Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 264



  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 797 Member
    June 25, 2024
    SW ⚖️132.0

    F65, 5’6” married, MawMaw Proud. Clean P:E (proteinG> Cg+Fg) A whole food WOE- no processed foods. Track macros, all fitness and NSVs. HW 172lbs in 2010. Lost 16lbs Aug-Dec 2023.

    Mission: Continuously improve daily habits that strengthen a “Healthy, Strong & Fit” identity.

    Let’s Go! 💪🏻🙌🏻⚡️

    R264 Habits: (same as 263)

    ** ✅R264- WOE: P:E
    Protein g > (Cg + Fg). Try 1.5:1 or better 2:1. Was on Keto/Ketovore/MAD. Moving toward increased protein and less fat.
    ✅🏋️‍♀️20 min/ day or 30 min 4x per week. RECORD DETAIL.
    ✅ 🙏📝 🧐60 min 5x /week (Pray, journal, and research)
    ✅🥩115g -130g of protein
    ✅🛏️💤 tracking sleep

    NSVs/Journey Reflections…. 👇🏻
    👇🏻Review since my first R231

    1. ✅Avg. close to 10k steps per day for 8+ mos. Not bad. It’s no longer a “daily goal” because it’s now a daily healthy habit - 👏🏻🤩
    2. ✅Healthy Habit: 🙆‍♀️ I stretch daily and that has greatly improved my attitude & confidence.
    3. ✅HH: I play 🎾about 4-5x per week.
    4. ✅HH: Z2 💕avg 60 min/day
    5. ✅HH: zero to 15g of net carbs/ day
    6. ✅Clean P:E 115-130g Protein (this is new)
    7. ✅HH Naturally IF 18/6. Eating window=noon to 6PM. (At least 5 days/wk)
    8. ✅💦80oz daily
    9. ✅Alcohol limited to rare occasions.
    10. 7 to 8 hours sleep per night is a goal. Sleep is still inconsistent the last few rounds…

    Tremendous progress since last July, but still “skinny-fat”. I want 🏋️‍♀️to become a healthy habit too. … 🏋️‍♀️20 min per day or 30 min 3-4x per week. Continue to journal📝 and to strive to ID unhelpful habits & replace with helpful ones.

    Staying in the present moment is key to mental health and healthy choices.

    Rotating 115g to 130g of protein per day is now a non-negotiable. In my dreams, I want to be 130lbs #HSF … 😎 I want to be Healthy, Strong & Fit to live out “Chapter 3” enjoying a full range of mobility, flexibility & activities… !

    Let’s do R264!!🙌🏻

    Todays ⚖️/ Yesterday’s #HSF & Reflections


    6/25⚖️ 132.0
    ✅Pg 137 P:E. 1.7 :1 🏋️‍♀️20 min 📝🚶‍♀️11k 🛏️💤 6hrs
    Solid day. Slept yucky. Not enough water. So darn hot yesterday… need more 💦 today- even tho 80oz feeling dehydrated….
    Really want to sleep better /feeling cortisol levels still high.
    This week DGS coming over after soccer camp each day for an hour or so…. He is my “why” - #HSF Focus on balance, mobility & functional training.
    Let’s Go!

    ✅Pg 123 P:E 2:1 🏋️‍♀️20 min 📝🚶‍♀️6.5k 🛏️💤 5hrs
    Up too early but slept like a rock for 5 hrs. Tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t. Will make lemonade.
    P:E going well. Hitting macro “ratios” is an interesting experiment. Will continue thru this round then assess.
    Solid 🏋️‍♀️ yesterday. Feeling it. (Good!) Still pushing myself to “DO IT” cuz it certainly is not a habit yet! Typical summer heat here. Today might be a rest day. Will see how I feel when the rest of the world wakes up. 😃.
    Oh, the scale? More 💦💦💦 than usual and kept my routine. My body adores routine! I “surged” two days 6/24 & 6/25 and after reviewing my 6 mo stats, 130-131 is “my zone”. (What else am I going to do at 4a.m.?) Anything out of that range is a “systems fluctuation”. Still striving to build functional strength, agility & balance.
    Let’s strive today! #HSF#helpfulhabits

