❤️⭐️2024 Weekly Weigh-in Challenge⭐️❤️



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member

    Celebrate safely my friends!
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,976 Member
    SW: 187 (May 2024)
    Goal Range: (TBD)

    5/30: 183
    6/6: 180
    6/15: 177.6
    6/20: 177
    6/27: 176.8
    7/4: 176
  • Pannduh
    Pannduh Posts: 93 Member
    Starting weight: 135.4
    Goal Weight: 110


    07/5- 131.2
    07/12 -
    07/19 -
    07/26 -

    Month loss:


    06/14 - 135.4
    06/21 - 132.4
    06/28 - 131.6

    Month loss: 3.8 lbs
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    edited July 6
    Hello I'm Darlene, retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty).

    My Goals for 2024

    ⚖️ Get to my Ideal weight
    👣 Log 2,024 miles in 2024 (I count all steps towards this goal - not just intentional miles)
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    🫀 Aerobics 3 days per week
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Stretch workout 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    Highest Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sept: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.6 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | June 144.8

    Total Loss: 84.1
    2024 Loss: 20.1
    Pounds to Ideal Range: 3.9
    Pounds to Goal: 8.9 (might be 15.9 if I decide to go for the 100 pounds)
    I'll weigh in on Saturdays to be on the same day as my other challenges (and the last day of the month).

    Jan 1: 163.8 Happy New Year!
    Jan 6: 162.8 😁
    Jan 13: 162 😁
    Jan 20: 161 😁
    Jan 27: 162.2 ☹️ Not the right direction
    Jan 30: 159.8 😁 Will be traveling January 31, so will not have access to a scale - so this is my official end of month weight.
    Total weight lost in January: 4.2 Pounds

    Feb 3: 160.6 Not as bad as I expected. Have been traveling and eating out every day since Jan 31.
    Feb 12: 159.8 😁 I am so happy with this - been on vacation since Jan 31 - got back yesterday and today weigh the same as I did when I left. Now to focus and lose some weight in February!
    Feb 18: 158.8 😁 Forgot to post on Saturday - but I was one more down!
    Feb 29: 156.8 😁 Nice way to end the month

    Total Weight Lost in February: 3 Pounds

    Mar 2: 156.8
    Mar 9: 154.8 😁
    Mar 16: 154.2 😁
    Mar 23: 153.4 😁 I am really liking this weekly weigh in, I flucuate so much daily and forget that it is actually a trend downward week to week.
    Mar 30: 152.6 😁

    Total Weight Lost in March: 4 Pounds

    Apr 6: 153 ☹️ My first up in a long time. Had a self sabatoge day yesterday - and expected this. Will have a tough week ahead (which probably caused my self sabatoge) with Easter tomorrow and then going on a small trip for two days.
    April 13: 151.6 😁 Worked super hard this week to get back to where I was!
    April 20: 150.6 😁Working hard in the garden uses a LOT of calories.
    April 28: 152 ☹️ Sad to see - but had trouble with my scale - bit the dust. The new one says a lot heavier than I would like to see - but it is what it is. First day with the new scale was 152.4 - so a little progress since then. Hoping at least to see a loss in April and looking forward to starting a fresh new month in May (two more days to leave April behind me!).
    April 30: 151.6

    Total Weight Lost in April - 1 Pound

    May 6: 150.2 😁 Got below my old scale weight. Went to the doctor this week. She was very happy with me. The new scale was right. I've probably been understating for a while.
    May 11: 150 😁 A little less than last week. I did see the 140 range this week, but just for split second.
    May 18: 150.6 ☹️ It has been a tough week. On Monday I threw out my knee - couldn't walk. Went to the doctor on Tuesday - xrays showed arthritis in both knees but that wouldn't be why I couldn't put any pressure on my leg. Dr. referred me for an MRI - which isn't scheduled until this Thursday - (a week and a half later), was concerend that it might be a meniscus tear . In the meantime - it is getting a little better, I can walk without crutches - probably just a sprain or something. Mostly seated exercises for now - did get in a short slow walk yesterday. Needless to say, the scale was not my friend. I'm thinking that my exercise tracker over estimates how many calories I burn in my seated workouts. With that in mind, yesterday adjusted how I am tracking - will not count ANY calories burned from exercise towards my calorie goal (I usually allow some (not all) - it's a complicated calculation that I won't bore you with). I would really like to see the 140s again by next week!
    May 26: 150.2 Had MRI, now the waiting game to get the results and follow-up appointment. Did get to the 140s but a slow creep back. Five more days to reach my goal.
    May 31: 149.6 I made it to the 140's!

