Women 200lb+, Let’s Have A Jazzy June!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in days
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150
    2024 goal weight: 165
    SW 2024: 182.7

    🌼 June Goals!🌼
    🌼 June GW: 180

    🟡June SW 6/1: 183.4
    6/08: 181.7 (-1.7! 🎉🎉🎉🎉)
    6/15: 181.9 (+0.2)

    🟡Log everything in grams ✅
    🟡Get >8000 steps a day ❌
    🟡Work out >3x a week ❌
    🟡Calories<1800/day ✅ average 1691

    So! It was going to be hard to lose weight from last week's huge loss, but I can say that my weight average has gone from 183.2 to 182.7, so my average went down 0.5 lb this week! And the average is what matters to me. Also I'm sore from the gym Thursday AND ovulating, soooo. Lol.

    All that to say! I've decided to go ahead and get a pedicure with my husband today anyway. I'd already asked my brother to watch the kids so we could. :lol: I want my feet to be in good shape for the beach starting tomorrow and continuing...for almost two weeks, lol.

    Busy busy! So today, I need to clean house, get pedicures, get the car cleaned, start loading up the car, cook down as much of my perishable food as possible, and pack the last couple things I haven't packed yet. Tomorrow, we hang out for a couple hours and then head out for the beach! And go to the grocery store when we get there for food for the week. I'm going to bring my scale to the beach, so I don't go too off the rails.

    Tag party time!
    @Numer1ca congratulations to your son, that's such a huge accomplishment! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

    @krabuck fluctuations are so hard to deal with, so when that happens, I only post the average weight, lol.

    @ssflbelle2012 you're doing great, and I hope you keep coming and checking in :smile:

    @danikat15 have so much fun, and we'll see you when you get back!

    @jo_casey42 you're doing great, and I have faith that you have gotten through this week well!

    @girlinkaz744 an amazing NSV, to look at pictures and think you look great. :smiley:

    @jenbroussard71 I love that you're working on emotional growth as well, it is more connected to our bodies than most people talk about!

    @sharon81 you're doing great! I'm sorry to hear that MFP is getting rid of the newsfeed. It sucks that it seems that this site is trying to get rid of the social support that made it so great, back in the day. We should make a contingency plan for if they decide to get rid of the forums, but I have no idea what that plan would be.

    @quolwy congratulations on graduating! There's no better time than now to finally focus on yourself. :smiley:

    @lisakatz2 you're doing great! I know it's frustrating where you lose weight from, but it truly does (eventually) come off everywhere.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    42, 5’10
    Evolving snack queen

    HW: 269
    SW: 266.8

    CW: 247.4

    1st GW: 220
    2nd GW: 199
    UGW: 170s

    Sunday weigh-ins

    6/02: 250.2
    6/09: 245.6
    6/16: 244.4

    Had one bad night this week, on Thursday. I was home alone and the snacks called to me. I’m kind of surprised to have a loss. But glad I did because it’s even further enforcing into my brain that I need to just stick with it, even if I mess up, and even if I see no changes.

    @CupcakeCrusoe good idea about the average, do you use an app to give you that or do you math it yourself?

    @sharon81 I was wondering what happened to the newsfeed! I wonder why they would take that away! It is annoying! I use the free version of this app and was wondering if maybe they are only giving newsfeed if you pay for the upgraded app. Anyone know?
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    @krabuck I have an android phone, so Libra is the app for that, or Happy Scale for apple phones. For me, MacroFactor, my food logging app, also does that for me.
  • melissaaridgeway
    melissaaridgeway Posts: 278 Member
    edited June 16
    Hey y'all, I'm feeling very disconnected now that my newsfeed is gone. Maybe I can connect with y'all and support you on your journeys? I took a month long hiatus because my newborn son didn't have a great checkup with his doctor and I thought it might be related to me cutting too many calories. So I stepped back from MFP for a month until he had another weight check, which was this past Friday. He is better but didn't really have a glowing report, so I guess his lack of weight gain is NOT due to me cutting calories (and I did a full 180 degrees on my diet. Yes, I did in fact eat an entire costco-size jar of peanut butter and tons of olive oil and eggs and oats and anything that I thought could make my milk more nutritious - nothing worked but I did gain 20lbs in a MONTH! It sucks because I HAVE milk... it's just crappy milk I guess.)

    So anyways, I come back and my newsfeed is gone and I'm looking for other avenues of the social aspect of this health journey that I'm on.

