I'm looking for a nutrition coach that uses myfitnesspal

Anyone here have a recommendation? Thanks!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,085 Member
    Please be careful: That's a category where quite a few people make claims, but not all of them have serious education, certifications, or other solid credentials. A registered dietitian would be ideal, at least as that term is defined in the US. In some places, "coaches" or "nutritionists" don't need any specific qualifications at all to advertise that title.
  • jeri30
    jeri30 Posts: 88 Member
    I feel like Abbey Sharp does a good job cutting through the food/nutrition woo out there. She's a registered dietician, whose YT channel I watch.

  • WomanLiftingTR
    WomanLiftingTR Posts: 1 Member
    Totally Agree, I do trust my dietician (who doesn't lift, but has the expertise about nutrition) and Megsquat (who is a lifter, an influencer AND studied to get her licence as a nutrion coach).

    BUT STILL, I try to educate and know my own body and my bodies needs first. Do my own research. I know my body the best. Listen to it, educate yourself and DO NOT OBSESS. I had to take a break from tracking. I noticed my body felt exhausted. from not eating enough to over 2000 calories, 150 grams protein a day, isn't healthy either. 1 step at a time. Lot's of love and hugs to all of you.

    Greetings from the Netherlands,
    Emine P.