Ages 70+



  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Today looks like another beautiful day

    @BarbMessimer thanks for posting the titles. I will research
    Started reading Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Emotional Eating Very interesting. He discusses IE in the book. It is a good read. I remember when I was working the "job" dictated when I was supposed to eat. A hard program to get out of.

    @Joy1580vb You are so busy. Great to read that you will have fresh fruits and veggies at your doorstep. I have a good circle of friends that share their bounties with me.
    We are counting on the perennials to add color to our yard, as we are going away during the summer, so planting a few cucumber, tomatoes and strawberries doesn't work this year. Farmers' Markets are our go to year round if we can,

    I am wearing my Oiler earrings all day.

    Maybe a little early to announce that my digestive system is calming down since I started taking Prebiotics and Probiotics. Less bloat, and uncomfortable rumblings in the tummy. Sauerkraut with an apple is my afternoon snack.

    Off to the Rec Centre 45minutes walk the track. River Valley too wet. 50minutes weights and stretch.
    Read in the afternoon. Chill.

    Have a healthy day everyone B)

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    edited May 25
    Got back from the greenhouse and got my roma tomatoes. Got a pack of 6. Tag says they are large roma so should be fantastic along with my beefsteak in the tomato sauce I'm planning on making this fall. I freeze the sauce in 2 cup portions in ziplock freezer bags. So much better than sauce you buy. I think I'm going to take a chance and put all 12 out in the garden tomorrow. Supposed to be nice with temperatures dipping down at night to about +8 C so they should be fine. Will be paying attention to weather forecast and if frost is a maybe I can cover them up for the night.

    Have to be mindful when I'm planting my garden and not get carried away. Remind myself that it is time to slow down a bit. Want to spend my summer relaxing and enjoying our nice weather.

    Farmers around here are scrambling trying to get seeding finished. Some fields are too wet in spots so you can see how they are just going around some areas.

    Picked up a hanging basket with mostly red petunias so will be hanging that outside near my hummingbird feeder. Have one pair that always stays here all summer and raise one little one. The rest just stop in for a few days and then migrate a bit further north.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    Another beautiful sunny day in Alberta. Enjoying my second cup of coffee after breakfast and will wait a bit before venturing out to the garden area for the first time this year. Hubby cultivated it a couple of weeks ago so should be easy to do my planting.

    Saw one hummingbird enjoying my petunia hanging basket this morning so it has been noticed.

    Enjoy the day.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @Joy1580vb ... Are you really in your 70's???? If so, you sure do a lot of physical work for your age. I grow Plumerias... and I think I'm up to my limit... Can't handle many more... but I love my little garden hobby and it's good for me. Like right now, I need to go out and water them. It would be so easy to stay inside the air conditioning and just watch TV or sit here on the internet... but the activity and sunshine is good for me.

    I bought a new Amazon Firestick... I don't have cable TV or an antenna. I stream everything through the internet (so much cheaper plus I don't like what's on regular TV and all the commercials). With the new Firestick, I have instant access to Amazon Prime movies (most are free) and it has Alexa... so just have to push a button and say what I'm looking for and presto, it appears. I can even ask about the weather and get an instant weather report. I'm loving it. My son came over today and I asked Alexa for HITS FROM THE 90'S (his era) and there they were, and he enjoyed "his music" while he was here.

    I can also ask Alexa about diets, health topics... just anything. I am thrilled with it, and it only set me back $20.

    OK... I'm procrastinating going out (96 degrees) but here I go. See you ladies later!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Happy (should I say "happy"?) Memorial Day everyone. We owe so much to those who fought for us and paid the ultimate price.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    BarbMessimer....Yes, I'm in my 70's. Actually turned 74 earlier this month. I'm pretty active but have noticed that I can't do as much outside as I used to. I used to have a huge flowerbed in the front yard but gave that up about 4 years ago and just seeded everything to grass. Now the yard is mostly trees/shrubs along with one piece that is my orchard (apple, pear and plum trees). I usually buy a couple of flower baskets to hang up closer to the house. Finding it much less work now but it is quite a large area. Have a lawn tractor that I use to take care of the grass.

    Got my potatoes planted yesterday along with 4 long rows of peas. Had enough pea seed to put in probably another couple of rows but stuck to my plan of the 4 rows. Less potatoes than last year too. May have to cut back further next year.

