Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 266



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,136 Member
    edited July 18
    @RichardHaw Welcome!

    @SheilaBoneham Thank you for the beautiful flowers!

    @Chapter_3 Goddess, hmm. I feel I need a costume. LOL I love this forum and I love the way I feel when I eat LCHF.

    I was going to make some other comments but they have slipped my aged brain.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,722 Member
    edited July 18
    @RichardHaw Welcome to the group. I'm so glad you could meet me here and we will be able to continue to touch base with each other. We Michiganders need to stick together! There are many posts to read for support and ideas. It's not necessary that you read them all but it is useful if you can. I read them with my morning coffee or off & on throughout the day. @quiltingjaine is our host. She will post a list of acronyms we commonly use and their meanings from time to time. If you ever need help with that, just ask. I'm sure @_JeffreyD_ appreciates another man's perspective as do the rest of us. It's truly Wonderful to have you here!

    @quiltingjaine Happy 7 yr anniversary on this Challenge. We are blessed to have you in our fold, my friend!

    @AR10at50 I'm Speechless! Huge Halibut, Impressive Catch!

    @SheilaBoneham I'm enjoying your beautiful flowers with my hot coffee on this chilly Michigan morning. Thanks so much for sharing!
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 1,056 Member
    edited July 18
    AR10at50 wrote: »
    Halibut fishing in Alaska with my dad and cousin and friends. This is my biggest fish this year, at 82 pounds. Karen

    @AR10at50 Wow!!! I had to reread your post as I thought it said biggest fish ever, but you said biggest fish this year. I'm curious, what was your biggest fish ever?