Women 200lb+, Let's Find A Way This May!!!



  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    SW: 236.2 (4/18/24)
    LW: 231.8 May 1st
    230.8 May 6th
    226.8 May 13th
    224.8 May 20th
    Monday weigh in

    Goals for May:
    Walk 30 min / 3x per week - still working on this
    Log daily (and honestly)
    Measure my food when I am at home
    225 on the scale *Hit this so my new goal is 220 on 6/3

    Very excited for a loss this week, we had a lot of social events this past weekend - graduation party, breakfast and dinner with friends. I even had boiled seafood, which is not bad calorie wise, but the sodium usually gets me every time. NSV I can wear my wedding rings again and I fit in a smaller size jeans (depending on the cut of the jean). Another NSV was that I received some not good news from my son and I did not run to food to make me feel better. That is a big deal for me since I tend to try to use food to regulate my emotions. My focus this week will be movement. I need to get moving before it gets too hot down here in the South.

    Hope you all are doing well. We have about 2 weeks left in May - let's make them count!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Starting weight this month: 662
    5/6: 260
    5/20: 257.8

    I weigh daily since I vary a lot and I can see the trend better. I check in when I have made progress.
    MFP says I have lost more than 8 pounds total. I got down to low 250s last fall after 2 trips where I was more active but working full-time was killing me since then. Working part-time is starting to help.

    I think I will concentrate on getting exercise 1st. I can’t do it all at once especially with working part0time. What I need more is NEAT (everyday activity – cooking, cleaning, gardening etc.) I went to Aquafit on Friday but my shoulder was hurting me the next day so we didn’t go on Sunday our usual day so my plan to add another Aquafit day didn’t work. However I did go on a walk instead and my husband did some yard work. Yesterday my youngest and I cleaned. They want to work on things I am not ready to tackle yet until I get my living room, kitchen the way I want. However what we did cleared up space for things I want to get out of the living room. Today they have an orientation for a potential job so I can clean what I want. They are making dinner tonight so food is taken care of.
    Last summer we remodeled our kitchen so my kitchen was in the living room. The contractor was so late at finishing we had to go to our planned trip to France before we could do much organizing the kitchen and living room. We have since gotten the kitchen together except for some tweaks I would like to make. We also worked on the living room but there are some things that still need to be done. Like putting my paintings back up.

    Usually on Monday mornings I would stop off for a latte and pastry on the way to work. However since this week I am working remotely the whole week I can have healthier breakfasts at home everyday not just the days I worked from home before and we have good leftovers for lunches right now. So there is a natural improvement in food even though I haven’t gotten that organized yet.
    Just so you know my sister lives in France and we have been trying to go for years. In fact we were thinking of it as my youngest’s graduation trip but the pandemic put a stop to that idea. The kitchen floor was wearing away as were the countertops so it had to be done as well.

    @girlinkaz744 Congrats to getting to maintenance! You are right even without other health issues maintenance isn’t usually easy.
    @lisakatz2 I think you did okay too. I went to France last fall and ate all the rich French foods and lost weight since I was so active.
    @CupcakeCrusoe enjoy the birthdays and I hope performance goes well. It is hard to track weight when it fluctuates. Anyway that is how it is for me.
    @krabuck seems like the Sunday weigh ins are showing your progress.
    @danikat15 glad about your nice surprise yesterday
    @jenbroussard71 I really want to get back into my wedding ring. I remember when we lived in Houston and I had to get my exercise 1st thing in the morning or forget it.
  • TonyaL1783
    TonyaL1783 Posts: 14 Member
    It’s been a bit, but I am re-recommitting (in really, there are many many more ‘re’s’). I leave for Disney in four weeks, so I am committing to:

    - Finishing the BeachBody Fire and Flow program (day one done today)
    - Log my food daily

    No specific weight goals for these four weeks. Starting weight 237.8. We’ve got this!!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    @KeriA I too like exercise first thing in the morning. This morning I walked 30 minutes on the treadmill (I was able to jog for one minute four times). In 2022 we remodeled our house - we had the zombie house of the neighborhood. What was supposed to take only 4 months lasted 7 months! It was crazy moving out and living apart from my husband, but the end result is so worth it. We love being in our house and we have figured out that we like entertaining now that we have a comfortable space.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    @TonyaL1783 I love going to Disney! We are going in November with a group of 10 (5 adults & 5 kids between the ages of 12 - 2 yrs. I cannot wait. You will definitely get lots of steps in, we usually average about 8 miles a day.
  • TonyaL1783
    TonyaL1783 Posts: 14 Member
    @jenbroussard71 oh for sure! Disney is my cardio :D

    Day two of Fire and Flow completed!!
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 161 Member
    edited May 22

    I am Binge Eating Disorder Recovery and moving into Intuitive Eating.

