100 day Challenge July 19 – October 26.24



  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 696 Member
    edited September 13
    I'm 58 years old and 5'6".
    Current weight is: 216.7
    Highest weight was 252.6.
    100 Day Goal: To be under 200 lbs.

    Week 1 actual weight: 217.6 (+.9) Total for 100 day challenge: +.9
    Week 2 actual weight: 212.5 (-5.1) Total for 100 day challenge: - 4.2
    Week 3 actual weight: 211.6 (-.9) Total for 100 day challenge: - 5.1
    Week 4 actual weight: 212.0 (+.4) Total for 100 day challenge:- 4.7
    Week 5 actual weight: 207.9 (-4.1) Total for 100 day challenge: -8.8
    Week 6 actual weight: 207.6 (-.3) Total for 100 day challenge: -9.1
    Week 7 actual weight: 205.2 (-2.4) Total for 100 day challenge: -11.5
    Halfway Progress Report/Pounds Lost so Far: -11.5
    Week 8 actual weight: 207.4 (+2.2) Total for 100 day challenge: -9.3
    Start on Day 6.
    Day 06—07/24 –216.7
    Day 07—07/25 –217.6
    Week 1 actual weight: 217.6 (+.9)

    Day 08—07/26 – 217.8 - Vacation 7 weeks ago & I've been off the rails since then, so gained recently.
    Day 09—07/27 – 216.5 - Healthy eating today & tracked it all.
    Day 10—07/28 – 214.7 - Finally back on track with eating better. Now to keep it up!
    Day 11—07/29 – 213.4 - Still on track with my eating. Staying under 1800 calories.
    Day 12—07/30 – 213.4 - Another on-track day. Thought it would be up due to salty red beans & rice:)
    Day 13—07/31 – 212.9 - Yet another good day yesterday. This morning I went for a long walk.
    Day 14—08/01 – 212.5 - So happy that I made good choices this week, even at a restaurant last night.
    Week 2 actual weight: 212.5 (-5.1)

    Day 15—08/02 – 212.2 - Out to eat at a steak restaurant tonight.
    Day 16—08/03 – 212.7 - Only two bites of dessert last night! Movies today (popcorn). Dinner out.
    Day 17—08/04 – 212.9 - Conscious of my choices when eating out. Lunch out. Tough food week.
    Day 18—08/05 – 213.1 - Finally all meals at home. All of those restaurant days make it hard.
    Day 19—08/06 – 212.9 - Daughter made brownies last night. Had small one; wanted more so bad.
    Day 20—08/07 – 212.0 - Had only one tiny brownie yesterday. Made shrimp tacos for dinner.
    Day 21—08/08 - 211.6 - Another good day with good choices. Out to play trivia last night. Fun!
    Week 3 actual weight: 211.6 (-.9)

    Day 22—08/09 – 210.9 - Out to eat lunch w/ family at Cracker Barrel.
    Day 23—08/10 – 212.4 - Not unexpected with the salty meal yesterday (fluid) & more food than usual.
    Day 24—08/11 – 211.2 - Could have finished my day well under cals, but sweet tooth got me last night.
    Day 25—08/12 – 211.4 - Out w/ my daughter last night - Chinese food/dessert. Pizza tonight. So hard.
    Day 26—08/13 – 211.6 - Ate at home, so no increased sodium. Hoping it shows on the scale tomorrow.
    Day 27—08/14 – 211.2 - Bad news about our dog today:( Ate a bunch of pizza and some dessert.
    Day 28—08/15 – 212.0 - Up and down. So it goes.
    Week 4 actual weight: 212.0 (+.4)

    Day 29—08/16 – 211.8 - Dog to the vet. Out for Mexican food last night. Ate too much (stress).
    Day 30—08/17 – 210.7 - Feels good to see that number. Birthday today, so Chinese & tiny cheesecake.
    Day 31—08/18 – 210.3 - Got Moo Goo Gai Pan yesterday for Chinese b/c it's healthier:)
    Day 32—08/19 – 209.8 - Seeing the scale move motivates me to make better choices.
    Day 33—08/20 – 210.4 - Got a free tiny portion of ribs (bd reward) from Roadhouse. Only ate four fries:)
    Day 34—08/21 – 207.8 - AM pack boxes at the food bank then a lakefront walk in the PM. Lots of sweat!
    Day 35—08/22 – 207.9 - Wednesday night church dinner started up last night. So sodium Thursdays.
    Week 5 actual weight: 207.9 (-4.1)

