Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 266



  • reshii_devi
    reshii_devi Posts: 565 Member
    I'm kinda ... terrified to share publicly but okay. I'll try.

    @LadySicburn ~ kudos for jumping in anyway! totally shocking initially, but you start to enjoy it after a few, lol ~ these are warm waters here, so welcome. :smile: Seeing your post after being gone awhile reminded me of why I always came back. Hope you do well here.

    My #1 suggestion is don't get hung up on the numbers! Our weight is going to go up and and down ~ hopefully because muscle is forming somewhere!! :smiley: but water, salt, carbs, lack of sleep, hormonal issues, life working the nerves ... so many influencers! That scale will drive you crazy without a measuring tape, lol. Sometimes you can lose inches and be the same weight or even more! Post daily or every few days ... what ever works best for you. Share a little or a lot ... it's all good here.