
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    I’m bushed but have another 8 hour day at the booth. Tiring to smile and be nice to people no matter what! Not too many nasty people though, I’m thankful for that. It was really busy yesterday morning then slow after 2pm. I paced around the pay booth and did stretches and a little yoga between cars at that time. Didn’t get many steps in, but some workout anyway. Any little bit helps and adds up in the long run! Another 8 hour day today. I’ve got to get moving. Need to be there at 10 and here it is 9:15 and I’m still in my PJ’s! LOL

    Dinner yesterday was mashed potatoes with a little gravy, chicken thigh, carrots, and baked beans.


    RVRita in Roswell
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Today is Milk chocolate day! Do Fudgicles count?


    RVRita in Roswell
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    edited July 28
    Good morning ladies!

    Heather - sooo glad you are home and John is taking good care of you. Nice to have both hips done now and you can soon resume doing the things you love pain free.

    Allie - Wish I was at the butterfly sanctuary with SMiles. :p What a wonderful place. Hear anything from Carmine these days?

    Carol - hope your knee is improving.

    Kylia - so nice you have those kitties! How relaxing to have them in your lap, purring and napping. <3 Sorry your mechanic is MIA. Yes, I check the oil in the mower every time before I start it, and it's at full level. There's a chance friend Charlie will stop by this afternoon or next week and can check it out. DH got the Toro at Home Depot in Sept 2017, probably an end of summer sale. So it's had 7 years of hard use (1 1/2 - 2 acres mowed every 10 days for 4 to 6 months every summer) with minimal repair. I know a new mower might be in the cards one of these days. Not sure if I'd get a zero turn again, but haven't given it a lot of thought.

    Barbara - do you have a DEXA planned one of these days to see how the COMB is working for you? The results of the studies are impressive. Hope Tumble's limp gets better. When I had Rosie at the vet's last week, she asked if Rosie was hearing/ seeing/ moving OK, and I said yes no problem. When I got home, I remembered that sometimes one of her legs is painful and she can't put weight on it - hip perhaps? But gets better quickly if I rub it and give her some treats. :D She's lost a teeny bit of weight (.5 #) since a year ago which has to help.

    Kelly - I think it's great your son isn't "too cool" to go to the movies with mom, lol. Glad you enjoyed the show. Sounds like you'll be busy today.

    Lisa - you amaze me when you and Corey get going on your big projects. I've decided to cancel the adoption plans for Rusty, maybe I'll adopt you instead. :p

    I was always willing to help DH on projects but he'd get impatient and grouchy. I'd get my feelings hurt and tell him to do it himself! I finally told him if he absolutely needed my help, let's take a minute and review the game plan - what tools would he possibly need and where are they, would he need me to hold things, bring boards/nails/bolts. Amazing how well that worked. DUH, >:) .

    I watched a video recently, where a psychologist said many men gauge their self-worth by their ability to "do stuff." So when they are no longer able to do the heavy lifting, building, etc. due to physical problems, they start to feel worthless. And that's why they sometimes overdo and injure themselves. I think that was right on the mark with my DH and the beginning of his depression when his body started failing. The psychologist's advice for men was to relax and recognize it's OK to have others do those tasks. Or find simpler tasks that aren't as stressful that can give a feeling of accomplishment.

    Got my early morning walk in and picked a bowl of blueberries at the next door neighbor's. She said "pick some every day! Don't want them to go to waste" so I'm trying to make her happy, lol.

    Planning the week's menu - found a package of frozen ground turkey buried in the freezer, so will get it cooked and add most of it to lentil stew I'm making tomorrow. Cool and rainy predicted.