    Day 36—08/23 – 206.9 - Handled my cravings last night & didn't snack while dh was. Feels good.
    Day 37—08/24 – 207.6 - Texas Roadhouse last night. Ate too much, so was uncomfortable:(
    Day 38—08/25 – 207.3 - Helped my dd bring everything back to her college apartment & I slept over.
    Day 39—08/26 – No scale this morning. Didn't eat lots of snacks at my daughter's this time! Home now.
    Day 40—08/27 – 207.4 - Had a pretty good day food wise. My Tuesday shift at the food bank today.
    Day 41—08/28 – 207.0 - Lunch function today & then Wed. night church dinner tonight. Oh my!
    Day 42—08/29 – 207.6 - Thought it would be worse from sodium. Up/down, up/down all week:)
    Week 6 actual weight: 207.6 (-.3)

    Day 43—08/30 – 210.0 - Expected:) Fun Bingo last night with some salty foods & chocolate!
    Day 44—08/31 – 208.6 - Good day yesterday food-wise and a nice long walk in the rain:)
    Day 45—09/01 – 208.6 - Out w/family & ate at restaurant yesterday. Not good choices. Today was good.
    Day 46—09/02 – 207.6 - Within my calorie limit yesterday & will be today. Feels good.
    Day 47—09/03 – 206.3 -All meals at home for three days in a row & the scale shows it.
    Day 48—09/04 - 205.9 - My son & his girlfriend flew here for a week. Hope I set a good example.
    Day 49—09/05 – 205.2 - They brought banana bread & canolis. I had some. Doing good though.
    Week 7 actual weight: 205.2 (-2.4)
    Halfway Progress Report/Pounds Lost so Far: - 11.5

    Day 50—09/06 – 205.0 - Still doing well though my daughter made muffins for a potluck tonight.
    Day 51—09/07 - 208.1- Played Bunco w/ neighborhood ladies last night. The + pounds are crazy.
    Day 52—09/08 - 207.3 - Out w/ family today. Ate at a restaurant.
    Day 53—09/09 - 206.6 - Pretty good day. Hurricane coming our way.
    Day 54—09/10 – 206.5 - Lots of stress. A hurricane is heading our way. Spent the day prepping for it.
    Day 55—09/11 – 206.3 - Hurricane will be hitting tonight. My dad is here w/ us. Stress.
    Day 56—09/12 – 207.4 - No power for 12 hrs., then boil water advisory. Not logging today or yesterday.
    Week 8 actual weight: 207.4 (+2.2)

    Day 57—09/13 – 207.4 - Been a rough week. Homemade cookies here now. Ups and downs.
    Day 58—09/14 –
    Day 59—09/15 –
    Day 60—09/16 –
    Day 61—09/17 –
    Day 62—09/18 –
    Day 63—09/19 –

    Week 9 actual weight:
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,954 Member

    👋😃 Hi I’m Jeanne!

    I’m 48. 5’4’’. Live in Canada 🇨🇦. This is my 5th-100 days challenge. This is working for me. Bad Yo-yoing days are finally gone. Finally loosing weight slowly but surely. Any amount going ⬇️ is a WIN for me!!! Let’s do this!!!!

    Day 01—07/19 – 153.0
    Day 02—07/20 – 153.8
    Day 03—07/21 – 155.4
    Day 04—07/22 – 153.2
    Day 05—07/23 – 155.8
    Day 06—07/24 – 156.0
    Day 07—07/25 – 154.6

    Week 1 Goal: 150
    Week 1 actual weight: 153.2
    Wk + 0.2 👎

    Day 08—07/26 – 153.2
    Day 09—07/27 – 152.8
    Day 10—07/28 – 152.4
    Day 11—07/29 – 155.4
    Day 12—07/30 – 155.8
    Day 13—07/31 – 155.2
    Day 14—08/01 – 155.2

