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Women 200lb+, Let's Give It A Try This July!!!



  • GardenQueen30
    GardenQueen30 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m enjoying reading everyone’s comments and updates. My app is a little slow and buggy so I’m not going to give a super detailed update, but I’m looking for a little perspective and encouragement and advice. I’m 18 days into tracking on MFP, and in this 18 days I’ve essentially lost 1.5 pounds, which is frustratingly slow. I’m not trying to lose super fast, but I’ve been dismayed at how the scale has been going up and down and up and down and up and down for the last week and a half. I am consistently staying in my calorie budget and typically meeting my protein goal, and I do both cardio and weight training with a personal trainer. I also do some training with PT. Am I missing something? I’ve seen some posts here and there about people getting hormone testing or some kind of testing to see what they need to eat to not slow down their metabolism…I don’t have a very good scientific understanding of how hormones can affect weight loss, so I don’t even know how to pursue finding information on this. I have been in touch with a dietician (haven’t pulled the trigger yet because I’ve been doing well with my current eating style and tracking) who does some kind of metabolic testing, but I really don’t know what I am looking for. Any help is appreciated!! And otherwise, is it common for weight loss to take a while to start happening? I feel like there is soooo much mixed information out there on how weight loss actually works and I’ve read so many books and so many perspectives, my head is just spinning!!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 499 Member
    Gardenqueen, fluctuations on the scale are completely normal. You may lose a bit too, then stall for a short while, then start losing again. Start graphing your weight, I think you'll see an overall downward trend over time if you stay consistent with your calorie deficit.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    71 years old
    Challenge July Starting Weight: 260
    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall
    I do check-ins when I lose:
    7/1: 260
    7/5: 257.5
    7/24: 257
    7/27: 254.8

    July Weignt loss: 5.2 lbs. (this is more than I usually shoot for 1 lb a week)

    A is my husband. N is my living at home adult youngest child
    July Goals:
    • July GW: get securely in the 250s – Next month I was considering a goal of getting into the low 250s and staying there. I guess I will have to come up with another one.
    • Keep my water intake up – need to up this
    • Keep getting 7+ hours of sleep - yes
    • Meal plan and cook 3+ dinners (my husband and youngest will cook some dinners too) – both N and I cooked last night so we have meals for this weekend.
    • Eat healthy breakfasts (only 1 day a week at a café with Latte etc.) – Weekend breakfasts always help me even if they are larger. They get me through the day.
    • Work up to 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week – 1 day of aquafit, 1 day of weight training, 4 days of walking increasing lengths of time) – Starting the week with the extra activity of camping and aquafit in the pool I continued to walk about 30 minutes a day. Tomorrow is Aquafit at the Y.
    • Up NEAT (non exercise activity) daily such as cooking and cleaning etc. – I am making some progress here
    Still need to meal plan for next week. I need to keep up the walking and then add in strength training once I get the walking down. I am realizing that logging my food is important for me again now.

    @jenbroussard71 I was thinking the same about an exercise buddy but I am so slow and weak now. I have a grandson but he is in Texas. Friends are important for health and I want to work on this now that I am retired.

    @GardenQueen30 When I 1st started on MFP 20 years ago my loss was really slow. My friends on here were losing faster and I was staying within all my goals. I slowly lost 20 lbs and had a long plateau where I tried everything until I read about eating more to lose. It turned out that with the increase in exercise I wasn’t eating enough. I started to lose as I slowly upped my calories. I did a 2 week reset at maintenance calories (kept losing) and then lowered my calories to a more reasonable deficit to lose the next 20 lbs much easily. When I went back to work fulltime I gained most of it back. I sometimes I lose the day after eating more. You want to watch that you don’t slow your metabolism down by having a big deficit. You need to fool your body into thinking it isn’t starving. My weight varies a lot too so I weigh daily or I might miss the loss. I track the daily weights on my spreadsheet and log my losses on MFP. I have been researching nutrition and our gut health is important too. As an older woman I have had to learn how to lose despite hormonal changes. Right now, yes, I need to lose but I also want to get healthy and strong. I am concentrating on what I eat not just how much. Also your body may be recompositioning by burning fat and building muscle. Maintaining weight loss is progress.
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there, just checking in with my end of week updates!