    Hi all.

    I am still working on weight stabilization.

    Now, we are focusing on hunger and fullness cues. At each meal or snack we rate how we are doing before and after eating. How content, peaceful, or satisfied are we? All food is just food. There are no good and bad foods anymore. This is a relief. I still struggle with this sometimes after years of brain washing by the diet industry. The diet industry makes 60 Billlion dollars a year. My therapist reports, "They find 60 Billion ways to get us hate ourselves." Sad but true.

    This process has been about taking my power back and finding the real me behind the ED voice. The perfectionism and harsh, abusive tone of this voice is insane. I tell the voice to shut up or mind it's own business. It is not the ruler of my brain anymore. I am on week 9. I still deal with emotional eating at times. There are many different excercises to combat this. Sometimes I still get super overwhelmed with the goals, skills, tools, support, etc. on a weekly basis. No need to overwhelm myself. I have the rest of my life. Hence, I want to feel comfortable with my skin when I look in the mirror. I want to feel empowered, capable, and confident. I could care less what number ends up on the scale.

    Next month I have an electrocardiogram. I can't wait to see what my EF number is.

    We were dealing with body positivty today. I have been berrating, abusing my body for so many decades...I am not sure what that looks like in entirety. The 2 therapy sessions are usually hard hitting. "Do the opposite" is a skill we have learned. For many of the groups, I have used this tool. We were asked to start at the top of your head to the bottom of your toes and focus on all the good things that your body does for you. We have 12 different systems. List each system and see the benefit for what it does for you. In my opinion, we all were given an incredible gift.We need to honor it and treat it well, listening to our intuition for what it needs at any given time.

    Do you think when I had heart failure and was diagnosed with sudden cardiac death, I cared about weight, shape, or size? No, I didn't care anymore. It had zero value. I needed to get an ICD put in my body to live. I feel it 24 hours a day. Sometimes it is more tender than other is and is a size of a Post-It in my body. I am thankful to be alive. A lot of things don't matter when we are facing death. Most of all, did you live your life the way you truly wanted to, or did you hold back?

    I am learning to eat "just enough" to feel nouruished and satisfied, not overstuffed and sick.
  • readgal89
    readgal89 Posts: 20 Member
    Start weight: 269
    First goal 200

    May 1- 241
    May 8- 241
    May 15-236
    May 22-237

    I have been struggling to work out since I hurt my back last week. I am fine now. Will get back to it as soon as possible. Glad that the gain wasn’t more. My husband did comment that my stomach is smaller. So that is great even if the scale is not showing any loss.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    42 years old
    SW&HW (10/2022) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0 lbs
    May 1 SW: 183.2
    GW 155
    LW 180.2
    Weigh in day is Wednesday.
    Total loss to date for 2024 - 10.4lbs
    Total loss to date overall - 47.4lbs
    June 1st GW - 179.0

    May 1- 183.2
    May 8- 183.0
    May 15-183.0
    May 22- 182.6
    May 29-

    A loss is a loss no matter how small. 😁Happy to see movement. I did see 181 on Friday. I haven't gotten a lot of organized exercise in but have been working my booty off with outdoor work, construction on my son's place and everyday clean up in my own house. I swear I clean it in some capacity every day and it's trashed every morning. 🤔
    Happy to see everyone's successes and determination! We got this, ladies!!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 506 Member
    Did my weigh-in and measurements today (Wednesday is my weigh-in/metrics day). Weight is 191.5, measurements are the same. I was hoping to lose a pound this past week, instead the scale shows a half-pound. At least it's going downward. I don't consider this a plateau; not enough time has passed.

