Gettin' it Done! Week 2 (closed)

Hi ladies! I am sorry for not being on here as much these last few days. I have had to work a couple of extra days to help out at the office I work at. It doesn't leave me too much computer time and I miss it!

If anyone would like to share their weekly weigh in results go ahead! I can't wait to hear the results. I know I saw some big "losers" this week :)

I struggle to know what a good group goal is for us. We are all in such different places in our journey but I want the weekly goal to be beneficial for everyone. Soooo, this week I want each of us to post on our week 2 thread DAILY and share something that helps us to live this lifestyle. Ideas would be favorite quotes, a motivational picture, a recipe that we love, etc. Do you get the idea? What makes you tick? How do you continue to persevere in your healthy lifestyle when life presents challenges?

My new goals this week:
C1- max of 100 calories daily of junk food
C2- post to group daily to share inspirational ideas
C3- lose 20 pounds by end of 12 weeks


  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    morning all.

    well a rough start this if waking up with a migraine this morning wasn't enough my hubby had forgotten his alarm clock on and i was woken up by it at 6am....not too happy with him at the moment,lol.
    ok so week one...thanks to giving up pop i went from:
    178.8 lbs down to 174.4! so close to being outta the 170's...super happy about that
    now i know you said a picture or quote but here is what makes me keep going with this.
    2 years ago my hubby went to jail for 9 months (he stole cars when he was a teen and the charges and police finally caught up with him,lol) so for 9 months i lived with my hubby in jail and my mom was battling cancer (she would lose the battle dec.26.2009) at the same time.....i survived the whole thing. i managed not to lose anything...the house,the truck...nothing...i kept it all. i raised my kids. my life went on even though i was going through hell. so what keeps me going on this weight loss journey is if i can do all that and stay sane then i sure as hell can lose weight! i will mention because someone will wonder.... NO my hubby no longer steals,lol.

    ok so my goals for this week are

    C1- no more junk food
    C2- post to group daily
    C3- lose 20 pounds by end of 12 weeks
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    C1 - Go back to being strict with my diet - no bread.
    C2 - Post daily
    C3 - Current goal weight of 135 by the 12 week mark.

    I'm stuck. It's REALLY hard once you get close to your goal weight. I don't lose for weeks and then one day I'll finally be down half a pound. It's frustrating. I can't complain, though - because it's not fair to those who have real struggles. I have to try to remember that every day or I start to feel sorry for myself when I have no right.
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    Michelle, Great job! That is an awesome loss! And from your story, you are so can do this!
    Ruth, hard least it would be for me. Good luck!
    Corrie, that is a great goal! A little more intense than last weeks, huh? Yay for you!

    One thing that keeps me going when I want to pop open a carton of ice cream and drown my frustrations is remembering that I'm doing this for my family so that I can be the best wife and mother that I can be. For some reason it's way less motivating just to say I want to do it for myself. Also, I have a box of super cute size 4 clothes that I want to fit into and it helps to imagine how comfortably they used to fit :)
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    My new goals this week:
    C1- Work on meal planning. I think that the better I plan, the better chance I have of staying within my daily goals.
    C2- post to group daily to share inspirational ideas
    C3- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
    I am down .5lbs this week, bringing me 4 lbs from my goal weight (128 lbs). This puts me at the higher end of the healthy range for my height (5’2”) but I will take it. I was down to 124 lbs earlier this year after getting my tonsils out and my gastroentologist told me he didn’t like it and wanted me to put 5lbs on (and I did, plus few more). So I figure 128 is good for me.

    Michelle - Your story is inspiring, good for you. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother.
    Ruth – I had a chance to look at your story, great job! I have so much respect for you and your husband.
    Corrie – Many thanks for starting up this group and keeping it going.
    Kelly – Great C1 goal, it is impressive to be able to run like that while including your kids.
  • road2happiness
    Hi ladies! Not such a great day for me. I worked all day, had to run birthday shopping for my daughter and had a meeting after that. I am so tired and I am heading to bed! I will be back to normal tomorrow. My inspiration for the day is:
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    I want those abs.

    Sorry you didn't have a great day Corrie, hope today is better.

    What last week taught me – I need to cut back on the re-packaged (including soups!) that I buy. The problem is soup is one of the easiest things for me to bring in to work. My plan is to start making my own. I would like to take maybe one day a month and make a couple of big batches, stick them in the freezer and just pull them out as I need them. I don’t have a lot of freezer space so that might be an issue but I will see what I can work out.
    My inspiration for the day - thinking about how far I have come! In high school, I came really close to having to go to summer school because I almost failed gym class. I was laughed off of the track team and would walk the mile run we needed to do for the physical fitness test because that was all I could handle. Tomorrow is Week 5 Day 3 of Couch to 5K for me – I will run for 20 minutes and I will be able to do it. Not only that, I am looking forward to it! At 37, I am in the best shape of my life. I may have weighed less when I was younger but I wasn’t healthy and it feels good to be healthy.
    Have a great day everyone!!
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    "You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face." -Gatorade

    "Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better." Jim Rohn

    These were on someone's signature. They were good for me because I spent today wishing muscles would just appear on my arms and fat melt off my middle. So I will use my towel to make myself better :)
  • road2happiness
    Hello everyone!

    LynNMPip- I love your motivation for the day! That must be such a great feeling for you. Thank you so much for sharing:)
    Ljedmom- such great quotes! I seriously need to hang more things like that up around my house. Thanks for sharing!

