2024 Cycling Challenge



  • IanTurner4588
    IanTurner4588 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a fan of the climbing portal, it has been rainy in UK so chance to do some zwifting. The climbs just burn more calories for a set amount of time.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 1016.71miles
    12/07 7.21 miles
    13/07 7.21 miles
    14/07 7.27 miles

    Total 1038.59/2024 miles

    A few rides and runs last weekend but not much since
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Forgot to log yesterday's ride! Yesterday was a ride with the Miguel Bot in Zwift. Today was the Isola 2000 climb in the Zwift climb portal (which is shockingly brutal - especially since today I was back on my direct drive trainer, so I could feel every change in the gradient. Ow.)

    Ride 1 - 10.17 miles <- Zwift pace-bot
    Ride 2 - 25.00 miles <- Zwift climb portal of yikes
    Previous - 371.51 miles

    Total - 406.68 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11906805965
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Today was the Zwift climb portal's version of the Isola 2000 climb at 125% real-world gradient. Bleargh.

    Ride 1 - 25.01 miles
    Previous - 406.68 miles

    Total - 431.69 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11920980555
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Zwift Academy is starting again! There are zero aspirations of pro here (let's be real - I would have the same chance as a toddler born without legs of attaining pro cyclist status), but it's always fun to do this and improve my fitness. Today was the welcome ride.

    Ride 1 - 11.01 miles
    Previous - 431.69 miles

    Total - 442.70 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11928251923
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Was intending to do an easy 10 miles, did a climb portal climb instead. 50% because I'd already done the 75, 100 and 125% versions. May as well close it out completely. :wink:

    Ride 1 - 24.04 miles
    Previous - 442.70 miles

    Total - 466.74 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11938829125
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    I am utterly flawless when it comes to this 'remembering to log my rides' thing. (yup, that was sarcasm)

    Ride 1 - 20.00 miles
    Ride 2 - 11.01 miles
    Previous - 466.74 miles

    Total - 497.75 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11946410582
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 1044.59miles
    19/07 7.66 miles
    22/07 12.12 miles
    23/07 8.25 miles

    Total 1072.62/2024 miles

    Impressive riding @wendsg. My husband and I have been glued to the tour. Over our last 2 trips we've drove on a lot of the Alps routes and either visited or stayed at some of the places too. Sad now the Tour is over for another year.
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    @Mari33a Thank you! I've been glued to the tour as well - we were streaming it over the speakers in the car while I was driving so I could listen even though I couldn't watch (can't take the eyeballs off the road while towing a camper over mountains!). I'm rather jealous that you got to drive the routes! I'd love to do that myself one of these eons. :smile:

    Today was a swim day, so rode to and from the pool, then had a meetup with a good group of folks in Zwift. Lots of fun!

    Ride 1 - 1.71 miles
    Ride 2 - 1.75 miles
    Ride 3 - 12.01 miles
    Previous - 497.75 miles

    Total - 513.22 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11960552269
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 1072.62miles
    24/07 8.06 miles

    Total 1080.68/2024 miles
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,260 Member
    I went on a bit of a cycling hiatus there for almost 3 months, but I'm back!!

    July 13:
    Outdoor cycle - 5.65 miles

    July 14:
    Outdoor cycle - 30.20 miles

    Previous: 377.6 miles
    YTD: 413.45 miles
    Remaining: 1610.55 miles
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    @ashleycarole86 Welcome back!!

    Logging yesterday's ride, too. Did a very tough race yesterday, so today was a minimum-daily-10 ride with an easy pace group.

    Ride 1 - 21.01 miles
    Ride 2 - 10.08 miles
    Previous - 513.22 miles

    Total - 544.31 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11971342930
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 1080.68miles
    25/07 12.16 miles

    Total 1092.84/2024 miles

    I’m trying to hit 180 miles for the month but with running & family stuff all weekend, it’s going to be tight. I’ve 56 left
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    You can do it!!

    Today was another easy ride. Tomorrow I have an event ride that may be a bit challenging, depending on whether or not my knees want to play. We'll see how they feel after today's 5k run.

    Ride 1 - 11.01 miles
    Previous - 544.31 miles

    Total - 555.32 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11988053290
    RMUNTZ2 Posts: 152 Member
    edited July 26
    I rode
    July 10, 30.63 mi. Zwift - Sand and Seq and Flat route.
    July 13, 30.80 mi. Spin Class and Endurance Ride
    July 14, 13.72 mi. Zwift - Norwegian 4 x 4
    July 15, 15.00 mi. Spin Class
    July 19, 24.50 mi. Spin Class and Endurance Ride
    July 22, 39.95 mi. Spin Class and Endurance Ride
    July 24, 40.82 mi. Burt Lake CCW and CW Rides
    My 2024 YTD Total Cycling Distance is 1,662.45 mi.
    I got a late start so I have to do 180 miles per month to get to 2024 by the end of the year.
    I rode 338.35 mi. so far in July.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    edited July 27
    Previous 1092.84miles
    26/07 8.17 miles

    Total 1101.01/2024 miles

    And 48 to go….😅🙈
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 1101.01miles
    27/07 6.22 miles

    Total 1107.23/2024 miles

    Just time for short ride and 5k run today. 40.55 to go
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    Great progress, all!!

    Today was riding for the last of the new 'event-only' route badges in Zwift (because even though it's a riding and training platform, it's a video game and I need all the virtual shiny doodads, thank you very much). Good high-pace group today.

    Ride 1 - 30.00 miles
    Previous - 555.32 miles

    Total - 585.32 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/11995262295
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,228 Member
    Previous 1107.23miles
    28/07 15.15 miles

    Total 1122.38/2024 miles

    Getting there! 25.4 miles left
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 739 Member
    What happens when I ride outside? Apparently I forget to log. Captured with today's Zwift group ride entry.

    Ride 1 - 11.30 miles
    Ride 2 - 21.01 miles
    Previous - 585.32 miles

    Total - 617.63 miles / 2024 miles (3rd)
    (2nd complete 6/26/24)
    (1st complete 3/29/24)

    Link - https://www.strava.com/activities/12005874843