    Week 2 Goal: 150
    Week 2 actual weight: 154.8
    Wk +1.6 Total +1.8👎

    Day 15—08/02 – 154.8
    Day 16—08/03 – 154.9
    Day 17—08/04 – 155.0
    Day 18—08/05 – 156.2
    Day 19—08/06 – 155.8
    Day 20—08/07 – 156.6
    Day 21—08/08 – 157.8

    Week 3 Goal: 150
    Week 3 actual weight: 155.8
    Wk +1.6 Total +2.8👎

    Day 22—08/09 – 155.8
    Day 23—08/10 – 155.0
    Day 24—08/11 – 154.2
    Day 25—08/12 – 155.4
    Day 26—08/13 – 153.2
    Day 27—08/14 – 153.2
    Day 28—08/15 – 157.8

    Week 4 Goal: 150
    Week 4 actual weight: 154.6
    Wk +1.6 Total +1.6👎

    Day 29—08/16 – 154.6
    Day 30—08/17 – 154.4
    Day 31—08/18 – 154.8
    Day 32—08/19 – 154.2
    Day 33—08/20 – 154.8
    Day 34—08/21 – 154.6
    Day 35—08/22 – 154.2

    Week 5 Goal: 150
    Week 5 actual weight: 154.5
    Wk -0.1 👍Total +1.5

    Day 36—08/23 – 154.5
    Day 37—08/24 – 154.9
    Day 38—08/25 – 155.8
    Day 39—08/26 – 153.8
    Day 40—08/27 – 155.2
    Day 41—08/28 – 155.2
    Day 42—08/29 – 154.6

    Week 6 Goal: 152.0
    “recalculating”: I sound like a GPS 😆
    Week 6 actual weight: 154.8
    Wk +0.3 Total +1.8👎

    Day 43—08/30 – 154.8
    Day 44—08/31 – 152.6
    Day 45—09/01 – 152.4
    Day 46—09/02 – 152.4
    Day 47—09/03 – 153.4
    Day 48—09/04 – 151.6
    Day 49—09/05 – 152.4

    Week 7 Goal: 152.0
    Week 7 actual weight: 151.4
    Wk -3.4 🥳 Total -1.6 🥳

    Day 44—09/06 – 151.4
    Day 45—09/07 – 151.8
    Day 46—09/08 – 151.2
    Day 47—09/09 – 152.4
    Day 48—09/10 – 151.8
    Day 49—09/11 – 152.3
    Day 50—09/12 – 152.3

    Week 8 Goal: 150.0
    Week 8 actual weight: 152.8
    Wk +1.4 Total - 0.2

    Day 51—09/13 – 152.8
    Total day for me 4️⃣5️⃣6️⃣

  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 368 Member
    Start weight 183lb
    Week 8 actual weight: 170.8lb

    Day 57—09/13 – 170.4lb
    Day 58—09/14 – 171.6lb, had pasta two days ago, from what I've been understanding slowly over time is my body digests heavy carbs over two days. I feel lighter though and it's so sunny here. Found I think a drunk great tit on the floor right next to my elderly cat, so I popped him on my shed roof to sit in the sun safely and undrunk him/herself.
    Day 59—09/15 –
    Day 60—09/16 –
    Day 61—09/17 –
    Day 62—09/18 –
    Day 63—09/19 –
    Week 9 Goal: 168lb
    Week 9 actual weight:
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Thank you @dawnbgethealthy. I would love to join this challenge! @deepwoodslady I am so happy you added the dates for us to copy - Thanks!

    I'm not setting a goal. I'm just going to see what happens if I stay on plan for 100 days!

    Start: 172.6
    Current Weight: 168.8
    Total Lost So Far: 3.8

    Day 47—09/03 – 169.6 - I haven't posted since Day 21 (Aug 8) due to health issues. I'm 100% recuperated now and glad to be back tracking! I'm not sure what my weight will do over the next week since I lost 8 pounds (from not eating and dehydration) over 2 weeks and then gained 6 pounds back once I had an appetite again. I'm just concentrating on exercising, eating right (and below maintenance), and drinking enough water. :)
    Day 48—09/04 - 169.4
    Day 49—09/05 – 169.6
    Day 50—09/06 – DNW - Got up around 4am - too early for an accurate weight
    Day 58—09/14 – 168.8 - Lately, I've had 2 bad days for every 1 good day. I just haven't been able to stay on track. I've weighed some but not every day. Today is my trying to get back on track again!! :)