    Total lost in May - 2 Pounds

    June 8: 146.2 😁 Great week. I bought two weeks of Nutrisystem food. They were having a free month of their advantage (a la carte) plan, so I thought I would give it a try to boost my slow loss the last couple of months. I started at the end of May. Could I do it long term? - absolutely not - I love to cook and the food is already getting boring. But it worked. I contributepart of the loss due to the fact that I am off the ibuprofen medication for me knee. The Dr. had me on 600 mg - 3 times a day. From what I read, it can cause water retention. I stopped taking about the same time as I started NS. My MRI results showed a meniscus tear with moderate arthritis. I got a cortizone shot, and will start physical therapy next Friday. In the meantime, still seated cardio workouts - but did get in a 1/2 mile walk yesterday.

    June 14: 145 😁 Anther good week. Very excited - we booked a last minute trip to Hawaii (leave Sunday). We have to drop off Allyson at JFK and said as long as we are there, why don't we use those frequent flyer miles that we have used in AGES! We found a good deal on a condo on VRBO - so have a full kitchen. My plan is to eat two meals in and go out for one. When I do go out - DON'T finish my plate - bring half home for breakfast or lunch the next day. Limit the alcohol. I won't let it be a free for all - I never came home from a vacation saying I wish I ate or drank more! Here on my findings on the Nutrisystem experiment.
    1. It works - I got over my plateau and continued to lose - lost almost 5 pounds in two weeks. 😁
    2. It was super easy to follow 😁 but, had we had to cook two meals daily - one for me, one for Greg. ☹️
    3. The food was edible - not fantastic, not gross 😐
    4. I did not meet my protein goal most days ☹️, but met carb, fat, sodium and fiber goals almost every day 😁.
    5. Most days the calories were about 1,350 - ranging from a little under 1,200 to 1,600. I wasn't hungry. 😁
    6. I ususally eat 5 fruits/veggies a day - but switched to 4 veggies one fruit on Nutrisystem. 😐
    6. It's doable as a quick fix, I couldn't do it long term. 😐
    7. Overall - I am extremely happy with the weight loss. So overall score! 😁 But am really looking forward to cooking again! 👩‍🍳
    8. Next step - see if I gain it all back?

    June 22 147.7 I am in Hawaii and the salt from the food, and the alcohol has me all over the place this week. Up two pounds, down a pound, up a pound, down two pounds. This is me today. I have two more days in paradise and then back home to normal. I know it won't come off as quickly as it came on, but hope I can get back to where I was before the end of the month. The memories are worth it.

    June 29 144.8 😁 So happy to see. The water weight from my trip is gone. We had a fantastic time. The best part is that I did not OVER indulge. Yes, I indulged - had a small cup of ice cream every day and a drink on most days. But we ate in for breakfast every day, and most lunches. I only ate 1/2 the entre at the restaurant for dinner - bringing home the rest for Greg to snack on, or for lunch the next day. I did not feel deprived.

    Total weight lost in June: 4.8 Pounds

    Starting Weight July: 144.8

    July 6: 143.9 😁 Tough week for me health wise, but at least it didn't show up on the scale. Back to seated walks and aerobics - my knee issues are not recovering like the Dr. wants. I also have an upper respitory infection that I caught while in Hawaii - on day three of antibiotics but still feel yucky - hope it kicks in soon! On a better note - just 3.9 pounds to get out of the overweight stage! I'm hoping to hit that by my birthday the second week in August!
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 545 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I got "sticker shock" when I stepped on the scale this morning! I was "good" until the 4th, but then: "Blame it on the barbecue!" (Plus, I had trouble "reining it in" on Friday and Saturday.) On the plus side. I had no alcoholic beverages at all.

