Looking for good friends

IsaisaLily Posts: 7 Member
I'm here to figure out macros now that I'm approaching 40 and have a harder time losing weight.
I'd really like to find a group of good people to share food and exercise accomplishments with, and help support each other in a non-competitive way.


  • wperry80
    wperry80 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! Having recently turned 44 myself, I definitely feel like things have become more difficult when it comes to weight loss. What was an easy 2-3lbs a week to lose has become 1-2lbs while working hard at at. Just gotta stay the course and don't let up!
  • webbdood28
    webbdood28 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome I am turning 40 myself this year! Feel free to drop a friend request! You got this!
  • IsaisaLily
    IsaisaLily Posts: 7 Member
    wperry80 wrote: »
    Welcome! Having recently turned 44 myself, I definitely feel like things have become more difficult when it comes to weight loss. What was an easy 2-3lbs a week to lose has become 1-2lbs while working hard at at. Just gotta stay the course and don't let up!

    Yes! Consistency!
  • k_braddock
    k_braddock Posts: 51 Member
    Sent you a request!
  • Skelders88
    Skelders88 Posts: 37 Member
    35 here and struggling to find consistency tracking food and working out. I'm not great with macros, but I chase clean protein as much as possible as I learn more about it.

    A good support system and motivation are sometimes the key to getting into that rhythm. Welcome to MFP!