50+ with 50+ To Lose Group



  • Am I eligible to join your group? I'll be 53 in less than 2 hours. :) I lost 50 pounds a couple of years ago and gained 30 of it back, so I still need to lose about 25 pounds. I live in the Pacific NW too, Vancouver, WA.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hi YoungerNextYear. You are definitely eligible. Everyone tells a bit about themselves and then states their health and fitness goals for the week or month. Expect to see a friend request from me too. Welcome.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I am excited because tomorrow I plan to finally start to exercise again after being ill. I will go to my Aquafit class in the morning. Tonight after dinner we walked around a nice shopping district. It felt more like a summer night than an autumn night. It was a good way to get a bit of exercise without over doing it. It feels nice to feel like I am on the mend. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Hi Keri (and the rest of the members of the 50+ group)!

    Thanks for adding me to the group. It took me awhile to find an over 50 group, and I was pleased to see you're from the PNW. My mom lived in Kirkland, so I'm really familiar with that area. It sounds like you're feeling better--that's great!

    I'll shortly tell you about myself. I'm 53 (today)! I've gained and lost weight all my life. It seems easier for me to lose it than maintain it. I lost 50 pounds about 2 years ago and tried to maintain it. (After all I don't want to still be needing to lose major weight into my 60's and 70's; I'm no spring chicken anymore!). Anyway, my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer right before Christmas last year. She had smoked for 40 years (she started smoking after she had me to lose her baby weight). She had quit about 12 years before that. She was a stay at home wife who never exercised and had very little physical activity (she insisted vacuuming was a workout). She wasn't overweight, but had health problems because of her sedentary lifestyle. When she was diagnosed with lung cancer, she was so frail and out of shape from inactivity that her body couldn't withstand the chemotherapy. She died February 3rd, three days before her 74th birthday. She and I were very close and her death hit me hard. I stopped working out and started eating anything and everything. I quickly re-gained 30 of the 50 pounds I had lost.

    I've lost 9-1/2 of those 30 pounds (7 before I found MFP which was suggested to me by a personal trainer). The gym I had been going to went out of business in August, but I have found another one. The one I'm going to now is a better fit for me and I'm getting stronger all the time, even doing things that I never imagined I would be able to do (spinning). I work full time, and usually work more than 40 hours a week, so I get up at 4:30 every day and hit the gym first thing. It centers me for the day and puts my focus on fitness and healthy eating.

    My goal is to lose at least another 15 pounds and put the muscle I have lost back on, then I'll re-evaluate. I stumbled across your group and am happy and excited to be here! Thanks so much for having me!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Welcome Younger Next Year,
    Happy birthday a day late. Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. I am glad you are back to taking care of yourself again. Thanks for sharing your goals with us. I am hoping that we all share how we have done with our goals this last month soon as we start into October.

    I am going to take this opportunity to post the updated list of members:

    grannysquare1 (Nancy)
    CRody (Chuck)
    KeriA (Keri)
    SeattleGrl (Hazel)
    momb4 (Lynne)
    McYoung (Mary)
    creasonr (Ruth)
    spoccer (Mary)
    ndoyel (Nancy)

    There are 22 of us and I think there is someone else interested in joining as well.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Just a small update for me. I mentioned I was excited to start back to exercise today after being sick the last few weeks. Well of course that means the pool had to be closed - right? At least it is a lovely weekend for a walk. I have a very small part-time temporary job starting next week. I think I am in the process of negotiating for another job on an on-call basis. The second is pretty much in my profession and will be paid well. The other is something I have done in the past and will probably be close to my minimum pay requirement. Still not enough secure employment so I will continue to look for work.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Good luck with the job-securing Keri - its always a stressful time.

    I found another job and am due to start in January only ... I particularly admire people who can keep their health priorities going when other pressures are growing as I am very much a comfort eater. :(
    So far, though, I am holding on.

    Here is hoping that we all have a successful week in whatever we are aspiring to!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Just a small update for me. I mentioned I was excited to start back to exercise today after being sick the last few weeks. Well of course that means the pool had to be closed - right? At least it is a lovely weekend for a walk. I have a very small part-time temporary job starting next week. I think I am in the process of negotiating for another job on an on-call basis. The second is pretty much in my profession and will be paid well. The other is something I have done in the past and will probably be close to my minimum pay requirement. Still not enough secure employment so I will continue to look for work.

    WOOHOO... at least this is positive step in the right direction however! Great for you.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Good luck with the job-securing Keri - its always a stressful time.

    I found another job and am due to start in January only ... I particularly admire people who can keep their health priorities going when other pressures are growing as I am very much a comfort eater. :(
    So far, though, I am holding on.

    Here is hoping that we all have a successful week in whatever we are aspiring to!

    Congrats on the new job Sallie. Yes it is hard to keep a good schedule when schedule changes and with change there is more stress. Let's do it right this time. :drinker:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Just a small update for me. I mentioned I was excited to start back to exercise today after being sick the last few weeks. Well of course that means the pool had to be closed - right? At least it is a lovely weekend for a walk. I have a very small part-time temporary job starting next week. I think I am in the process of negotiating for another job on an on-call basis. The second is pretty much in my profession and will be paid well. The other is something I have done in the past and will probably be close to my minimum pay requirement. Still not enough secure employment so I will continue to look for work.