    Starting weight: 219 lbs (6/10/24)
    Ending weight: 214.2 lbs (6/30/24)
    Total loss: -4.8lbs (in 20 days)
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for July: ✔
    - Work 4 days/week ✔
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week ✔
    - Log meals daily and accurately ✔
    - Gym 3x/week ✔
    - Drink more water and less sugar ✔
    - Treat myself once/week with a self date ✔
    - Weigh in at 210lbs at the end of the month (-4.2 lbs loss)

    1st: 213 lbs
    2nd: 212.8 lbs
    3rd: 211.6 lbs
    4th: 212 lbs
    5th: 213.2 lbs
    6th: 212.4 lbs
    7th: 212.4 lbs
    8th: 211.6 lbs
    9th: 212.4 lbs
    10th: 212.2 lbs
    11th: 212.8 lbs
    12th: 214.6 lbs
    13th: 215.2 lbs
    14th: 216.6 lbs (wow, quite the spike)
    15th: 214.2 lbs (starting to debloat)
    16th: 213.2 lbs
    17th: 213 lbs
    18th: 212.6 lbs
    19th: 215.2 lbs (My birthday was the 18th, so it makes sense to have another indulgent jump)
    20th: 215.7 lbs
    21st: 215.3 lbs
    22nd: 212.7 lbs
    23rd: 212.6 lbs
    24th: 213.6 lbs
    25th: 212.2 lbs
    26th: 212.8 lbs
    27th: 212 lbs
    28th: 210.8 lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - Went to the gym 4x this week instead of my usual 3!
    - Did 10k steps 4x this week
    - When I look in the mirror recently I can tell my belly is starting to get smaller, and I'm having to pull up my yoga pants more often than I used to :)
    - Baked protein banana brownies, which actually taste good and are 120 calories for 11g of protein, not bad for a sweet treat.
    - Listened to my body and skipped the gym Saturday. I'd already gone 1 day more than usual, and I'd had terrible sleep this day so when both my mind and body were exhausted I decided to treat myself with a day at home.

    I went out Wednesday with my boyfriend and got a bunch of new camping gear! A hood air mattress, sleeping bag, lanterns, floor mats, AND we got 3 backyard games to play with friends. I'm excited now that we have more time, to finally be able to enjoy camping with friends again :)
    Today I'm going on a work outing to try river rafting for the first time! I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm excited! I will be eating a couple meals out so I expect to bloat again tomorrow regardless, but it was exciting to see the new low on the scale this morning!

    Hope next week is as great!
  • Cinnamonpimp
    Cinnamonpimp Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all! 😊

    CW: 259
    GW: 150
    HT: 5'2"

    Week 2: 260
    Week 4: 259

    I did more dancing this month than I have in a long time. I forget how good it feels to just move your body and not necessarily for the exercise, but for the fun! I also bougth a snorkeling set so i can spend a little more time underwater, especially in this heat! I find swimming way more interesting when it turns into an exploration.

    had a hard time staying consistent this week as there was a lot of non-routine/spontaneous plans I jumped into. I always prefer a routine and time to plan ahead, so I tend to get thrown out of whack when something interrupts. I have especially not been consistent with logging on the weekends, though I don't want to be too strict/hard on my self. I dislike feeling like I'm "failing" if I don't go 100% in on something.

    Do you think it's better to stay 100% locked in, or give myself the weekends "off"?

    Goals for july:

    -Log food consistently: so far so good! I am leaving space on the weekends as I tend to get really disappointed with myself and quit when I don't do sth 100% right.
    ••• I have done pretty well, I think I got most every week day and occasion weekend days. I have been more mindful of what I'm choosing to eat.

    -weigh ins AT LEAST monthly, but ideally every Monday: I have not started this consistently yet, so my aim is to get that into my calendar and have a set schedule.
    ••• reminder is set in calendar, I managed to get 2 weigh ins this month. (And 1lb down - not much but I'll take it!)

    -post a weekly check in: even a little something to stay active in the group and stay up to date with others stories and progress. I hope this will increase motivation and feeling of community
    ••• I'm still figuring out how to use this efficiently, this will be my second post. I enjoy reading others accomplishment, and can relate to the setbacks. Keep it up!

