Living. There is a house shortage in Canada as a whole.

    @gates6489 welcome.

    @BarbMessimer how is the knee?

    Just for today: I am still research weight loss blockers ie life traumas. I might have to sit down with a professional to help me override my thinking. I have a clue what the life trauma is but not the steps that I would have to take

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited May 1
    Welcome to May!

    @ jonni82014 Wow you senior living costs are high. Here, that would be pretty much 'assisted living' (vs. the independent living, which is what I am on the wait list for). I am fortunate, though, that unless/until things change I can stay in my house pretty much as long as I choose. I have a downstairs master and am close to all shopping. So, there is nothing pushing me to move. Just planning ahead since I have no kids and no relatives who live close. Your idea of perhaps talking with a professional is a good one I think. Best wishes for that.

    Hope everyone else is having a good day!

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Sorry – long post - feel free to skip.

    Journey Month 1

    I started the IE "intuitive eating" journey one month ago today. I had tried this before, but did not succeed. This time it was probably not a typical start, as I began by the normal ‘dieting’, tracking, etc. I did it knowing that I wanted to move toward IE and just took this period to read and understand what I was about to do. During this time, I also concentrated on making sure I got adequate sleep, exercise, hydration and made an attempt to do more things with friends. These three issues were key, because I frequently struggle with trying to figure out whether I am tired, stressed, bored, thirsty or hungry! Fundamentally, I needed to cut down on the ‘noise’ if I was going to be able to listen to my body and try to understand what it needs.

    After about two weeks, I decided to switch over to IE. By this time, I was MUCH MORE attuned to what I was feeling. Turns out that much of the time my eating was a response not to hunger but to one of the other issues. Addressing those has been absolutely essential to being able to recognize and respond to my hunger cues.

    Once I started IE, the only real change I made (besides no longer tracking and obsessing about what I was eating) was to focus on variety. Instead of eating the same things over and over again (typical diet mode), I made sure that I was digging out old recipes, trying new ones, etc. The only ‘rule’ for me, was that there were no rules. I do tend to have the same thing for breakfast most mornings, but lunch and dinner are as varied as I can think of and have time for. The only time I eat the same thing twice is if I make something that has left-overs that don’t freeze well. Otherwise, into the freezer for future meals leftovers go. This variety has proven to be my ‘magic cure’ for cravings. So far, I can honestly say that cravings have not not been an issue.

    One other key change for me, that seems to have really resolved bingeing, is the concept of granting permission to myself. When I have people over for dinner, or o out to dinner, and I know that I will be eating/drinking special things (i.e., dessert, richer than normal daily foods, drinking a glass of wine), I no longer try to plan just how much I can have to ‘stay on plan’ (old behavior). Inevitably, that would never work. Instead, it would tend to lead to overindulgence, disappointment, feeling ashamed of myself, and several days of highly "bingy" behavior following. Or, if I managed to ‘regulate’ myself, I would end the evening craving and giving in to eating, which, again, often led to a binge. Now going into such a day/evening, I tell myself that I am going to eat (whatever), have a good glass of wine, enjoy dessert and savor the entire experience. Doing that, I end the day feeling satisfied and content … and best of all a return to ‘normal’ eating the following day. And, pretty much I am quite happy with just a ‘normal’ amount of food. Amazing how the messages you give yourself can have such a powerful impact on behavior.

    My goals for April were to walk at least 10,000 steps per day, a FitBit sleep score of at least 80, and to adhere to my eating plan. Results
    Steps – 29 days at 10,000 or more Average steps/day – 13,500. Total miles – approx. 160
    Sleep – 25 or 30 days with sleep score over 30 (never lower than 78)
    Food – Started tracking and then moved to ‘intuitive eating’ after two weeks. “On Plan” – 30 of 30 days.

    All in all, an excellent start. May will be much the same. Only changes will be 12,000 steps a day (vs 10) and add more variety in fruits and veggies.