    Going to be another nice day. Had a bit of rain in the evening so will wait a bit before getting the rest of my garden in. Debating if I should plant my tomatoes out or still keep them sheltered by the house.

    Enjoy the day.

  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @BarbMessimer Good choice converting to the Amazon Firestick. Last year we got rid of our Cable TV. Yes all re runs and commercials. Could not chose the channels a al cart. We pay a subscription for the Apple TV and still tune into other apps that have the TV shows we liked - free. We ditched our landline telephone about two years ago. The monthly cost was more than our two cell phones. We use our cellphones and iMessage our children. No large data packages required.

    @Joy1580vb I coming to your house to sit in the pea patch and eat all those wonderful peas. :D In my youth, in the summer months if you could not find me; go to the pea patch.
    We travel just 20minutes outside of the city to U Pick farms. Some are berry and some are vegetable or both. I can spend hours there if time warrants it. There is a great demand out there.

    Made a pot of chili this morning. Quick meal. Heading out for a 45 minute walk in the residential area of the neighbourhood. Then off to the Senior Centre 50 unites of stretch and free weights.

    Have a healthy day everyone! B)
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Beautiful day
    The bison chili was/is (have some left over for lunch) fantastic.

    Still learning how to/when to use the AC. Always questioning do we need to use it? Yes at night for now. :D

    Off to the Rec Centre today. Walk the track 45minutes. Stretch and Cable weights 50minutes.

    Lemon Garlic Shrimp Stir Fry tonight

    Have a healthy day everyone! B)
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Going to be another very nice day. Finished planting my garden yesterday and put all 12 tomato plants out into the garden. They were getting so overgrown in their little pots. Decided to cover them with a frost cover cloth and was simple to do as I had planted them in one long row. Going to just leave them covered for the next couple of weeks as the night temps are dipping a bit. Sunlight and rain can go through the cloth so they should be fine.

    Need to pick up a package of bamboo stakes for the tomato plants that need pruning. I think Home Hardware carries them so will get them when I go to town later in the week.

    Thinking about AC too. Put in central air about 4 years ago and has been so nice to use in the summer. Took the winter cover off and it's ready to use when needed.

    Also ditched our satellite provider a few months ago and went to direct streaming. Just got a cheap streaming device (Roku) and finding it works very well. I think quite a few people are turning away from cable or satellite and going with direct streaming. I have amazon prime and find I'm watching that mostly. Had to add a couple of sports channels for hubby and also discovery+ for him. Still works out to a lot less than what we were paying for satellite.

    Enjoy the day.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Well, I set a goal of 2,000 steps a day and have reached it for the past 2 days. I know that doesn't seem like much, but I couldn't walk at all after my knee injury... and have gradually worked up to that. Today's goal will be 2500. Going to walk around some stores (pushing a cart for support). Hopefully, I won't buy too much... lol

    Memorial Day was nice here. My son came over and we grilled out. I had a few too many calories but will tighten up today.

    @jonni82014 ... Lemon garlic shrimp stir fry sounds awesome!

    @Joy1580vb ... I'm so glad I don't have cable. Like you, I have more money in my pocket and don't have all those awful commercials. I mostly watch YouTube and have their premium plan that's commercial free. My firestick has Alexa so I can just press the button and speak and presto, whatever I want to watch comes on. I can even get an instant weather report.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    BarbMessimer...well done on your goal steps! I know it must be so difficult after a knee injury to get back in to exercise. I am fortunate that I don't have any mobility issues and find that simply walking makes such a big difference to my every day movement. Through the winter I'm not able to get out to walk on a regular basis and notice that I seem to get a bit stiff by springtime. I try to do in home walking videos in the winter but tend to slack off on that. I started walking outside since about the beginning of March and it has made such a big difference.

    Happy shopping! I'm doing some in home Amazon shopping today.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @Joy1580vb ... I enjoyed shopping today, but all I can say is, "It can be a sobering thing to try on clothes." Here I thought I was doing so well but was struggling to get my fat butt into capris that should have been my size! Oh well. It just reminds me of how far I have to go and to keep on "truckin".
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Tuesday, May 28. Had a good day today. Walked more, worked in the yard, went shopping, did 6 laps in the pool.... Stayed true to my plan. Hoping to drop another pound before too long.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Overcast today and looks like it may shower. Will be going out to water my tomatoes soon. They seem to have settled in nicely and the leaves turned a dark green.

