Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 266



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,145 Member
    driniou wrote: »
    How can I join? Do I have to be a member with payment?

    Just jump in. No payment needed. We’re glad to have you join us!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,145 Member

    WATER ZUMBA??? Do tell!!
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 2,033 Member
    Pw: 164.2
    • Fri 07/19: 165.1; +.9lbs
      ~ late night Keto ice cream probably sticking to the ribs a little bit

      Log / UndCs&Cs / 1HrEx
      Yes Days: 3 out of 5
    Stayed Below SW 167 ✅=Yes 🅾️=No
    (Mon > > > > > > > > Next Wed)
    • 07/20 Sat ~ 6th Day
    • 07/21 Sun ~ 7th Day
    • 07/22 Mon ~ 8th Day
    • 07/23 Tue ~ 9th Day
    • 07/24 Wed ~ Last Day
      - Get Under 165
      - Stay Under Cals&Carbs
      - Log Every Single Food
      - Exercise for 1-Hour
    Prev Days:(Cliff’s Notes in color):
    • Thu 07/18: 164.2; -2lbs
      ~ Coming back down after my vacation bloat
    • Wed 07/17✅166.2; -0lbs
      ~ same as yesterday
    • Tue 07/16✅166.2; -1lbs
      ~ stayed on goal
    • Mon 07/15🅾️167.2; +.2lbs
      ~ Trying to get back on track
    • SW:167✅
      ~ This round my plan is to stick to my daily goal 8 out of 10 days: I give myself a ✔️if I do the following: Stay under cals&carbs, log every single food and exercise for an hour
  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,970 Member
    Chapter_3 wrote: »
    NSV: 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 adding those weights and jumps. You are indeed a BADASS!
    NSV: Thank you for the “mindfulness” reminder… Sometimes mindfulness could seem “obsessive” or bordering on OCD… Like it’s a bad thing, but in reality it’s wonderful and a huge blessing! I think slowing down and asking ourselves why or why not is true progress. “The unexamined life is not worth living” ~Socrates. Not sure his quote applies here, but I thought of it…


    @Chapter_3 my post today will illustrate the ups and downs. This group will help me not be swallowed up by the NSF's.