    -get connected with weight and wellness clinic in my area: i already have a referral placed, just waiting to schedule an appt!
    ••• apparently there is quite a wait list, so this may be going on the back burner. In the meantime I will continue logging food and exercise to have a good baseline/history to start with when I do get connected

    Thank you for reading!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    edited July 29
    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 210.4
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)
    5'3" Tall

    Monday weigh in
    July 1st: - 216.6
    July 8th - 213
    July 15th - 212.8
    July 22nd - 210.2
    July 29th - 210.4
    July 31st
    July loss -6.2
    July Goal - 207 (which was my lowest weight in April 2023)
    End of Summer Goal - onederland!

    A little frustrated with the scale today, but I KNOW that I am putting in the work - the scale will catch up eventually. I feel like July has been a good month - it's been stressful in many ways but I've learned to deal with the stress better and not run to food. I did not hit my July goal - missed it by 3.4 pounds but that is okay. I am going to focus on the fact that I lost 6.2.

    Question - do you add in some of your exercise calories? If so, do you add in half or all? I've not been active in a long time and I am now working out with a trainer twice a week. I wear a HRM so I feel that I get an accurate number of calories burned. I am not sure if eating the exercise calories or some of them would be helpful. Any input is appreciated!

    Thank you in advance.
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 159 Member
    edited July 30
    Hi all. Great job ladies! I walked (exercised) 1.7 miles today for the first time since February 24. I am going to PT in August. I am proud of myself. I am committing to 3 times a week. I don't want to set myself up for failure.

    I have not been focusing on losing weight, just practicing recovery skills. I have a book on Intuitive Eating that I am excited to read. I am making new recipes, so I don't get bored. I didn't binge for 2 months, which is a win for me. Unfortunately, I bit the dust once (in bingeing) this month. Nothing catastrophic. Thankfully. I am looking forward to a a new month rolling in.

    Wherever you are in your journey, keep going. Weight loss (or recovery) for a lifetime is never linear.
  • AG_Lake
    AG_Lake Posts: 45 Member
    Ts July 30 2024 :
    Got down to 217.9# for July.
    So a loss of about 5.7#. I’ll take it.
    Thank-you all for your assistance.
    Have a lovely day, everyone!
  • libbygeo
    libbygeo Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am a new person to the community MyFitnessPal, but I have use the app for forever. In May, I decided to get serious again about improving my health and I am doing the best I have ever done. I finally feel like I have come up with a way of eating that requires little thought and effort on my part Track in my Fitnesspal for accountability but pleased that I am pretty intuitive about how much I need to eat these days. My program is simply intermittent fasting on a 18-6 schedule. I try and eat just two meals with no snacking. If I have a big event come up, I switch to one meal a day. I am high protein and fat, but I don’t worry a whole bunch about macros, except to avoid filling up on carbs esp. flour and sugar. I am 6‘1“ tall and 62 years old. My highest weight ever was 425. When I started this round, I was 415. I am currently at 380. I lose a pound or two a week. I am just amazed at how my food cravings have gone away, and I am thinking a lot less about food. For lack of a better explanation, I am crediting intermittent fasting, and avoiding simple carbohydrates as helping my leptin and ghrelin.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 499 Member
    Weigh-in today, I am 185! Fifteen pounds down.
  • healthyenergymint
    healthyenergymint Posts: 1 Member
    I managed to gain 4lb overnight due to a day of bingeing (fish and chips, Hershey bar and a massive amount of pesto). I know it's mostly water weight, but I'm pissed off because I had just broken the obese/ overweight barrier, and now I'm back in the obese range, and my roommate just made strawberry waffles with whipped cream. I'm going to have to to go out and do a million steps later lol. It makes me feel like those 4 days that I was merely overweight counted for nothing :( I was so happy, and now I have to fight back again. But I WILL fight back. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and I'm 15lb down in 49 days. I can get this back!
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there, just checking in with my mid week updates!

