Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 266



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,184 Member
    @Judefit1 DSIL used to make fresh hummus for our DD every morning. I don’t know how much or how long he did that but eventually she figured out the carbs. I don’t know how she was eating it but when she figured the macros, she quit.
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 808 Member
    Thx for sharing your NSVs. (if I miss someone, I am truly sorry! ) There is so much +benefit+ to this journey, in addition to the scale floating down after extensive effort! Sharing and reading NSVs (new habits and self-awareness) helps me continue to see the big picture.

    There is a fortune in GOLD today on this challenge! I’m laughing out loud and in awe of the wisdom shared… yes, a few bumps but I’m loving reading about everyone’s starts/stops/detours and progress! Helps me dig deep.

    @tiabirdie56 and @quiltingjaine -yall are ROCKING THIS ROUND!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    @UTMom81 & @_JeffreyD_ I’m truly intrigued by your spreadsheets & I want to find myself a shortcut somehow someway and will investigate!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    Day 5: NSV for @Chapter_3

    My NSV is that I am settling into the mindset that the scale isn’t the determining factor of what is right for me when it comes to health, body perception, etc.

    While on the phone with my sister yesterday we were talking about weight loss goals and expectations. She said she doesn’t have a set “goal”. She has a mental picture of where she wants to be with her physique and an idea of what weight she needs to be for that to materialize. When she put it that way, I realized it was how I felt as well. My goal weight of 175 with an ultimate goal of 150 is because that’s where I “think” I need to be to look the way I want to look and feel healthy. If I’m happy at 175 then I’ll go into maintenance, if it’s lower then I’ll keep working. Either way, I’m happy and I feel like I’m making life changes that will be long-term and that’s what really matters.

    @jensmakingprogress I usually say that my final goal is 145-150 and that I will know when I get there. However, I agree 100% with you and your sister. How are we to really know so far ahead of time? I chose a number that I looked good at (and was medically healthy at) when I was 30 years old which was before my final two children were born. Now I am 64 years old and if I reach my overall goal of losing over 100 pounds (my highest weight was 253) how am I to know what 145 or 150 looks like. How much skin will I have? It certainly doesn't spring back in my mid 60's like it did at 30. How much muscle weight? I mean, I certainly can't exercise like I did at 30 due to heart problems, knee issues, neuropathy in my feet etc. I have loosely set my goal but, like you & sis, I will have to play it by ear and I think that our size and our health will be the new matrix. I do need something to "aim for" but its not set in stone, for sure. I think a lot of us may be in this same boat and I am so glad you brought it up. It's wonderful that we are getting fitter and healthier together!
  • reshii_devi
    reshii_devi Posts: 565 Member
    edited July 20

    WATER ZUMBA??? Do tell!!

    @quiltingjaine the music and dance moves make the workout so much fun! Plus being in the water makes all the jumping up and down much easier ~ love it!

    @musicsax Sherwood Forest sounds magical ~ but with so much happening emotionally the snacking and struggle is definitely relatable! Maybe a walk connecting with nature will help get your equilibrium back? {{{VIRTUAL HUGS}}}

    @Skyleen75 Needy friends can be so exhausting! gotta love em anyway, lol ~ but now you know next time to either say no, or be prepared for the shenanigans. People are who they are ...

    nice drop @tiabirdie56 !!

    @deepwoodslady that's a long list Donna! Focus on what's most important and try to ignore the rest. I'm rooting for you girl ~ be strong, you got this.
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,551 Member
    @reshii_devi - thank you, your words were a great comfort & greatly appreciated ❤️
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 808 Member
    R266 - #36

    SW ⚖️ 130.4lbs

    Mission: Continuously improve daily habits that strengthen a “Healthy, Strong & Fit” identity.
    #HSF 📣#bestshapeofmylife📣
    #helpfulhabits R266 Let’s Go! 💪🏻🙌🏻⚡️

    About Me:
    F65, 5’6” married, MawMaw Proud. Clean P:E (ProteinG> (Cg+Fg) A clean/whole food WOE- (🚫processed foods). Track macros, all fitness and NSVs. HW 172lbs in 2010. Lost 16lbs Aug-Nov 2023. 7/31/24 will be one year in this challenge!

