


  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I go with my kids too. I usually just get a large black coffee with hazelnut flavoring and then eat when I get home. Saves money too. :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    It's odd to me. I just realised thinking about it now that I've only been there once in the last 5 months. Not because i dont like it, its not healthy, etc etc, but because of the time of day i eat! I could happily have my "usual" of 9 nuggets, large fries, medium diet coke, but that would mean i couldn't have my usual dinner at midnight! In the old days I'd have both without batting an eyelid, but now that thought doesnt even enter my head!
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Spicy Thai Salad or Tuscan Salad w/ grilled chicken...both are pretty good.
  • sswift76
    sswift76 Posts: 37 Member
    I usually get a grilled chicken snack wrap with honey mustard, and either a fruit and walnut salad or a snack size fruit and yogurt parfait.. Yum!
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    I'd say Grilled Chicken salad and/or Fruit and Yogurt Parfait. The Parfait is only 160 calories including the granola (which is only 30)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo McDonald's.

    Dont take your kids to this crap fast food!

    Here they come!

    *Braces for hater floodgates*
  • I eat McD's every Wednesday on my way to bible study... I always stop and get a chipolte grilled snack wrap... you can ask them to add extra lettuce and pickles... this helps bulk it up... i usually get a side salad or a fruit and yogurt parfait... also an unsweetened iced tea with 4 splenda! yummmmmmmssssss
  • I'm not a hater- but perusing their menu ahead of time ( or ANYplace else you might go during your lifetime)
    is a GREAT advantage.

    I know I could lose a LOT more weight a LOT faster, but I'm looking for a lifestyle I can reasonably maintain
    AFTER I reach my final goal-
    and going out to eat- and eating in moderation- IS and WILL CONTINUE TO BE a part of my life I
    have NO intentions of giving up.

    Best wishes to you.

    And if you order a burger, there's no law that says you have to eat the bun. (you might be surprised to find out how many calories you can save there) Your choice in condiments will save you too- you can ask them to leave it off too and you put on as much as you'd like
    Eat it w/ a fork. That's what I do @ Five Guys.
  • A few things that are good choices:

    Premium Grilled Chicken Sandwich - 350 calories
    Chipotle BBQ or Honey Mustard Grilled Chicken Snack Wrap - 250 calories/each
    Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad - 190 calories (that's without dressing)
    Grilled Chicken southwest Salad - 290 calories (also without dressing)
    Good dressing options:
    - Light Balsamic Vinaigrette - 35 calories for 1.5 oz
    - Low Fat Italian - 50 calories for 1.5 oz
    Snack Size Fruit and Walnut Salad - 210 calories
    Fruit and Yogurt Parfait - 160 calories
    Strawberry Banana or Wild Berry Smoothie - 210 calories
    Kiddie Cone - 45 calories
  • ShannonTodd
    ShannonTodd Posts: 105 Member
    My favorites are the Apple Walnut Salad or the Fruit Parfait. Yum!
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    The snack wraps are surpisingly high in fat & calroies, especially if you get the fried ones... The grilled chicken sandwich would be a bigger filler, especially if you tell them light or no mayo. And if you must have fries, get the dollar size ones.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Southwest salad w grilled chicken it has 400 calories but the sodium is high
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Like everyone says, just look at their nutritional info. Best thing you can do.

    And if I can be pre-emptive regarding the haters:

    NO, McDonald's food does not contain wood as a filler

    NO, McDonald's meat does not contain hoofs and non-edible animal parts

    NO, McDonald's chicken is not 70% corn syrup

    NO, McDonald's milkshakes are not mostly flour

    NO, McDonald's does not steal newborn babies in the night to make their Big Macs

    Ok that last one was just me being silly, every other ridiculous claim I have seen on these forums. I don't like McDonald's either. But I don't need to spread lies and rumors about them or anyone else. Use your head.

    However when McDonalds runs out of the usual mix for shakes (and icecream) there is a special mix we use with this special flour and water stuff.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    i disagree with taking children to fast food places, you are teaching them to do the same things that got you into the situation you are in in the first place.
    it is horrible for their health, why would you willingly do this to them? i mean i really am sorry i know my opinion is probably unwanted but i think this is a huge problem!
  • lannlynn
    lannlynn Posts: 72 Member
    Moderation, moderation, moderation! BOTTOM LINE IS CALORIES! I always look at the website and decide for myself what I want eat . I do eat there ..........gasp :). Not often but I do!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    However when McDonalds runs out of the usual mix for shakes (and icecream) there is a special mix we use with this special flour and water stuff.

    Wait. When you run out of the necessary ingredients you just start adding whatever? I've been defending McDonald's against the rabid haters but if this is true it has me very concerned.

    Special flour and water stuff? Do you know how a milkshake is supposed to be made? Here's a hint, you don't use flour.

    So is the nutritional information provided only accurate for when you haven't run out of the necessary ingredients and just started grabbing whatever was handy?
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I go with my kids too. I usually just get a large black coffee with hazelnut flavoring and then eat when I get home. Saves money too. :)


    I'm not saying they steal baby's to make their burgers (as one poster said) but a lot of their stuff is nasty - even when I wasn't a vegetarian on a healthy lifestyle change - their chicken gave me the heebie jeebies and their hamburger meat...w/e it doesn't LOOK like normal hamburger meat which gives me cause for pause in itself.

    That being said I go there everyday for free internet (I have internet at home for ONE thru my phone so sometimes my daugther wants to use her lap top at the same time so we go down the road).

    When there I usually have just unsweetened iced tea or coffee - but on occasion I'll split a cookie, or large fry into 3 (for me hubby and daughter) or have the yogurt parfait (I know super high in suar) but I can't stomach paying that much for their salads considering I wont eat leaves a lot to be desired in their vegetarian choices (mainly carb sugar sugar)
  • boston6
    boston6 Posts: 158 Member
    On the very few occasions that I do go to McDonalds I order the Grilled Chicken Caesar salad, don't use the croutons and only 1/2 of the dressing package. Snack wrap always leaves me wanting more. If you really want to be careful, bring some of your own dressing.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    i disagree with taking children to fast food places, you are teaching them to do the same things that got you into the situation you are in in the first place.
    it is horrible for their health, why would you willingly do this to them? i mean i really am sorry i know my opinion is probably unwanted but i think this is a huge problem!

    Are you assuming this is her usual Thursday outing with her friends and child? She didn't say that, so that's a pretty big assumption to make and your answer doesn't address her quesiton.
    Honestly, I'm not big into fast food, but once a month does not create a habit. When we're traveling (and only when we're traveling) I stop at fast food with my son. So once every 3 - 6 months I teach him that chick fil a or what ever has fruit, grilled chicken breasts, and milk. Teaching your children about a healthy lifestyle is more than saying to them "That's a McDonalds, they serve grease, you may never ever go there."
  • In my opinion the low fat options would be much better for you than saving calories to use there. Mainly because of the saturated fat and its artery clogging qualities. I am assuming they stay even if you lose weight or do not gain weight???
    Having said that I have only been on this for a few weeks and would not trust myself to be able to choose the lower fat options so I have avoided eating there - do as I say not as I do. lol (Please correct me if I'm wrong - because I would be saving calories for it. But I am trying to get healthy not just slim) Wish me luck. :-)