    *** Weekly check in Reminder *** please get info to me today or by noon tomorrow latest. ;)

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,791 Member
    edited July 28
    Lanette - Soooo funny you would go into that, it's often like you're ahead of me on the curve. I had to stop at 11:15, and sure enough, I looked when I came in, and it's just reached 80 degrees on the thermometer. That seems to be my top end for survival outside these days. However, I had two more shelves to finish caulking... and I was thinking as I walked inside that if there is any lesson that's come out of all of this it's the ability to stop EVEN WHEN THE JOB ISN'T FINISHED. I've done so many all-nighters and hurt myself over and over during the years with 10, 12, even 16 hours straight in an office chair in order to get a job or project finished. Worked outside until I nearly collapsed, in order to finish the job, and suffered for days after. I don't do that anymore. It's still hard to walk away! But I'm just no longer willing to "pay to play," as KJ put it. I won't do it to myself anymore. I never seem to learn lessons the easy way.


    PS - You're not old enough to be my mama, but you can be the fun auntie if you want! And Corey and I do best if we work in parallel jobs rather than ones where we are joined at the hip. We do OK together, but happier when we're just consulting with each other instead of depending on each other.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,522 Member
    Lanette ~ I think the psychologists view to slow down as your health is failing applies to women as well as men. I have been so stubborn so many times trying to continue doing all the things I have been in charge of in our family for many, many years. I think I am finally learning that I am only hurting myself in the long run.

    Rita ~ Would you please explain your eating plan again. I realize that the plate size has a lot to do with it, but, are you supposed to be following a diet that eliminates a lot of things. Just wondering.

    Carol in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    @Carol- I eat whatever my DH cooks no restrictions. I usually make my own breakfast - some sugar free cereal with almond milk due to egg allergies. And my supper is usually leftovers, cheese and rice cakes, pb&j or grill cheese. My choice to avoid sugar. Lots of fruits and veggies and small amount of grains and proteins. Hope that helps!🥰

    Here is week 7 of my class.
    Session 7: Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat
    There are three major nutrients that provide calories to your body. These nutrients are carbohydrates, protein and fat. In the last session, you learned that many diets ask you to avoid one of these nutrients. However, you need a balance of all three. This session will explain the important role carbohydrates, protein and fat play in your diet. You’ll also learn the best foods to eat to receive these nutrients.
    Many fad diets encourage little or no carbohydrate intake. The truth is that carbohydrates are the body’s favorite source of fuel. Your body changes carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar). Your body then uses this sugar for energy for your cells, tissues and organs. There are two
    types of carbohydrates: complex and simple. The goal is to eat mostly complex carbohydrates and less simple carbohydrates.

    Include More
    Eat Less
    Fresh Fruit Sugary Drinks Vegetables Sugary Cereal
    Simple carbohydrates are the quickest source of energy, as they digest quickly.
    This can cause your blood sugar to spike. Simple carbs can also cause high triglycerides (blood fat that increases your risk of heart disease).
    ❖ See Handout: Tips to Reduce Simple Sugar
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Label Reading For Simple
    Sugars (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Complex carbohydrates are typically rich in fiber, making them satisfying, healthful, and less likely to spike blood sugar. They are usually found in whole plant foods and are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
    ❖ See Handout: Grocery List of Complex Carbohydrates
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Label Reading for Fiber (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Whole Grains (Whole wheat bread, pasta)
    Sweets (Cookies, candy, cakes)

    Benefits of Carbohydrates
    The benefits of eating a diet rich in high quality, complex carbohydrates include:
    ➢ Good brain function
    ➢ Improved mood and energy
    ➢ Fiber (soluble and insoluble) in carbs is needed for bowel health and bowel movements
    ➢ May lower cholesterol levels
    ❖ See Handout: Types of Fiber Carbohydrate Recommendation
    About 45-65% of your diet needs to come from complex carbohydrate (e.g. fruits, vegetables, whole grains & legumes). To get the right amount of carbohydrate, use MyPlate and fill your 1⁄2 of your plate with fruits and vegetables and 1⁄4 of your plate with grains.
    Protein is a powerful nutrient made up of amino acids. Amino acids are involved in almost every function of the body. Your body can make some amino acids,
    Session 5: Carbohydrates

