JULY 2024 Walk/Jog/Run/Bike ( steps or miles) challenge



  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 880 Member
  • phoenixstrong19
    phoenixstrong19 Posts: 10 Member
    Heat advisory today. I'm going to do my (4) exercises from my list and do up/downs on my staircase in the house. I might try a beginner yoga or beginner belly dance video. Stay safe out there!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    I use to walk with my 2 dogs. Later my husband retired & walked with us. Then my eldest dog died so the three of us. Then I got a puppy. The other JRT started going down hill & couldnt walk fast or far so my husband started taking her so it was just me & Livy. We lost our little JRT on June 14th. It is now me, my husband most (not all) days & Livy. I’m use to it being mostly me & dogs! lol Been that way since 2007!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    July 1st……2.25 Walk miles
    July 2nd…..3.00 Walk miles
    TOTAL Walk miles…..5.25

    July 3rd…..3.00 Walk miles
    TOTAL Walk miles…..8.25
    July 4th…….3.00 Walk miles
    July 5th……..3.00 Walk miles
    TOTAL Walk miles…..14.25

  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,039 Member
    Enjoyed reading your motivational posts and walking routines

    I’m on vacation in the mountains of Oregon. High heat advisory has us in the shade by noon.

    Getting my steps in and will update my tracking soon.

    Homeward bound on Monday
    Love Karen
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    I'm in for 150,00 total steps in July.
    07/01 - 07/04 - 16,767 steps for 16.67 miles (some of those miles were on the recumbent bike)
    07/05 -
    Good luck everyone.
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 880 Member


    One of the main things that motivated me to start walking more was I saw an ad for a virtual walk app where you can earn badges if you walk a certain distance ( The Conqueror ) and I thought it was a cool way to stay motivated, that was until I learned how expensive it was. Lol. So, I didn't sign up for it. However, I saw a challenge on there to walk 500 miles and ever since then, that has been my ultimate goal. Obviously, you can't reach that in a month. So, I'm going to gather all my entries from this group and add them to my mile counter until I reach my ultimate goal. I still plan to have the small monthly step goals here and keep walking after the goal is reached as I still have lots to lose but that's the main goal.

    Question for all: Do you have a main goal you are trying to reach steps/miles-wise for the year? If you don't have one, what is the reason you started to walk more?

  • phoenixstrong19
    phoenixstrong19 Posts: 10 Member
    After my mom passed (2018), I took in her dog. He passed in Dec 2023. We've done a few walking challenges at work. I don't have a miles or steps goal - at this point, I'm looking for momentum, which means making myself do something everyday. In 2010, I hit my highest non-pregnancy weight and had pain associated with my gallbladder. Doctor said lose weight or surgery. I decided losing weight would be better for my overall health and if I still needed surgery that could be scheduled. So I downloaded fitness pal and took up spin classes and walking. I did well lost 70 lbs. Then life threw a lot at me. I lost my dad, got divorced and lost my mom over 5 years. Gained a little, then had trouble walking and needed surgery on my foot. Gained a bit more, but pt and surgery have finally fixed my foot, so it's time to work on losing what I regained. Hope ya'll have a great weekend stay out of the heat and drink plenty of h2o. :) oh yeah today was short due to the heat - 2 mile walk, 3.7 mph, 33 min, 381 cal
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    Thanks phoneixstrong! Your story is sad but you are inspiring! Sometimes life does throwc us curves!

    Keep up the good work…❤️
  • mizzmagenta
    mizzmagenta Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I hope it’s okay if I join your challenge (a little bit later).

    I’ve come to realise that I need motivation to achieve my daily steps, if left to my own devices I will be lazy and leave it to tomorrow (tomorrow never happens).

    I’m going to try and get 8,000 steps a day and form long lasting habits, so it becomes the norm to get up and walk rather than sit all day. I have a sedentary job, so I will have to definitely make time in my day for movement.

    Wishing everyone luck on their journey. 😊
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 528 Member
    edited July 7
    JUL 01: 11,684 steps (6.12 miles)
    JUL 02: 15,309 steps (7.75 miles)
    JUL 03: 14,617 steps (7.15 miles)
    JUL 04: 2,611 steps (1.27 miles)
    JUL 05: 1,101 steps (0.53 miles)
    JUL 06: 4,163 steps (2.02 miles)
    JUL 07:

    Hi everyone! As you can see from above, I started out great but then slacked off. (What else is new?) That's okay; I was off work from July 4th through July 6th so there were no commute walks. I plan to get right back on track and won't give up! On days off I will do an exercise DVD or something so I can keep up.

