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Scan nutrition labels

It would be nice if the app let you scan nutrition labels. Some foods, and pre-made meals do not have a barcode, but they all have nutrition labels. The app should be able to read those labels.
14 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thanks for taking a minute to share your suggestion with us of being able to search via QR code. Our team will definitely consider adding it for future update!
  • k377yb
    k377yb Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Jean,

    From what I can tell, his request was to add nutrition label scanning (not QR code). I would love to see the ability to scan nutrition labels.

    There are many instances where scanning the barcode results in a food that has incorrect information, so being able to scan a level would take much of the manual work out of adding the information by hand. Thanks!
  • ltoatley
    ltoatley Posts: 3 Member
    A few years ago that ability was taken away from the free version of the app( I loved it since it was so much easier than having to search ) and if I’m not mistaken it was available thereafter only for premium version
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,970 Member
    ltoatley wrote: »
    A few years ago that ability was taken away from the free version of the app( I loved it since it was so much easier than having to search ) and if I’m not mistaken it was available thereafter only for premium version

    OP is talking about scanning the actual food labels with the nutritional info, not the barcode scanner which you are referring to.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,151 Member
    Yes, I understood the OP to be suggesting being able to scan the nutrition label on a food. Since scanning photos and extracting text is quite a common technology these days, and US nutrition labels are quite standardized, it seems like this would be an achievable feature . . . and very helpful going forward. If there were a way to easily identify the scanned-nutrition foods in the search list, maybe a symbol different from the green check, that would be extra nice. We'd at least know that those entries were likely accurate as of a point in time.