    but you must get others from food. Protein can be found in both animal and plant based foods. The goal is to get a good mix of lean animal and plant based protein in your diet.
    Animal Protein
    Plant Protein
    Lean cuts of beef
    Fish and Seafood
    Dairy: Milk, Yogurt & Cottage Cheese
    Quinoa Tempeh
    Turkey and Chicken
    Legumes, Beans
    Nuts & seeds
    ❖ See Handout: Choosing Healthier Meats Benefits of Protein
    ➢ Needed for skin, hair, muscle, bones, and organs
    ➢ Used to fight disease
    ➢ Makes you feel full and satisfied
    ➢ Helps to stabilize blood sugar
    Protein Recommendation
    Protein needs can vary. Up to-35% of your calorie intake should come from lean sources of protein (animal and plant). To get the right amount of protein,

    use MyPlate and fill 1⁄4 of your plate with meat and include a cup of dairy.
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Adding Up Your Protein (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Fat is needed by
    your body, and
    performs many
    functions. Many
    diets promote a
    very low fat intake,
    but reducing your fat intake too much can be unhealthy and leave you wanting more to eat. When choosing fats, quality is key. There are 3 main types of fats: unsaturated fats, saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats and trans fat can have a negative impact on your heart and health. Healthy, unsaturated fats have a positive impact on health. The goal is to get most of your fat intake from the healthier unsaturated fats.
    ❖ See Handout: Types of Healthy Fat
    ❖ See Handout: Adding Healthy Fats
    Eat More
    Olives and Olive Oil
    Nuts and Nut Butter

    Fish and Fish Oil
    Benefits of Healthy Fats
    ➢ Proper brain functioning
    ➢ Healthy metabolism
    ➢ Heart health
    ➢ Proper hormone functioning
    ➢ Fullness (takes longer to leave the stomach than carbs and protein)
    ➢ Needed for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E & K)
    ➢ Source of fuel
    ➢ Acts as oil for joints
    Fat Recommendation
    A general rule of thumb is for 20-35% of your diet to come from healthy sources of fat. This should be spread throughout the day. Try to include a healthy fat at each meal. To get the right amount of fat, use MyPlate and choose leaner cuts of meat, lower fat dairy products and lower fat, grain-based foods.
    **Each gram of fat contains more then double the calories of protein or carbohydrate. Be sure to check portion sizes and practice moderation.

    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Adding Up Your Fat Grams (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Your body needs carbohydrate, protein and fat. With the guidance of MyPlate, and the help of your coach, you can create a balanced eating plan that gives you the right amount of each nutrient.
    □ Look over your food uploads for the last week. Do you notice any simple sugars?
    □ Include one plant-based source of protein this week.
    □ Check the portion size of the fats you eat most often. How does it compare to the amount you eat?
    Keep Moving
    This week, think about getting a pedometer or device that counts your steps. Once you know how many steps you are taking, you can set goals to increase your steps each day.

    □ Goal setting: Work with your coach to set one goal this week associated with this session. Example: I will try one new source of plant-based protein.
    List your goal here or message it to your coach: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
    □ Ask your coach to help you make a grocery list based off the information in this session.
    □ Ask your group members how they put together balanced meals, which include all of the major nutrients.
    □ Tell your group members or family members about one food myth that your learned was untrue this week.
    “Next to love, balance is the most important thing.”
    - John Wooden

    Tips to Reduce Simple Sugar
    How to Reduce Simple Sugar in Meals and Snacks
    ● Choose high fiber cereal instead of sugary cereal
    ● Use fruit for dessert rather than sweet treats
    ● Eat plain yogurt with fruit instead of sweetened yogurt
    ● Use nut butter instead of jelly on toast, bagels and muffins
    ● Check labels for added sugar
    ● Avoid fruit canned in sugar
    ● Decrease your serving of cookies, cakes and candy
    ● Use vanilla (or almond) extract, cinnamon, allspice or nutmeg to add flavor rather than sugar
    How to Reduce Simple Sugar in Beverages
    ● Drink black coffee rather than sweetened coffee drinks
    ● Drink unsweetened tea rather than sweetened tea
    ● Drink water or sparkling water instead of soda