    I will hold off reporting until tomorrow, Monday, July 8th. Hopefully, the scale will then show that I at least maintained, once I get rid of all the excess fluid and sodium. (I will report my stats regardless.)

    Enjoy your day and have a great week!
    💗 Carole
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 545 Member
    edited July 7
    Hi Darlene, I hope you feel much better, very soon! My birthday is in August too (the 18th). We must be about the same height too (5'3")? I need to get down to 140 in order to be out of overweight range, but it's going to take longer than six weeks (my 66th birthday). You're so close! 🌹

    Very best wishes for a speedy recovery! 💗 Carole
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    edited July 7
    Walela617 wrote: »
    Hi Darlene, I hope you feel much better, very soon! My birthday is in August too (the 18th). We must be about the same height too (5'3")? I need to get down to 140 in order to be out of overweight range, but it's going to take longer than six weeks (my 66th birthday). You're so close! 🌹

    Very best wishes for a speedy recovery! 💗 Carole

    @walela617 Thank you! Yup, 5'3 - 140 is the magic number - plus I want at least another 5 for a buffer so I never get back there (might go for 12 so I can say I hit 100 pounds 😁). It has been a long battle - 19 months so far - slow and steady.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 64 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)
    Start Weight (from June 30th, 2024 ): 187.0
    Goal Weight: 183.0 (4 pound loss)

    End of Month Final Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this Month: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-187.0-(Trend Weight: 186.6)- I hope to type my weight in pink A LOT more often this month! Good luck to you all during July. Lets be Unstoppable!

    07/08-189.2-(Trend Weight: 187.2)- Enough is Enough. Turning it all around today. The 4 day holiday weekend is over and the real work begins again!

    07/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    07/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    07/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's
  • MommieJeannie
    MommieJeannie Posts: 58 Member
    I'm Jen, 40 years old from Florida, married, retired mom with 3 kids, 4 dogs, and chickens.
    Recommitting to weight loss, and just setting a daily track food & steps goal (good or bad) for now. Trying to limit fast food, and up my activity level (have lots of house cleaning to do and yard work to catch up on, now that i'm not sitting in front of a computer for 10+ hours per day...)

    Starting Weight: 285
    Challenge Starting Weight (6/30): 251.8

    7/1: 250.8 - was very active yesterday, mostly shopping and playing with the kiddies. 4,056 steps & way over calories for today (had fast food for all 3 meals.. yikes) ... will definitely show up on the scale over the next day or two...

    7/8: 247.6 - Took a stress-free/technology-free weekend, was expecting the scale to go up because I didn't track food/calories or steps...no fast food though... As for today, went to boxing class and love it! Tried to control my eating a bit by tracking, was a bit over, and had 1 fast food meal. Didn't have my phone with me most of the day to track my steps, but have 3,154 steps+


    Challenge Final Weight:

    July's Total Weight Loss:
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 545 Member
    edited July 9
    HIGHEST WEIGHT AND DATE: 217.0 lbs. on 2/29/2008
    MY WEIGHT LOSS GOAL: 17-25 lbs. (WT: 148.0 lbs. by 07/31/24; 140 lbs. or less by 12/31/2024
    JUL 01: 157.0
    JUL 08: 153.4
    WK 01 LOSS: 03.6
    TOTAL LOSS: 03.6
    Have a great week!

    💗 Carole
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 969 Member
    Hi, I'm Jude. I'm 67 YO, 5' 2"
    My history includes large swings in weight with up to 50 lb weight gains. My goal for 2024: to change the habits that hurt me and learn how to integrate and maintain healthy eating habits for good.

    June: 6 months into this challenge! I've been consistent this time (compared to the previous 60+ years:-) and am learning what "maintenance" means. My downfall in the past was to lose the weight and fall right back into the habits of a lifetime; it finally occurred to me I have to change.
    1/1/24: 147 lbs
    2/1: 138.6
    3/1: 135.0
    4/1: 130.2
    5/1: 124.6
    6/1: 125.0
    Previous months:
    January goals:
    * continue my exercise routine- which has been pretty good
    * eliminate evening snacking- which is my downfall
    * weigh every day- which I avoid and then gain
    * log in here every week on Monday so I can't pretend the weekend is "free"!