    Stats: 35 years old/6'1"

    Overall starting weight from Dec 2022 when I started: 280lbs
    Starting mid-June weight: 265.5lbs
    2024 GW: 200lbs
    UGW: 180lbs

    I hope I can drop 5lbs from what remains of this month. I'm still breastfeeding but my son is taking a lot of formula now and I'm free to return to my health journey. I'm looking forward to feeling better in my clothes again, especially after this insane month, and I hope you all are in a good place in your personal journeys. It's one step at a time, one day at a time.
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 46 Member
    edited June 17
    Hi everyone, checking in again with some stats in case it motivates anyone :)

    Starting June 10th


    28yo 5'9
    Starting weight: 219 (6/10/24)
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for June:
    - Start working 4 days/week
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week
    - Log meals daily and accurately
    - Tour the gym & commit to going 3x/week
    - Drink more water and less sugar
    - Treat myself once/week with an activity that will bring me joy (self date)
    - Weigh in an 210lbs at the end of the month

    June 10th 219 lbs
    June 11th 216.4 lbs
    June 12th 217 lbs
    June 13th 216.8 lbs
    June 14th N/A
    June 15th N/A
    June 16th 216.2 lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - Have 4 shifts per week at work
    - Walked 14k steps on the 12th while listening to audiobooks
    - Walked 20k steps on the 14th while listening to podcasts
    - Hiked a small mountain, 40mins with 200m Elevation on the 15th, along with reaching 9800 steps that day
    - Have been within both my calorie and macro goals for an entire week, by using mindful eating
    - Was able to get a 45min relaxation massage today to help take care of my body

    Overall it was a great week! I'm feeling positive, and while getting groceries today I was able to load my home with healthy and delicious foods that will help me feel AND look good!

    Here's to another week :)
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    Very discouraged as I thought I was doing so good but I must have messed up somewhere as I gained 2 pounds this week. I just do not understand how that happened.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 302 Member
    Ssfbelle, have you been eating a lot of salty food/carbs? Both can cause water retention.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 235 Member

    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 219.6
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)

    Monday weigh in
    June 3rd: 223.8
    June 10th: 219.6
    June 17th: 218.8
    June 24th:
    July 1st:
    June loss -5
    June Goal - 215 (adjusted to a more obtainable goal)
    End of Summer Goal - onederland!

    I was surprised to see a loss this week since we celebrated Father's day this past weekend. I had originally set my June goal at 210 but I changed it to 215. I tend to beat myself up when I miss a goal and this is something I am working on. I am actually glad to be passed father's day with no events left for the month, hopefully I can finish the month strong.

    I would have liked to work from home today, they are predicting heavy thunderstorms all day today. But I am here at the office. I have 3 fur babies. My youngest is a Boston Terrier named Riley Rose. She gets so stressed with the weather that I have to give her medication. I feel so bad leaving her at home. My husband said that I made her co-dependent and he's probably right.

    Hope you all make good choices and get some activity in.

  • CeCeFlyy
    CeCeFlyy Posts: 23 Member
    🌻Weekly Check In • 6/17🌻

    SW: 237
    LW: 235.8
    CW: 234.2
    GW: 165

    One thing I want to improve from last week:

    Water! It’s getting warmer and I’ve been waking up feeling like the dried out version of sponge bob.

    One thing I enjoyed from last week:

    I’ve cut out meat and IF from my routine and my body seems to be responding better. I still allow myself sea food but I’m primarily eating a vegetarian diet. I’m working on phasing out the dairy, mainly because my body doesn’t like it.😩


    🌻My face is still slimming down
    🌻A few more clothing items have gotten loose
    🌻My armpit fat is almost nearly gone.

    Goals for this week:
    🌻 64oz of water a day
    🌻 3 workouts this week
    🌻 Stay under maintenance

    I’m going on vacation this week, so I want to enjoy myself but I want to think about my long term goals. Past me would have used that as an excuse to go crazy. Also, my friend I’m staying with lives 10 minutes from the beach, so I want to look good in my swim suit. ☺️ I’m planning on morning walks to the beach to be my workout for the week because if that’s not great then I don’t know what is!
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 28 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 163-168

    June SW: 166

    June 5: 165.1
    June 10: 164.8
    June 17: 166
    June 24:

    Oops! Went out of town for the weekend and, even though I stuck to my plan, eating out for most meals always makes the scale go up! I’m in town for the rest of this week, so hopefully I can float back down to the first half of the 160’s instead of the second half. My goal this summer is to stay in the mid to low 160’s, even with all my crazy work travel. I’ll set a new fitness related goal in the fall, when it feels more realistic.

