Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 264



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »
    For those who celebrate July 4th, wishing you all a wonderful day!!

    I hope to get myself together and be back soon!

    Happy Fourth Sheri and to all of us who celebrate. Remember we are celebrating our country and not worshipping the awesome food! Take care of yourselves and hydrate.

  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 806 Member
    edited July 4
    _JeffreyD_ wrote: »

    @_JeffreyD_ I had a typo yesterday in my explanation of P : E (corrected below):

    Protein > Energy
    Energy = Carb g + Fat g
    Protein g > (Cg + Fg).
    1:1 is maintenance. 1.5:1 to 2:1 for fat loss.

    @Chapter_3 sorry I am so dense... a 2:1 ratio blows my mind. For example, yesterdays nutrient analysis for me was .33:1. Yes you read that correctly. .33! Of course yesterday was one of my typical WGAC days, of which there are way too many lately. ( @quiltingjaine please add WGAC = "Who Gives A Crap" to the glossary. ..just kidding)

    Actually I do give a crap. I will be more mindful here, but I don't think the menus around my house will support a 2:1. I will try.

    BTW I looked online for that protein powder and it is out of stock on their website and on Amazon. Are you hoarding it? Is the rubber chicken guarding your stash?

    If you want to give P:E a whirl, by adding just one high protein that’s also (zero to low-carb) shake your ratio will improve dramatically. Adding an additional one baked chicken breast will put you in the PERFECT zone!

    So sad Amazon is out of that protein shake… I’ll look for a replacement & will post in next round.
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 537 Member


    @Anabirgite I just read that vinegar mixed with salt is a very good non-toxic weed killer. I have a pump sprayer with wand and I'm going to try it. Would be much safer than round-up and fantastically cheaper than most chemical and commercial based products. I just though I would mention it in case you wanted to put that vinegar to good use. [/quote]

    Sounds like a great idea if I did not have 3 separate Round Up gallons, and a huge tub of Preen! 😒- I obviously had no intention of moving at this time- I usually use the vinegar to clean my deck - I get algae - I just do not have time to clean that this year.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,872 Member

    @deepwoodslady I think I’m stealing your 10 pound scratch off, I can really see how motivating that can be. Hope you don’t mind!

    @MommieJeannie You may, of course, help yourself. I wish I could take credit for it but I actually borrowed it from someone else on here. With all this brain fog I suffer from, I don't even remember who started it now (will the real author please stand up!). Yes, motivating, Yes, clever! They have never seemed to mind sharing.
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 1,065 Member
    musicsax wrote: »

    7/4 139.2 – (trend 139.4) 7.01 miles walked. Attended a thank you bbq for volunteers at National Trust, no low calorie choices, so had one burger on a bap & cake, confess to 2 pieces ! But resisted this turning into a binge as I was tempted, so tempted to turn to the chocolate, but I resisted 😊. A loss of 1.6 pounds, no binges this round. Unfortunately I failed to stay under 140 on 1 day, but ‘two out of three ‘ain’t bad’ !!!! It seems that words of songs are becoming a theme!!
    💥USA💥 Enjoy your day my friends xx

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE & I AM WHAT I EAT!!!!! 👍👍.

    Because I binge for every emotion I have, or if I feel like I didn't stay on plan, I truly know what an accomplishment this is to not have binged after 2 pieces of cake, and not using this as an excuse to binge on chocolate (or letting your physical cravings take over, too), and to not binge for the entire round. I know from reading your posts this is something I think you struggle with as do I. Good for you making it thru the day and also the entire round - that is something to be proud of and hopefully each time we succeed with pushing back and not letting it take over, we learn something to use to fight off the cravings/bingeing next time. Take care! <3
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,746 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 147.0
    UGW: 140.0
    06/23 - 150.4 at 7:20 a.m. ...Grandson had his 1st baseball game. I had Bean. Made soup.
    06/24 - 150.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.52 miles in 110 mins to the post office and back
    06/25 - 149.3 at 8:15 a.m. ...zero
    06/26 - 150.4 at 7:45 a.m. ...zero again...too hot...trainer is sick
    06/27 - 152.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.48 miles in 115 mins to the post office and back...got hot!
    06/28 - 150.3 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    06/29 - 147.4 at 8:00 a.m. ...nothing
    06/30 - 149.2 at 7:45 a.m. ...made soup...so hot in Northern California!!
    07/01 - 150.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    07/02 - 149.2 at 8:15 a.m. ...cleaned house...way too hot in Northern California! 109 degrees!
    07/03 - 149.0 at 8:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    07/04 - 151.0 at 8:20 a.m. ...43 mins on the recumbent for 9.0 miles
    Good luck everyone!
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 1,065 Member

    @deepwoodslady I think I’m stealing your 10 pound scratch off, I can really see how motivating that can be. Hope you don’t mind!