    Starting weight: 219 lbs (6/10/24)
    Ending weight: 214.2 lbs (6/30/24)
    Total loss: -4.8lbs (in 20 days)
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for July: ✔
    - Work 4 days/week ✔
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week ✔
    - Log meals daily and accurately ✔
    - Gym 3x/week ✔
    - Drink more water and less sugar ✔
    - Treat myself once/week with a self date ✔
    - Weigh in at 210lbs at the end of the month (-4.2 lbs loss)

    1st: 213 lbs
    2nd: 212.8 lbs
    3rd: 211.6 lbs
    4th: 212 lbs
    5th: 213.2 lbs
    6th: 212.4 lbs
    7th: 212.4 lbs
    8th: 211.6 lbs
    9th: 212.4 lbs
    10th: 212.2 lbs
    11th: 212.8 lbs
    12th: 214.6 lbs
    13th: 215.2 lbs
    14th: 216.6 lbs (wow, quite the spike)
    15th: 214.2 lbs (starting to debloat)
    16th: 213.2 lbs
    17th: 213 lbs
    18th: 212.6 lbs
    19th: 215.2 lbs (My birthday was the 18th, so it makes sense to have another indulgent jump)
    20th: 215.7 lbs
    21st: 215.3 lbs
    22nd: 212.7 lbs
    23rd: 212.6 lbs
    24th: 213.6 lbs
    25th: 212.2 lbs
    26th: 212.8 lbs
    27th: 212 lbs
    28th: 210.8 lbs (New all time low!)
    29th: 212.4 lbs
    30th: 212.2 lbs
    31st: 212.2 lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - Went white water river rafting Sunday for the first time and it was SO fun!
    - Was offered another free PT session so I'm doing that today (my usual day off at the gym)

    Well, this also marks my last weigh-in for July! A bit disappointed that the number on the scale doesn't reflect my goals, HOWEVER I think what I've achieved off the scale is much more important. I'm stronger, have better balance and stamina, I've gotten used to the community at my gym, I'm working enough to pay my bills, I've gone on a couple adventures outside of my comfort zone, and I have great work/life balance at the moment. I've solidified my own ability to enjoy things in moderation, without feeling like I'm lacking anything that I enjoy, and despite the scale hardly moving, I know my body looks different due to the recomposition I'm achieving at the gym. And who knows, maybe next month is the month the weight just "falls off". I'm excited to continue posting in the new August group whenever that's made available.

    Great job everyone! Here's to a new month!
  • SirOnionKnight
    SirOnionKnight Posts: 82 Member
    Hello! Ah, this is the last post for july, and I think overall this month went decent enough.
    SW: 123.8kg (272lbs) in April 2023
    CW: 100.8kg (222lbs)
    GW: 66kg (145lbs)
    •My July:
    week 01: 103.9 kg (229lbs)
    week 02: 102.8 kg (226lbs)
    week 03: 101.7 kg (224lbs)
    week 04: 101.5 kg (223lbs)
    july31st: 100.8 kg (222lbs)

    Hopefully in August I'll be able to loose some more weight before the holiday~
    Btw, will there be a new post?

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member

    Thanks @RavenStCloud for this July thread!

    71 years old
    Challenge July Starting Weight: 260
    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall
    I do check-ins when I lose:
    7/1: 260
    7/5: 257.5
    7/24: 257
    7/27: 24.8
    7/30: 254.2
    7/31: 254.4
    July Weignt loss: 5.6 lbs.

    July Goals:
    • July GW: get securely in the 250s – I shoot for a lb a week and I exceeded that,
    • Keep my water intake up – need to up this
    • Keep getting 7+ hours of sleep - yes
    • Meal plan and cook 3+ dinners (my husband and youngest will cook some dinners too) – making good progress with this.
    • Eat healthy breakfasts (only 1 day a week at a café with Latte etc.) – Yes.
    • Work up to 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week – 1 day of aquafit, 1 day of weight training, 4 days of walking increasing lengths of time) – I have been making my goal of 30 minutes of exercise on weekdays and aquafit once a week.
    • Up NEAT (non exercise activity) daily such as cooking and cleaning etc. – I am making some progress here

    @quolwy like your NSVs. Better balance and stamina are some of my main goals. We are trying to lose but we also need to learn to maintain.
    @Cinnamonpimp I am trying to find a new routine with retirement but I have been advised to take my time. I think a routine can help but it needs to be flexible to maintain over time. I like your fun activities.
    @jo_casey42 I hope my husband will benefit from my weight loss efforts the way your fiance has. He lost well when I lost 40 lbs on here before.