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    180 / 170 / 160s / 150s / 140s / 130s

    Day 01—07/19 – 172.6 - So excited for Day 1! :)
    Day 02—07/20 – 172.6
    Day 03—07/21 – 172.6 - This is my 4th day at this exact weight. ;) My plan today is to drink 80oz of water, lower my carbs and eat on the low end of my calorie cycyling.
    Day 04—07/22 – 172.4 - Only a .2 loss but I'm glad 172.6 is gone. I am an impatient cook and really don't enjoy cooking at all so I tend to do whatever I can that is easy, and I make a lot of it to eat on for days. Yesterday, I cooked a lot of skinless, boneless chicken breast in a dutch oven with spices and a little chicken broth. Once cooked, I shredded them. The day before I cooked a ton of fresh organic carrots, and I steamed a big pot of broccoli. All are in the fridge to eat however, and whenever, we want.
    Day 05—07/23 – 172.2
    Day 06—07/24 – 172.0
    Day 07—07/25 – 172.0
    Day 08—07/26 – 171.8 - Goodbye 172.X
    Day 09—07/27 – DNW
    Day 10—07/28 – 172.2 - I guess I said goodbye to 172.X too soon. ;) Popcorn with too much salt.
    Day 11—07/29 – 171.6 80oz water
    Day 12—07/30 – 172.2 - And up again. Expected. I was up at 3a eating so I could take tylenol for a headache.
    Day 13—07/31 – 171.0 :)
    8/2 thru 9/3 - No posting due to health issues
    9/7 - 9/13 - Just can't get my act together.
    Day 58—09/14 –
    Day 59—09/15 –
    Day 60—09/16 –
    Day 61—09/17 –
    Day 62—09/18 –
    Day 63—09/19 –
    Day 64—09/20 –
    Day 65—09/21 –
    Day 66—09/22 –
    Day 67—09/23 –
    Day 68—09/24
    Day 69—09/25 –
    Day 70—09/26 –
    Day 71—09/27 –
    Day 72—09/28
    Day 73—09/29 –
    Day 74—09/30 –
    Day 75—10/01 –
    Day 76—10/02 –
    Day 77—10/03 –
    Day 78—10/04 —
    Day 79—10/05 —
    Day 80—10/06 —
    Day 81—10/07 —
    Day 82—10/08 —
    Day 83—10/09 —
    Day 84—10/10 —
    Day 85—10/11 –
    Day 86—10/12 –
    Day 87—10/13 –
    Day 88—10/14 –
    Day 89—10/15 –
    Day 90—10/16 –
    Day 91—10/17 –
    Day 92—10/18 –
    Day 93—10/19 –
    Day 94—10/20 –
    Day 95—10/21 –
    Day 96—10/22 –
    Day 97—10/23 –
    Day 98—10/24 –
    Day 99—10/25 –
    Day 100—10/26 -
    Total Pounds Lost:

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    Day 58—09/14 – 171.6lb, had pasta two days ago, from what I've been understanding slowly over time is my body digests heavy carbs over two days. I feel lighter though and it's so sunny here. Found I think a drunk great tit on the floor right next to my elderly cat, so I popped him on my shed roof to sit in the sun safely and undrunk him/herself.

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    Hi : - )
    I am Dawn.
    63 and will turn 64 during this 100
    Cranbrook, BC

    The most that I have ever lost on one of these 100s is 7lbs.
    I have gained in each of the last 6 of them!
    I am not sure what it is going to take, but I would like to get back to 130 and below.

    Week 1 Goal: 146.2 - Start weight of the previous 100
    Week 1 actual weight: 148.0 - Started the week at 147.2

    Week 2 Goal: 147s
    Week 2 actual weight: 147.8 - Started the week at 148.2

    Week 3 Goal: 146s
    Week 3 actual weight: 147.8 - Started the week at 147.6

    Week 4 Goal: back to 147.2 and lower
    Week 4 actual weight: 146.4 -Started the week at 147.2

    Week 5 Goal: 145.6 - Start weight of the 2 ago 100 days challenge
    Week 5 actual weight: 146.6 - Started the week at 145.6