    @MommieJeannie You may, of course, help yourself. I wish I could take credit for it but I actually borrowed it from someone else on here. With all this brain fog I suffer from, I don't even remember who started it now (will the real author please stand up!). Yes, motivating, Yes, clever! They have never seemed to mind sharing.

    Hi @deepwoodslady and @MommieJeannie - It was I who started it :smiley: It's great that something that motivated me, seems to help motivate others!
  • MommieJeannie
    MommieJeannie Posts: 58 Member
    I'm Jen, 40 years old from Florida, married, retired mom with 3 kids, 4 dogs, and chickens.

    Hi Jen, forgive me if I’ve asked before but what part of Florida? Sometimes I think I would love to move back there but than remember the bugs and now large snakes! UGH! I was young (10-17) so mostly remember the good times!

    @quiltingjaine I’m in Daytona Beach. Where do you live? Have you visited Florida since you moved? I moved from the northeast about 5 years ago and I love it here, but it’s not for everyone.

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,181 Member
    @quiltingjaine I’m in Daytona Beach. Where do you live? Have you visited Florida since you moved? I moved from the northeast about 5 years ago and I love it here, but it’s not for everyone.

    I live in Las Vegas now. I/we have visited. My folks lived in Spring Hill until they passed in 1993 - 5 months apart. I went back for both my high school 40th and 50th year reunions. Took our girls to the parks in Orlando/Kissimee in 80, 86, and DH in 92. We took my oldest brother’s cremains to be placed beside my parents at their church memory garden in 2009. At that time, we considered moving to Florida but after looking at a house we really liked, DH stood on the driveway and said, “Jaine, we can’t live here. I can’t breathe.” I knew going in that the humidity was going to be too much. That was part of the reason we had left southern Illinois. Florida has changed so much as has the whole country.

    Sorry this is so long!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    RND 264 (my 12th)
    SW (first round) 155.8
    SW (this round) 148.1

    6/24 - 148.7 - walked 2 miles this morning. Still not sure how my foot is coping with its new freedom from the boot. While walking it felt great. After walking it felt great. Later in the day I had a lot of aching pain on the ball of my foot - but that is not where the injury was so I was confused about the source of the pain. Thinking that maybe it is just my foot adjusting back to walking “normally” again. By the end of the day, there was no more pain. Fingers crossed it stays that way and I can walk again tomorrow morning.

    6/25 - 148.3 - storms this morning so no walk. Busy stressful day of working late so no evening workout either. Stress ate cookies I did not need - but they were delicious

    6/26 - 147.8

    6/27 - 147.9

    6/28 - 149.0 - not a stellar start to my challenge attendance - having skipped two days without posting - and now posting on the day I gained rather than lost 🙁. Had a “team fun” get together at my house last night - I did not eat a lot but it was all very salty (they brought the snacks and I supplied the beverages) so the gain does not surprise me. Also TOM is going to start within the next few hours so there is that too. I have not done a good job with drinking water today to help flush it out and I am about to indulge in yet more salty food. I am not in a good place to make good decisions and my 14 y/o daughter has requested her favorite pizza for dinner. My 17 y/o is gone for the weekend at a youth conference, so I told my younger girl that since she is an only child tonight, she could pick whatever she wanted for dinner. Of course she picked pizza. Work has been stressful all week. I am exhausted and I am extremely hungry - I’ve been so busy today I have barely eaten. None of these things will help me keep my eating of salty, greasy, pizza in check… but… I am going to try and I am hoping to have just typed this…being aware of the treacherous situation I am walking into…and admitting “out loud” that I am likely to over-indulge - that it will help me stay in line - at least a little bit.

