Seeking an accountability partner for a 100-pound weight loss journey (US expat in South Africa)

Hi everyone, losing a significant amount of weight can be tough, which is why I'm looking for an accountability partner. I'm 68, an American living in South Africa and motivated to improve my health. Would anyone like to join me? We can check in daily, trade healthy recipes, and cheer each other on during the tough moments – despite the time difference!


  • CarolynFlowers2024
    CarolynFlowers2024 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello friend, I’m also looking for someone to help hold me accountable. 👋😊
  • Reneesantiago56
    Reneesantiago56 Posts: 9 Member
    Good morning 🌺

    I'm excited to connect with you and find a friend and accountability partner on MyFitnessPal! I had a great experience with this before, and I'm hoping to find that kind of support again.

    I've been struggling with my weight for a long time, but I'm determined to get healthy and add healthy years to my life. I'd love to hear more about your journey, what motivates you, and what kind of support you find helpful.

    I'm looking forward to hearing back from you!
  • mcclain_whitney
    mcclain_whitney Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there,
    I love this idea! I’m a new mother to a 6 month old. I only work as a nurse on weekends and stay at home mom and wife during the week. I have a good amount of weight to get off trying to do a modified diet to keep my milk supply while also shedding some pounds. I recently got a weight cage and some Olympic weights with bar bells and upgraded my free weights and resistance bands.
    I think for me doing this alone I won’t be as successful but maybe joining a community I can stick with it.
    Current wt is 215 goal is 165. Plan to do weight training with some cardio.
    What’s everyone’s plans?
  • Reneesantiago56
    Reneesantiago56 Posts: 9 Member
    With a 100 pounds to lose, for me it is important to develop routines. I walk take the dog for a walk, I try for 6 days a week, and want to add cardio, and weights at regular intervals during the week.
  • mcclain_whitney
    mcclain_whitney Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome!!! I’m thinking of walking withe baby in the stroller my endurance is terrible right now. So far I’ve just gotten up the day. Gonna drink my smoothie to jump start the day feed the baby and try to go ahead and go to the weight cage I think I’m going todo some stand ab exercises as my knees are bad and can’t get in the floor. What’s ur breakfast today?
  • Reneesantiago56
    Reneesantiago56 Posts: 9 Member
    That's a wonderful start to the day! I did some exercises today like the wall plank to my core, definitely want to get stronger in my core. I don't usually eat breakfast, but when I do I like a protein shake with some greens 😝. I've been thinking through my "why" and set up a S.M.A.R.T. goal. I want to make this the last time, so I am really trying to be more thoughtful about the process, and setting myself up for achieving my goal, even when life gets in the way. I just read today, that losing my weight, can add 10 years. Something that should be motivating. What is the Weight Cage? 🤔
  • mcclain_whitney
    mcclain_whitney Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome u got up and moved today!!!! I’m proud of you. To me wall planks are hard my son does them every day. My core is still weak from having the baby so baby steps.
    I wasn’t much of a breakfast person either until I started breast feeding and now I can’t not have breakfast.
    How does a smart goal work?
    I love your motivation. I think for me if I eat bad one day or miss a workout I instantly think I’m a failure and I just give up. And I really feel like mentally I have to get that out of my head. I grew up in a strict household so I think it’s just a learned behavior.
    Yes!!!!! It can increase your cardiovascular health, your heart is a muscle so working out and getting your heart rate up within what’s allowed or recommended by your md is great. You lower your risk for diabetes and kidney problems.
    I have high blood pressure and getting as big as I have has really did a number on my blood pressure and my breathing.
    So a weight cage is like a standing bar (4 bars) that you can do pull ups on and rack your weights on it helps eliminate the need for a spotter when lifting weights. My husband bought it second hand to help me get in shape.
    I did standing core workout today for 20 minutes and walked for a mile with the baby. I was covered in sweat lol.
    I work tomorrow a 12 hour shift I picked up so on my lunch break I’m going to try and go up and down the steps a few times to get some type of workout in.
    I had candy today 😔 but it’s not over I’m going to keep going!
    I hope you had an awesome day. I check in tomorrow. We got this!!!!!
  • Reneesantiago56
    Reneesantiago56 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow!!!! You should be so proud of yourself! It's amazing that you're already seeing results from breastfeeding and exercise! Don't worry about those wall planks for now—your core will get stronger with time, especially with the standing core workouts you're doing. Baby steps are the way to go!
    Smart goals are great because they give you a clear target and a way to measure your progress. Here's how they work:
    Specific: Instead of saying "I want to lose weight," say "I want to lose 10 pounds."
    Measurable: Track your progress with a scale, tape measure, or fitness tracker.
    Achievable: Set realistic goals that you can actually reach.
    Relevant: Make sure your goals align with your overall health and fitness vision.
    Time-Bound: Give yourself a deadline to stay motivated and on track.
    I hear you on the "all or nothing" thinking. It's tough, but remember that one bad day doesn't erase all your hard work. Progress isn't always linear, and that's okay! Be kind to yourself and focus on the bigger picture. Every small step counts.
    You're absolutely right about the benefits of exercise, especially for managing high blood pressure. Keep up the great work with the walking and core workouts, and that's a clever idea to use the stairs at work for extra movement!
    And don't beat yourself up about the candy. We all have those days. The important thing is that you're aware of it and getting back on track. You've got this!
    Keep up the awesome work and your positive attitude! Remember, we're in this together. Can't wait to hear about your progress tomorrow! 💪
  • MDarleneB
    MDarleneB Posts: 10 Member
    edited May 17
    This is fantastic! I just posted about myself also looking for similar. I’m 46 and I’m proud of myself for recently buying some 3lb weights to work on my upper body and legs for sure and add core as I go. I’m not big on breakfast but have relied on high protein shakes to compensate. I did have gastric bypass back in 2005 and am down from my highest weight of 420 but since that time lost track of the tool. At the beginning of the year I was almost back to 300 but was also critically low on iron and needed infusions. Then in March I decided to try going on Wegovy and seen I was at 281. Today I am down to 262 but want to be sure to do this the healthy way and not just quickly. I’m a nurse so I want to get my endurance back so I’m not so tired so easy. I do weigh every morning just to keep an eye on the numbers because the lowest I have ever been in my adult life is 214 and my goal now is 185…. If that is even possible!! Couldn’t imagine being that small :)

