21 stone to 26.2 miles in 18 months - can it be done?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,837 Member
    Picked up my race pack today.

    There are not many Walkingtons in the world. Three of us are in this marathon! There is a Walkington society so I have reached out to my Dad to see if he can contact them. The chances of being able to meet in amongst 50,000 people are pretty slim though.

    This is soooOOOOO fabulous, @TheMrWobbly! I've loved seeing your updates, and can hardly wait to hear your race report. You're a great example/role model here!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,899 Member

    You should be so proud of yourself!!!!

    How ironic is it that a runner is named Walkingron? 🧐
  • x_stephisaur_x
    x_stephisaur_x Posts: 149 Member
    Good luck for Sunday @TheMrWobbly! I won't be able to watch this year but I'll be cheering you on in my head :D
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,691 Member
    Have a great race. I'm sure it will be memorable for you. The first marathon is always special.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,386 Member
    Can’t wait to hear the race report!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,899 Member
    Enjoy the R&R, but tell us about it when you get back!!!!
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,544 Member
    I just realised my race report failed so I have broken it in two parts.
    How NOT to run a marathon
    The pre-day :
    Plan; drop Dylan (our dog) with offspring no.2, go to the hotel, meet offspring no.1, large pasta late lunch, 30 minute run to shake out last minute nerves, snack pasta dinner with all the fam, in bed for 9-9:30.
    Actual; Offspring no.2 gets tickets to the FA Cup semi-final at Wembley so Dylan comes with us to the hotel, they are not dog-friendly. Ended up walking, very slowly (BH has difficulty with balance at the moment), around the area, killing time waiting for off-spring No.1 who eventually turned up for evening dinner - and was late for that. The only dog-friendly place for lunch didn’t have pasta so lunch was a large slice of carrot cake. Had pasta at a dog-friendly restaurant at 8 and then more pasta at 9 when offspring No.2 turned up for some dinner before taking Dylan home with him. Got to bed late, hadn’t drunk enough water, awake at 2am with the weight of oily pasta laying heavy on me.

    Breakfast :
    Plan; Stick to the routine, yoga, porridge with honey, black coffee.
    Actual; lose BH as we got on different lifts, wait 20 minutes. Try the coffee which was terrible, try the porridge which was watery, gave up and went back to the room and found my BH.

    There were lots of runners in our hotel for the marathon, except when I left – not one insight. Skipped coffee stops to get to the train in case I had missed a memo about a train strike or similar. Found them in their droves at the station. Squashed on a train. Got to the start in plenty of time. Ate my bananas, one of which wasn’t great, not quite ripe. Went to the toilet – five times! My starting wave had a whatsapp group and it was good to catchup with a few faces from the chat.
    Weather was ideal, around 10c/50f, slight breeze. It seemed to take for ever to get to the start. We were the penultimate wave to start, Blue 17 at 11:20 and there were still plenty of people cheering us off. I ran with Big Bird from Sesame Street for a bit before he disappeared into the distance.
    The first 8 miles just ticked by, Cutty Sark was amazing, the crowd was so noisy, I was passed by, amongst other things, a flamingo, superman and the Eiffel tower. I went past a couple of people famous in the UK. Had a chat with the oldest person in the race, what a legend!
    The plan was to take a gel and drink every four miles. Having missed my morning coffee I decided to take a caffeinated gel. Not a wise choice. Within half a mile my heart rate was over 150
    Saw my offspring at mile 9 holding a banner that said “Book of Dad, Chapter 4, verse 6 ‘You were lucky, I used to have to run 26.2 miles to school everyday’.” Fantastic to see them. Gave them a hug and agreed to meet at mile 13 with my BH.
    Saw a tall, distinguished gentleman around mile 11, goes by the name of Tarun, who ran with me for a bit, which was very much appreciated. Grabbed a selfie in case he was famous!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,386 Member
    Hell yeah! Gastro issues are the worst. So proud of you for finishing despite the trials in training and the upset tummy during the event. You GO GO GO! I'll still be cheering in October!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,837 Member
    edited May 1
    @TheMrWobbly, what a wonderful, wonderful report. You're a champ! (You'd come so far already . . . then added this 26.2 to that trip.) I may be a total stranger, but this post truly makes me feel very, very happy.

    I particularly noticed in your report that there were a few bumps along the way to the race (eating plans, fueling at the race, the dog issue . . . ). Many people would not be able to stop those bumps from getting in their head, but you just got on with what you intended to accomplish. More great things ahead for you, I predict.

    So inspiring!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,899 Member
    edited May 1
    I feel like a proud momma. It’s just so stinking awesome to see friends here succeed, and this was a true success!

    Loving your shirt and cheering squads.

    And good grief! You raised a lotta dough! Go, you, twice over!!!!!
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,691 Member
    Congratulations on finishing your first marathon. You learned an important lesson: even with the best training, race day can and usually will add some completely different complications. The important part is you kept going. Hurray!