    Today is my daughter's birthday and there may or may not have been a few more than 100 calories when we went out for frozen yogurt. Dang it! Why can't I resist? Somehow I feel like I can do what I want and still lose the weight I want to lose. Insane! I can't continue the splurging this weekend. I will definitely be checking back in often this weekend to hold myself accountable!

    Favorite quick recipe- 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 2 tbs. slivered almonds, 1 tbs. Agave, and a dash of cinnamon. Stir it up and yum!!

    We are missing a few ladies from our group. I am off to track them down!;)
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Good luck today Corrie. I know what you mean, food choices have been the hardest change for me.

    Motivation for today - my 20 year high school reunion is next year!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    PS - I went food shopping last night and bought unsalted butter!!
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    sorry i haven't posted on here in a has a way of getting away from me,lol...
    friday my oldest son turned 10!!! he's 3 years away from being a teen :( i still remember the day i brought him home from the hospital...the nurse made me give him a bath (since he was my only at that point she wanted to see if i could do it) as soon as i lowered him into the water he started crying...which made me the hubby had to finish giving him the bath,lol...where the hell does the time go? i want them to be babies again :( {sigh} anyway......

    ok so here is my quote for today

    ‎"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase". A quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    still no junk food!!!
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Hey I didn't get the link to week 2 so I did post a message on last weeks. Now I have this one! I dont really know what to put for advise, just stay strong! My daughters had soccer today and there was pictures before. We had about an hour in between so we went to McDonalds and I am proug to say that I was good. I got two grilled honey mustard snack wrap 250 calories each and a side salad with less then half the cesar dressing for about 96 calories. It was hard to pass the those yummy french fries but I did!!! I am actually seeing a difference in my body and that is making me happy and keeping me motivated and strong!!! Seems like everyone is doing good! Hope you all have a great rest of the weekend!!!
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Ok, now it's Sunday and it's my dad's birthday. We have a friend that makes us cakes for the adult birthday's and for my dad's and my kidney transplant anniversary. These cakes are sooooo good. I had a small late breakfast and a small snack. Soon we go to my parents for dinner. I just need to make sure I keep things in moderation. I am drinking lots of water too!! I have been doing my sit-ups and looking forward to my weekly weigh-in tomorrow. Hope all is well with everyone else
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Michelle - Happy Birthday to your son!! I tell my daughter that I am going to put her in a machine to keep her just the way she is now.

    Laura - Happy Birthday to your dad!! Enjoy!

    "'Cause sometimes you feel tired,
    you feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
    But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
    and just pull that s*** out of you and get that motivation to not give up
    and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse."

    My absolute favorite song to run to, I play it about 1/2 through my workout and it always gets me to push through.
  • road2happiness
    I am 23 minutes into Monday, but since I haven't gone to bed I am counting it as Sunday:)

    LynnMPip- I love the new picture! It's so nice to "see" who you are!.I love the Eminem lyrics:) Such great motivation while working out! So have you tried the unsalted butter?

    Michelle- I hope the birthday celebration was great! I love the story about the bath. So cute and new mom-ish!

    Laura- good job at McDonalds! How did it go at your parents house? Did you stay strong? I am excited to hear your weigh in results!

    My motivation for the day- remembering that I am setting an example for my children. I don't want them to grow up with my bad habits!

    Have a great Monday!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    LynnMPip- I love the new picture! It's so nice to "see" who you are!.I love the Eminem lyrics:) Such great motivation while working out! So have you tried the unsalted butter?

    My motivation for the day- remembering that I am setting an example for my children. I don't want them to grow up with my bad habits!

    Thanks - I figured it was about time I put one up. I had to search for this picture, I knew I had it saved somewhere.

    I have not tried the butter yet, this week.

    Great motivation!! My daughter was asking questions about weight yesterday and I was trying to explain that it was not healthy for mommy to weigh less than 100 lbs but it is also not healthy for her to be over 100 lbs right now.

    My motivation - I want to be pregnant!!! And the healthier I am, the better chances I have of getting there.
  • road2happiness
    How old is your daughter? I hate discussing weight with my kids, but I want them to understand that we all have a healthy weight. It is a touchy subject.

    So where is everyone today?
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Ok its Monday I have lots of homework to do and my daughters have 4H tonight. My computer has been on the fritz so I fixed that today while reading sociology. I am freaking out because it is a new term and my classes are online so I dont have a teacher telling me when things need to be done, I just have to be organized and know what due and when......

    Ok I feel better now!!! Vented!!! At my parents house yesterday I went over on my calories. I went back for seconds on meatloaf. That was the first time I have gone over, so that kinda sucks but today is another day and I am back on track!! I keep drinking lots of water because that helps me feel fuller. If I feel hungry I chomp on some carrots and usually that works. I like to eat when I have nothing else to do so this helps me and its low calories.

    Corrie what are you doing up so late?
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    thank ladies for your sympathys for the loss of my mom and the birthday wishes for my son :)

    did some gardening on sunday and not much today.

    i don't have a quote today but something that motivates me is the reminder that when my mom was super sick fighting cancer she hung on till both of her kids were ok in life (my bro got a wonderful girlfriend and my hubby was home from jail)....i keep going because i hear her in my head telling me i can do this
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I'm here, I'm here. Things just got super crazy at my house in the last few days. So many things to do/be done. I'm staying on track, but I've missed the gym today and will tomorrow - it's my 2nd daughter's 7th birthday and I just have a million things to do for that.

    How is everyone?