    Barb well done with your continued commitment. Disappointed that I haven't seen a drop in my weight for a bit. Doing lots of work outside so hopefully that will pay off soon.

    Should be getting my travel documents soon for my trip to Newfoundland....leaving June 20th. My niece and her husband are in Europe right now and enjoy seeing their travel pics on facebook. It's her first trip to Europe and so nice that she has the opportunity to see other parts of the world.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Good day

    It's great to read that all of us are keeping active.
    " If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life" - Marc Anthony.
    " Do the activities you enjoyed as a child and you will never be resentful, annoyed or bored doing your movement exercises." -Exercise Specialist (Kevin)

    Oh oh..have to find the skipping rope and the bathing suit. :D

    @BarbMessimer small steps make great strides.
    @Joy1580vb When we lived at Cold Lake, there was a Home Hardware; they carry everything and so does Co-Op stores. Love and miss those places.

    Off to the Senior Centre 45minutes treadmill walk and 50minutes stretch, balance and free weights.

    Very windy here. Putting rocks in my pockets so I do not fly away.
    Have a great day everyone! B)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    Now that MFP is doing away with the newsfeed, I'm happy to have found this group. So many of the groups are inactive. Hope we can keep this one going. I have a friend who wants to join us but she says she can't. I don't know how that could happen, do you? It was simple for me to join.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    edited May 29
    Barb...All she has to do is go to this thread and leave a comment. Maybe she doesn't know that you don't really 'join' (like request to join or anything like that)....just leave a comment and you are part of the group. I'm sure she will notice the section at the bottom of the page that says 'Leave a Comment'. Just type something in that section and hit post reply....we will welcome her!

    Please encourage her as it is so nice to read posts from our age group. I'm hopeful that this thread doesn't become inactive.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    jonni Cold Lake is northeast of where we farm (about a 2 hour drive). I'm not sure if you are aware but it is going through a major development over the next few years. The Canadian forces base is undergoing a multi billion dollar expansion and also a carbon capture and storage facility is in the planning stage (I think one of the partners for that is Imperial Oil). Lots of changes for Cold Lake and surrounding area.
  • ssfx50
    ssfx50 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, ladies. Just taking a few minutes to enjoy your posts and thought I would drop in. I'll make the coffee.

    I love all the talk about gardening. I've cut down on my giant gardens too as the years have crept by. And I too have an annoying, attention-seeking, bad knee that I have to pamper. I still grow a few veggies (particularly peppers) but mostly flowers of late. I'm in Florida and have a large back deck shaded by an oak tree that my daughter planted before she died 10 years back. It is 20-25 feet tall now and provides lots of very welcomed shade for my deck. I'm now having to walk around pots of beautiful flowers and ferns, so I'm happy (except for the watering part which in this heat is a daily chore). It's worth it though for the pure joy I get from just being in the midst of my happy, healthy friends. My granddaughter and I drop by Lowe's garden department ever so often and find "rescues" in the clearance racks. We love giving them a new lease on life, and they have been quite generous in thanking us.

    I started my weight loss plan with a goal of losing lose 61 pounds, mostly because of the darn knee (which complains loudly about carrying the extra weight). That was in January 2024 and as of this week, I've lost 32 pounds. Finally more than half way, and my knee is definitely proud of me. I'm doing strictly calorie deficit and most days stay exactly within my daily goals. Everyone says the closer you get to goal weight, the slower you lose, so I'm getting myself mentally prepared for a slow down. My secret is my mantra: I just keep saying "Stay the Course" and try not to worry about the rest!

    I wish I was as active as some of you are but I still work full-time with lots of overtime hours, so I'm tied to my desk for the greater part of every day. Bummer, but we do what we have to do. I'm very fortunate to work from home, however, since my husband of 54 years is quite ill and will be leaving us within the next six or so months say the doctors. Working from home allows me to care for him and keep him comfortable so, all in all, things have a way of working out when you most need them to, and I'm grateful for the solutions.

    I don't post often since I'm generally running around like the proverbial headless chicken, but I enjoy reading your adventures, so thanks much for the inspiring posts and keep writing!