    1/1: 146.6
    1/8: 142.6
    1/15: 141.4
    1/22: 140.2 (a day early, we're away and traveling tomorrow)
    1/29: 139.2
    Starting weight: 146.5

    Goal weight: around/under 142
    Actual: 139.2
    Loss: 7.4 lbs

    February goals:
    * continue exercise routine, weighing and logging- I know what works, now do it.
    * continue to make good choices every day, enjoy food appropriately and within healthy numbers.
    2/5: 137.2
    2/12: 136.8
    2/19: 135.0
    2/26: 134.2
    Starting weight: 139.2
    Goal weight: around/under 136
    Actual: 134.2
    Loss: 5.0 lbs

    March goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * enjoy all our March birthdays and be conscious of portions
    * continue to log consistently
    3/4: 135.0 (birthday dinners!)
    3/18: 131.4
    3/25: 131.4
    Starting weight: 135.0
    Goal weight: around/under 132
    Actual: 131.4
    Loss: 3.6 lbs

    April goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * continue to log consistently
    4/1: 130.2
    4/8: 128.8
    4/15: 127.8
    4/20: 126.9 (posting early pre-trip)
    4/29: 126.0
    Starting weight: 130.2
    Goal weight: around/under 127
    Actual: 126.0
    Loss: 4.2 lbs

    May goals:
    * figure out what "maintaining" means and what my daily calories should be
    * continue to log consistently
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    5/6: 126.0
    5/13: 124.8 Sunday weight
    5/20: 126.0
    5/27: 124.2
    Starting weight: 126.0
    Goal weight: maintain between 124-126
    Actual: 124.2

    June goals:
    * stick with "maintaining" and eating healthfully
    * continue to log consistently
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    6/3: 124.2 (Friday weight, away)
    6/10: 125.0
    6/17: 124.4
    6/24: 124.6
    Starting weight: 125ish
    Goal weight: maintain between 124-126ish
    Actual: 124.6

    July goals:
    * stick with "maintaining" and eating healthfully
    * continue to log, even when traveling
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    7/1: 125.0
    7/8: 125.6
    Starting weight: 125
    Goal weight: maintain at or under 125

    Forgot to post here yesterday!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    Happy July! 🌼
    Here is to a month of celebration and physical and mental wellness. ❤️ Wednesdays are my check in days.

    July 1: 210.5 🌟
    July 3: 210.4 🌟
    July 10: 210.8🌟

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,890 Member
    July 3: 139
    July 10: 138
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,976 Member
    SW: 187 (May 2024)
    Goal Range: (TBD)

    5/30: 183
    6/6: 180
    6/15: 177.6
    6/20: 177
    6/27: 176.8
    7/4: 176
    7/11: 175
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,846 Member
    edited July 14
    Hello I'm Darlene, retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty).

    My Goals for 2024

    ⚖️ Get to my Ideal weight
    👣 Log 2,024 miles in 2024 (I count all steps towards this goal - not just intentional miles)
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    🫀 Aerobics 3 days per week
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Stretch workout 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    Highest Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sept: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8 | Mar 152.6 | Apr 151.6 | May 149.6 | June 144.8

    Total Loss: 84.1
    2024 Loss: 20.1
    Pounds to Ideal Range: 3.9
    Pounds to Goal: 8.9 (might be 15.9 if I decide to go for the 100 pounds)
    I'll weigh in on Saturdays to be on the same day as my other challenges (and the last day of the month).

