Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 264



  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,509 Member
    @Chapter_3 Thanks for the encouragement. Our bodies definitely DO change as we age--no doubt about that. I'm just going to keep on keeping on and see if I can figure out what will work better than what I'm doing now. Fingers crossed!
  • sands4
    sands4 Posts: 190 Member
    66 5’5”
    SW RND 264 - 166
    GW RND 264 - 163
    UGW 149

    6/25 - 166
    7/1 💕CANADA💕
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 810 Member
    judefit1 wrote: »
    @Chapter_3: GREAT POST!! I TOTALLY agree with you! My "mantra" has been to eliminate the insidious sugar that's in our food, everywhere! It's a challenge to truly get rid of it and means really paying attention to ingredients- I pointed out to my SIL that it's in the "multigrain bread" that she buys, sweetened yogurts, most cereals (including those supposedly healthy "high fiber" ones). It's in "Pretzel Crisps", for goodness sakes! It's not the desserts that'll get us, it's the processed food:
    I highly recommend trying to get it out of your system because it's changed my entire body- the many joint pains are diminished, my diverticulosis is significantly healed, and- best of all for me- the food cravings stopped.

    AMEN!!! You go gurl! It’s definitely a huge step that requires discipline and dedication… Because it’s truly an addiction.
    Have fun on your vacay!!!!

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @IsMollyReallyHungry, {{{{hugs}}}}❤
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    @Chapter_3, I'm guilty of not giving up coffee, even at my highest levels of stress. Are you taking your magnesium just before bedtime? For me, Taking it 1 or 2hrs before bed helps relax me and I fall asleep quickly. I DO wake up several times, unfortunately, during the night, but have no trouble going back to sleep.

    @tiabirdie56 @Chapter_3 I'm curious which type of Magnesium helps you sleep. There are so many types. I keep Magnesium Oxide in the house to help loosen things up when I haven't been able to TMI. It would be wonderful to have a Magnesium that could improve my sleep without having bathroom issues, specifically D
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    fmfdfa2020 wrote: »
    AR10at50 wrote: »
    F, 59, 5’5
    HW-187 Sep. 2014
    UGW-150, then 140
    RGW-170 Thank you @quiltingjaine !!!🌸

    6/25-173- Off to volunteer at Quilts of Honor, layering quilts. Will bring a salad so I won’t eat a sandwich. Tonight should be cool enough to walk.

    @AR10at50 I had never heard of Quilts of Honor. I googled it. What a wonderful organization and so nice that you volunteer. It must feel so good to be part of honoring those that serve. The quilts are beautiful, too. I hope you don't mind me pasting from their website below if anyone else is interested. I bolded some of their very heartfelt and touching responses.

    Gail Belmont is the founder and member of Quilts of Honor.

    We hope you will join us to honor members of our active military and veterans by showing them how much we appreciate their sacrifice and service. Our hope is that these quilts will provide comfort, love and healing to those who have given so much.

    As a Vietnam veteran and founding member of Quilts of Honor America, I am honored for the opportunity to support our warriors and veterans....

    Cpl. George A. Burrows, USMC 1968-1969, wrote me with these words, “Thank You for the Quilt, it’s beautiful. It’s something I will not only use but will pass down to my grandson with the story of how I got it. What you people are doing means more than you could know to people like me. When I came home from Nam [Vietnam] we were not honored. This Quilt is MY WELCOME HOME!”
    His letter is a resounding sentiment that I have heard countless times. It is these words and other similar sentiments that have been our inspirations in forming and growing Quilts of Honor America.
    Quilts of Honor are made by loving hands of volunteers who wish to present high-quality, handmade, and long-armed quilts as a token of honor in appreciation to our warriors and veterans. Our mission is to bestow a universal symbol and token of thanks, solace, and remembrance to those who serve, past and present, in harm's way to protect and defend our lives and freedoms. We exist to organize volunteers, who create patriotic quilts to be awarded to those who have willingly chosen to commit their lives to our country's safety and protection.

    The stories and words of wisdom and gratitude from those we are lucky enough to honor touch our hearts and change our lives. It is their sentiments that encourage us to continue our mission. To know that we have touched the heart of one veteran or encouraged the morale of one warrior is an honor in and of itself. One such letter was sent to us from a particular marine that served in the 1/8th Marines. His letter came after we awarded 20 quilts to the surviving and active duty members of the 1/8th Marines. This unit lost a total of 30 men during Operation Enduring Freedom and many of the surviving men were suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He stated that upon receipt of our quilt he was overwhelmed with the same joy he experienced with the birth of his son. The honor of knowing we had cared enough to send him a token of our gratitude for his service had touched him so mightily he had wept.

    More recently we received an e-mail from the mother of another Marine, this particular Marine is part of the 3/8 Marines (most of whom are between the ages of 18 and 19). The e-mail was entitled, "Long Overdue", and proceeded to explain that 2 years ago her son had received a quilt from QOH. Since that time, she had continued to follow our program onlineand in the newspapers, and she had finally decided to write with her sincerest thanks for our gift to her son. She told us how touched her son had been by our gift and that upon return of each tour or rest he would go to the bedroom where she kept his quilt and hold it in his arms for a while. She said that recently he had been deployed to Afghanistan and had asked her to watch over his quilt, and now she is the one who finds comfort in the quilt. Each time she experiences a day where she misses him unbearably, she goes to the bedroom and takes the quilt into her arms and holds it to feel closer to her son.

    Each letter we receive and story we hear has encouraged us to continue furthering our growth and provide a morale boost for our troops and continued honor and healing to our veterans. We hope and pray that more people feel called to be involved in the creation and distribution of the quilts to those who deserve them most as they support and defend our freedom.

    @fmfdfa2020 What a beautiful post this is! Thanks so much for sharing.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    suwaligi wrote: »
    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to the community and am happy to find a place where I can have some accountability partners. Thank you for hosting this space, quiltingjaine!

    I'm a 56-year-old female. I love to exercise, but I also love to eat. When I log ALL my food, I keep my intake lower, but I often get bogged down in the scurry of life in the afternoons and evenings. This 10-day challenge seems like a great place for me to get my logging groove back.

    I'll post the following: date - weight - whether I tracked all meals - whether I stayed within my calorie goal.

    6/25 - 178.4

    @suwaligi Welcome to the group. I am so happy you could join us. I hope you will love this group as much as I do. The folks are wonderful and helpful!

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    Sweetzyd wrote: »
    Going to be back next round when I feel I can be around more- we have been traveling a lot this month, and are traveling again next week for the 4th. I'm feeling terrible though, with the way I've eaten lately. So trying to get back on track with that, at least while I'm at home. We had to rehome our family pet also so I'm dealing with some depression from that, knowing I'll probably never see her again. She was also my walking buddy- so I'll probably find a new place to walk for a while when I start walking again. Good luck to you all, and I really have missed reading your stories and success 💕

    @Sweetzyd I am so sorry to hear that you had to rehome your beloved pet. I am sure this is heartbreaking for you both. However, in finding a loving home for her you have done the best you could do in your circumstances. What a loving pet mother you have been! I hope you will find comfort in that.
    Stay safe in your travels. We look forward to your return.