    6/27 ⚖️ 129.6lbs
    ✅Pg 123 P:E 1.3:1 🏋️‍♀️20 min 📝🚶‍♀️10.5k 🛏️💤 9hrs 😄
    This morning all I can think about is that I slept nine hours! No nap yesterday … I fell asleep on the couch around 7 PM… Slept straight through the night -feel great! Good day 💪🏻yesterday! Let’s hope the 💤 continues!
    (I have a tennis match this evening and whenever I play at night I can’t sleep🤞🏻)

    Scale⚖️thoughts: Weirdness.
    I have no explanation… same as when the scale jumps up … must be my “systems”

    6/28 ⚖️ 129.6lbs
    ✅Pg 122 P:E 2.9 :1 📝🚶‍♀️10.k 🛏️💤 5hrs 😄 🚫🏋️‍♀️
    Slept very poorly last night due to late 🎾Tennis. Too much adrenaline. My team is on the road to state again! Hopefully I can take a nap today. InBody @ 9:30am. Will report back.

    6/29 ⚖️ 129.8lbs
    ✅Pg 136 P:E 2.2 :1 📝🚶‍♀️3.6k (YIKES) 🛏️💤 8hrs 😄 🚫🏋️‍♀️

    Food entry: I mixed up my eating routine - DH and I went to our favorite little health food café. Chose tri-color slaw mixed with chopped broccoli & cauliflower (no dressing)… topped with delicious, yummy fresh turkey salad w/ dab of Mayo, chopped carrots & black olives. They raise their own turkey- Que Delicioso! Divided for lunch and dinner … protein shake w/ yogurt/berries to top off my day. (Yes, I did suffer lots of gas🙃) but a Perfect P:E day.

    Today = 💪🏻day. (I’ve had two rest days). Several 🇺🇸celebrations so will get my 🚶‍♀️💪🏻done early this morn. (But there’s another really good estate sale happening this morning so I might indulge!) I plan on enjoying whatever whole foods are served today - no alcohol. It’s going to be +100° - plenty of electrolytes.

    6/30 ⚖️ DNW
    ✅Pg 125 P:E 1 :1 📝🚶‍♀️11k 🛏️💤 4-5hrs 🏋️‍♀️30min
    Slept poorly. But….
    Best 🏋️‍♀️ever. Incremental positives. I think this was the first time I actually “enjoyed” 🏋️‍♀️. I simply forced myself to just DO it, & after abt 10 min, I felt the endorphins / adrenaline kick in and viola-positivity took over.

    Then…. A pool party! I stuck to no alcohol & my “whole foods” plan… I had two WHOLE pieces of FRIED chicken (one without skin and the second with what the heck skin) and two WHOLE pieces of PIE! Mildly disappointed in myself… that I did not stop at one piece of pie… because one was enough. Yes, there’s that. So this was my “no excuse” Saturday. Got home at 5pm and enjoyed 💦💦💦… Thinking the sugar is why I did not sleep well… Tossed all night… up @ 3:15. (DNW cuz Discombobulated. Enjoyed two cups ☕️ so will ⚖️ tomorrow).

    A new day today 🎾& 🏋️‍♀️!

    7/1⚖️ 130.8
    ✅Pg 117 P:E 1.1 :1 📝🚶‍♀️8k 🛏️💤 5hrs 🏋️‍♀️20min
    Slept poorly. Again…. 🙃
    Yesterday- solid day. Some emotional ruminating about SILLY Non-consequential stuff that happens when you’re a ruminator…. Looking for my helpful habits to kick in today. Stay present & grateful.

