Every. Day.



  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 102 Member
    Good morning! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I am back at work and not terribly excited to be here.

    I only have one goal this week: make more homemade/cleaner meals. My doc is getting serious about me trimming down my calories further, which I can really only do if I cut out processed foods. I can eat more if I do homemade proteins with veggies.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 725 Member
    For sure @kaferine69 - made a big pan stir fry veggies yesterday. So much easier to cook up a couple times a week, then heat & eat :)
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,855 Member
    kaferine69 wrote: »
    Good morning! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I am back at work and not terribly excited to be here.

    I only have one goal this week: make more homemade/cleaner meals. My doc is getting serious about me trimming down my calories further, which I can really only do if I cut out processed foods. I can eat more if I do homemade proteins with veggies.

    This is a great goal.

    If you’re time-crunched due to work and family, and if you have freezer space, you might want to consider batch cooking.

    There’s lots of recipes that can make your life easier and healthier. Lemme know if you want more information.
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 102 Member

    This is a great goal.

    If you’re time-crunched due to work and family, and if you have freezer space, you might want to consider batch cooking.

    There’s lots of recipes that can make your life easier and healthier. Lemme know if you want more information. [/quote]

    Yeah, let's hear them, if you have time!
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 725 Member
    @MargaretYakoda batchcook ideas welcomed ♡
  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 183 Member
    I will join you and post here every day. My goals per day: 10000 steps, 1700 KCal, 2ltr of water. I have done this before and it worked. I will report on my progress for the day the next day, I will cheer you on.
  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 183 Member
    And for me today was not ideal. Steps 6.3 K. Water: 2 litres. Food: 2500 KCal...
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 725 Member
    edited June 10
    Ah, i so get that. No guilt, don't beat yourself up, just go for more practice, dust off try more... clawing your way out of the hole @kaferine69 reminds me of a fav poem.... fwiw

  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 183 Member
    Today: steps 7K, 1800 KCal and 2ltr water. Better than yesterday. Trying intermittent fasting from now 18: 6.
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    Hey all!

    Still riding the waves here. I felt like I was making no progress the last few weeks but then had a great loss this past week! It really is an up and down journey. And I’m happy to still be on it almost two months in. Hoping after the third month I will really be able to look in the mirror and see a change. But I’m happy to feel like my clothes fit more comfortably.

    Hope everyone is doing well on their journey!
  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 183 Member
    Hey everyone, yesterday was a complete disaster for me: Steps: 2.7K, water 0.5 lts, Food: 2500 KCal. There was a party that derailed me. Today: I am back on track. I will update tomorrow as ever. Good luck, everyone!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 102 Member
    Still here.... still plugging away.... doctor advised me to lower my calories further, so I'm trying my best. It means I have to be much more strict, which is definitely not as fun.
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've been lurking in this thread for a few days and decided to post myself!

    I'm 5'9, 28yo and restarted this journey at 219lbs. The ultimate goal is to hover around 150-165lbs, where I can usually eat intuitively to maintain.

    I enjoy seeing peoples daily tracking, because it's nice to see the upside and downs from day to day and not get discouraged because of it, so I'm going to try to do something similar :)

    June 9 219lbs
    June 10 216.4
    June 11 217.4lbs
    June 12 217lbs
    June 13 216.8lbs
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 102 Member
    Still here... still struggling... but I'm here!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 102 Member
    Went for an hour-long walk last night, the most exercise I'm gotten in in like 2 weeks. I also tried very hard to eat natural, positive-energy foods yesterday. And it hit me again this morning that I always feel really terrible the day after I eat heavily processed foods, or even for a few days afterwards. Even if I maintain low calories, I still get hungry more often due to the processed nature of the ingredients. I think I needed that reminder to try to get myself back on track. I am still on track to lose weight every week, but I haven't been able to enjoy it in recent weeks because I've just been feeling so down and out. I am hopeful this mindset will change my feelings in a more positive direction.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    Looks like OP drop the ball after May 14. She had almost 2 months under her belt. Sadly, it's not uncommon for many dieters to quit their routine after 2 months and go back to old habits.

    People that stay in control of their weight do the same things pretty much day in and day out FOR LIFE. That's just what you have to do to stay within the parameters you wish to be in. I know for me to continue my keeping my weight down, I can only eat a certain amount, exercise regualarly everyday and get enough sleep.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 40 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 46 Member
    @kaferine69 it's great that your recognized how processed foods make you feel poorly! I always feel that the first week of "clean" eating is the toughest, and has me feeling a bit off compared to normal, but if I stick with it past that point I get a burst of energy like my metabolism suddenly wakes up and my body adjusts.

    Also, an hour long walk? WOOHOO great exercise, and ALSO a really nice break for your mind if you're able to really take in your surroundings. Where do you tend to walk? I personally love going through a few garden/parks in my neighborhood, but I also LOVE going down unexplored residential areas because I like to make up stories and imagine who lives in the houses. It's really therapeutic for me, since my mind is usually racing otherwise :)
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 102 Member
    edited June 19
    quolwy wrote: »
    @kaferine69 it's great that your recognized how processed foods make you feel poorly! I always feel that the first week of "clean" eating is the toughest, and has me feeling a bit off compared to normal, but if I stick with it past that point I get a burst of energy like my metabolism suddenly wakes up and my body adjusts.

    Also, an hour long walk? WOOHOO great exercise, and ALSO a really nice break for your mind if you're able to really take in your surroundings. Where do you tend to walk? I personally love going through a few garden/parks in my neighborhood, but I also LOVE going down unexplored residential areas because I like to make up stories and imagine who lives in the houses. It's really therapeutic for me, since my mind is usually racing otherwise :)

    We have a great completely shaded park 10 min from my house. It's a boardwalk over some cypress trees and it's about 2.1 miles to walk the entirety of it. It's also all completely shaded by the trees! It's a very peaceful and quiet walk. You get to see tons of different birds, and sometimes an alligator or two. It's a really nice change to get out of the sun's heat.

    We also have another park even closer that's just a straight path within some trees and it's also shaded. I prefer this one because it's a wider walking area, so when my girlfriends come with me, we can walk side by side. The other one, the boardwalk one, there's really not enough room to do that.

    Another really good park, about 10 min away, has less shade, but it's a more interesting walk because it's around a large lake; so you can see people in their water vehicles and also a ton of wildlife. We go to all 3 parks often and switch between them!

    I get the draw of residential walks, but for me, I prefer nature-y ones, because I work in a downtown setting so I get to see and hear the traffic and goings-on all the time!
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 725 Member
    edited June 19
    Sounds so lovely, i want to walk there!