*FRESH START!* Weigh-in Wednesdays through New Year's Day, 2025!



  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 587 Member
    edited September 11
    Welcome Laurie! What a beautiful picture, and such an adorable baby!

    You sure don't look 66! About the 60 lbs., it's one day at a time, one step at a time. My highest weight was 217 lbs. on 2/29/2008. I lost 77 lbs. in about two years. Then I went all the way back up to 188 (in another two years) and now I think I'm down to about 155 (over the next several years) but I'll weigh in and report tomorrow. (Still, I'm 62 lbs. down from my highest; so it's totally doable.) You can definitely do this! I'm trying for 0.5-1.5 lb. per week as well.

    Have a nice night, everyone. I will post my scale stats tomorrow.

    💗Carole (xO)
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    I weighed in and I’m exactly what I was last week. But I’ve reached my steps goal this week, so I will increase them now. I hope everyone had a good week! We’ve got this!!
  • pammyt602014
    pammyt602014 Posts: 1 Member
    Is it too late to join the challenge? Hi all, I am from Tasmania in Australia and really need some accountability. We are in kilos here and my starting weight is 96.5 kg. Will check back in next Wednesday and am thinking of posting a picture of my scales at weigh in to add that extra accountability. Don't have a problem with steps, as we have a kelpie (an Australian working dog) who needs lots of exercise so we are out walking a lot. I used to do a lot of weight training, plus yoga, but gave it up when looking after elderly sick parents for several years. Started to get back into that now. Have a great week all!!
  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Weighed in this morning at 168.4! 😃 I was pretty happy with that. I was 177.4 on June 22nd. I'm pretty sure I went higher than that though. I just refused to step on the scale! LOL. I could tell by how my clothes were fitting...or rather, not fitting!

    Way to go on the steps, Carole. That's a lot of dancing!

    Nice to meet you, Pam (or is it Pammy) and Laurie. Congratulations on the new grandson!

    Slow and steady wins the race. I'm not interested in giving up everything and going hungry. That's not sustainable. Just little changes that make me healthier. Like trying to eat more protein, get my 10K steps in most days and now I've started taking the stairs as much as I can at work. I did 18 floors today and I just started to notice it becoming a tiny bit easier on my knees and I don't have to stop on every floor to catch my breath.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing ladies. Nice to connect and cheer each other on!

    Have a great week! Go us!🤩😍 ~Andrea
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    Good job on the stairs Andrea! My gosh, I thought the 5 floors we had to go up to my granddaughter’s apartment at college was enough! I really applaud you! 👋👋👋
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,709 Member
    So happy to see new faces to this challenge. It is motivation for me to pull up my socks and get going.
    I did weigh in yesterday morning and I was up a pound from to 192lbs. I have been getting my golf in but not my treadmill. I too have been a caregiver for 7 years for my parents. Blessed with gratitude but sometimes it can be overwhelming.
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Welcome @LauriePar and a beautiful picture of you and your grandson.
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 587 Member
    Hi everyone, Happy Weekend and Welcome All! It's never to late to join (or rejoin)! Please feel free to jump in, wherever you are!

    I'm sorry to be reporting so late! I am somewhat disheartened to report that my weight on Wednesday was 158, even though I was very careful about food and beverages and walked and danced a LOT that week! Still, I must be honest. I was so bummed out that I went completely off the rails with eating and even consumed several alcoholic beverages from Wednesday through Friday! Why the self-sabotage, I wonder?

    No more! I forgive myself, as I'm only a fallible human. So... Here I go again!
    Enjoy the coming days. I will make sure to report back here on Wednesday, September 18th, which incidentally, is only 15 weeks until January 1st, 2025! I hope to lose a pound per week (or more) so I can ring in the New Year at least fifteen pounds lighter! Let's GO!🩷
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    My goal is also to lose 1 pound a week or hopefully more until January 1. I sure would like 15 more pounds gone by then!
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    My weigh in today. I finally lost 3.3 pounds this week after last week when I lost none.

    SW: 224.3
    CW: 217
    GW: 160

    I am 5’8 1/2 tall.
  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all, well I was up almost a pound yesterday. 169.2 boohoo. I know where I went wrong though. Was a busy, stressful week and I was doing a bit of emotional eating and maybe even a few drinks! LOL. Not a lot of time to food prep either, which means I am prone to make poor choices when I'm hungry and in a hurry.