    Jan 1: 163.8 Happy New Year!
    Jan 6: 162.8 😁
    Jan 13: 162 😁
    Jan 20: 161 😁
    Jan 27: 162.2 ☹️ Not the right direction
    Jan 30: 159.8 😁 Will be traveling January 31, so will not have access to a scale - so this is my official end of month weight.
    Total weight lost in January: 4.2 Pounds

    Feb 3: 160.6 Not as bad as I expected. Have been traveling and eating out every day since Jan 31.
    Feb 12: 159.8 😁 I am so happy with this - been on vacation since Jan 31 - got back yesterday and today weigh the same as I did when I left. Now to focus and lose some weight in February!
    Feb 18: 158.8 😁 Forgot to post on Saturday - but I was one more down!
    Feb 29: 156.8 😁 Nice way to end the month

    Total Weight Lost in February: 3 Pounds

    Mar 2: 156.8
    Mar 9: 154.8 😁
    Mar 16: 154.2 😁
    Mar 23: 153.4 😁 I am really liking this weekly weigh in, I flucuate so much daily and forget that it is actually a trend downward week to week.
    Mar 30: 152.6 😁

    Total Weight Lost in March: 4 Pounds

    Apr 6: 153 ☹️ My first up in a long time. Had a self sabatoge day yesterday - and expected this. Will have a tough week ahead (which probably caused my self sabatoge) with Easter tomorrow and then going on a small trip for two days.
    April 13: 151.6 😁 Worked super hard this week to get back to where I was!
    April 20: 150.6 😁Working hard in the garden uses a LOT of calories.
    April 28: 152 ☹️ Sad to see - but had trouble with my scale - bit the dust. The new one says a lot heavier than I would like to see - but it is what it is. First day with the new scale was 152.4 - so a little progress since then. Hoping at least to see a loss in April and looking forward to starting a fresh new month in May (two more days to leave April behind me!).
    April 30: 151.6

    Total Weight Lost in April - 1 Pound

    May 6: 150.2 😁 Got below my old scale weight. Went to the doctor this week. She was very happy with me. The new scale was right. I've probably been understating for a while.
    May 11: 150 😁 A little less than last week. I did see the 140 range this week, but just for split second.
    May 18: 150.6 ☹️ It has been a tough week. On Monday I threw out my knee - couldn't walk. Went to the doctor on Tuesday - xrays showed arthritis in both knees but that wouldn't be why I couldn't put any pressure on my leg. Dr. referred me for an MRI - which isn't scheduled until this Thursday - (a week and a half later), was concerend that it might be a meniscus tear . In the meantime - it is getting a little better, I can walk without crutches - probably just a sprain or something. Mostly seated exercises for now - did get in a short slow walk yesterday. Needless to say, the scale was not my friend. I'm thinking that my exercise tracker over estimates how many calories I burn in my seated workouts. With that in mind, yesterday adjusted how I am tracking - will not count ANY calories burned from exercise towards my calorie goal (I usually allow some (not all) - it's a complicated calculation that I won't bore you with). I would really like to see the 140s again by next week!
    May 26: 150.2 Had MRI, now the waiting game to get the results and follow-up appointment. Did get to the 140s but a slow creep back. Five more days to reach my goal.
    May 31: 149.6 I made it to the 140's!

    Total lost in May - 2 Pounds

    June 8: 146.2 😁 Great week. I bought two weeks of Nutrisystem food. They were having a free month of their advantage (a la carte) plan, so I thought I would give it a try to boost my slow loss the last couple of months. I started at the end of May. Could I do it long term? - absolutely not - I love to cook and the food is already getting boring. But it worked. I contributepart of the loss due to the fact that I am off the ibuprofen medication for me knee. The Dr. had me on 600 mg - 3 times a day. From what I read, it can cause water retention. I stopped taking about the same time as I started NS. My MRI results showed a meniscus tear with moderate arthritis. I got a cortizone shot, and will start physical therapy next Friday. In the meantime, still seated cardio workouts - but did get in a 1/2 mile walk yesterday.