    Grocery List for Complex Carbohydrates
    ● Whole wheat or sprouted wheat bread
    ● Whole wheat pasta
    ● Steel cut oats
    ● High fiber cereal (more than 5 grams of fiber) ● Brown, wild and long grain rice
    ● Quinoa
    ● Rye crackers
    ● Barley
    ● Beans
    ● Lentils
    ● Soybeans (edamame) ● Sweet potatoes
    ● White potatoes
    ● Corn
    ● Peas
    ● Carrots

    Types of Fiber
    􏰀 There are 2 types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both sources of fiber can be found solely in plant foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds).
    􏰀 Both types of fiber offer important health benefits.
    Insoluble Fiber:
    􏰀 Does not dissolve in water
    􏰀 Is not easily broken down during digestion
    􏰀 Creates bulk, which helps prevent constipation
    ● Skins of fruits & vegetables (apples, cucumbers,
    grapes, etc.)
    ● Wheat bran, whole grains and popcorn
    ● Dried fruits
    Soluble Fiber:
    􏰀 Dissolves in water
    􏰀 Reduces LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) 􏰀 Helps to regulate blood sugar
    Sources: ● Beans
    ● Fruits (fresh & dried) and vegetables ● Oats, rice and whole grain pasta

    Choosing Healthier Meats
    􏰀 There is a wide variety of animal protein available today. 􏰀 Choosing healthier options can help you to reach your
    goals and improve your overall health.
    Here are 4 tips to help you choose healthier meats:
    1.) Choose fewer processed meats
    ✔ Processed meats like deli meats, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, pepperoni, beef jerky, and salami are typically high in sodium and/or sugar.
    2.) Choose lean cuts of meat
    ✔ Leaner cuts of meat such as “loin,” “round” or “sirloin” contain less fat and fewer calories.
    3.) Use healthier cooking methods
    ✔ Grilling, braising, baking, and stewing are all healthier cooking options than deep-frying, pan frying or using gravies and sauces.
    4.) Choose leaner types of meats
    ✔ White meat such as chicken and turkey is a lower fat option than red meat.
    ✔ Fish is also a good option that typically contains a higher content of unsaturated (heart healthy) fats.

    Types of Healthy Fat
    􏰀 Healthy fats are important to include in our diet due to their heart healthy benefits.
    Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated
    􏰀 These fats can improve total cholesterol when used in place of unhealthy fats.
    􏰀 Sources of these fats include:
    ● Avocados
    ● Olives
    ● Nuts: almonds, pecans, hazelnuts and
    macadamia nuts
    ● Seeds: pumpkin, chia, flax and sunflower seeds
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids
    􏰀 These fats can lower blood triglyceride levels, decrease inflammation and lower blood pressure.
    􏰀 Sources of these fats include:
    ● Walnuts
    ● Flax seeds
    ● Chia seeds
    ● Fish: salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines,
    albacore and rainbow trout
    ● Tofu and other soybean products

    Adding Healthy Fats
    What foods contain healthy fats?
    􏰀 Many foods naturally contain healthy fats.
    􏰀 You can find these fats in avocados, nuts, seeds
    and olives.
    Ways to Add Healthy Fats:
    ● Prepare a fruit smoothie with avocado
    ● Choose white meat chicken instead of red meat ● Dress your salad with sesame, olive or flaxseed oil ● Top salads with nuts and/or seeds
    ● Try flaxseeds in smoothies, yogurt or on salads
    ● Try different nut butters on celery or apples
    ● Choose fatty fish like salmon and tuna
    ● Enjoy a vegetable crudités with olives or on salads ● Try soymilk on cereal
    ● Use olive oil in place of butter

    If you want these classes by email, PM me with your email address.

    RvRita in Roswell
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,812 Member
    Virtual (((hugs))) held extra long and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,791 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member