
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,807 Member
    edited July 19
    Second wakey-wakey from the sunshiny South...

    Made it through four stores, and the 5th one was taken off the list after my good morning call with Corey - he's taking the 29th and 30th off to give him a four-day weekend, and planning to re-clad the walls under the carport. I swear, I encouraged him to just TAKE DAYS OFF, but he's still in that stage of his life, so oh well. 💪🏼

    At any rate, I can get everything delivered, including the lumber I need to build out my pantry shelf, rather than trying to pick things up in my li'l Kicks.🚗 Which CAN fit an eight-foot long board, but not one that is also four feet wide. 👀😁😲 I'm good at fitting things in my car, but I'm not magical!

    Heather - Good to see your equanimity return. Easier to say than to do, perhaps, but it can be done. I hope they can keep any pain under control for your beautiful bruv and reign those cells in very quickly. You know better than anyone that cancer isn't necessarily a death sentence.

    Barbie - So pleased Jake's reports are all good, and that things are proceeding well for him. Looked up the book you cited, and the author, and he's got some really interesting articles available on his website, eastermichael.com. Nice looking man, too. And a dog lover, apparently...😁

    Barbara - Missed the bit about Joe, had to go back, so pleased his eyes are better, and glad your water situation is in good shape once more!

    Lanette - You asked how long I'd been quilting, and the answer is 40 years. My sis still has the first quilt I ever made, for my nephew with Down's Syndrome, and I had to ask her how old he is, as I made it for him before he was born. She's supposed to take a picture for me when she can drag it out of her storage for me. I made other ones for her babies when they were born, as well, and she's promised to try to find them all and get pictures of them. If she didn't live all the way across Oklahoma, I'd be rustling through her stuff. It may take her a year! 🙂

    Organ recital:
    At my doctor's suggestion, I have been using a minor dose of loperamide each morning for about a week now to slow my gut down to something more reasonable. Unlike other times, I haven't had that massive backlash two days later, just something coming close to regularity. I am mildly hopeful, and it is lovely to have hours at a time where I'm awake, but don't have to spend them in the bathroom. I'm remembering how my old life worked, and worked well, the one I didn't even think about when it worked well. Fingers crossed it continues.

    On the other side of the coin, also got notification that the deferred piece of the VA puzzle that I worked through the first half of the year has been sent to yet one more health organization. I don't have to do anything, they are going to work simply from my records and various tests over these last few years to decide if anything will be added to the rating I've already received. Nothing can be taken away from what's already there, this is purely about whether my issues with my right ankle are sufficient to add to the mix. No idea how long this decision will take. Should be interesting, though.

    Anyway, I got home, got almost everything put away, and after I shoved a little bit of lunch in, laid down for the inevitable nap. And here we are, two hours later. Whee! I certainly hurt less than I did when I laid down. Fascinating that I can sleep for nine hours and still need two hours sleep in the afternoon. Not arguing! Just commenting... I swear! 👀🙂😲

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,807 Member
    Kim - Thank you! I love the idea that my body is repairing and rebuilding the places that I've worn down so much over these last few years while I nap. Calm is such a lovely place to be these days, and so much easier to reach when I'm rested.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 22min 34sec, 2.74ap, 6.64mi= 600c
    Strava app = 814c
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,706 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    So I did a thing. All the friends I had on Facebook from here have been deleted. Just some political sides I just don't want to get into. So for the fairness of all you here, all were deleted. Just keeping the friendships I have with you all copacetic. No worries.

    You know you can put friends on FB to sleep for 30 days until whatever political thing has blown over.

    M in Oz

    I forgot about that option!🙄😂
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,807 Member
    Allie - I like both ways, and you can always go gray later if you choose. I think you should keep your current color and try that cut. I think more than anything else, you just desperately need a positive change... so take it. As far as the rest, you saw what Kim said to me. Sleeping is healing, and you need to get as healthy as you can. I'm proud of you for continuing eating habits that are healthier. Hope the results from the echo are good...

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Evening ladies
    I have decided, to do what I can do..I know my kidney function has me at a disadvantage for exercise, as I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.. but I will soldier on.. and keep eating well and plugging along..
    My hairdresser said that the grey hair will make me look washed out and I should keep the color I have.. and maybe just get that cut.. you all saw the pictures what do you think?v79g9t0l0o4r.jpg
    I value your opinions

    Personally, I like the grey
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,807 Member
    Someone asked me how I turn off ads on Facebook, and the answer is that I hit that "x" on every one of them. They never show me that specific one again, and proceed to show me fewer in that category. I think of it as "whack-a-spammer." Kinda fun.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Lanette – that would be wonderful if you could ask the lady about dry brushing with glazes

    Well, I picked some of the blueberries last night. Honestly, they are very small. But they are sweet. I did post a thank you and told her that now I have a stomach ache probably due to the way I picked. One for the mouth, one for the bucket, two for the mouth, one for the bucket……

    Barbara – you won’t believe how many blueberries I have in my freezer. When they’re on sale, I stock up.