    I am joining everyone in mourning the loss of the newsfeed too!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    Good morning!!!! I haven't checked in with the group since January, so I'm trying to be back. Especially with the news feed no longer there. :'( I am starting to log on Lose It instead of here since I can use the bar code scanner. I miss hearing all your updates and having a place to check in.

    For those who don't know me, until the past year I was posting in here almost daily and got to my lowest ever adult weight.... I've since put most of it back on. It has been a really rough 18 months or so with us weirdly having big emergencies every month or so, which caused stress and budget issues, and I eat a lot when I'm stressed..... obviously this is a problem. I'm also diet & exercise controlled Type 2 diabetic, but I haven't checked my blood sugar in almost 6 months either. Which I know is really bad. I'm terrified of what my A1C will be.

    So I'm trying to get back into better habits again. Logging all the things. Checking in on groups & community board. Just making somewhat more mindful choices. I won't jump all the way feet first in today. I know my all or nothing mentality sometimes gets in my own way. So a small change every few days until I'm back to where I need to be.

    Thank you @RavenStCloud for continuing to create this each month. It's such a huge blessing.
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 132 Member
    Name: Melissa
    39 years old, 5'8" woman
    SW: 263.4 lbs (Nov 1 2023)
    CW: 202.8 lbs (Jun 18 2024)

    I reached 60+ lbs lost recently and I'm getting super close to Onederland! 🥳 I'm really happy. For meals this week I'm planning to make more grain bowls with fresh veg plus I'm still on a kick with craving Greek avgolemono soup. Been enjoying lots of fresh peaches and watermelon lately! 😍

    Also I've noticed recently that I have periods of feeling really itchy around the spots with a lot of stretch marks. Lotion helps it a lot but I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this after losing a lot of weight? It seems to happen most often after a woosh.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2
    Starting Weight: 219.2 April / 5.2
    Starting Weight: 218.4 May / 3.2
    Starting Weight: 220.4 June /

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    May was not the best. Reset for June. My calorie goal was 1650. What took me months to realize was that I would plan and eat to 1650 but anything extra would put me over my range and either in maintenance mode or gain. So hopefully, I have figured out a solution with my new goals.
    Additionally - I think I was over exercising, so I have added another rest day with optional walking on both days.
    I'm doing well with water consumption so let's continue!!
    Goals and Targets for June
    - Tracking/Under Calorie Budget >
    Plan for 1250 - Flex for 400 = 1650 (1250 - 1650) 🍎
    - Macros - hit Protein >
    Plan for 150. 100 is acceptable. (100 - 150) ✅
    - Water - 80oz minimum >
    Pushing myself here and that's ok!
    Not less than 70 is acceptable (70 - 100)💧
    - Closing my rings M-S🚶🏽10k Steps a bonus!

    My Mantra(s):
    Things I need to remember daily!

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳
    H2O - Make it Flow 💦💦💦

    Lose weight in the kitchen ⚖️, get fit in the gym🏋🏾‍♀️
    Note to Self: Alcohol kills weight loss as the focus is burning alcohol calories and not fat calories!

    6/1 220.4
    6/8 219.2
    6/15 221.0

    Been a bit MIA and will continue to be, most likely for the next couple of weeks. My pre-walkthrough is today on my new home and I close in one week and will be moving all next week. I can't wait to get settled!

    @jenbroussard71 ~ how are you doing with setting the appointments to get your activity in?
    @girlinkaz744 ~ Your camp activities sound exhausting but fun as well, and it sounds like you enjoy it! Congrats on maintaining!
    @numer1ca ~ thanks for sharing the salad recipe.
    @cupcakecrusoe ~ Where are you off to.... didn't you just have a vacation!! :)
    @sharon81 ~ congrats on the new decade!
    @quolwy & jo_casey42 ~ Welcome
    @lisakatz2 ~ great progress!!
    @melissaaridgeway ~ Welcome. Yes, I'm missing the newsfeed as well. The newsfeed was my only connection to some folks.
    @ssflbelle2012 ~ Hang in there. Could be almost anything. Salt, water retention, lack of water, building muscle etc. As others have said, it might be more beneficial to look at the average or trend of your weight. And then there's also the tape measure!! I've been up and down a ton this year, almost back to my starting weight BUT...my clothes (pants) are still fitting loosely...soooo something is happening!
    @Ceceflyy ~ I stopped IF this week too. I heard something about high stress and IF were not a good combination due to cortisol levels. I have to do more research but I'm back to just good foods and CICO. Have fun on your vacation.
    @pamperedlinny ~ welcome back. Good luck on your journey.
    @mmatcha_latte ~ I see Onderland really soon in your future! Good Luck to you!
    @krabuck ~ Good job on seeing a loss even through there were snacks. One day (minute/hour) should not derail the entire week. So kudos for not continuing!
    ~danikat15 ~ how are you doing? I see you are traveling. I hope you enjoy your self at Disney and sample some nice Napa Wines! Have fun.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 302 Member
    I just want to throw in here; I love these 200 plus threads, I find them very inspiring and supportive. They *almost* make up for the loss of the Activity Feed. I have these threads bookmarked and plan to join in every month. My long-term goal is to get down to 160 by NYD which, if I continue to lose a pound a week, is entirely do-able. My short-term goals are 1) to get out of the plus sizes (I'm currently a 1X in shirts and size 18 in pants - so I'm close) and to get down to below 175, which was my lowest last year before I started to re-gain. I could kick myself. Why did I allow myself to do that? No point in looking backwards though, it's forward from this point on.
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 46 Member
    edited June 18
    Hi everyone, checking in again with some updated stats in case it motivates anyone :)