    I did hit my goal for steps most days though, and I'm getting quicker on the stairs so that's a win. We can't be perfect all the time.

    Good job Laurie!🤝 Don't sweat it Carole...every day is a new beginning! 🤩

    Cheers everyone!
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    Thanks Andrea!
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,709 Member
    A day late in reporting. I too have had a stressful week. Good and bad stress. The scale did not move. But bad habits have been coming back in my life...like not keeping a diary of what I consume, social media at 3 am in the morning, not getting on the treadmill. Glad to see the positive comments from this group. Today is a new day.
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 587 Member
    Woo-HOO Laurie! That's a LOT for one week! 🏆 You are will on your way to 15!

    Hi everyone,

    Posting a day late. Well, my weight did go down a bit. This morning the scale said 156.6. I will post stats here and again on January 1st because the new year is 15 weeks from yesterday!

    09/11: 158.0
    09/19: 156.6
    WK LOSS: 1.4
    TL LOSS : 1.4

    Have a nice night and best wishes for the weekend!
    🩷 Carole

  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    Thanks Carole! I just keep on day by day!! Looking forward to see how much I’ll lose by January 1st! Day 24 for me today. I lost 1 more pound, so just 1.3 til I hit 10 pounds gone.
  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    OMG...only 15 weeks to 2025. That's crazy...where has the year gone?!

    WTG Laurie and Carole. Slow and steady.👍🤩

    I continue with walking and try to get my steps in as much as I can. Weather and daylight will soon start to work against that, but I have a plan to do some indoor walking which I can do without a treadmill.

    I'm also going to do some food prep for the week today. A good brekkie I like is 1 whole egg, 1/4 to 1/2 cup egg white, tomatoes, spinach and 15 grams of feta. I like to add some hot sauce and S&P too.

    Have a great week ladies. Will try and be on time for weigh in Wednesday this week. HaHa

  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    For weigh in Wednesday, I’ve lost 3.7 pounds this week. Only 1 eating out this week- that helps me keep on track to eat as much at home as I can- but would never give up lunch with my daughter! ❤️ I challenged myself to show up everyday for 30 days and I’m 28 days in.

    SW 224.3
    CW 213.3
    GW 160
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    We got to babysit our new grandson on Saturday. This is my husband holding him. Just another reason to lose weight and be healthy!
  • Lynn__W
    Lynn__W Posts: 1,028 Member
    Carole, so happy I found your challenge; would love to join it. Although I retired five years ago I returned to the workforce a year later, but now work at a Sr Assisted living facility 3 days/week. Wednesdays are the 1st day off of my 4 off so it's I've often considered Wednesday as my Reset / Restart day. I work as a server and often our cooks make the most delicous foods that prove too tempting to resist, hence the need to ReSet every Wednsday.
    I have 30 lbs to lose but will focus on 5 at a time. My goal is to eliminate wt gains from week to week.

    Wed Sept 25th: 174.8

  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,709 Member
    edited September 26
    I weigh in every Wednesday but get time to post it on Thursday. Still no movement stuck at 192lbs. Same song since I hit my 50's. My body gets use to a certain weight and won't budge until something clicks and off goes some pounds. Then the whole process starts over again. I got a golf game in, treadmill once and I have logged my meals.
    Have an awesome week Wednesday weigh-ins 😎
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 587 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Happy weekend, happy Fall 🍂and welcome to Lynn and all new members!

    It's so annoying, after I enter a lot of text, if I scroll up too far it exits the board and I have to start all over again! This is the third time...

    Thanks for posting the adorable picture of your husband and grandson Laurie! WOW, you lost a LOT last week! Wish I could say the same - I actually went UP a pound, to 157.6. (So Bemybestby60, at least you're maintaining!)

    Andrea, thanks for sharing that breakfast recipe! Sounds DELICIOUS - I'm definitely going to try it!

    I will check back in on Wednesday, when we will be in OCTOBER, can you believe it?