    June 14: 145 😁 Anther good week. Very excited - we booked a last minute trip to Hawaii (leave Sunday). We have to drop off Allyson at JFK and said as long as we are there, why don't we use those frequent flyer miles that we have used in AGES! We found a good deal on a condo on VRBO - so have a full kitchen. My plan is to eat two meals in and go out for one. When I do go out - DON'T finish my plate - bring half home for breakfast or lunch the next day. Limit the alcohol. I won't let it be a free for all - I never came home from a vacation saying I wish I ate or drank more! Here on my findings on the Nutrisystem experiment.
    1. It works - I got over my plateau and continued to lose - lost almost 5 pounds in two weeks. 😁
    2. It was super easy to follow 😁 but, had we had to cook two meals daily - one for me, one for Greg. ☹️
    3. The food was edible - not fantastic, not gross 😐
    4. I did not meet my protein goal most days ☹️, but met carb, fat, sodium and fiber goals almost every day 😁.
    5. Most days the calories were about 1,350 - ranging from a little under 1,200 to 1,600. I wasn't hungry. 😁
    6. I ususally eat 5 fruits/veggies a day - but switched to 4 veggies one fruit on Nutrisystem. 😐
    6. It's doable as a quick fix, I couldn't do it long term. 😐
    7. Overall - I am extremely happy with the weight loss. So overall score! 😁 But am really looking forward to cooking again! 👩‍🍳
    8. Next step - see if I gain it all back?

    June 22 147.7 I am in Hawaii and the salt from the food, and the alcohol has me all over the place this week. Up two pounds, down a pound, up a pound, down two pounds. This is me today. I have two more days in paradise and then back home to normal. I know it won't come off as quickly as it came on, but hope I can get back to where I was before the end of the month. The memories are worth it.

    June 29 144.8 😁 So happy to see. The water weight from my trip is gone. We had a fantastic time. The best part is that I did not OVER indulge. Yes, I indulged - had a small cup of ice cream every day and a drink on most days. But we ate in for breakfast every day, and most lunches. I only ate 1/2 the entre at the restaurant for dinner - bringing home the rest for Greg to snack on, or for lunch the next day. I did not feel deprived.

    Total weight lost in June: 4.8 Pounds

    Starting Weight July: 144.8

    July 6: 143.9 😁 Tough week for me health wise, but at least it didn't show up on the scale. Back to seated walks and aerobics - my knee issues are not recovering like the Dr. wants. I also have an upper respitory infection that I caught while in Hawaii - on day three of antibiotics but still feel yucky - hope it kicks in soon! On a better note - just 3.9 pounds to get out of the overweight stage! I'm hoping to hit that by my birthday the second week in August!

    July 13: 144.4 I think the health issue was taking hold. Just finished the antibiotics, hoping it's bloat and water weight from the meds.
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 969 Member
    Jude, 67 YO, 5'-2"
    Started 1/1/24 at 147; have been as high as 165 lbs
    Working on stabilizing my weight between 124-126(ish)

    Starting weight 1/1/24: 147
    Starting weight 4/10/24: 130.2
    Goal weight: 125ish

    previous weeks:
    Day 01-04/10–130.2

    Day 02-04/11-- 127.8

    Day 03-04/12-- 127.8

    Day 04-04/13-- 127,8

    Day 05-04/14– 129.0

    Day 06-04/15-- 127.8

    Day 07-04/16-- 126.8

    Week 1 Goal: 129
    Week 1 actual weight: 126.8

    Day 08-04/17-- 128.8

    Day 09-04/18-- 127.8

    Day 10-04/19-- 126.8

    Day 11-04/20-- 126.8 travel day

    Day 12-04/21-- 129.0 away, travel scale

    Day 13-04/22-- away, not logging

    Day 14-04/23-- 129.0

    Week 2 Goal: under 130
    Week 2 actual weight: 129.0

    Day 15-04/24-- away

    Day 16-04/25-- 129.0

    Day 17-04/26-- 127.8 heading in the right direction

    Day 18-04/27-- 128.4

    Day 19-04/28-- DNW- positive Covid test

    Day 20-04/29--126.0

    Day 21-04/30-- 125.4

    Week 3 Goal: 127ish
    Week 3 actual weight: 125.4

    Day 22-05/01-- 124.6

    Day 23-05/02-- 125.4

    Day 24-05/03-- 126.2

    Day 25-05/04-- 124.6

    Day 26-05/05-- 125.2

    Day 27-05/06-- 126.0

    Day 28-05/07-- 126.0

    Week 4 Goal: stabilize at +/- 125.0
    Week 4 actual weight:

    Day 29-05/08-- 125.2

    Day 30-05/09--DNW family emergency (all OK)

