How Often Do You Weigh Yourself?



  • pawsrbabies239
    pawsrbabies239 Posts: 19 Member
    I weigh in daily & allow me to explain why as I know this is an ongoing debate with the diet community. May 2022 I was 285 pounds & my PCP said it must come off, ALL my numbers were bad & I felt miserable physically & mentally. My A1C was right there so with that number & BMI high, the nasty word obese, she was able to put me on Ozempic + my health insurance at the time paid for the Virta Community. Between a great PCP who cared, Ozempic & Virta, I lost 90 pounds between June 2022 - September 2023 at
    which time we moved from NC to NH. In July my insurance stopped paying for Ozempic as my A1C had gone down but I was still with Virta. While on Virta, I had to submit daily my weight & glucose & every 3 months go for blood work. Upon move to NH in September, I lost my great PCP & health plan which was paying for the Virta and I stopped weighing in daily. We visited with family every weekend, friends every weekend. And I gained back 30 pounds I had lost. This was entirely MY FAULT but I 100% feel had I remained faithful with my weighing in daily I would not taking off 30 pounds a 2nd time. Yes, I knew I was putting it on as I could tell but I my emotions were not the best either during these last few months. I’m back on “the scale” 😊 and lost 5 pounds of the 30. Firm believer of daily weigh in but each person must do what works for you personally on this journey.
  • doreen0502
    doreen0502 Posts: 2 Member
    I weigh in daily. Wake up, bathroom, undressed. Same routine daily. I know when I slip up on the scale, I have to make changes immediately, My weight tends to sneak up on me fast and before you know it, BAM, 15 lbs. gained.