


  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    However when McDonalds runs out of the usual mix for shakes (and icecream) there is a special mix we use with this special flour and water stuff.

    Wait. When you run out of the necessary ingredients you just start adding whatever? I've been defending McDonald's against the rabid haters but if this is true it has me very concerned.

    Special flour and water stuff? Do you know how a milkshake is supposed to be made? Here's a hint, you don't use flour.

    So is the nutritional information provided only accurate for when you haven't run out of the necessary ingredients and just started grabbing whatever was handy?

    Yeah I know how a milkshake is supposed to be made.
    I also know how they are out to steal your money.
    I worked there for 5 years and although we would only run out of shake mix once every few months or so, if there was no other way to do it this is what we would do.

    I apologize for being snarky. Your post read to me like you still worked there and defended the practice.

    I can't thank you enough for telling me what really goes on. I appreciate it.

    I will never eat another milkshake from there, I may never eat there again. That's disgusting. The haters may well be right.

    All good :)
    Not defending, Just telling it how it is... Honestly I believe everyone has a right to know.
    It may only be Australia and not America (not sure)... but that is still bad enough.

    I don't know about America, but I worked at McDonald's in Canada, and we never, EVER substituted anything for anything unless the customer specifically asked for it. When we ran out of ice cream mix, we told the customer that there was no ice cream, we didn't mix anything with flour or water. That is so bizarre!

    The ice cream isn't actually "Ice Cream" though. It's actually "Ice Milk". That's what it says on the bag that you pour into the ice cream machine! Actually, the dietician told somebody I know that if you're going to eat ice cream at all, McDonald's ice cream is the best ice cream to eat, because it contains the least amount of sugar than any of the other chains, and certainly better for you than what comes in a generic tub from the grocery store!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Yeah, but Chick-Fil-A uses actual raw chicken breasts that the employees hand-bread and season and cook...I can't identify what's in McDonald's chicken nugget, except a grey-toned substance inside some previously-frozen coating. :tongue:

    I agree with you, though, for the most part. I vowed a long time ago that if I ever do have kids, they won't find out what fast food tastes like from me, with the exception of Chick-Fil-A, since I worked there for almost 2 years, and know the nutritional information, what not to get, etc. Teaching about healthy eating and moderation is key. :happy:
    I miss Chick-Fil-A. Closest one is an hour away.
  • getitoffhord
    I lovw how one question takes off in another direction. Check their nutrirional info...there are healthy choices & if you make a not as great of a choice get ur workout on ans keep it moving! :)
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I am an ex-exmployee and have worked in more than one store in the uk.

    if we run out, it's off the menu unless we can get extras from another store near by.
    If you were caught picking stuff up off the floor etc and serving it to a customer - instant dismissal- I saw a manager loose their job over this.
    At the time (about 10-15 years ago admittedly) We were the only fast food burger company listed on the celiac website for their members - so we had the only burgers with no added wheat.
    We used to have a little girl come in once every couple of weeks for her treat of a hamburger no bun as she couldn't have it any where else.

    MCD's is not healthy, but nor is anything if you eat too much of it, smother it in sauce etc.
    I have volenteered with teenagers who's parent never took them to any fast food places or allowed them sweets etc, and as soon as they could they rebelled. They will go to these places with their peers and I have always found they tend to go to excess because they feel they have missed out.
    My kids go to Mcd's on occasions - not as often as they would like but they are more interested in the toy than the food.
    They have learnt that it is ok to eat there occasionaly, the same as they know its a family rule to only have chips(fries) once a week. because as nice as they are it is not good to eat them all the time.

    MCD's uk have made it even easier to make healtheir choices as they have signed up to display all the nutritional info on their menu boards as well as having quite a good guide on their website.

    if you ask nicely they can be very accomodating so if we do go in to a store I always order fries if they have them ( sometimes they will ask for fruit or carrot sticks ) without salt. They have even changed the way they add salt to the fries, it used to be very random on how much you got, now the salt comes in a dispenser that gives a set amount.
  • cricket45
    Believe it or not, the Southwest grilled chicken salad is very good and only around 300 calories.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I am an ex-exmployee and have worked in more than one store in the uk.

    if we run out, it's off the menu unless we can get extras from another store near by.
    If you were caught picking stuff up off the floor etc and serving it to a customer - instant dismissal- I saw a manager loose their job over this.
    At the time (about 10-15 years ago admittedly) We were the only fast food burger company listed on the celiac website for their members - so we had the only burgers with no added wheat.
    We used to have a little girl come in once every couple of weeks for her treat of a hamburger no bun as she couldn't have it any where else.