    Day 31-05/10-- 125.2

    Day 32-05/11-- DNW

    Day 33-05/12-- 124.8

    Day 34-05/13—DNW mother’s day gift to self :-)

    Day 35-05/14-- 126.6

    Week 5 Goal: stabilize between 124-126
    Week 5 actual weight: 126.6 it counts :-)

    Day 36-05/15-- 124.8

    Day 37-05/16-- 124.8

    Day 38-05/17-- 126.0

    Day 39-05/18-- DNW

    Day 40-05/19-- 126.0

    Day 41-05/20— 126.0

    Day 42-05/21— 125.2

    Week 6 Goal: stabilize between 124-126
    Week 6 actual weight: 125.2

    Day 43-05/22— 125.2

    Day 44-05/23— 124.2

    Day 45-05/24— 124.2

    Day 46-05/25— 125.2 weekend!

    Day 47-05/26— 125.2

    Day 48-05/27— 124.2

    Day 49-05/28— 125.2

    Week 7 Goal: maintain
    Week 7 actual weight: 125.2

    Day 50-05/29— 124.2

    Halfway Progress Report:
    Pounds Lost so Far: 6 lbs in this challenge, 22 lbs since 1/1/24
    Goal for 2nd half: maintain in range

    Day 51-05/30— 123.8

    Day 52-05/31— 124.2

    Day 53-06/01-- DNW

    Day 54-06/02-- DNW

    Day 55-06/03—DNW

    Day 56-06/04— 126.6

    Week 8 Goal: 125ish
    Week 8 actual weight: 126.6

    Day 57-06/05-- 126.0

    Day 58-06/06-- 124.2

    Day 59-06/07-- 124.2

    Day 60-06/08-- 125.2

    Day 61-06/09-- 125.2

    Day 62-06/10-- 125.0

    Day 63-06/11— 123.8

    Week 9 Goal: 125ish
    Week 9 actual weight: 123.6

    Day 64-06/12—122.8 need to stabilize better, but it will happen…

    Day 65-06/13— 124.4

    Day 66-06/14— 123.4

    Day 67-06/15— 123.4

    Day 68-06/16— 124.4

    Day 69-06/17— 124.4

    Day 70-06/18— DNW

    Week 10 Goal: 125ish
    Week 10 actual weight: 125ish

    Day 71-06/19— 125.6

    Day 72-06/20-- 125.0

    Day 73-06/21-- 125.0

    Day 74-06/22-- 124.4

    Day 75-06/23-- 124.6

    Day 76-06/24-- 124.6

    Day 77-06/25-- 124.4

    Week 11 Goal: maintain 124-126
    Week 11 actual weight: 124.4
    Day 78-06/26—124.4

    Day 79-06/27— 125.6

    Day 80-06/28—124.6

    Day 81-06/29— 125.4

    Day 82-06/30— 124.6

    Day 83-07/01— 125.0

    Day 84-07/02— 125.5

    Week 12 Goal: 125ish
    Week 12 actual weight: 125.5

    Day 85-07/03—DNW

    Day 86-07/04—DNW (travel)

    Day 87-07/05— 125.0

    Day 88-07/06— DNW (at DD’s)

    Day 89-07/07— 124.4

    Day 90-07/08— 125.8 after DD’s house

    Day 91-07/09— 125.0

    Week 13 Goal: 125ish
    Week 13 actual weight: 125.0[/spoiler]

    Day 92-07/10— 124.4

    Day 93-07/11— 124.4

    Day 94-07/12— 125.0

    Day 95-07/13— 125.0

    Day 96-07/14— 126.6

    Day 97-07/15—

    Day 98-07/16—

    Week 14 Goal:
    Week 14 actual weight:

    Day 99-07/16--

    Day 100-07/17…..(Final Weigh- In)-
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 969 Member
    Hi, I'm Jude. I'm 67 YO, 5' 2"
    My history includes large swings in weight with up to 50 lb weight gains. My goal for 2024: to change the habits that hurt me and learn how to integrate and maintain healthy eating habits for good.