    I love that it’s a new month! I’m going to spend additional time today reading, reflecting & journaling to come up with a full “leveling up/down” plan for July. I came across a graphic yesterday, that I will post in a separate posting… Maybe one person will benefit.

    P:E is working for me. I like it. Shoot for 120-130 P.
    Proteing ratio to Energyg (carbg + fatg) greater than 1:1. Whole food /clean only. 2:1 is best for me.

    NSV: stayed the course 🏋️‍♀️even tho I DID NOT WANT TO!

    7/2⚖️ 130.4
    ✅Pg 155 P:E 2.2 :1 📝🚶‍♀️4k 🛏️💤 8.5hrs 🏋️‍♀️10min
    Slept like a rock last night… no idea why or what I did differently. Maybe lack of good sleep finally caught up with me.
    Yesterday: Got a wild hair and decided to make low-carb, high protein, organic grass-fed ground venison/ribeye/brisket enchiladas … went all-in- even the wraps were individually created “egg-white” wraps -crafted individually…. Fresh ranchero /scratch sauce too. Everything whole & natural. Six hours. Delicious but EXPENSIVE and I’ll NEVER do that again. Went through 2 dozen fresh farm eggs because I messed up and had to start over…. Yes, super yummy and … worth the “experience”, but not the effort. Leftovers for an army!
    Super easy for me to get off track/distracted from 🏋️‍♀️🚶‍♀️🎾 … will be more focused today?(However, it will be 100° & Wimbledon has started!). Literally forgot to work on my “July” plan. I may not get to it today, but I’ll do it by the 4th.
    5:30am and Wimbledon is on!

    ✅Pg 143 P:E 2 :1 📝🚶‍♀️9k 🛏️💤 🏋️‍♀️25 min

    📝Completed July #HSF “leveling up” plan. Will post next round to celebrate one year on this challenge! Completed three separate 🏋️‍♀️&🚶‍♀️”snacks” yesterday. DGS joined in the fun! Today: more DGS. ❤️ (And leftovers!) Tennis tonight.

    7/4 🇺🇸
    ✅Pg 131 P:E 1.2 :1 📝🚶‍♀️6k 🛏️💤 8hr 🏋️‍♀️10 min
    Good sleep-disappointed tho tennis was canceled at the last minute. Great day with DGS. Did not drink enough water!
    This was a “B” round. Can do better! Looking forward to closing in on one year next round!

    @_JeffreyD_ I had a typo yesterday in my explanation of P : E (corrected below):

    Protein > Energy
    Energy = Carb g + Fat g
    Protein g > (Cg + Fg).
    1:1 is maintenance. 1.5:1 to 2:1 for fat loss.

  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,970 Member
    _JeffreyD_ wrote: »
    @CamandJarvis what does DOMS mean? I can't find it on @quiltingjaine list.

    Sorry for the delayed response! DOMS = Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.
    @quiltingjaine can we add this to our list? Please and thank you!

  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 797 Member
    I’m still cracking up!
    Tried to fix her head… but to no avail….
  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,970 Member

    @_JeffreyD_ I had a typo yesterday in my explanation of P : E (corrected below):

    Protein > Energy
    Energy = Carb g + Fat g
    Protein g > (Cg + Fg).
    1:1 is maintenance. 1.5:1 to 2:1 for fat loss.


    @Chapter_3 sorry I am so dense... a 2:1 ratio blows my mind. For example, yesterdays nutrient analysis for me was .33:1. Yes you read that correctly. .33! Of course yesterday was one of my typical WGAC days, of which there are way too many lately. ( @quiltingjaine please add WGAC = "Who Gives A Crap" to the glossary. ..just kidding)

    Actually I do give a crap. I will be more mindful here, but I don't think the menus around my house will support a 2:1. I will try.

    BTW I looked online for that protein powder and it is out of stock on their website and on Amazon. Are you hoarding it? Is the rubber chicken guarding your stash?