    Have a great weekend! 💞
  • cb5508
    cb5508 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I would love to join your challenge if it’s not too late. I’ve been stuck and keep losing focus. This seems like a great group! If I can lose 8-10lbs by the end of the year I’ll be thrilled. I have a lot further to go, but that’s a positive start and hopefully realistic goal. I’m nervous to even step on the scale, but I’ll do it Wednesday!
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 587 Member
    edited September 28
    Good morning! Not too late at all! It's never too late to make a fresh start! WELCOME!💗

    About "being stuck and losing focus", I hear ya! I've been in the same boat for weeks now and I've GOT to get back on track!

    Wednesday is thirteen weeks before New Year's Day; so if you just average one pound down per week, you can lose 13 pounds by then! It's a tricky time to start (holiday season, colder weather, etc.), but I'm sure you can do it!

    I will look for your post on Wednesday (October 2nd)!

    Best wishes, Carole 🦋
  • andiedmonds
    andiedmonds Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm late to post, but it's been a heck of a week. Sorry about that.

    Currently scale says 167.9. Down a few ounces. But I've also been cheating a bit. I think if it wasn't for walking, the scale would read a bit higher. Haha

    Lovely Pic of your grand baby and hubby, Laurie. Thanks for sharing.

    Bemybest...the thing that matters most is you're trying and it's not steadily going up. Don't beat yourself up.🫠

    Thanks for putting it that way, Carole. It does make the goal seem more reasonable.

    You're right though, the holiday season will make it hard. I've been trying to think how to manage that one. The only thing I can think of is I will need to compensate with walking and stairs because I'm not so good at dieting while socializing! LOL

    Well, have a good day everyone. Will do my best to pop in on Wednesday. 😃

  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    For today’s weigh in Wednesday, I have lost 1 pound this week, for a total of 12 pounds lost in my first 5 weeks. I hope everyone had a good week! Happy Wednesday! 😀😀

    SW 224.3
    CW 212.3
    GW 160
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,709 Member
    LauriePar wrote: »
    For today’s weigh in Wednesday, I have lost 1 pound this week, for a total of 12 pounds lost in my first 5 weeks. I hope everyone had a good week! Happy Wednesday! 😀😀

    SW 224.3
    CW 212.3
    GW 160

    👌 Awesome 👏 Great accomplishment
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well so far for maintaining. Up a pound. A bad week for discipline. Counted my calories but no work outs other than a game of golf.
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 587 Member
    edited October 7
    Hey everyone! Starting over because another board to which I belong is weighing in on Mondays and I wanted to be consistent with all in which I participate to keep copying/pasting consistently throughout using the same dates. Please feel free to use Wednesdays or any day you prefer, as long as you hang in there and stay with us!

    Okay; here we go. Although my regular weigh-in day is Wednesday, I'm going to follow along with the suggested dates for another board (OCT-NOV-DEC) because it will be easier to weigh in just once per week using the same dates.

    All Time Highest Weight: I'm not sure about MFP initial weight, but my highest was 217.0 lbs. on 2/29/2008
    Challenge Starting Weight for this Group: 156.0 on Monday, October 7th, 2024
    Weight Loss Goal for this Challenge: 12-15 lbs. by 12/30/2024 [Wt. Range: 104-141; "Ideal" Wt. 133]

    I will post updates weekly as we go, but will only paste scale stats once below in this post and again with a first/last, side-by-side, before/after progress comparison on 12/30/2024.

    10/07/24: 156.0 lbs./Current Loss: 0.0 lbs./Total Loss: 0.0 lbs. Below are my "Day 1" (initial) scale stats:
    I found two good links to try to calculate weight loss target dates: (Try it! It's very interesting!):
    https://www.fitwatch.com/calculator/weight-loss-target-date OR:
    I think if I can keep up my activity and keep my caloric intake to ~1425-1500 I should be able to arrive within my goal weight by the end of this challenge.

    We're in the home stretch to 2025 - only 12 weeks from Wednesday, October 9th!

    Best wishes everyone, and have a GREAT week!
    <3 Carole
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 257 Member
    For my Wednesday weigh in, I lost 2 pounds this week for a total of 14 pounds so far. Today I completed 6 weeks.

    Sw: 224.3
    CW: 210.2
    GW: 160