    I've decided not to post my stats and weight here because that's not what this group is about; so I'll leave that for some of the other boards.

    I plan to be more consistent about daily posts going forward.

    Have a great week!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    WELCOME Mizzmagenta!

    Better late than never! Good luck onyour journey! ❤️

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    July 1st……2.25 Walk miles
    July 2nd…..3.00 Walk miles
    TOTAL Walk miles…..5.25

    July 3rd…..3.00 Walk miles
    TOTAL Walk miles…..8.25
    July 4th…….3.00 Walk miles
    July 5th……..3.00 Walk miles
    TOTAL Walk miles…..14.25
    July 6th……3.00 Walk miles
    July 7th…….2.00 Walk miles ( 6 am short walk before church services!)
    TOTAL Walk miles….19.25

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    Last entry July 7th….
    TOTAL walk miles thus far….19.25

    July 8th…3.00 walk miles
    TOTAL walk miles thus far…..22.25
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,039 Member
    July 🥳🌻🚣‍♀️
    Daily Step Goal: 8K 🐾

    1st week
    1. 08
    2. 06
    ✅ July 3-6, are a conservative estimate on my daily steps 😃
    3. 05-vacation
    4. 05-vacation
    5. 05-vacation
    6. 05-vacation
    Total 34K steps

    2nd week
    07. 14
    Total K steps

    Keep moving forward 🚣🏻 🚣🏻
    💞 Karen
  • phoenixstrong19
    phoenixstrong19 Posts: 10 Member
    July 7 - I did 2.6 mile walk, 3.7 mph, 42.5 min, 493 calories

    July 8- 4.25 mile bike, 11.1 mph, 23 min, 107 calories

    I have also kept up with my 4 exercises a day list.

    Carole, don't be hard on yourself you move as many days as possible and be honest with yourself. each day is a new start.

    I hope each of you finds a little success each day, try to let go of the negative.

    Best wishes,
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 2,039 Member
    July 🥳🌻🚣‍♀️
    Daily Step Goal: 8K 🐾

    1st week Total 34K steps

    2nd week
    07. 14
    08. 13
    Total K steps

    Keep moving forward 🚣🏻 🚣🏻
    💞 Karen
    2024 Daily Step Goal 8K
    ⏰IN PROGRESS 🏋🏼‍♂️

    July Total K
    ➗31 Daily Average K


    June Total 284K
    ➗30 Daily Average 9.5K
    May Total 303K
    ➗31 Daily Average 9.8K
    April Total 265K
    ➗30 Daily Average 8.8K
    March Total 301K
    ➗31 Daily Average 9.7K
    February Total 282K
    ➗29 Daily Average 9.7K
    January Total 302K
    ➗31 Daily Average 9.7K
    2023 🙌 GOAL 10K Daily Steps
    December Total 350K
    ➗31 Daily Average 11.3K
    November Total 340K
    ➗30 Daily Average 11.3K
    October Total 366K steps
    ➗31 Daily Average 11.8K
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 528 Member
    edited July 9
    Daily step goal (average): 9,000

    7/01: 11,684 steps (6.12 miles)
    7/02: 15,309 steps (7.75 miles)
    7/03: 14,617 steps (7.15 miles)
    7/04: 2,611 steps (1.27 miles)
    7/05: 1,101 steps (0.53 miles)
    7/06: 4,163 steps (2.02 miles)
    7/07: 2,588 steps (1.26 miles)
    7/08: 13,963 steps (7.21 miles)
    Going forward, I will include a screenshot for the day's step stats.
    I will post my daily average tomorrow. (Bedtime now, and it will be easier when I have my laptop with me)

    Have a great week!
    💗 Carole
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    Last entry July 7th….
    TOTAL walk miles thus far….19.25

    July 8th…3.00 walk miles
    TOTAL walk miles thus far…..22.25

    July 9 th…..3.25 Walk miles
    TOTAL Walk miles…..25.50

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    I'm in for 150,00 total steps in July.
    07/01 - 07/04 - 16,767 steps for 16.67 miles (some of those miles were on the recumbent bike)
    07/05 - 07/08 - 22,750 steps for 17.80 miles ...39,517 total steps ^^^ 34.47 total miles
    Good luck everyone.