    I guess it is time to think about August Goals. I have learned some things this month. I am reading Outlive and it is changing some of my past beliefs about weight loss even though it is about healthspan not weight loss. Anyway for now things seem to be working.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 210
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)
    5'3" Tall

    Monday weigh in
    July 1st: - 216.6
    July 8th - 213
    July 15th - 212.8
    July 22nd - 210.2
    July 29th - 210.4
    July 31st - 210.0
    July loss -6.6
    July Goal - 207 (which was my lowest weight in April 2023)
    End of Summer Goal - onederland!

    Missed my July scale goal by 3 pounds. That just means I need to be very focused in August to meet my end of summer goal of onederland. I told my husband that my reward for meeting this goal will be a small Tinkerbell tattoo.

    Things I accomplished this month:
    - I logged all foods consistently and weighed my food when eating at home.
    - I started with a personal trainer this month - 2x a week and signed up for 6 more months.
    - I increased my water intake.

    Things I want to focus on in August:
    -Better sleep - I will wear my CPAP every night (now that I found a mask that works for me)
    - More H2O
    - Walk 2 times per week for 30 minutes in addition to my training appointments

    I spoke with my trainer and asked her to start giving me "homework" and I would have to show my app to her for accountability. She said that she would do that. We are starting with two 30 minute walks on the treadmill and include my warm up routine each time. She said she would change it up next week.

    I guess my theme for August will be August accountability!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 499 Member
    edited August 1
    I managed to gain 4lb overnight due to a day of bingeing (fish and chips, Hershey bar and a massive amount of pesto). I know it's mostly water weight, but I'm pissed off because I had just broken the obese/ overweight barrier, and now I'm back in the obese range, and my roommate just made strawberry waffles with whipped cream. I'm going to have to to go out and do a million steps later lol. It makes me feel like those 4 days that I was merely overweight counted for nothing :( I was so happy, and now I have to fight back again. But I WILL fight back. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and I'm 15lb down in 49 days. I can get this back!

    Don't beat yourself up. As you said that 4 pounds you gained overnight is water weight and you can lose it quickly by going back to your usual, healthy eating. Just be mindful and don't let one incident of overeating turn into a week or more.

    No one is twisting your arm to have waffles and whipped cream. You have a choice. Make a good choice and get right back on the horse!
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 160-165

    July 13: 161.1
    July 20: 160.5
    July 31: 161.4

    TOM today, so I’m pretty happy with today’s weigh in. I haven’t been the most consistent with weigh ins in July because I’ve been traveling a lot, but my weight has stayed consistent, which is good!! My goal for August is to get back to strength training. I’ve done lots of walking and hiking this month, but I don’t truly feel my best if I’m not lifting 3-4 days a week. I haven’t done that since May since it’s been a crazy season at work. But, that season is over now and August will be different.

    My husband and I are TTC and have been for the past 13 months, and this month will be our first medicated cycle. I’m a little worried about what the hormones will do and I know that I need to be super careful about my weight if we are able to get pregnant because I have PCOS. But hopefully the progress I’ve made this spring will help us! Strength training helps a lot too, which is another reason for me to make sure I’m consistent this month.

    Someone asked about eating back exercise calories on here.. I will say that I only do that when I’m maintaining, not when I’m losing. It’s hard to be precise with what you burn, even if you have a fitness heart rate tracker, they don’t take into account things like being in shape or individual metabolisms, so I usually find that the “calories burned” errs on the higher side. Some people eat back half of their exercise calories as a general rule, but for me, I prefer to keep them as a buffer for those days when I’m not precise with my logging or go a little over on calories. Unless it’s been a huge workout day (where I’ve burned over 1500 active calories), I usually keep my eating the same, so I can continue to keep losing!

    Best of luck to you all! See you in the August thread!!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
    edited August 1
    💜💜💜 Hello, ladies!!! 💜💜💜

    Next month's group has been posted in the Motivation and Support forum:

    🌞Women 200lb+, Let's Aspire to Inspire this August!!!🌞