    June: 6 months into this challenge! I've been consistent this time (compared to the previous 60+ years:-) and am learning what "maintenance" means. My downfall in the past was to lose the weight and fall right back into the habits of a lifetime; it finally occurred to me I have to change.
    1/1/24: 147 lbs
    2/1: 138.6
    3/1: 135.0
    4/1: 130.2
    5/1: 124.6
    6/1: 125.0
    Previous months:
    January goals:
    * continue my exercise routine- which has been pretty good
    * eliminate evening snacking- which is my downfall
    * weigh every day- which I avoid and then gain
    * log in here every week on Monday so I can't pretend the weekend is "free"!

    1/1: 146.6
    1/8: 142.6
    1/15: 141.4
    1/22: 140.2 (a day early, we're away and traveling tomorrow)
    1/29: 139.2
    Starting weight: 146.5

    Goal weight: around/under 142
    Actual: 139.2
    Loss: 7.4 lbs

    February goals:
    * continue exercise routine, weighing and logging- I know what works, now do it.
    * continue to make good choices every day, enjoy food appropriately and within healthy numbers.
    2/5: 137.2
    2/12: 136.8
    2/19: 135.0
    2/26: 134.2
    Starting weight: 139.2
    Goal weight: around/under 136
    Actual: 134.2
    Loss: 5.0 lbs

    March goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * enjoy all our March birthdays and be conscious of portions
    * continue to log consistently
    3/4: 135.0 (birthday dinners!)
    3/18: 131.4
    3/25: 131.4
    Starting weight: 135.0
    Goal weight: around/under 132
    Actual: 131.4
    Loss: 3.6 lbs

    April goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * continue to log consistently
    4/1: 130.2
    4/8: 128.8
    4/15: 127.8
    4/20: 126.9 (posting early pre-trip)
    4/29: 126.0
    Starting weight: 130.2
    Goal weight: around/under 127
    Actual: 126.0
    Loss: 4.2 lbs

    May goals:
    * figure out what "maintaining" means and what my daily calories should be
    * continue to log consistently
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    5/6: 126.0
    5/13: 124.8 Sunday weight
    5/20: 126.0
    5/27: 124.2
    Starting weight: 126.0
    Goal weight: maintain between 124-126
    Actual: 124.2

    June goals:
    * stick with "maintaining" and eating healthfully
    * continue to log consistently
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    6/3: 124.2 (Friday weight, away)
    6/10: 125.0
    6/17: 124.4
    6/24: 124.6
    Starting weight: 125ish
    Goal weight: maintain between 124-126ish
    Actual: 124.6

    July goals:
    * stick with "maintaining" and eating healthfully
    * continue to log, even when traveling
    * no snacking/daily wine/processed sugar
    7/1: 125
    7/8: 125.6
    7/15: 125.0
    Starting weight: 125
    Goal weight: maintain at or under 125
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 64 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)
    Start Weight (from June 30th, 2024 ): 187.0
    Goal Weight: 183.0 (4 pound loss)

    End of Month Final Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this Month: xxxxx

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-187.0-(Trend Weight: 186.6)-

    07/08-189.2-(Trend Weight: 187.2)- Enough is Enough. Turning it all around today. The 4 day holiday weekend is over and the real work begins again!

    07/15-189.4-(Trend Weight: 188.6)-No progress whatsoever. In fact, my trend weight is going through the roof. My DD and DGS have been staying with me 4 days per week. She is the size Triple Zero that literally carries around totes (yes, plural) of multiple snack foods. She shares way too much. Like Joyce Meyer once said, I need a “backbone” not a “wishbone”. So I’ve got to stop wishing that I can get away with eating bad stuff and start saying NO to it. I have a good plan, I just need to stick to it no matter who is around or what they are eating!!!! Clearly I don’t have her youthful metabolism.

    07/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    07/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 969 Member
    @deepwoodslady: I feel your pain- the hardest part for me is living with my DP, who can eat whatever he likes (and he does) but also has massive discipline, so that when he needs to shed a few pounds, he just does it (like Nike). It's really, really hard and if I had good advice on it I wouldn't have gained 25 lbs last year :/ . But you've kept yourself in this same range even with the struggle- and more importaht, you never give up, so I know you'll figure out what works for you!