    Week 6 Goal: 145.6
    Week 6 actual weight: 145.2 - Started the week at 146.0

    Week 7 Goal: Didn't make a specific goal this week
    Week 7 actual weight: 146.2 - Started the week at 145.6

    Halfway point Day 50 - 146.0

    Day 57—09/13 – 146.2 - As the weather cools I needed a hoodie. Ack, I guess that it was a hoodie from me at 130 pounds. Pretty tight. Fretting about my garden as it has been unseasonably cold and raining. Sunny this morning, but I am soon off to my 2 jobs. Crossing my fingers that it isn't raining tomorrow since I have only one job and can perhaps get some clear coverings over the peppers and tomatoes.
    Day 58—09/14 – 146.2 - Raining. I have so much to do in the garden, but it has to be dry for much of it. Oh well, I will get lots of good workouts in before work later.
    Day 59—09/15 –
    Day 60—09/16 –
    Day 61—09/17 –
    Day 62—09/18 –
    Day 63—09/19 –

    Week 9 Goal: 145.1 - I will be away, but will locate my travel scale to take with me.
    Week 9 actual weight:

    Started the 100 at 147.2
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 696 Member
    I'm 58 years old and 5'6".
    Current weight is: 216.7
    Highest weight was 252.6.
    100 Day Goal: To be under 200 lbs.

    Week 1 actual weight: 217.6 (+.9) Total for 100 day challenge: +.9
    Week 2 actual weight: 212.5 (-5.1) Total for 100 day challenge: - 4.2
    Week 3 actual weight: 211.6 (-.9) Total for 100 day challenge: - 5.1
    Week 4 actual weight: 212.0 (+.4) Total for 100 day challenge:- 4.7
    Week 5 actual weight: 207.9 (-4.1) Total for 100 day challenge: -8.8
    Week 6 actual weight: 207.6 (-.3) Total for 100 day challenge: -9.1
    Week 7 actual weight: 205.2 (-2.4) Total for 100 day challenge: -11.5
    Halfway Progress Report/Pounds Lost so Far: -11.5
    Week 8 actual weight: 207.4 (+2.2) Total for 100 day challenge: -9.3
    Start on Day 6.
    Day 06—07/24 –216.7
    Day 07—07/25 –217.6
    Week 1 actual weight: 217.6 (+.9)

    Day 08—07/26 – 217.8 - Vacation 7 weeks ago & I've been off the rails since then, so gained recently.
    Day 09—07/27 – 216.5 - Healthy eating today & tracked it all.
    Day 10—07/28 – 214.7 - Finally back on track with eating better. Now to keep it up!
    Day 11—07/29 – 213.4 - Still on track with my eating. Staying under 1800 calories.
    Day 12—07/30 – 213.4 - Another on-track day. Thought it would be up due to salty red beans & rice:)
    Day 13—07/31 – 212.9 - Yet another good day yesterday. This morning I went for a long walk.
    Day 14—08/01 – 212.5 - So happy that I made good choices this week, even at a restaurant last night.
    Week 2 actual weight: 212.5 (-5.1)

    Day 15—08/02 – 212.2 - Out to eat at a steak restaurant tonight.
    Day 16—08/03 – 212.7 - Only two bites of dessert last night! Movies today (popcorn). Dinner out.
    Day 17—08/04 – 212.9 - Conscious of my choices when eating out. Lunch out. Tough food week.
    Day 18—08/05 – 213.1 - Finally all meals at home. All of those restaurant days make it hard.
    Day 19—08/06 – 212.9 - Daughter made brownies last night. Had small one; wanted more so bad.
    Day 20—08/07 – 212.0 - Had only one tiny brownie yesterday. Made shrimp tacos for dinner.
    Day 21—08/08 - 211.6 - Another good day with good choices. Out to play trivia last night. Fun!
    Week 3 actual weight: 211.6 (-.9)

    Day 22—08/09 – 210.9 - Out to eat lunch w/ family at Cracker Barrel.
    Day 23—08/10 – 212.4 - Not unexpected with the salty meal yesterday (fluid) & more food than usual.
    Day 24—08/11 – 211.2 - Could have finished my day well under cals, but sweet tooth got me last night.
    Day 25—08/12 – 211.4 - Out w/ my daughter last night - Chinese food/dessert. Pizza tonight. So hard.
    Day 26—08/13 – 211.6 - Ate at home, so no increased sodium. Hoping it shows on the scale tomorrow.
    Day 27—08/14 – 211.2 - Bad news about our dog today:( Ate a bunch of pizza and some dessert.
    Day 28—08/15 – 212.0 - Up and down. So it goes.
    Week 4 actual weight: 212.0 (+.4)

