How photogenic are you?



  • poppie1223
    Ugh... people say I look plastic in photo's.... almost mannequin like! Freaky!
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    I think I take nice photos of myself but photos taken of me are pretty bad.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I think I'm fairly okay in photos...mostly because I look better in them than I do in real life. lol. And I accredit that to the fact that I'm a photographer and know all the "not fat" angles to take photos and how to make my skin look perfect. hehe
  • dieseljay74
    yeah...not a good picture guy myself
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Being photogenic, in my opinion, is knowing how to fool the camera. Even people who think they're not photogenic do SOMETHING when a camera is shoved in their face besides stand there.

    I did a LOT of self portraits for my photo projects in college because I would want to do crazy things that no one else would. I know how my face looks when I do certain things even if they don't feel like natural poses.

    So, yes. I'm pretty photogenic.

    I disagree. I think being photogenic is about having wide cheekbones and straight teeth. Those things make no difference to real life attractiveness, but they are all important in photos. I hate my teeth, so I can't show them in pictures. If I do I look like a vampire. They look ok in RL as I am talking and things, but really bad in pictures.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    And no one ever tells me I look good in any photo! I get told I do in RL, but people always say "Oh, you don't look like you really did" in pictures.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm the not photogenic type haha!
    But, maybe the -10 kilogram version of me will be photogenic!

    Lies! At least based on your profile picture =D.
    I'm much "better looking" in real life. I think that's because a lot of women find me attractive due to my personality (yes, you can all stop laughing now, thank you...) which doesn't really come across in a static photograph.

    I think 1 out of every 50 photos of myself I see I really like so I keep hold of them for dear life and use them.

    You and me both brother...except I don't have the personality thing going for me in person lol.

    WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! You have lost your fell out somewhere..go find it!!! Sheesh..The question was how photogenic are you, This is me editing should say, " VERY" And the personality thing..I should smack goodness..dont make me come over there Cris..LOL

    You and me both brother...except I don't have the personality thing going for me in person lol.


    Dude, given the amount of female attention you get on here I don't think anyone is buying that particular brand of snake oil. Of yeah, there is one user by the name of Ms Gullible Mc Gullible...

    Right lol...everyone thinks this!!

    I'll tell you you know how many pictures it takes to get one worth posting?? Ever heard of reloading a digital camera lol??

    Well, I invented it!!

    Seriously though...good pictures are about light and balance. Dim the light, it hides flaws, brighten the picture...and the lighting looks normal. I can't do this to my pictures as they're all taken on my cell phone, and my PC with all my photo software on it is down...but it's a really simple thing. After that, it's all artistry and creativity in posing and framing the subject. That's where the balance part comes in.

    Stuff like that makes ANYone look better, even me.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I was told I'm photogenic but I'm sure the person doesn't realize how many times it takes me to take a pic that doesn't make me want to cry at lol.

    I hate pictures!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    my body is and on a RARE occassion my face matches it. Otherwise, I always get caught making some atrocious face trying to be cute. Oh, and I do not take pictures without makeup on. Yes. I'm vain.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Very after I take about 1122 pics the 1123 is the one
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm very unphotogenic. Any time a camera is pointed at me I get really nervous and tense up until it gets pointed away.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I am very photogenic, but absolutely hated getting in front of the camera because I was so heavy (see my picture below...)

    Now, I'm a camera hog! :D What you see is what you get in real life too.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I am not at all photogenic. I hate having my picture taken.
  • craig1970
    craig1970 Posts: 139 Member
    Fukin awful :(
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I also always look fat in photos. Even though I am not. I look much bigger than I am. To the extent that last year I showed someone some of my recent holiday pictures and they said "Wow, you've lost SO much weight since then!" I pointed out it was last week......
  • I am hard to get pictures of since I'm a gargoyle. I'm better drawn anyways.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    1 out of a million pictures, it take so many trial and error photos before I can settle on one that I actually like... Ugh and I don't like full body shots.. I'm tall and completely thick and it doesn't look flattering at all...I got lucky with my profile picture that I kind of settled on after a dozens of FAILED AND UNPHOTOGENIC shots lol..
  • CreativeRedhead
    Nah I'm not the photogenic type. I pretty much hate every photo taken of me when someone else takes them. When I take pics of myself, I'll like a few of them at least.
  • undermajorconstruction
    I take ok photos, when I take them myself. Because then I can control the angle. And this is just for the face shots. Body shots are a nightmare and really don't exist right now because they scare me.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    Eh.. not so photogenic myself either. I always have to turn my head and certain way to get the picture just right. lol