From Fiverville to Twoberland... 231 Pounds Down (with Pics)



  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    Wow... thank you all for the encouragement and sweet comments. I love MFP and have met some pretty inspiring and supportive folks on here!
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    Absolutely amazing! You look great! Very inspiring!:flowerforyou:
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Your such an inspiration to me and many others
  • robinpickles
    robinpickles Posts: 78 Member
    I am sobbing reading your story.... thank you for being so brave and well for just doing it!!!

    Your my motivation!!!!!

  • wow !!!!!u go girl u r looking great.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    looks at all that gorgeous bone structure in your face! way to go girl!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    You are a beautiful woman, inside and out, in both sets of pictures!!! But you look so much happier and healthier in the second set!!!

    You look amazing!!! If you ever need a good read on helping the "head" stuff (I'm a emotional eater too) check out Made To Crave. Excellent read on this exact journey!!!

    You are such an inspiration!!! You will succeed because you are on the right path with the right mindset!!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
  • crazylizz
    crazylizz Posts: 47 Member
    You are a beautiful and inspiring young woman! I am so proud of you!

    I have been on every diet known to man as you have said. I am just starting down this lifestyle change path. I am exercising and decreasing calories and have lost 30 lbs from my high. However, it is not coming off like a feel it should. I do think my age (51) has something to do with that.

    However, seeing your story and your pics, I know if I stick with it, it WILL happen.

    Thank you so much for having the courage to share and really, you are a beautiful, young woman!
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    I hate posting pictures of myself. I've done it once before on this board... and I told myself the next time I'd post was when I hit the 200s. I think it's inspiring and motivating to see that this whole weight loss thing can be done... especially when you think you have such a long road ahead of you that you want to quit before you even begin. Been there... done that... for many, many years as I "die"ted my way to weighing 530 pounds at my highest. It was mortifying to me that I'd been "die"ting since the age of 7, only to weigh 530 pounds in my twenties... TWENTIES!

    That's why I will ALWAYS say that DIETS DON'T WORK!! I don't care how many people come at me with the... but the HCG diet or the Atkins thing or the cabbage soup kerfuffle crap... NONE OF THEM ARE LONG TERM OPTIONS! I have been on all of those diets and pretty much anything else that came out over the years... they only served to make me fatter. I'd lose weight on the diet, but you can't sustain that kind of eating for a lifetime, so as soon as I'd go back to eating regular food, I'd put on the weight like it was donut night at the Overeater's Anonymous meeting. Don't believe the hype. Take it from someone who knows and has been there. Don't do it to yourself.

    The new method. Living life... one day at a time... in moderation. NO starvation and NO restrictions! Sure, I'm a food addict and sure I'm an emotional eater, but I had to work on the whole package... and that started in my head space. Work out the demons up there first and then you'll find yourself dropping pounds without even thinking about it. I've been on this journey for about 2 years now and so far I've lost 231 pounds, finally hitting the 200s (Twoberland) for the FIRST time in my ENTIRE adult life... I'm 33 years old next month. The last time I'd seen a 2 in front of my weight I was 14 years old, weighing on my parent's bathroom scale for one of my many "die"ts. I am absolutely NOT cured of my emotional eating... absolutely NOT and probably will never be. But life is about choices... you take it one day at a time. If you mess up one day... big freaking deal. Get up and start back on it. A few bad days, weeks, months, etc., should not derail you... this is a lifestyle... NOT a "die"t! Life brings with it curves and valleys and peaks... take them in stride.

    To all of you in the 3s, 4s, and 5s, etc.... Believe it can happen! BELIEVE IT! If I can do it... ANYONE can do it!

    If you want to follow the rest of my journey into Onederland, check out my blog: I post 5 days a week. Humor is a must for me... so check it out and have a laugh too... usually at my expense!

    Blah, blah, blah... onto the pictures... right? This is hard for me... these pictures because I'm still a big girl... I have about 120 left to go, but when you've lost 231 that ain't nothing!

