How can I wake up???



  • amewha
    amewha Posts: 25 Member
    Simple, get an alarm clock that runs off of your bedside table and hides, the Clocky:

    I'm a total morning person, so otherwise I can't help at all. I work 6-3, and bike to work so I am up around 4:45am every day.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I'm usually asleep by 10 pm and normally 5-6 am I'm awake... Trying going to bed a bit earlier...
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Simple, get an alarm clock that runs off of your bedside table and hides, the Clocky:

    I'm a total morning person, so otherwise I can't help at all. I work 6-3, and bike to work so I am up around 4:45am every day.

    OMG is that thing cute!!!

    I want one for my husband!!!! Can you imagine it getting stuck under the bed?
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    Drink a pint of water before bed and you'll "have" to get up in the morning :)

    put you alram on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off! it does get easier the more you get used to it!

    I was going to say this. I have an old cell phone that I paid dearly for back in the day that now is a portable alarm clock. It's great espcially when I have to worry during the winter and power outages. Anyhow, I use it and I have made it a habit to hide it so by the time I get to it and shut it off, I am standing up and awake.
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    Also, there is some apps for different phones that it will ask you a math problem in order for you to shut off the alarm. Hide the alarm and put the math equation on there so the alarm will constantly go off and you will be wide awake.

    You don't know how many times I have missed simple problems being half awake and half asleep. Stupid 11-7. I answered everything but 4. :)
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    The alarm app on my cell phone (alarm clock xtreme, if you have an android phone) makes me do math problems before the alarm will shut off. Somehow waking up the "reason" side of my brain makes me also remember why I need to really get up. (Usually!)

    But some people are just not morning people...can you workout at night instead? I used to work out once everyone else was in bed - it helped me focus and not be distracted by the 1,000 other things I need to do.
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    But some people are just not morning people...can you workout at night instead? I used to work out once everyone else was in bed - it helped me focus and not be distracted by the 1,000 other things I need to do.

    True! But, you could get at least another 200 calories burned by working in the morning if you also workout at night.
  • CherryTop
    CherryTop Posts: 41 Member
    I set my alarm to calm music not the typical screaming alarm clock. The wake up is the biggest battle. I feel great after my morning work outs ... it gives me energy for my whole busy day. I also try to fit in other workouts later in the day ... but my AM is a must.
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    I phased into it slowly by getting up 10-15 min early and then gradually increasing that time until I was up and hour early. I also sleep in my workout clothes...that really helped too.

    Good luck, I know you can do this!
  • nettie1969
    Wow ... some awesome (and fun) suggestions here. i am going to nick a few of them.

    I am not a morning person .... It doesn't seem to matter what time I go to bed I just do not want to wake up before 7.30am (a bit of a problem when i am meant to go to start work at 8) and it is an effort just to get out of bed at 6:30 so I can go. Plus, we just started daylight savings here which means it is really on 5:30 ..... arrgghhhh.

    For me, I think I am going to have to start leaving my ciggarettes out in the other room - then i will have to get out of bed to have one (but that is besides the point). Hopefully then by the time christmas comes and I have quit smoking it will be my habit to get up earlier. BTW - multiple alarms just do not work for me - I sleep right on through them! lol. Hubby finds it hysterical that he has to be my alarm clock....

    Oh well, off to bed now for me so I can try (again) to get up to get that work out in before work.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I am so not a morning person. The water thing is such a good trick. I always drink a big glass before I sleep, if it's not before my day off. Currently our upstairs loo is broken so I have to go all the way downstairs and relieve myself. It helps if you're as far away from the loo as possible with this trick.

    I also use Paul McKenna's hypnosis CD's. I find the one's that are for motivation make me get out of bed.
    There is an iPhone app (it may be on other phones) called AlteredStates. There's a few settings that helps bring your brainwaves into a more 'woken up' state.