Every. Day.



  • Dragonfy4479
    Dragonfy4479 Posts: 7 Member
    How’s it going now? I am struggling to follow the food restrictions.
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 105 Member
    Today I got to my first short term weight loss goal - under 250 lbs! I weighed in this morning at 249.4. It was such a surprise, in light of all the crap I've eaten the past week. I think sometimes the only positive thing happening is that even when I do indulge, I am still not eating as much as I used to, so I am still in a calorie deficit. I am trying very hard to get back to healthy eating and not so many processed foods.
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 50 Member
    I've finally broken through a small barrier and my weight is just falling off. I've been averaging a 1lb loss every 2 days. I'm aware this is mostly bloat and water weight, but I still feel really great about it because for my first week I was dancing around up and down the same 1lb.

    I also signed up for the gym yesterday, and today is my first day going, to join a small class. I'm excited to see myself transform into a fitness girl!
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 773 Member
    edited June 20
    Wow, both of you, that's great.

    Today is summer soltice, and time for so many great summertime freggies... makes all this easier.

    @Dragonfy4479 ... it's true, when we change, we leave off some old things and add new things. And lowering calories is a big change.
    -- i try to find bigger amounts with lower calories/fats... things like cut veggies dipped in salsa, big salads, popcorn, tall glass iced tea.... hope you can find foods that work well for you :)

    Have you seen the volume eaters discussion? Has some good ideas.
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 105 Member
    I had a nice weekend. I was able to indulge in a restaurant lunch without going overboard and being able to make healthier choices. I got a lot accomplished around my house and I had a massage done yesterday. The cool thing was that my masseuse was able to tell how my weight loss has impacted my muscles. The normal aches and pains in my lower back were far fewer, my "problem areas" less painful. It's just yet another sign that I am on the right track and that this is working.

    Feeling good today, and better overall in the past week than I have in recently weeks.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 773 Member