Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - September Challenge!!



  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I've had a crappy day don't want to be the debbie downer so I'll keep short and sweet! Woke up sore from my first bootcamp ever and it was an all over body soreness too, have another class tomorrow in the am so I'm hoping with a few sessions I will feel better but I really enjoy those bootcamps. Having left over eggplant yum! Going over my calories today from the zig zag my fav. days lol Not exercising @ all today have been at it 7 days a week just because I like to, and I'm realizing I think my HRM is off because I seem to burn less calories each time when in fact my workouts are either longer or more challenging my battery might be dying I haven't replaced them in a while, so I'll have the BF take a look.

    It' s Friday tomorrow busy weekend ahead, hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick post...

    I am SUPER cranky and very beat down tonight. My personal life if a total mess right now, it seems. I am just way fed up and tired. Exhausted. Worn out. But alas - not going to drag y'all down with me!

    Tyler and I went on a trial run for our 8K beastly trail race in Oct... We ran 3.25miles on some rugged trails today and it kicked my *kitten* for sure. My legs felt like a ton of bricks, especially after last night's spin class. Then we had some killer chicken fajita stuff (sans tortilla for me, because I have no time for that carb-y filler stuff when there's meat and veggies to gobble up!) with homemade coleslaw and guac - Love me some mexican inspired food. And yes - My plate was ENORMOUS and soooo worth it! I even made my own fajita mix to use. So easy and so much better than the sodium-rich packaged stuff.

    THANK FREAKING GOODNESS it's Friday tomorrow! Sweet sassy molassy I need a break! I think I'm just going to veg out - no plans and just hunker down and watch some trash TV at Tylers. I need a total mindless evening to myself.

    Cynthia - Hope we both have MUCH better days tomorrow and wake up feeling energized and refreshed :bigsmile: If not, fake it to make it, right? haha That's my plan!

    Imarunner - Welcome back! We all need a break sometimes so kudos to you for drawing the line and doing something for yourself. But yes, we are definitely happy to see you :flowerforyou: I adore my Y membership. Hope you get some good use of it!

    Petite - Welcome back to you as well! You tiny little thing! Happy to hear about your travels and that you returned safely. Now get back to posting here because we need some movement! lol

    Alright I'm off for the night. Much love y'all! :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Oh my gosh! It's already Sept 30th?!?! :noway: Where did the month go?

    And we're only on page 6 LOL! Remember when our threads used to spill over into Part 2 on the forums? Ohhh the days...

    I am definitely missing some of my Kickin'-*kitten* Vets! Hopefully October will bring a little motivation to the boards and we can all get our butts in gear, post a little more often, and support each other in reaching our goals. I definitely need to work at making ME a priority next month...

    Woke up 10 mins late today and weighed-in at a very light 121.3lbs. For my height (5'7") that is quite low and I know that. I've not been fueling well enough lately with my illness and I definitely need to get back on track. I also really need to work on strengthening some more. I am feeling quite weak lately.

    In other news - I haven't had ice cream in WEEKS! This is a HUGE departure for me, since I used to have ice cream nearly every day. We stopped stocking it and I never even think to buy/eat it. Old habits die hard but I guess anything's possible :tongue: I should definitely treat myself to a little ice cream this weekend, however... I deserve it!

    OK Gals get your final words in before the new month challenge starts :bigsmile: And have a great Friday!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Well with the last day of September here already...I guess I need to reflect on my goals:
    September goals were to lose 5lbs, run my first 5k, and work out 5 days a week.

    I have lost 4.5lb this month, which for me a great!!! I am a slow, slow loser and I cant complain over 4.5lb lost! I did not run an official 5k first actually race is on Oct 5th. But I have made it 3.1miles trail running without walking and up to 7 miles with about 10 mins a walking mixed in. And the only goal I fully met...I have managed to keep working out 5 days a week!!! I guess 1/3 isnt too bad?? I am still happy with my progress. Staying on track and committing to anything is hard for me.

    I cant wait to see how everyone has done with their goals!!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Well here it is, the last day in September :(

    Lets recap here were my goals

    mkingraham (Megan)- Keep up the 15k training plan, complete my 10k on 9/24, make my workouts a priority even when I'm on the cruise, get into ONEderland

    So I have done a pretty good job of keeping up with the 15k training plan with a few adjustments to when I am running, some days I just needed to rest and other days I felt good and just kept going. Either way I am still on track and my training has so far been what I would consider a total success. I completed my 10k on 9/24 and have another setup for Sunday! I am still so very proud of myself for accomplishing that goal and can't wait to do it again. I 100% made my workouts a priority even while on my cruise! I worked out everyday except 2 and on one of those days we did a ton of walking so I am sure I still made up for it. I not only stuck to my workout plan, but I made a committment to only eat faboulous food and I did that as well. I have not made it into ONEderland yet, but I have been feeling healthier and fitter and I have seen a decline in fat mass with an increase in muscle mass so I will take it! I am starting to think of my goals for October and I am leaning towards not having anything scale related.

    I hope to see you ladies in October and that we can get back to making this thread a constant source of activity and encouragement!


  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies

    Here were my September goals!

    GreenHumanClay continue Jogging 3xs/week, Drinking plenty of h20 64. oz. minimum, Continue practicing Bikram Yoga 3xs/week, more rest 7-8 hrs, not obsess over the scale, hiking or mt. biking 2-4 times per month and be nicer and loving to my self.

    I have been jogging between 4-5 xs per week which is great! Have been hydrating enough and sometimes more than my goal, my membership was over for yoga but I did practice about 2-3xs per week, definitely need more sleep, didn't obsess as much over the scale, did Mt. Bike a couple times and hiked once or twice for the month and have been working on being nicer and more loving to myself that's a work in progress for the rest of my life....

    Today was a great day of course had my chocolate fix, it doesn't help that a co-worker brought spicy dark chocolate had a few pieces ;) I ended up running 4.5 miles last night at the gym so I'm for sure taking the day off from working out plus I will be shaking my tail feather off tonight with some co-workers!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and the thread continues and wish everyone luck with their new goals for OCTOBER halloween time my fav! :wink:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey ladies ! So proud of each and everyone of you for simply being dedicated enough to post even through ba days. Defitally feel short this month on postin and my goals in general from the wreck. Very excited however to start October off with a bang!!! Feeling a lot stronger than even last week and I think it's time to get back to the gym.

    Again so proud of you all and I will post my October goals tomorrow! Have a great night :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ok - So I'm running late! I spent the night out and so I couldn't post the new thread at midnight, but here it is...

    Tada! Now get posting! I will be updating with my results later today. For now, off to spin class :bigsmile:

    Have a great Saturday!