    Day 29—08/16 – 211.8 - Dog to the vet. Out for Mexican food last night. Ate too much (stress).
    Day 30—08/17 – 210.7 - Feels good to see that number. Birthday today, so Chinese & tiny cheesecake.
    Day 31—08/18 – 210.3 - Got Moo Goo Gai Pan yesterday for Chinese b/c it's healthier:)
    Day 32—08/19 – 209.8 - Seeing the scale move motivates me to make better choices.
    Day 33—08/20 – 210.4 - Got a free tiny portion of ribs (bd reward) from Roadhouse. Only ate four fries:)
    Day 34—08/21 – 207.8 - AM pack boxes at the food bank then a lakefront walk in the PM. Lots of sweat!
    Day 35—08/22 – 207.9 - Wednesday night church dinner started up last night. So sodium Thursdays.
    Week 5 actual weight: 207.9 (-4.1)

    Day 36—08/23 – 206.9 - Handled my cravings last night & didn't snack while dh was. Feels good.
    Day 37—08/24 – 207.6 - Texas Roadhouse last night. Ate too much, so was uncomfortable:(
    Day 38—08/25 – 207.3 - Helped my dd bring everything back to her college apartment & I slept over.
    Day 39—08/26 – No scale this morning. Didn't eat lots of snacks at my daughter's this time! Home now.
    Day 40—08/27 – 207.4 - Had a pretty good day food wise. My Tuesday shift at the food bank today.
    Day 41—08/28 – 207.0 - Lunch function today & then Wed. night church dinner tonight. Oh my!
    Day 42—08/29 – 207.6 - Thought it would be worse from sodium. Up/down, up/down all week:)
    Week 6 actual weight: 207.6 (-.3)

    Day 43—08/30 – 210.0 - Expected:) Fun Bingo last night with some salty foods & chocolate!
    Day 44—08/31 – 208.6 - Good day yesterday food-wise and a nice long walk in the rain:)
    Day 45—09/01 – 208.6 - Out w/family & ate at restaurant yesterday. Not good choices. Today was good.
    Day 46—09/02 – 207.6 - Within my calorie limit yesterday & will be today. Feels good.
    Day 47—09/03 – 206.3 -All meals at home for three days in a row & the scale shows it.
    Day 48—09/04 - 205.9 - My son & his girlfriend flew here for a week. Hope I set a good example.
    Day 49—09/05 – 205.2 - They brought banana bread & canolis. I had some. Doing good though.
    Week 7 actual weight: 205.2 (-2.4)
    Halfway Progress Report/Pounds Lost so Far: - 11.5

    Day 50—09/06 – 205.0 - Still doing well though my daughter made muffins for a potluck tonight.
    Day 51—09/07 - 208.1- Played Bunco w/ neighborhood ladies last night. The + pounds are crazy.
    Day 52—09/08 - 207.3 - Out w/ family today. Ate at a restaurant.
    Day 53—09/09 - 206.6 - Pretty good day. Hurricane coming our way.
    Day 54—09/10 – 206.5 - Lots of stress. A hurricane is heading our way. Spent the day prepping for it.
    Day 55—09/11 – 206.3 - Hurricane will be hitting tonight. My dad is here w/ us. Stress.
    Day 56—09/12 – 207.4 - No power for 12 hrs., then boil water advisory. Not logging today or yesterday.
    Week 8 actual weight: 207.4 (+2.2)
    Day 57—09/13 – 207.4 - Been a rough week. Homemade cookies here now. Ups and downs.
    Day 58—09/14 – 207.2 - More on track today w/ logging. Going out tonight to see a comedian.
    Day 59—09/15 –
    Day 60—09/16 –
    Day 61—09/17 –
    Day 62—09/18 –
    Day 63—09/19 –

    Week 9 actual weight:
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 696 Member
    @noynoyavery @dawnbgethealthy I'm thinking it's a cat and a bird or mouse? Drunk/undrunk? Curious to have an explanation of this:)
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,954 Member

    👋😃 Hi I’m Jeanne!