    Looking forward to reaching the awesome 190! Almost there! Also my face and arms are looking thinner, which is a plus. I think my body is adjusting to the downward trend.
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi all. My check up for my ICD unit went very well. I am relieved. Something is going right. Woo Hoo.
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 208 Member
    ReStarting weight: 225 (May 2024)
    Goal weight: 175
    Final Goal Weight:145

    Weigh-in Fridays
    5/3 224
    5/10 225.8
    5/17 222.4
    5/24 221.8

    Goals for May:
    -Log every day
    -Close all of my rings 5 days a week
    -Walk or exercise at least 30 min a day
    - May goal weight: 213

    Started logging my water this week and realized that I do not drink enough. I was averaging only 48 or so ounces of hydration a day. I'm trying to double that, but it's not been easy. On the bright side, I haven't had a Dr. Pepper in over a week and my sweets cravings are slowly decreasing as well. While I may not hit my intended goal weight by the end of the month, I'm happy with the progress I'm making and the habits I'm building!
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    @jenhuey01 Great job noticing reduced cravings!! For me, that’s always the hardest part of restarting. Once I can get past the initial “if I don’t have xyz today I will DIE” feeling, I’m usually in the clear for a few months. You got this!!
  • flr_91
    flr_91 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m looking to be more accountable of myself. I started my journey way over 10yrs ago 250lbs and took me years to get to 210lbs I was extremely proud of myself and all the very hard work I put in I suffer with PCOS.

    I then had an emergency spinal injury which resulted in surgery that set me back massively, I had low mobility and was home alone all day everyday. I did manage to keep my weight steady for a few weeks but it began to keep back up. Eventually I was able to get back into movement and was advised to take up swimming. It started very slowly and the weight still creeping up.

    After a few months of swimming and starting to build up my strength and stamina COVID hit, no swimming for over a year and again mostly stuck at home by this time the weight was piling back on. As soon as the pool reopened I was back there but again it took some time to build the stamina back up. I was maintaining my weight yet again but not losing.

    A year later I’d lost a few lbs but nothing major I was swimming regularly and still trying to keep my diet healthy.

    3 years after my first spinal surgery the injury reoccurred I was back off work and had minimal movement in the weight piled again. Took some time to recover again I was lightly swimming and really trying to not let my circumstances stop me or get me down.

    Then the pool I was going to had to shut for 6months for maintenance no movement at all and I gain all my weight back up to 250lbs.

    I am back swimming again now and I’m now focussing on my diet but here I am today starting from the beginning at 250lbs.

    Age: 33
    Current weight: 250lbs
    Short term goal weight: 239lbs
    Mid term goal weight: 210lbs
    Healthy weight: 153 lbs

    Current intention:

    Portion control
    Snack on fruit/veg
    Cutting down on eating crisps/chips
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 506 Member
    edited May 25
    I'm down to 191! 190 is just around the corner!

    I'm going to tighten up my diet a bit because I want to make sure I keep on losing even when I pass 190.

    Still walking an hour each day. Still on track to reach 160 by New Year's Day (assuming that I continue to lose a pound a week).

    No change in measurements but I swear my back fat is disappearing.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    edited May 26
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in days (It's Sunday now, lol)
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🌻 May Goals!🌻
    🌻 May GW: 178

    🟡May SW: 181.4
    5/4: 183.2
    5/18: something ridiculous, ew
    5/25: 182.8

    🟡Practice for performance at least 3 days a week✅ PERFORMANCE WENT GREAT
    🟡Stick to weight loss calories 7! days! a week!✅
    🟡Log everything in grams ✅

    PERFORMANCE WENT GREAT LAST NIGHTTTTT I'm so happy! Everyone was cheering for me, yelling and screaming. I got like 6 bear hugs from my fellow gym goers and one girl said that she was so proud and inspired that she had tears in her eyes, which is just the greatest feeling. One new girl I talked to said she was going to try chair acro class because she thought it looked so cool from my performance, so 😊

    Here's a still shot from part of my routine (taken by one of my fellow gym-goers as a surprise, I had no idea she was looking to take pictures :love: my gym makes me feel so loved):

    Now that that's done with, it's time to focus on weight loss for beach and Hawaii vacation time in a couple weeks!