    They had pizza today at the soup kitchen. They haven’t had it in a while. Little Caeser’s donates a lot. I’m not crazy about their pizza when it’s reheated, but they also had other brands so I brought some home for Vince. Not sure why they make so much, pizza doesn’t go very well. I also took some cupcakes for Vince. Last time he liked them. I took some tomatoes for me. They look so good. They said to just take them since they won’t last until Monday

    Just sent the grant application to BK for the Corner Table. I honestly believe they’ll get the $250

    Took Fred and Barney to the vet for their shots, only Vince had it down on the wrong day...it’s next week. That’s why I always immediately add to the calendar, even if it’s from my phone.

    Went to WalMart because Vince needed some sort of nasal spray so I did a little shopping.

    Kylia – I’m so sorry for your friend

    barbie – so happy for Jake

    Allie – I like all the colors, but I think I like the darker colors best. Is your hair salt and pepper? That would look nice.

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Thanks all..we will figure it out when I get there next Tuesday.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi, Allie.

    What are they waiting for, in regards to your kidneys? I'm sorry to keep harping on it. I'm just really worried about you.

    I like the hair cut, and your hairdresser might be right about the color.

    Take care of yourself.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited July 20
    Just did a quick order, in bed, for a few things from the Co-op, via Amazon. They will be arriving between 10 and 12 this morning! I didn't need enough stuff to warrant a full Waitrose and the Co-op is free over £30. I can get out to buy one or two things, but carrying more than one small bag doesn't suit. The Co-op does very good asparagus. And corned beef. I like their seeded sourdough, though John finds it a bit heavy. He likes other sourdough. I must admit, I do like a bit of claggy. Cakes too.

    I will be cooking our favourite halloumi curry for tonight as the weather has cooled off. Just grey. :|

    My hips seem a bit better. Maybe I overdid it on the exercise machines. :o

    Huge Amazon delivery today. Mostly just utility stuff, hard to find food items, toiletries etc. I have ordered two Lazy Susans for a very annoying, hard to reach cupboard, where I keep all my vinegars, sauces, etc. I often forget what I have lurking in the back, so I hope this will help.
    I take a very long time to make purchases like this, but it's been annoying me for years.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited July 20
    Someone asked me how I turn off ads on Facebook, and the answer is that I hit that "x" on every one of them. They never show me that specific one again, and proceed to show me fewer in that category. I think of it as "whack-a-spammer." Kinda fun.

    There are a couple other ways to get around a lot of the ads which are a bit easier.

    You can choose to see very few ads, and set things up so the ads you do see are, at least, not offensive to you.

    Feel free to ask me if you're interested.

    M in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good morning,
    Have about 30 mins of work to do. Just a couple of warranty submissions. Bills, estimates, and registrations are done. Cleaned kitchen after supper including mopping the floor. Last load of laundry is in dryer needing folded. Bed linens cleaned. House vacuumed. Clipped kitties nails.Feeling kind of together today;) playing hookie from work again for car show. This one is close to home and cooler temps with no rain in forecast! Yay! It is weird feeling back in control.....

    Facebook......I use it to check in with family and friends, but tend to get sucked into the reels. I scroll past stuffs I don't agree with. I have one school acquaintance that I tend to block alot. He is just rude.

    Heather When my DH broke his ankle he would push his PT harder than needed and be sore for a day or two. I am guessing that is your case too. I am happy to hear your progress! You sound so much happier again.

    Allie I really like that haircut especially in the darker color.

    Monique One of my customers cares for long term care children too. Her face lights up when she talks about them. Like you, she shows such care and compassion and gives them as home like of experiences as possible. She has one that was more vegetative that now responds with smiles when she comes in the room. Her shift is nighttime so baths, pj changes, stories, etc. I am thankful for the work yall do.

    Flea Love your travels!

    There are more I wanted to comment on but need to get a couple things done.

    Healing thoughts!
    Congratulations on the positive changes being made for better lives!
    Hugs held extra long for any in need.

    Thankfulness and love to all,
    Kylia in Ohio