    6/29 - 148.7 - not sure how the scale moved that way given the stress fueled feast I indulged in last night… committed to staying on track today. Drinking lots of water and making healthy food choices.

    6/30 - 150.2 - the gain I deserve given how bad I have been about food choices and logging. The past two days have been a complete disaster.

    I need to figure out how to overcome what has become a recurring story. As TOM approaches - usually about 8-9 days out, the hormonal stress begins to take its toll. I don’t sleep well, I feel constantly fatigued, and I lose all motivation. Even when I don’t do anything at all, every metabolic metric on my watch reads like I have been doing daily intense workouts without any recovery. I never know whether to push through and workout anyway or if my body is already stressed (too stressed) enough and that adding additional stress will only make it worse.

    Sometimes “pushing through” feels like running a marathon even though I am doing nothing close to that hard. I try to “listen to my body” but I don’t like what it is telling me. I feel stronger and more in control if I ignore it, but I wonder if I am doing more damage if I do. This time, pushing through was not even an option - my work stress was already intolerable and added to the hormonal stress there was no hope for me.

    I really want to figure out how to stay in better control - but it seems so completely out of reach. My crazy hormones will continue to be crazy until I cross over to the other side of menopause. I have friends younger than me that are already there, but I am 54 years old and as things stand right now - my cycle still happens like clockwork. My clock, however, has turned into a fun-house coo-coo clock and turns me upside down and inside out every time it comes back around.

    Add to that, my work stress that is always high, but has been close to intolerable for several months. As much as I try to remain calm and not let it get to me, I work endlessly - 10 hour days are consistent, but lately there are more and more 12 and 14 hour days followed by giving another 12 hours across Saturday and Sunday. There is no break between days or weeks, it just keeps going and going and going. I have no life outside of work - I am either working or sleeping or working again.

    It is days like this, when I am exhausted and feel physically horrible that trying to build consistent healthy routines around eating and exercise seem so far away. I want to figure it out - I need to figure it out and tomorrow is a new day so I will spend some time this evening setting up a plan and doing the very best I can to set myself up for success.

    @anabirgite, @deepwoodslady, @judefit1, @skyleen75, @chapter_3 thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. So very much appreciated and helped me feel less isolated in my life's chaos ❤️

    7/1 - 149.8 - going back in the right direction. Went out to dinner with friends - a much needed break from my work drudgery. Not sure the scale will appreciate it as much I did.

    7/2 - 150.2 - back up again today. Not an awesome day - not a horrible day. It was a standard long work day (started at 8 am and just logging off now at 11:15 pm with only 45 minute break to come home and eat dinner before logging back on for the evening). Started out with good breakfast but then waited too long to get lunch and was REALLY hungry by 2pm. I came VERY close to heading to the cafeteria and grabbing a greasy grilled cheese and french fries so that I could sit at my desk and stress eat while continuing to work… BUT…. convinced myself to stick to the lunch I brought and had my baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, cottage cheese and ½ avocado. Almost broke down again as it was dinner time and I was sitting at my desk but at a protein bar and then went home and had proper dinner instead of eating popcorn and ice cream (both of which are readily available and free at all times at the office I work). Still feeling bloated and inside out due to TOM - but feeling like I won a small battle having stuck with my eating plan today.

    7/3 - 148.9 going the right way again. This is my last weigh-in until the 8th - which means that I am ending this round with a gain 🙁 We are leaving to go up to our cabin for the holiday. My plan is to continue to log and be mindful - focus on hydration and drinking water. Normally this holiday is just my husband and girls at the cabin - we try to keep it just to the immediate family to give us time to step away and relax and enjoy each other’s company - but this year will be different. My brother and his kids are in town so he will be there as well as my dad and in total we will have 13 people to start. As we approach the weekend, different layers of people will be leaving - but it will be chaotic and the majority of the planning, organizing and hosting will fall on me. To add to the chaos, aside from tomorrow, the weather is not supposed to be awesome - the forecast is showing rain from 8 am Friday until 10 pm on Saturday - so we will also be stuck indoors. At least I won’t be working…that is until Sunday when I will have to put in a good chunk of hours to be prepared to go back on Monday 😣. Wishing everyone here in America a safe and relaxing holiday! 🎉

    7/4 - DNW/ did not log - out of town sketchy cell service and hosting family at our cabin