    I love the SMART approach and will be trying it also! Good job to you ladies and am looking forward to having someone to go through this with!
  • Reneesantiago56
    Reneesantiago56 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there! 🎉

    Welcome to the group! We're so glad you're here. 💖

    We know that the journey to a healthier you can be challenging, but please know that you are not alone. Every step you take, no matter how small, is a victory. We're here to cheer you on, offer support, and share tips and tricks.

    Remember, this is a journey, not a race. Be kind to yourself, celebrate your wins, and learn from any setbacks. Believe in yourself because we already believe in you! ✨ You've got this! 💪

    We're excited to see all the amazing things you'll achieve!
  • Farm_Girl_On_The_Go
    Farm_Girl_On_The_Go Posts: 2 Member

    I am a 53 year old mother of three. My last two are close to being on their own. So I am looking to be an empty nester in the near future. I have used MFP in the past and was succesful to lose 50#. Now I have gained it back plus more. I am at my heaviest at 285#. I am looking to loose 100# for my first goal. I have only been back a week and am already seeing success. I lost 5# my first week. Still trying to find out what foods work for me and what new ones I like. Haven't started exercise routines yet. It is difficult with my job. I am a truck driver and am idle a lot. I do have a garden and farm I work on weekends. I am trying to grow more fresh meat & veggies for us to eat. I am looking for someone to help with my accountability. I am curious though, what is the SMART approach? I am open to any ideas to help stay on track. I look forward to make new friends on here and helping you through your weight loss journey. Look forward to hearing from you.
  • Reneesantiago56
    Reneesantiago56 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! Wow! That's exciting. Five pounds the first week, a great start. I lose much slower at 68, but still have 100 pound loss goal, to become healthier. I was looking for a reason, that would keep me motivated for the long journey ahead. S.M. A. R. T. goals always help to point me in the right directions.
    Example: SMART goals are a framework for setting effective goals in any area of life, including weight loss. Each letter in the acronym stands for a specific characteristic of a well-defined goal:

    * **Specific:** Your goal should be clear and unambiguous. Instead of saying "I want to lose weight," state how much weight you want to lose (e.g., "I want to lose 10 pounds").

    * **Measurable:** You should be able to track your progress towards your goal. This could involve tracking your weight, body measurements, or other relevant metrics.

    * **Achievable:** Your goal should be realistic and attainable. Setting an overly ambitious goal can lead to discouragement if you don't see results quickly.

    * **Relevant:** Your goal should be meaningful to you and align with your overall health and wellness objectives.

    * **Time-bound:** Set a deadline for achieving your goal. This creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay focused.

    Here are some examples of SMART weight loss goals:

    * "I will lose 10 pounds in 12 weeks by following a balanced diet plan and exercising for 30 minutes five days a week."
    * "I will reduce my body fat percentage by 2% in 8 weeks by incorporating strength training into my workout routine twice a week."
    * "I will increase my daily step count to 10,000 steps for the next 4 weeks by taking regular walks during my lunch break and after dinner."

    By setting SMART goals, you can create a roadmap for your weight loss journey and increase your chances of success. Remember to track your progress, celebrate your achievements, and adjust your goals as needed.