    MCD's is not healthy, but nor is anything if you eat too much of it, smother it in sauce etc.
    I have volenteered with teenagers who's parent never took them to any fast food places or allowed them sweets etc, and as soon as they could they rebelled. They will go to these places with their peers and I have always found they tend to go to excess because they feel they have missed out.
    My kids go to Mcd's on occasions - not as often as they would like but they are more interested in the toy than the food.
    They have learnt that it is ok to eat there occasionaly, the same as they know its a family rule to only have chips(fries) once a week. because as nice as they are it is not good to eat them all the time.

    MCD's uk have made it even easier to make healtheir choices as they have signed up to display all the nutritional info on their menu boards as well as having quite a good guide on their website.

    if you ask nicely they can be very accomodating so if we do go in to a store I always order fries if they have them ( sometimes they will ask for fruit or carrot sticks ) without salt. They have even changed the way they add salt to the fries, it used to be very random on how much you got, now the salt comes in a dispenser that gives a set amount.

    This is the difference between the UK and australia then.
    If people do not want to believe me whatever, sorry for trying to tell you my experiences.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I call BS. pictures or it didn't happen.

    I know that's a funny internet phrase but there's no way she would have pictures. She's a former employee and that's the second time I've seen the claim that McDonald's uses flour in their milkshakes. The first time I called BS too. Now I heard it straight from the source that it's true. I feel like an idiot for defending McDonald's at this point.
    Lol, I'm betting it's powdered milk.

    That would be my guess or some other powdery mix - which I still doubt. Usually if a store is out of something it's just too bad until next truck, or they borrow from a neighboring store. If a store did something weird with flour than it's a human screw up - that can happen at any restaurant.

    Don't believe me, all I was trying to tell you guys is my experiences. Sorry for not wanting to listen to or believe the truth of what has happened in the stores that I have worked in.
    Not necessarily too bad until next truck since we used to have too many abusive customers then so decided to do it this way.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    i disagree with taking children to fast food places, you are teaching them to do the same things that got you into the situation you are in in the first place.
    it is horrible for their health, why would you willingly do this to them? i mean i really am sorry i know my opinion is probably unwanted but i think this is a huge problem!

    You are assuming that everyone has an issue with eating poorly. I have never been a fast food person. Im not saying that your opinion isn't applicable because Im sure that it rings truth for many people. Im simply saying that you cannot assume that everyone is in the same boat. Personally I think an "occasional" trip to McDonalds is fun for kids... the key word being "occasional".

    And thats why your kid is ****ed up!

    1) Who's kid is ****ed up?
    2) What ****ing right do you have to say this to anyone that you don't know personally? You're saying a lot in that one statement that you may want to think twice about.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    They have a yummy new apple caramel yogurt parfait. It was like 140 calories
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yeah, but Chick-Fil-A uses actual raw chicken breasts that the employees hand-bread and season and cook...I can't identify what's in McDonald's chicken nugget, except a grey-toned substance inside some previously-frozen coating. :tongue:

    I agree with you, though, for the most part. I vowed a long time ago that if I ever do have kids, they won't find out what fast food tastes like from me, with the exception of Chick-Fil-A, since I worked there for almost 2 years, and know the nutritional information, what not to get, etc. Teaching about healthy eating and moderation is key. :happy:
    I miss Chick-Fil-A. Closest one is an hour away.

    I :heart: Chick-fil-a . . . there's one in the lobby of my work, and some days it's difficult to walk past without stopping. I promised myself that I would only do chick-fil-a when traveling and I don't have time to stop. It's been 6 or 8 weeks, I still get the same thing I always got, grilled breast (bread removed), small fry, diet leamonade . . . yum.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    I call BS. pictures or it didn't happen.

    I know that's a funny internet phrase but there's no way she would have pictures. She's a former employee and that's the second time I've seen the claim that McDonald's uses flour in their milkshakes. The first time I called BS too. Now I heard it straight from the source that it's true. I feel like an idiot for defending McDonald's at this point.
    Lol, I'm betting it's powdered milk.

    That would be my guess or some other powdery mix - which I still doubt. Usually if a store is out of something it's just too bad until next truck, or they borrow from a neighboring store. If a store did something weird with flour than it's a human screw up - that can happen at any restaurant.

    Don't believe me, all I was trying to tell you guys is my experiences. Sorry for not wanting to listen to or believe the truth of what has happened in the stores that I have worked in.
    Not necessarily too bad until next truck since we used to have too many abusive customers then so decided to do it this way.

    My son works at McDonald's, this is not true. He does say its greasy and gross. He also told me that everything grilled is dipped in margarine before its grilled and that the decaf coffee is just watered down regular coffee.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i disagree with taking children to fast food places, you are teaching them to do the same things that got you into the situation you are in in the first place.
    it is horrible for their health, why would you willingly do this to them? i mean i really am sorry i know my opinion is probably unwanted but i think this is a huge problem!