    WOOHOO... at least this is positive step in the right direction however! Great for you.
    Thanks, you have been in my thoughs alot. Take care during this busy and challenging time. :flowerforyou:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    October Goals ( maybe they are my 2nd blush attempt at Fall Goals)
    1. drink between 10-14 glasses of water a day - except when my throat was too sore I was pretty good with this.
    2. I am slowly getting back to exercising since being ill. I am going to make sure it includes weight training and running intervals (post C25K), Zumba and a rest day. I want to ease into it for once and when the pool is open I will add in Aquafit again.
    3. I think I have my calories goals set right so just need to work at making them
    5. Make healthy meals (being ill sort of messed that up a bit.

    Hope all have a great autumn.
  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    The last few months have been a struggle. I have gotten caught in the cycle of eating things which create cravings which results in eating things which create cravings. I've also done a lot of emotional eating in an effort to cope with my feelings. Most days I start out with at least some resolve. But every day ends in defeat. Anyway, just trying to get back in control of it..

    October goals:

    1. No binging on sweets
    2. Limit swimming. No more than 1 long swim per week. Other 2 swims limited to 1 hour each.
    3. Complete at home training on Tuesdays.
    4. Log food, no matter how bad it is.
    5. Become aware of water intake.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Nice to see you on here Mary. Sorry you have had a hard time. Good job getting back to it. Like your Octobe goals. I am hoping to see some others too.

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hi all,
    I hope you have had a wonderful September. It is almost October! As you can see above some of us have reevaluated our goals for October. I was happy that I lost another pound plus this week. I have started weight training and back drinking water. I think these helped since I have continued to do well with keeping my calories down but not too much. There was a great post on the boards recently about Myths of Water Intake. I pretty much agreed with it but my personal experience has been that water helps me lose. :drinker: I also see some other health benefits.

    I also wanted to quote myself when I started this group. :wink:

    "Rules are very simple: Check in once a week at least but I will be checking daily so more is fine. You let us know your goals for the week, month, season or by any timeline you have determined for yourself. Report on how you are doing, what is challenging to you and what you have learned. I hope we get to know each other so if life is getting you down or up let us know. "

    I think that the reason is that if most of us don't post weekly we don't really stay a group. I don't think that we all have to do this all the time and people who have been MIA or have personal reasons for taking a hiatus should feel free to start back up again at anytime. However I would like to see us give each other the support we need and since this is on the first page it may have escaped your notice or memory. This is a pretty flexible group but I think this rule should not be rigorously followed but seen as an important guide for the group process. :flowerforyou:

    For new members the process is to introduce yourself by telling us a bit about yourself and to list you health and fitness goals or priorities.

    I really think this is a great group of people. :heart:

  • SeattleGrl
    SeattleGrl Posts: 58 Member
    My goals for October are a little unsure as I'm going to be on vacation in Italy & England for the first 2 weeks of the month. I do plan on walking a lot and being aware of what I'm eating BUT I'm going to enjoy every bite and not feel guilty for indulging in the local specialties, plus the wine in Italy is cheaper then water!
    Upon my return my plan is to continue with my strength training and start the C25K program. I'm really excited and nervous about running as it's something I've never thought I could do but I've been running a little this past month and I can actually run, who knew?!?
    Welcome to all the new members, this is a great supportive group!
  • jimswife1
    jimswife1 Posts: 42 Member
    For the month of October:

    1. Lose 10lbs
    2. 8 glasses of water daily
    3. continue at the gym 5 days weekly
    4. use ab glider at least 3 days per week
    5. start adding different classes at the gym
    6. get an extra hour of sleep nightly
  • spoccer
    spoccer Posts: 15 Member
    My October goals ...
    1. Lose at least 3 pounds a week.
    2. Exercise at least one hour per day on treadmill.
    3. Slowly start incorporating strength training.
    4. Eat more flaxseed.
    5. Make low cal smoothies.
    6. Read more healthy eating articles.
    7. Find and try more healthy eating recipes.
    8. DROP another dress size!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hello Hazel, Sounds like a gread vacation and I am glad you are planning to enjoy the food too. I do think the walking will do the trick and from what I have seen on here any vacations pounds come off fast and people are back on track soon. So Enjoy. That is exciting that you plan to do C25K when you come back. I loved it. I am trying to do my post C25K program to increase speed and distance a bit so I can actually do a 5k. I loved C25K and had a great support group on here. :smile:

    Hi Jimswife, loved your October goals. I forgot to ask everyone how September went. From what it seems like from you status updates you have been doing well this month? Keep us updated each week on how your October is going.:happy:

    Mary (@spoccer) Wow some pretty ambitious goals for you too. Thanks for mentioning the Flaxseed. I just got some BobMills Flax meal to add into things too but I need to remember to do it. One thing I found that helped me recently was to have a rest day from exercise. I don't want to do it but it actually helps. Many have before their weigh in day but I weigh in everyday. How was September? Let us know how it going through out October. :flowerforyou:

    I love October. Let's do it!:drinker:
  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    OK group....I'm planning a good food day.

    I will report back, assuming the results aren't too embarrassing. If that's the case I'll have to run and hide. lol.

    Here's the plan. Usual breakfast, Cheerios and fruit. Lunch, Turkey sandwich. After swim string cheese and orange. Dinner, Ham loaf and some kind of vegetables. I hope to get back on my 400 cal fix which is 4 meals x 400 calories. So there will be some 4th meal. (and maybe that's where I slip up...not PLANNING the 4th meal, which is at a time when I have a tendancy to overeat)

    My concern is that it's a swimming day. If I swim a really long time that could throw a kink in the works. I'm going to try to keep it at an hour which won't affect my food plan.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Sounds like a great plan Mary. You have been doing well lately. Hope you have a great day. i am off to the gym for some weight training and some cardio finally.