Hogwarts Weight Loss Challenge - Term 60 - 6-Week Challenge (June 21st - August 4th)

Neon_Vampire Posts: 7,466 Member
Hello, everyone. We'd like to invite you to join term 50 of the Hogwarts Weight Loss Challenge. Here is the information as well as the application below!

Term 50 will be a 6-week term based on House Pride and the Hogwarts Challenge's 10th anniversary! The term will run from Friday, June 21st (with full activities beginning on the Monday afterwards) through Sunday, August 4th. Students will also have a few days into the term to submit their starting weigh-in.

Owls with the acceptance should go out on Monday, June 17th and Tuesday, June 18th.

*** While everyone who applies to join Hogwarts will be sorted into a house, if you do not respond to the prefect who contacted you within a reasonable time frame, then we will assume you no longer wish to participate in the challenge and remove you from the roster so that late applicants can be sorted.

Therefore, we ask those who received an owl on June 17th or 18th to please join the castle and common room groups by 11:59 pm ET on Friday, June 21st. ***

Feel free to contact a member of the staff with any questions. You may also contact @Maalea (Hogwarts’ Headmistress) to confirm that your application was received.

We hope to see many of you join us for Term 50. :)  



  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,325 Member
    Preparations for the new term are in full swing! I am already looking forward to it! :)
  • Neon_Vampire
    Neon_Vampire Posts: 7,466 Member
    Just a small note: despite the title of the challenge, we will actually be starting Term 50 of Hogwarts, with the term beginning on June 21st (with full activities starting on June 24th), as indicated on the application and information in the post.

    Apologies for the oversight on my part of not realizing that I had posted the title indicating that it is Term 60, although we certainly still hope to be hosting the challenge and have many new and familiar faces join us when it is the proper time to embark on that journey. ;)
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 637 Member
    Can’t wait!
  • christyc1256
    christyc1256 Posts: 5,330 Member
    This will be a fun term!
  • kmrdesign
    kmrdesign Posts: 12,435 Member
    I’m so proud of this group - 50 terms! I think this will be a wonderful way to celebrate all our years together!

    That said, Go Gryffindor!! : ).
  • M00nbeam55
    M00nbeam55 Posts: 34 Member
    Sounds through perfect challenge to really give myself the motivation and keep going.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,325 Member
    Owls (private messages) with the invites will go out sometimes tomorrow (Tuesday).
    Please also check your friend requests - if you are not already friends with your prefect, you will get a friend request first, because messaging someone you are not friends with usually doesn't work.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,424 Member
    @Maalea thanks for the heads up 👏
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,325 Member
    But it is still possible to send an application, we are happy to get new students! :)
  • Kisame29
    Kisame29 Posts: 9,773 Member
    Excited to start a new term :)
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 637 Member
    Summer term is just about to start!
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 829 Member
    edited June 18
    Hi @Maalea

    Not sure if the owls went out, but I would like to know if my application has been received.

  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,325 Member
    Hi @Maalea

    Not sure if the owls went out, but I would like to know if my application has been received.


    Yes, we got your application! You should have gotten a friend request from either Kylielynn314 or from sydditt. Please accept it so that they can send you the pm.
  • M00nbeam55
    M00nbeam55 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi @Maalea

    I hope you have received my application too ?
    Ive had 3 friend requests, which I have accepted, so I hope one of them is the right one :)
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,325 Member
    M00nbeam55 wrote: »
    Hi @Maalea

    I hope you have received my application too ?
    Ive had 3 friend requests, which I have accepted, so I hope one of them is the right one :)

    Yes! And in our staff spreadsheet it says that the pm with the invite and links already went out. Did you get it?
  • M00nbeam55
    M00nbeam55 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes.. just received it... thank you
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 829 Member
    Maalea wrote: »
    Hi @Maalea

    Not sure if the owls went out, but I would like to know if my application has been received.


    Yes, we got your application! You should have gotten a friend request from either Kylielynn314 or from sydditt. Please accept it so that they can send you the pm.

    Got it! Thanks
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,325 Member
    Perfect! :D
  • Kisame29
    Kisame29 Posts: 9,773 Member
    @Mellobee2 I am trying to add you as a friend although one of our staff members may have already sent you a friend request too - I am having trouble finding your profile when I search your username, so we are working on contacting you and getting you in the group!

    Please send me a friend request if you haven't heard from anyone.
  • Impishme909
    Impishme909 Posts: 755 Member
    I'm so excited to return to Hogwarts! Thank you to all of you who do so much to run this challenge!