    You are assuming that everyone has an issue with eating poorly. I have never been a fast food person. Im not saying that your opinion isn't applicable because Im sure that it rings truth for many people. Im simply saying that you cannot assume that everyone is in the same boat. Personally I think an "occasional" trip to McDonalds is fun for kids... the key word being "occasional".

    And thats why your kid is ****ed up!

    1) Who's kid is ****ed up?
    2) What ****ing right do you have to say this to anyone that you don't know personally? You're saying a lot in that one statement that you may want to think twice about.

    I think you would do more damage to your children by not allowing occassional treats than by being militant about it.

    But I suppose we can't all be perfect. ;-)
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    I usually get a big mac. Not big mac and company, just the burger. It's usually enough for me. And it's only 500 kcal... At least that's the calories in Sweden, I dunno if it's diffrent elsewhere.

    Anyway, like others have said, go check the macdonalds website.
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    Like everyone says, just look at their nutritional info. Best thing you can do.

    And if I can be pre-emptive regarding the haters:

    NO, McDonald's food does not contain wood as a filler

    NO, McDonald's meat does not contain hoofs and non-edible animal parts

    NO, McDonald's chicken is not 70% corn syrup

    NO, McDonald's milkshakes are not mostly flour

    NO, McDonald's does not steal newborn babies in the night to make their Big Macs

    Ok that last one was just me being silly, every other ridiculous claim I have seen on these forums. I don't like McDonald's either. But I don't need to spread lies and rumors about them or anyone else. Use your head.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • hmstarbuck
    hmstarbuck Posts: 152 Member
    i disagree with taking children to fast food places, you are teaching them to do the same things that got you into the situation you are in in the first place.
    it is horrible for their health, why would you willingly do this to them? i mean i really am sorry i know my opinion is probably unwanted but i think this is a huge problem!

    Anything you make "off limits" will be a pre-curser to what kids will want. I think by taking them to McDonald's and letting them enjoy it and educating them is your best bet. Making something off limits with kids, just makes them want it more. And besides, going to fast food places is not what got anyone into the situation. Excessively going to fast food places is. There is a HUGE difference.
  • jazzybean1
    i want 2 big macs a large fry and a 20 piece nuggets with all the sauces ......... O and a DIET coke

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i disagree with taking children to fast food places, you are teaching them to do the same things that got you into the situation you are in in the first place.
    it is horrible for their health, why would you willingly do this to them? i mean i really am sorry i know my opinion is probably unwanted but i think this is a huge problem!

    Anything you make "off limits" will be a pre-curser to what kids will want. I think by taking them to McDonald's and letting them enjoy it and educating them is your best bet. Making something off limits with kids, just makes them want it more. And besides, going to fast food places is not what got anyone into the situation. Excessively going to fast food places is. There is a HUGE difference.

    You know what's funny? I used to eat fast food every day and I was teeny-tiny. I stopped eating it years ago and that's when I started gaining weight.

    Therefore, fast food makes you skinny! :-)
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Yeah, but Chick-Fil-A uses actual raw chicken breasts that the employees hand-bread and season and cook...I can't identify what's in McDonald's chicken nugget, except a grey-toned substance inside some previously-frozen coating. :tongue:

    I agree with you, though, for the most part. I vowed a long time ago that if I ever do have kids, they won't find out what fast food tastes like from me, with the exception of Chick-Fil-A, since I worked there for almost 2 years, and know the nutritional information, what not to get, etc. Teaching about healthy eating and moderation is key. :happy:
    I miss Chick-Fil-A. Closest one is an hour away.

    I :heart: Chick-fil-a . . . there's one in the lobby of my work, and some days it's difficult to walk past without stopping. I promised myself that I would only do chick-fil-a when traveling and I don't have time to stop. It's been 6 or 8 weeks, I still get the same thing I always got, grilled breast (bread removed), small fry, diet leamonade . . . yum.

    SO JEALOUS! Closest one to me is about 40 minutes or more in any direction. It's definitely a "once in a while" thing, especially for that reason. :tongue: Have you ever tried the salads with the grilled chicken? They're SUUUUPER good. They changed their raspberry vinaigrette dressing to something else that's pretty healthy, but I can't remember what it is. Berry Balsamic, I think? I used to like making the diet really truly is nothing but squeezed Sunkist lemons, water, and splenda!

    I have heard that McDonalds in other countries are better for you...I live in the U.S., and I was curious one day, so I put it into MFP's database for fun...even little things like the nuggets seemed healthier in the UK and Canada and Germany vs. U.S...only one worse than the U.S. was I'm inclined to believe the woman here who says her McDonalds in Australia did some funky stuff! haha
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    You know what's funny? I used to eat fast food every day and I was teeny-tiny. I stopped eating it years ago and that's when I started gaining weight.

    Therefore, fast food makes you skinny! :-)

    Yup, that's pretty conclusive proof right there! We all know correlation = causality ofc :)