    The following pictures are as close to "before" as I'm gonna get... they are not me at my highest. I can't find any of those pictures because I never wanted anyone to take any and if they did I'd tear them up. This is probably around 450 or so... and were in my sister's things, thus the reason I could not tear them up! :P


    After... about 2 or 3 weeks ago:



    :drinker: CONGRATULATIONS! I am so proud of you and I hope to one day (soon) be able to post pictures that really show a change in my size. You are one of my heroes! :heart:
  • This is amazing! Good for you, you are such an inspiration!
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    This is truly incredible... you are incredible!:flowerforyou:
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I am so happy for you. You have amazing will power and determination. Thanks so much about the comments on die ting because they are so true. I have dieted for 40 years and with MFP, this is the first time I actually know what I am doing. Love this site and hoping you the best life has to offer.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Wow, just wow. You have done so well and you should be so proud of yourself!!!

    What an awesome inspiration you are :)
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    ***CHEERING*** And an AMEN to everything you said! I have about 25 pounds to go and have been struggling. Your words of absolute truth really helped me. So what if I have been bouncing withing 4 pounds for about 3 months. I am still fighting, fighting the hardest part of the battle, the demons. I am working my butt off in trying to make permanent lifestyle changes that will maintain my healthy goal weight. Thank you for sharing. You always had a beautiful face and smile, now you can feel as good as you look. You look great. Congrats on hitting the 200s and I am looking forward to you making it to ONEderland! Sure, it's great to look great but when I get stuck or discouraged I remind myself that, hey, I can't quit because I am not on a diet; this is a lifestyle and I love feeling good and strong so there is no turning back. Just keep on keeping on!!!
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you all so much for the virtual "hug"! It is much appreciated and I know y'all are rocking your weight loss too. No matter how much there is to lose, losing weight is a hard thing... if it were easy, it wouldn't be worth it, right!?
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member

    The new method. Living life... one day at a time... in moderation. NO starvation and NO restrictions! Sure, I'm a food addict and sure I'm an emotional eater, but I had to work on the whole package... and that started in my head space. Work out the demons up there first and then you'll find yourself dropping pounds without even thinking about it. I've been on this journey for about 2 years now and so far I've lost 231 pounds, finally hitting the 200s (Twoberland) for the FIRST time in my ENTIRE adult life... I'm 33 years old next month. The last time I'd seen a 2 in front of my weight I was 14 years old, weighing on my parent's bathroom scale for one of my many "die"ts. I am absolutely NOT cured of my emotional eating... absolutely NOT and probably will never be. But life is about choices... you take it one day at a time. If you mess up one day... big freaking deal. Get up and start back on it. A few bad days, weeks, months, etc., should not derail you... this is a lifestyle... NOT a "die"t! Life brings with it curves and valleys and peaks... take them in stride.

    Your success shows that you have it exactly right. It's all about today - what, why, how you eat today, how you move today, how you think today. Let tomorrow worry about itself. I say this is more than a lifestyle change - it's a mindset transformation. You are not the person you were, you are the person you want to be.

    The following pictures are as close to "before" as I'm gonna get... they are not me at my highest. I can't find any of those pictures because I never wanted anyone to take any and if they did I'd tear them up. This is probably around 450 or so... and were in my sister's things, thus the reason I could not tear them up! :P

    I totally agree with this! We all agree about throwing out the old clothes. Throw out the old pictures too! Don't even tell people (well, new people) you've lost weight - why should they need to know what you used to be like? And you're probably already amazed at how many people who know you have already gotten used to the way you look now. Why not? You've EARNED the right to be thought of as always looking the way you look now. And soon you'll be looking even slimmer and you'll have EARNED that too!

    Congratulations. Your patience, persistence and perseverance are truly inspiring.
  • keep up the great work!!!
  • SO inspiring............ keep it up and thanks for sharing!
  • I know it takes courage to post pics and give details about your personal journey, but thanks for sharing your story with everyone on this journey. Your story is very encouraging and is a reminder to me that we can do anything we set our minds to! Once again thanks and best of luck to you:smile:
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