    I’m 48. 5’4’’. Live in Canada 🇨🇦. This is my 5th-100 days challenge. This is working for me. Bad Yo-yoing days are finally gone. Finally loosing weight slowly but surely. Any amount going ⬇️ is a WIN for me!!! Let’s do this!!!!

    Day 01—07/19 – 153.0
    Day 02—07/20 – 153.8
    Day 03—07/21 – 155.4
    Day 04—07/22 – 153.2
    Day 05—07/23 – 155.8
    Day 06—07/24 – 156.0
    Day 07—07/25 – 154.6

    Week 1 Goal: 150
    Week 1 actual weight: 153.2
    Wk + 0.2 👎

    Day 08—07/26 – 153.2
    Day 09—07/27 – 152.8
    Day 10—07/28 – 152.4
    Day 11—07/29 – 155.4
    Day 12—07/30 – 155.8
    Day 13—07/31 – 155.2
    Day 14—08/01 – 155.2

    Week 2 Goal: 150
    Week 2 actual weight: 154.8
    Wk +1.6 Total +1.8👎

    Day 15—08/02 – 154.8
    Day 16—08/03 – 154.9
    Day 17—08/04 – 155.0
    Day 18—08/05 – 156.2
    Day 19—08/06 – 155.8
    Day 20—08/07 – 156.6
    Day 21—08/08 – 157.8

    Week 3 Goal: 150
    Week 3 actual weight: 155.8
    Wk +1.6 Total +2.8👎

    Day 22—08/09 – 155.8
    Day 23—08/10 – 155.0
    Day 24—08/11 – 154.2
    Day 25—08/12 – 155.4
    Day 26—08/13 – 153.2
    Day 27—08/14 – 153.2
    Day 28—08/15 – 157.8

    Week 4 Goal: 150
    Week 4 actual weight: 154.6
    Wk +1.6 Total +1.6👎

    Day 29—08/16 – 154.6
    Day 30—08/17 – 154.4
    Day 31—08/18 – 154.8
    Day 32—08/19 – 154.2
    Day 33—08/20 – 154.8
    Day 34—08/21 – 154.6
    Day 35—08/22 – 154.2

    Week 5 Goal: 150
    Week 5 actual weight: 154.5
    Wk -0.1 👍Total +1.5

    Day 36—08/23 – 154.5
    Day 37—08/24 – 154.9
    Day 38—08/25 – 155.8
    Day 39—08/26 – 153.8
    Day 40—08/27 – 155.2
    Day 41—08/28 – 155.2
    Day 42—08/29 – 154.6

    Week 6 Goal: 152.0
    “recalculating”: I sound like a GPS 😆
    Week 6 actual weight: 154.8
    Wk +0.3 Total +1.8👎

    Day 43—08/30 – 154.8
    Day 44—08/31 – 152.6
    Day 45—09/01 – 152.4
    Day 46—09/02 – 152.4
    Day 47—09/03 – 153.4
    Day 48—09/04 – 151.6
    Day 49—09/05 – 152.4

    Week 7 Goal: 152.0
    Week 7 actual weight: 151.4
    Wk -3.4 🥳 Total -1.6 🥳

    Day 44—09/06 – 151.4
    Day 45—09/07 – 151.8
    Day 46—09/08 – 151.2
    Day 47—09/09 – 152.4
    Day 48—09/10 – 151.8
    Day 49—09/11 – 152.3
    Day 50—09/12 – 152.3

    Week 8 Goal: 150.0
    Week 8 actual weight: 152.8
    Wk +1.4 👎 Total - 0.2👍

    Day 51—09/13 – 152.8
    Day 52—09/14 – 152.8
    Total day for me 4️⃣5️⃣7️⃣

  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 527 Member
    Day 57—09/13 – 141 lb.
    Day 58—09/14 – 140;5 lb.
    Day 59—09/15 – 140.2 lb
    Day 60—09/16 –
    Day 61—09/17 –
    Day 62—09/18 –
    Day 63—09/19 –
    Week 9 Goal: 140 lb
    Week 9 actual weight: