Hotties With Bodies (Closed Group)



  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    got to report last weeks burn of a dismal 1086, at least it was more than the last couple of weeks

    Trying to get back into everything. I'll be missing out on my usual Saturday morning Jazzercise class for the next 5+ weeks because DD actually starts her soccer instruction....which runs through the start of that class. If I can wake up and hubby is home, I might make it to the 7:15am class...but that is hard being on a Saturday! DH is done with his racing soon though, so I should be able to hit back up some Sunday classes again soon.

    I haven't really been reporting my weight because I'm mostly fluctuating in the mid 140s up one week down another. Since I'm really trying to maintain anyway, I'm not frustrated by the ups since it is never that much.

    I did totally waste the calories I burned today at our Total Body Conditioning class. Our receptionist, who got married yesterday, brought in many leftovers from her dessert table this afternoon, and well, it was way to hard to pass up. I did pick up a Strawberry lemon tart though, so there was a fruit involved. :-)
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Read this in Self magazine, and thought I needed to share it!

    FIND YOUR EDGE. No one who has achieved greatness got there by following an easy path laid out by others. She did it by creating her own vision and striving to achieve, then surpass it. Now that the lazy days of summer are behind you, it's time to renew your focus. Thank about what you want to accomplish, set a goal, and take a step toward it every day. You are standing on the brink of something spectacular.

    Happy Tuesday all~ Enjoy your week!! xoxo
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    This week has been a mess. I was so proud of how I was last weekend. I didn't overindulge and was ready to get b ack into it. Monday was great. Then I stopped tracking and gave in to all my weaknesses. I mean, I could have been worse but I definitely didn't make any pretenses of watching what I was eating or trying to make the healthier of the choices. Now I feel like I have been hit by a bus and am feeling like I can't get back to it. I haven't felt this defeated in a long time. I don't know if being so close to my goal has done something to me mentally but since I realized that I am only a few pounds away it has been a horrible downward spiral. I need to stop it now and get back on track.

    Weekend goals:
    - Track everything (no matter how bad)
    - No major over indugling on Saturday (my b-day)
    - Stop beating myself up for every little slip up
    - No scale until next week- no need to discourage myself with flucations.
  • I forgot to put in my cals from last week! 3384 total.

    this week will not be so hot since I didn't workout while in ohio for work :( boo bad job me. worked out this morning though!
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    I feel that this next week is do or die time. There's so many showers/wedding/games/activites planned the next couple months, I need to relearn how to control myself. My metabolism has kept up and I'm only up 2lbs above my very lowest weight... after a month of not exercising or counting calories I couldn't believe it. I'm taking my life and my weight loss back. I started the tracker back to zero, and I'm starting fresh again. Here's to a great week!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    I go to the doctor tomorrow to learn more about my back issue. I have muscle spasms across what seems like my whole back and my doctor wants me to stop 30 day shred while she works on it the next couple weeks. I'm going to take this as an opportunity to get back on the C25K program and focus on my running/jogging. They told me I've lost 3lbs since my last visit early July. Can't believe it!!

    Robin - my goal is to report a calorie burn to you on Sunday (that isn't zero). Hopefully get us moving across this country!!

    Sooo, how did it go? Are you okay?
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    2300 calorie burn for mua
  • Last week's burn 2186. Had a lazy couple of days when i went out of town for work, more eating than working out and more Work working than anything. EXHAusting!

    This week is going better so far :-) I'll keep ya posted!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    I had a great food day yesterday :) Yay!
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    I go to the doctor tomorrow to learn more about my back issue. I have muscle spasms across what seems like my whole back and my doctor wants me to stop 30 day shred while she works on it the next couple weeks. I'm going to take this as an opportunity to get back on the C25K program and focus on my running/jogging. They told me I've lost 3lbs since my last visit early July. Can't believe it!!

    Robin - my goal is to report a calorie burn to you on Sunday (that isn't zero). Hopefully get us moving across this country!!

    Sooo, how did it go? Are you okay?

    It went well. She manipulated my back, and apparently put everything back where it's suppose to be. I've had back pain since, but nothing as bad as it was. I just did 30 Day Shred Level 1 yesterday, and hopefully I can work my way up to level 2 again soon. :smile:
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Week 1(07.08.2011): 159.4
    Week 2(07.15.2011): 159.2
    Week 3(07.22.2011): 159
    Week 4(07.29.2011): 160
    Week 5(08.05.2011): 159.8
    Week 6(08.12.2011): 159.4
    Week 7(08.19.2011): 157.4 Lowest ever in my life!!!
    Week 8(08.26.2011): <--- I got married 8/27/11 :-)
    Week 9(09.02.2011): <--- I was enjoying a mini-moon with my husband
    Week 10(09.09.2011): 161.4 YIKES I was out of the game too long!
    Week 11(09.16.2011): 159.8
    Week 12(09.23.2011): 160
    Week 13(09.30.2011):

    I'm posting a few days late... I did weigh in last Thurs at 160... Fine fine.. I want to stay here (But not gain!) And, now I'm up as of today.. which is a product of my own actions... Wedding Saturday, and adult beverages and pizza Fri.. and fast food sun. Crap~ No excuses! Gota get moving/ back on the healthy train!!!!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Hey All~ I think this Friday is our last weigh in!! And, I'm getting nervous for that.... Is anyone interested in starting this again? Or keeping it up? I could volunteer to be in charge of an excel spread sheet for a weekly weigh in... I just think I need to continue to be held accountable, and I'm just nervous to not have a group on here! :0) Let me know your thoughts... xo
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Hey All~ I think this Friday is our last weigh in!! And, I'm getting nervous for that.... Is anyone interested in starting this again? Or keeping it up? I could volunteer to be in charge of an excel spread sheet for a weekly weigh in... I just think I need to continue to be held accountable, and I'm just nervous to not have a group on here! :0) Let me know your thoughts... xo

    wow, that was quick ... Yes, I am with you on this one. I hope others are interested as well ... I am not weighing is but the group motivates me to keep moving and watch my eating intake ... Also, the holidays are coming and, yikes, we know what it's like ... I don't want to be one of those who gain 20 lbs by January.
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    I'm w/ ya Lucy.. I'd rather lose/maintain up to the holidays (and during!!!) and be feeling good!! Ladies?!?!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    And then there was silence :(
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    I really would like to continue with the next group.. I just feel bad because I don't post a ton. But I love the extra encouragement from everyone! It really helps!
  • Me too me too!! :-) I fee l like post summer (and some our breaks for summer festivities) I would lovvvvvvvve to continue it!! I have lots too lose for the holidays ( I have hated pics of me from the last few holidays:-( felt like a fatty :(

    Lots of work to do!!! Would love for us all to keep supporting eachothet!

    Hey All~ I think this Friday is our last weigh in!! And, I'm getting nervous for that.... Is anyone interested in starting this again? Or keeping it up? I could volunteer to be in charge of an excel spread sheet for a weekly weigh in... I just think I need to continue to be held accountable, and I'm just nervous to not have a group on here! :0) Let me know your thoughts... xo

    wow, that was quick ... Yes, I am with you on this one. I hope others are interested as well ... I am not weighing is but the group motivates me to keep moving and watch my eating intake ... Also, the holidays are coming and, yikes, we know what it's like ... I don't want to be one of those who gain 20 lbs by January.
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Week 1(07.08.2011): 159.4
    Week 2(07.15.2011): 159.2
    Week 3(07.22.2011): 159
    Week 4(07.29.2011): 160
    Week 5(08.05.2011): 159.8
    Week 6(08.12.2011): 159.4
    Week 7(08.19.2011): 157.4 Lowest ever in my life!!!
    Week 8(08.26.2011): <--- I got married 8/27/11 :-)
    Week 9(09.02.2011): <--- I was enjoying a mini-moon with my husband
    Week 10(09.09.2011): 161.4 YIKES I was out of the game too long!
    Week 11(09.16.2011): 159.8
    Week 12(09.23.2011): 160
    Week 13(09.30.2011): 161.2

    Calorie Burn: 2175 for the week.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Me has been crazy, but I need to keep up with working out and I feel responsible with havng to report in.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Hey All~ I think this Friday is our last weigh in!! And, I'm getting nervous for that.... Is anyone interested in starting this again? Or keeping it up? I could volunteer to be in charge of an excel spread sheet for a weekly weigh in... I just think I need to continue to be held accountable, and I'm just nervous to not have a group on here! :0) Let me know your thoughts... xo

    even though it seems as though I've fallen off the face of the Earth...I haven't and I am SOOOOOOOO unmotivated right now! I've been running only all summer long. Then when school started back up this fall...running has only happened about 2 times a week. SOOOOOOO...I desperately need a group to hold me accountable! Please let me join in the group again if we get one going. I have a wedding dress to fit into and I know I've put on 6 pounds since I ordered it 3-4 months ago!

    I have my first 10k this Sunday and then I'm going to start a second round of Insanity if anybody is up for joining me. I absolutely loved kicking my own @$$ during the first round and I loved the results I saw so I'm going again!