Breakfast low cal high protein

jeibrandi Posts: 2 Member
Hello everyone need help for high protein low carbs breakfast. I don't want to use just protein shakes and yogurt. Please help


  • Sinker202
    Sinker202 Posts: 10 Member
    Scrambled tofu. Asian style dishes with marinated tofu. Egg custard with sweetener. Breakfast burritos with a low carb wrap.
  • earlybirdlady
    earlybirdlady Posts: 116 Member
    If you have a bit of time in the morning, one of my favorite things to have is egg whites with plenty of veggies and some chicken sausage. Really good to make it greek style with spinach tomatoes and feta. I sometimes still follow up with a shake too sip on in the morning at work.

    And I agree that it doesn’t always need to be “traditional” breakfast food. I love to take some leftover chili and throw an egg on it. If you’re looking to reduce carbs leave out the beans and replace with a non-starchy squash or other veg.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    1 egg is 70 cals and 6 grams of protein. 1 Silva Sausage link is 170 cals and 12 grams of protein. That’s sausage and eggs for 240 cals and 18 grams of protein… not bad.

    If you want grab and go, Jimmy Dean English muffin sandwiches (sausage, egg, cheese) are 260 cals and 16g of protein.