
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Today is a good day to have an interesting meal Orange Chicken, Tapioca pudding with gummy worms in it, eaten at the seashore watching for stranded marine animals, and celebrating all the elderly men you know.


    RVRita in Roswell hdl9fed6i9zl.png
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Recently I’ve been getting a lot of men friend requests. I sent each of them this message, have you?


    Recently I have been getting an awful lot of friend requests from men and I am curious as to why. No rude or inappropriate comments or questions (yet). A couple of them asking if I was married or if I was happy which is weird. Can you enlighten me?


    I just assume that they aren’t real men but spam bots. I’m not exactly sure how that works but they seem to have similar or the same profile picture and different names. I delete them and move on. Machka has talked about them before, I think.
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Recently I’ve been getting a lot of men friend requests. I sent each of them this message, have you?


    Recently I have been getting an awful lot of friend requests from men and I am curious as to why. No rude or inappropriate comments or questions (yet). A couple of them asking if I was married or if I was happy which is weird. Can you enlighten me?


    I just assume that they aren’t real men but spam bots. I’m not exactly sure how that works but they seem to have similar or the same profile picture and different names. I delete them and move on. Machka has talked about them before, I think.

    Different profile pics on each account.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Rita - sorry that summer cold is sticking around. Drat. Was your DH a professional cook/chef? He sure makes yummy food. Everything looked very good.

    Flea - great beach photos, so glad you could get away from the heat for a bit. Overcast at my house this morning, high around 80. Temps supposed to ramp up to 90 tomorrow then mediate a bit, 70's next week unless the weatherman gets it wrong. Again.

    Many more I want to comment on but feel I'm running behind.

    Checkup with Dr. Matt this morning. He's happy with the labs, my activity level, etc. He said the Farmer's walk is one of the best for overall toning and core, and said keep doing at least one session per day carrying 8# weights. Also you can't beat an early morning walk - the sun that is just peeking out has many benefits.

    He also prescribed Vitamin B1 to help with my A1C. He said even after we change our diets for the better, it can take a while for the hemoglobin to reflect the positive change, and too much sugar can cause an imbalance in the B1. The vitamin is pretty cheap so I'll try it for 4 months until I get labs done again.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-in July 15, 2024

    Rita in Roswell, NM - Down another 1.3 pounds to 176.6 from 186.9 in 6 weeks! That’s 10 pounds gone. First goal met! On to the next 10 pound goal. Long term goal is to get down to 145 and stay there at least a year.

    Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - scale is slightly going in the wrong direction. 150.2 this morning. I did track all week and did good on exercise.

    Sue in WA State
    - Made it to water exercise twice this week. The water was very refreshing since it has been hot. Also got yoga and strength done all days this week. Weight has stayed steady. Been drinking lots this week especially since I found out dehydration can be a trigger for A-fib and there were a couple of times I was feeling a little wonky. I have 2 more sessions in the Healthier heart program I have been doing.

    Barbara on the Southern Oregon Coast - Better than yesterday:
    Move: steps 6/7, PT 3/7 and hours of shovel work in the garden.
    Fuel: sugar 5/7, CI<CO 7/7, AF 3/7
    Wt down 0.2 lbs ;)
    Proud of myself for 2 BB&B classes, hanging in there. ;}
    Challenge this week will be to do some form of PT every day there is no BB&B class.

    Evelyn on Vancouver Island, BC - Another beautiful day on the island! And I’m down 1.4 lbs!! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

    Lanette SW WA State – weight still holding steady at 161. I’m just about where I want to be after 4 months. Picking up some great tips from Rita and the diabetes prevention class. Continuing early morning sunrise walks, Farmer's Walks and PT stretches and exercises for my back. Getting the kinks out early really helps.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,165 Member
    Debbie - I’ll have to see if I can find that brand in Canada.

    I thought I posted this last night but apparently got distracted.
    Tracey in Edmonton

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,808 Member
    edited July 15
    Hello, my chickens, from yet another heat advisory day. Index is running at 108F today (42C), and will tomorrow... supposed to break on Wednesday and drop back to something a bit less scorchy.

    Just woke up from my nap, and might just have to add that to my daily chores, since it's part of my life now.

    Got my CT scans in. TL;DR, all good news - Organ recital:
    Everything as expected... a little compression in my disks in my lower back, a few stones in my kidneys, which I've known about for years. Not causing any issues unless they break loose. I've had kidney stones my entire adult life. A little bit of calcification showing in the aorta, consistent with my age. All other organs (the ones that are left! 😲😁) looked normal. The only place that was inflamed is the colon, and that is showing thickened walls, consistent with my diagnosis. The last time they looked, the inflammation showed quite far up past the sigmoid colon, so it's a really good sign that it's only there now.

    I knew when I had that exam that resulted in the CT scan request that I was ouching because she was being rough, not because I hurt internally in those spots. Same gal I've been seeing for a few years now, and she's never been that stabby before. I'm assuming she wanted a good look at the whole gut, and needed a reason to order it.

    It's possible she was just having a bad day, too. :smiley:

    I'll have to go in for blood and other tests a couple of weeks after my next injection of Skyrizi - which I'm following up AGAIN through the VA pharmacy. No sign of it yet in my medications list online. Waiting on a call back from them.

    Edit before I got finished with this post - Got that callback, and the VA did get the request through. It's in the queue for approval now, and as long as it's approved, I'll be getting it through the mail. No reason they wouldn't approve it, they approved the onsite infusions, so this should be just paperwork getting filed. Phew! If for some odd reason they don't approve it, they'll notify me and tell me why so I can get whatever hoops need jumping through done.

    Nice busy morning, restful afternoon. No work done on the quilt, but got all the watering done outside, and made it through three loads of laundry and some kitchen cleaning before I fell over for my nap. Terribly grateful for air conditioning these days; if it wasn't for A/C, I couldn't live here!