    👇🏻July Level Up (Down) Plan
    I pledge to prioritize each of these #HSF choices EVERY DAY of July:
    1. P:E: Proteing greater than 1:1 vs. Energy g. [Pg > (Cg+Fg)] (and kcals = avg. maintenance).I will continue this nutrition plan through July. It is supposed to support muscle gain with fat loss while 🏋🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️ 🎾. I will continue to track NSVs/macros/ activities, etc. to learn about my body.
    2. 🙏📝 🧐 - I will continue to pray, journal, research. This is my aspect of “leveling up” because I am nothing without my relationship w/Jesus Christ. I’ve also grown into loving/enjoying learning about my body & healthy aging. Replacing BAD habits w/ GOOD habits is a journey in itself. This practice helps me stay present /mindful of many decisions/ thoughts/ actions that impact not only nutrition, but improves self-talk & interactions w/others.
    3. 🏋🏼‍♀️this is my biggest challenge. I still don’t like it. Not one bit. I have some days that it clicks, but it’s a daily struggle. Living “fake it till I make it”… Faking my “identity”. My hope is that some 🏋️‍♀️version eventually becomes a healthy habit. I’m working on a minimum of 10-minute “🏋🏼‍♀️snacks” 2-3x per day, 5x per week. Gosh, how I wish someone, ANYONE would have told me in my earlier years that 🏋🏼‍♀️is the key to fat-loss / maintaining - NOT cardio. I was brainwashed.
    4. Healthy Aging - includes mobility, flexibility, balance and agility. While I do stretch every morning plus “stretch snacks”… I want to up this game… I will start to add “sprints” (which is NOW only fast jogging… 😂) and plyometrics (celebrating a 2” vertical jump) 😂. I read to “sprint” is vital as we age…..
    5. I have much “work” to do with family relationships. Won’t detail here, but it’s a challenge & my overall health will not flourish without this being acknowledged and improved. Mind, body & spirit are connected. I won’t be fully content until I reconcile this part of my life.
    6. Sleep- This is a big one. I’m usually fast asleep by 8:30-9PM. I can’t stay up later…. I love getting up early. I’m good with a 5AM wake up but I want to sleep soundly through the night. Will continue to prioritize this key component to health and well-being…
    7. Have fun… lighten up … & give myself permission to be spontaneous. (This is THE HARDEST)!!!!

    👇🏻Review since my 1st R231 7/31/23 NSVs/Journey Reflections

    1. ✅HSF: Avg. close to 9k steps per day for 11+ mos. Not bad. It’s no longer a “daily goal” because it’s now a daily healthy habit - #HSF 👏🏻🤩
    2. ✅#HSF: 🙆‍♀️ Daily stretch greatly improving my attitude & confidence.
    3. ✅ #HSF 📝 🙏 everyday
    4. ✅#HSF: I play 🎾about 4-5x per week.
    5. ✅#HSF : Z2 💕avg 60 min/day
    6. ✅#HSF : zero to 15g of net carbs/ day
    7. ✅Clean P:E 115-130g Protein
    8. ✅#HSF Naturally IF 18/6. Eating window=noon to 6PM. (At least 5 days/wk)
    9. ✅#HSF 💦80oz daily
    10. ✅#HSF Alcohol limited to rare occasions.
    11. 7 to 8 hours sleep per night is a goal. Sleep is still inconsistent the last few rounds…

    Staying in the present moment is key to mental health and healthy choices.

    Rotating 120g to 130g of protein per day is now a non-negotiable. In my dreams, I want to be 130lbs #HSF … 😎 I want to be Healthy, Strong & Fit to live out “Chapter 3” enjoying a full range of mobility, flexibility & activities… !

    Todays ⚖️ / Yesterday’s #HSF

    7/15 ⚖️130.8
    ✅July Level Up! 💯 P = 123g; P:E 1.7:1 🏋️‍♀️15min 🚶‍♀️12K. 🛏️💤8hrs.
    Sleeping better. Woke up super puffy - no clue. Getting ready to play early 🎾. Looking forward to an active day and lots of 💦.

    Let’s all have a dedicated round! #HSF 💪🏻🍀🙏🇺🇸

    7/16 DNW
    ✅July Level Up! 💯 P = 123g; P:E 1.2:1 🚶‍♀️7K. 🛏️💤5hrs
    ⚖️🚫 on sleepless nights. Rotten mood usually when I crawl out of bed at 2 AM. Why make it worse? Wanting a positive day with our DGS…. Will peter-out at some point. I’ll fuel my body and drink lots of 💦. Determined.