    28yo 5'9
    Starting weight: 219 (6/10/24)
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for June:
    - Start working 4 days/week ✔
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week ✔
    - Log meals daily and accurately ✔
    - Tour the gym & commit to going 3x/week
    - Drink more water and less sugar ✔
    - Treat myself once/week with an activity that will bring me joy (self date) ✔
    - Weigh in an 210lbs at the end of the month

    June 10th 219 lbs
    June 11th 216.4 lbs
    June 12th 217 lbs
    June 13th 216.8 lbs
    June 14th N/A
    June 15th N/A
    June 16th 216.2 lbs
    June 17th 216 lbs
    June 18th 215.6 lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - While I was "technically" over my calorie goal yesterday by 200, I was still able to lose weight, helping me remember that going over my calculated goal doesnt automatically mean I'm hitting maintenance or overeating.
    - Work is picking up, I'm going to be earning twice as much this week as I did last week
    - I found a routine that seamlessly incorporates 10k steps into my day to meet my goal of 3-4x/week
    - I'm making time for friends and family again, now that I have it, and I'm not using it as an excuse to eat poorly or feeling guilty about "restricting" at any point

    SO far it's been a great week, and I think the changes that I'm making this time are slow and sustainable, so hopefully weight loss or not, I'll be able to maintain these habits because its making me feel healthier of mind AND body.

    Here's to the rest of the week :)
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 302 Member
    quolwy wrote: »

    SO far it's been a great week, and I think the changes that I'm making this time are slow and sustainable, so hopefully weight loss or not, I'll be able to maintain these habits because its making me feel healthier of mind AND body.

    I like your positive mindset; very inspiring. I'm with you, it's about habits, not diets. We're in this for the Long Haul.

  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 235 Member
    @quolwy Would you please tell me more about your routine to get 10K steps?
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 46 Member
    edited June 18
    @jenbroussard71 Sure!

    I'm currently just starting up at a new job, but I'm only required to go in for hours when I have appointments booked, which means I have a fairly open schedule. Because of that, I've been making a point that on the 4 days I'm scheduled to work, after I finish my shift I've been taking a long 2-3hr walk around town to decompress and listen to audiobooks/podcasts. And since I'm listening to a story or conversation, it makes the walk go by really quickly! I've also been making a point to stop at 1-2 grocery stores that I don't normally shop at as I go around, to check out the prices of fruit, in case I spot a good deal. So far it's been really nice, because sometimes I'm only booked at work for an hour, and it feels like wasted effort getting ready and putting on makeup etc for such a short shft, so the walk actually works to make me feel like I've put more value into my time as well! :)

    Today I did it as well, and by the time I arrived back home I'd walked 12,600 steps, instead of the ~3000 I would've had if I'd gone straight home after work.

    Definitely not realistic for everyone, but I'm lucky to have a fairly good paying job, even if I'm working less hours now!
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 28 Member
    @mmatcha_latte Have you tried doing body scrubs as you are losing? I lost 70lbs in 2021 and did a biweekly body scrub to help my stretch marks calm down and to help with sagging skin. I don’t know if you are a coffee drinker, but I just used leftover coffee grounds from my morning coffee (dried out so they weren’t so wet), added a little honey and red pepper and voila! A free scrub that I could use all over my body as often as I wanted and not feel like it was too expensive. I only lost 30lbs this past year but now I have body scrub mitts that I use twice a week. It could be all in my head, but I really think it helps my skin stay more elastic and not so itchy!!