    Alright, we're going to try to do a giant tag party, haha:
    @itladyee talking about making a system and thinking I can get around it- 🙋 it's me, I'm the problem, too, haha.

    @danikat15 ooh, route 66! Iconic! Feeling different in your clothes is a great marker of progress!

    @readgal89 yeah, day to day swings are not real, as I sometimes need reminding of, myself. Love it when the husband notices, you know it's dramatic then, I know my husband never notices when I change my hair and stuff, lol.

    @bugout69 your daughter getting married is so exciting! Welcome!

    @nebslp boring routine is really the key for weight loss consistency! it sucks lol

    @sarah12277 I'm glad that things are taking shape for you!

    @jenbroussard71 fajitas are my go-to when going to a mexican restaurant as well, love that. You graduated PT, way to go! Wearing wedding rings again is HUGE! :smiley:

    @roz0810 HI ROZ WELCOME BACK!

    @jenhuey01 you are killing it! 6k steps daily, cleanish house, kid graduating! Way to go! I am also really bad about drinking water, it's something I really have to think about doing.

    @girlinkaz744 You DESERVE to admire yourself and feel amazing about your accomplishment! Way to go, you're living all of our dream. :smile:

    @krabuck it's definitely a different experience day to day, weight loss. :lol:

    @mmatcha_latte yesss I'm so glad you treated yourself on your birthday! I tried the 30 fruit/veg challenge a while back, it was definitely a lot of prep work, but it felt great. Way to go new low!

    @katrose1985 ABSOLUTELY that's a great motivator. My kid likes to jump up to hug me where I'm holding her. She's 8, lol. I gotta get stronger to keep up!

    @kaferine69 I definitely feel like I'm burying feelings with food a lot. It's pretty comon. Welcome!

    @sharon81 it is hard to see consistent loss when the day to day is so different circumstances. But you are still here, and that means a lot! Progress! Hooray!

    @KeriA you've got a great plan going, and I'm so glad you've got the time to dedicate to long walks and aquafit, living the dream! A trip to France would be amazing!

    @lisakatz2 way to go! maintaining is progress! it may not feel like it, but maintaining means you can start losing again no further from your goal than you were. Downward is downward! Back fat disappearing yes MA'AM

    @TonyaL1783 Welcome! You can do it, I know those programs are hard but you got this!

    @kiteflyer105 Yesss, appreciating your body for what it is and what it can do is so important. I'm so glad your ICD went well.

    @fir_91 it's so inspiring how you're not letting spinal injury keep you from doing what you can. Welcome, you are exactly our kind of people.

    Happy memorial day weekend in the US, and have a great day!
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    42, 5’10
    Evolving snack queen

    HW: 269
    SW: 266.8
    CW: 256.8
    GW: 170s

    Switching to Sunday weigh-ins

    5/05: 255.8
    5/12: 253.0
    5/19: 249.8
    5/26: 250.2

    I knew I would have an increase today. Last night we had a few friends over for a cookout and I had a generous amount of pasta salad and several adult beverages. Giving grace because I need to have normal nights every once in a while. And I will weigh again on 5/31 and should be back down to a loss again.
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 165-168

    May 3: 168.1
    May 6: 169.9
    May 11: 168
    May 18: 167.1
    May 27: 167.5

    Shark week this week, so I’m up a bit from my lower weigh in of 166.5 last week. Hoping I’ll float back down once it’s done. I’ve been hitting my workouts pretty hard and I can definitely see some ab muscles starting to develop! Whoop whoop!

    I’ve been enjoying wearing lots of pretty spring dresses and going on extra walks this week too. It’s funny how hitting our goals gives us more motivation to keep getting better whereas for me, giving in to lazy eating/workout habits just pulls the spiral the other direction. Determined to make my habits stick in the positive direction this time!
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 161 Member
    CupcakeCrusoe-Your routine looks really cool. Proud of you for putting yourself out there.

    danikat15-Conrats on massive weight loss! Fantastic!

    krabuck-The excess pounds fall off naturally. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Keep on keeping on.

    girlinkaz744-I enjoyed reading your post and all the good things you are doing for yourself.

    It has been 7 days since my last binge or pop. I will finish May strong!