    NSV: yesterday morn I put on a tennis skirt that I had purchased in April that fit well (at the time). Was so loose yesterday I didn’t wear it. In April, I was the same weight I am now…. The ultimate confirmation my body is changing. 💪🏻

    7/17 132.0 hmmm…
    ✅July Level Up! 💯 P = 123g; P:E 1.7:1 🚶‍♀️10.7K 🛏️💤 7 hrs
    Yesterday was an almost perfect day. Stretch, 🎾, plyo, sprints, DGS, soccer, sprints again & 🏋️‍♀️ with him! All on 4-5 hrs sleep. Wiped out by 4pm. Today won’t be as much activity - will read, journal, 🙏 reflect. Grateful & present.

    Scale? 🔄Fluctuating 2 to 3 lbs for a few months now. 🤔Was 129 four days ago… (Is 130 g -140g of protein too much? -will drop to 120ish). And no naughtiness in sight!😎 This happens pretty consistently now… Not sure if this is a fluctuation or a muscle gain? A new me? Such intense workouts…. And inconsistent sleep. I’m still on plan with a loose tennis skirt. #HSF

    7/18 DNW
    ✅July Level Up! 💯 P = 133g; P:E 1:1 🚶‍♀️3.7K 🛏️💤 3-4 hrs

    Up since 2:30. Crud!
    Will catch up with y’all tomorrow. Hoping for a fine day. Plenty of 💦. Rain for next five days. 🙁. Inside=🏋️‍♀️.

    PS- I’m reading LOTS of real insights & progress this morning. Will everyone -EVERYONE - please share an NSV tomorrow?!?!!! Just ONE!

    Let’s call it:

    @quiltingjaine SEVEN YEARS?!?!!!!!
    My goodness! You’re a Goddess!
    Thank you from my heart!

    @RichardHaw welcome! You and @_JeffreyD_ adding such diversity to our group! Wonderful!

    7/19 DNW
    ✅July Level Up! 💯 P = 120g; P:E 1.2:1 🚶‍♀️10.7K 🛏️💤 4 hrs
    Up @ 3:20. These sleep patterns are starting to bring me down… I must stay on top of my thought process to remain positive and keep going… I will ⚖️tomorrow no matter my sleep patterns.

    Very enjoyable & active day yesterday with DH & DGS. 🎾🏋️‍♀️🏀🏃‍♀️& napped for an hour. Went out for Mexican food last night with high school girlfriends. We do this every six weeks or so. Opted for Ceviche & one Mezcal on the rocks.

    Day5 NSV CHALLENGE: I have two:
    1. I can actually go out for Mexican food now without chips and salsa. I chose to Ceviche which is healthy and also chose a zero carb cocktail - a delicious /satisfying evening out and never felt deprived.
    2. I now understand and fully embrace that my relationship with food/body/mind/spirit are inseparable -and it will be/is a lifelong journey. There will never be a destination. My NSV is finally, recognizing & accepting that “maintenance” for me (#HSF) is a more intricate & complex push/pull process than the the seemingly linear, one dimensional process of reaching a goal weight. Building healthy habits is hard… And my fresh new habits are yet to be a given… they are laborious. But it’s what I want. And if I really want this new #HSF identity, I must embrace the privilege of pursing these new habits every day.

    7/20 ⚖️132.6
    ✅July Level Up! 💯 P = 130g; P:E 1.4:1 🚶‍♀️8.7K 🛏️💤 8hrs
    Enjoyed 🏋️‍♀️🏃‍♀️with DGS yesterday. Plyo too. Great sleep last night. I took one ibuprofenPM because I just had to sleep…

    I know that my steps are down this month about 1.5k/day. I want to get them back up to averaging 10k… I usually feel better. Protein g up & calories have averaged about 200 extra per day @ 1400kcals since end of June. 🏋️‍♀️up. Started plyo. All macros good. …. My Inbody results recommended to gain 2lbs so here I am. But I just can’t tell if it’s fat or muscle, so I keep going… I feel good. We’re talking two pounds.

    My brain has not wrapped around the concept yet… of weighing more and simultaneously losing inches!!!! I’m giving me time. I still want to be 130! This is not an easy concept to accept. Quite uncomfortable in this unknown territory. It’s a foreign/strange feeling.
    I am this detailed to share this info with my fellow “Nerds” here - because I’m on this train to learn about this body of mine and I know you are too.

    7/21 ⚖️132.0
    ✅July Level Up! 💯 P = 143g; P:E 1.9:1 🚶‍♀️13.5K🏋️‍♀️20min 🛏️💤 6hrs

    By 9AM - 11k steps and 🎾 for 90min. Great start to my day. Too much protein yesterday - forgot to log a protein shake. Way over. Will keep goal to 120g. Also, not enough 💦. Dragging this morn but my day will brighten soon -when the sun comes up!