    Heather - Glad your visit went well with your surgeon. Such a scandal you are in your cheetah-print scanties and all! 😁

    Margaret - You seem very much at peace with your life these days. It's wonderful to see!

    Vicki - I worry about it when you put your health aside for work - you know those ten pounds of water are terribly hard on your heart and your whole system. Won't fuss though. I know you get plenty of advice, and I know you have your reasons for continuing. Just sending lots of hugs and understanding. 💗 Glad you'll have help at work. Fingers crossed that continues!

    Flea - Your pics made for lovely memories of cool days on the Oregon beaches. I loved the summers there.

    Corey will be calling soon to say he's on his way. He was working up north all day, where it was even hotter than it is here. Bless him, he's falling asleep on the couch most nights by 7, and I have to wake him up to take a shower and go to bed. This weather is hard on everyone.

    Much love,
    Lisa in AR

    Good thoughts out to Kim, who we haven't heard from in a bit and Ginny, who I think is on vacay...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 11min 6min, 82ahr, 100mhr, 117elev, 6mi= 588c
    Strava app735c

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Recently I’ve been getting a lot of men friend requests. I sent each of them this message, have you?


    Recently I have been getting an awful lot of friend requests from men and I am curious as to why. No rude or inappropriate comments or questions (yet). A couple of them asking if I was married or if I was happy which is weird. Can you enlighten me?


    I just assume that they aren’t real men but spam bots. I’m not exactly sure how that works but they seem to have similar or the same profile picture and different names. I delete them and move on. Machka has talked about them before, I think.
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Recently I’ve been getting a lot of men friend requests. I sent each of them this message, have you?


    Recently I have been getting an awful lot of friend requests from men and I am curious as to why. No rude or inappropriate comments or questions (yet). A couple of them asking if I was married or if I was happy which is weird. Can you enlighten me?


    I just assume that they aren’t real men but spam bots. I’m not exactly sure how that works but they seem to have similar or the same profile picture and different names. I delete them and move on. Machka has talked about them before, I think.

    Different profile pics on each account.

    Still bots ... not real men.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I’m on day 11 of this summer cold thing. DH has it too. One day I feel fine, the next my glands are swollen and my ear hurts, my head hurts, stiff neck and feels like sinus junk and just want to sleep. Guess it’s going around.

    Dinner yesterday was not the best but really good. DH took some Whomp biscuits and made a pizza out of them then topped with home made tomato sauce (no sugar) onions, peppers (from the garden) mushrooms, provolone, pepperoni (just a small amount). It was heaven! Haven’t had a pizza in years! Before and after pictures. Supper was 1 avocado toast snack were an orange and 1/2 an apple with a handful of mixed nuts. Breakfast yesterday and today was the last of the instant oatmeal with Almond butter, butter, and 1/2 a banana. Trying for 5 fruits/veggies a day not counting seasonings. I got it with this pizza for sure!


    RVRita in Roswell👽


    We have pizza each Saturday!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Made a grocery list..
    Watching the Help..one of my favorite movies..
    I did take a nap..
    I feel better..and Miss Siri is snoozing on the pillow behind me.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Today’s gratitude: good long chat with former work buddy.
    Lisa 11 whole days? Whoopeeeeeee! Yours to Vicki.
    Annie “broccoli from heaven” Brilliant!
    Tracey Bravissima for taking your walk. Baby steps.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    We've got a big low pressure system just off the coast bringing us 3 days of wind, rain and big waves. They're predicting up to 75 mm of rain (3 inches).


    Machka in Oz

    We're up to about 55 mm (2.2 inches) of rain so far. The little hurricane eased up for a bit, but came back shortly before I had to drive home.

    Commute Comparison

    Previous: 17.2 km but took about 45 minutes each way by walking and bus. 1 hour 30 minutes a day commuting.

    Current: 23 km but takes me about 35 minutes each way including driving, walking and bus. 1 hour, 10 minutes a day commuting.

    Of course, that does vary depending on weather and whatever is going on with the traffic.

    Today, for example, things were moving more slowly on the way home because of the return of wind and rain, and of course, the darkness. The return home took about 45 minutes.

    I'm not overly excited about driving ... much prefer public transportation or human powered transportation ... but it'll do for the moment. There is potential for other options.

    One other option is to bus from the main road in our new community. It would require me to be there a bit earlier than I'm used to and I would get there by walking 1.6 km (1 mile) or cycling. Right now, however, there are no bicycle storage facilities, but apparently, when the weather improves and we get more daylight, works will start on a Park & Ride including a bicycle storage facility.

    There is also the option of cycling from where I park to catch the bus. Right now, the bridge is not pleasant to cycle across but in the next couple years, apparently they are supposed to build a cycling lane.

    There's also the possibility I could drive to a certain point, then cycle to the ferry and take the ferry across. And there's talk that they are planning to build a second dock down the way a bit for the ferry or another ferry soon.

    So we'll see.

    At our previous location, there weren't so many options to get up and over the mountain that stood between home and work.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    DH and I have been taking walks together a couple of times a week. It is nice. I am not sure if we will do more walks than that together, because we walk in different ways. He walks and wants to talk and I walk and want to look around and listen to trees, birds, and breathe in fresh air. We are also taking walks separately. lol
    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    When I walk with my husband, we walk very slowly and talk. Periodically, he says "I can't walk that fast". I'm not sure if it is just perseveration or what because I'm walking at a fraction of my normal walking pace.

    When I walk by myself, I motor ... while looking around and listening to trees, birds, and breathing in fresh air, and thinking about things. :) I walk fast enough to pass many other pedestrians and to be huffing and puffing. Just shy of a jog.

    M in Oz