50+ with 50+ To Lose Group



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Lost four pounds of my vacation gain, most likely liquid loss, but I’ll take it.

    Terrific! That means you only really gained 5.

    Love the way you think, dfeledichuk! Congrats Chuck
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    My birthday is in March, but I don't think I'll make my goal weight by then. I'm hoping to be in the "Normal Weight" range by then. We'll see how things look in January.

    No I won't make my goal weight by "our birthday month" either. Maybe the Onderlands. I was hoping for that by January but my plateau was too long. I will wait to see how far I get by Christmas.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Lost four pounds of my vacation gain, most likely liquid loss, but I’ll take it.

    Terrific! That means you only really gained 5.

    I'm holding out for another 4 pounds tomorrow. If not, any loss will do. I'll see if I can set my scale to grams and count fractions of grams. : )
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Go Chuck! May be MIA till tomorrow night (and I am on the west coast too). I have my interview in the afternoon and a long commute home. Everyone have a great Wednesday.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Go Chuck! May be MIA till tomorrow night (and I am on the west coast too). I have my interview in the afternoon and a long commute home. Everyone have a great Wednesday.

    Fingers crossed for your tomorrow KeriA - GOOD LUCK!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I need a kick in the butt. I haven't worked out since (gasp!) Saturday. I was feeling lousy yesterday, so spent some quality time in bed.

    The days are getting shorter and waking up in the dark is not helping to motivate me. Help!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Good luck on yiour interview Keri.

    Gwen, I know exactly what yoy mean. I came home from our trip with a raspy throat, which turned into a little cough, which is now settling down in my chest. The last time this happened, it turned into pneumonia.

    When we were on the airplane coming home, there was a guy sitting behind me that had a deep chest cough. It sounded like he wasn't covering his mouth when he went into his coughing jags. I remarked to my wife that I hope I don't catch his cough. I think I did.

    I don't much feel like exercising, but I'm way over my goal this month so I'll take it easy.

    I lost another two pounds yesterday, so I'm saying I only gasined three pounds on vacation.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    I need a kick in the butt. I haven't worked out since (gasp!) Saturday. I was feeling lousy yesterday, so spent some quality time in bed.

    The days are getting shorter and waking up in the dark is not helping to motivate me. Help!

    I hear you Gwen, I live in Northern Alberta and it is not exactly light out anymore when I get up. I go every lunch hour for a walk... when full winter comes not sure what I am going to do as I think I have seasonal affective disorder cause man I am tired in the winter. I am hoping I will have the energy to go the gym after work when it is -40 outside here.
  • greenhydrangea
    greenhydrangea Posts: 39 Member
    Hi All,

    I keep forgetting to mark this page and spend more time on the news board. Sorry all, back from vacation and just really getting back into the swing of things. I'll friend new members! Thanks KeriA for keeping us on track!

    My main goal: reduce my blood pressure so as not to have to go on meds.

    My doc says: exercise, lose weight (20-40 pounds), reduce sodium, drink more water

    My stated goals thru December:
    1. Lower my blood pressure (doctor's orders) so I don't have to go on BP meds, it is getting lower! woo hoo!
    2. Lower sodium, dealing with this every single day. ugh.
    3. Get back to my weight from last summer. D O N E.
    4. 8 glasses of water daily---gotta get better at this. was really good now at 6 glasses approx.
    5. 30-60 minutes of exercise daily (walking mostly, but want to do C25k), need to focus on this again after vacation
    6. Stay within my calorie budget and eat more consciously and wisely. doing really well on this.
    7. Add push-ups into my routine (have an app called "100 pushups"-- struggling with this goal.

    I'm pulling for all of us! We really can do this!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    1. To walk 30 minutes, four times a week (Sun., Tue., Thu., Sat.), 500 minutes per month.
    2. To workout with resistance bands for 30 minutes, three time a week (Mon., Wed., Fri.), 360 minutes per month.
    3. To stay within my diet, 1800 calories, < 2000mg sodium, < 60g fat, daily.
    4. To get off my diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol meds by August 15, 2012.

    Monthly Progress:
    1. 933 total min of 500 this week. Monthly goal met. No exercise today.
    2. Resistance Training: 71 minutes this month. I won’t meet this goal this month..
    3. Today: 1307 calories - goal met; 993 mg sodium - goal met; 16 g fat - goal met.
    4. Working on this goal.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am having trouble posting on MFP so second try. After this off to bed. Gwen & dfeledichuk I usually don't complain about Seattle weather because I love it except for maybe November but this summer it has struck me that getting Summer in August means we get it when the days are shorter and that really isn't fait. My sister too has seasonal affective disorder. I also need some exercise too in fact I need to run tomorrow. I have a meeting but will have time in the morning.

    If you haven't read my posts my interview went well but I think I also have stiff competition. So we will have to see. I did something I never have done before. I dyed my beautiful gray hair. I miss it but have to admit this doesn't look too bad. It is called golden brown and will be gone in 28 shampoos. I do not like the idea of roots. I am a natural dark brunette but they say when you go gray go a little lighter. I left some gray here and there. I think my husband likes it. Anyway I wasn't taking any chances with age discrimination or at least I felt I was going to do what I could to combat it.

    Thanks for all your support everyone. Feels like home again with Greenhydrangea and Chuck back.

    :flowerforyou: Keri
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I got up this morning and did my walk! Thanks for the gentle prods.

    I probably have seasonal affected disorder too. I use a full spectrum light at my desk. In the winter, I don't fight it, I just sleep more. I figure if the animals get to hibernate, so do I!

    After living a year in Stockholm, I also swore I wouldn't complain about dark Seattle winters ever again. Stockholm is as far north as Anchorage, Alaska. In December, it was maybe three hours of light. I'd go outside at lunchtime just to be sure it was the next day, otherwise it was always dark.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    -gwen I bought myself a special light today at Costco for seasonal affective disorder because they had some out and I do not want to pack on the pounds come winter, hopefully it keeps me from getting too tired. KeriA gonna have to update that profile pick with the new hair color for all of us to see :)!!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am thinking I will have to lose alot of weight before I take another picture I do not know how I got that angle like that I look alot skinnier than I really am! I did have a NSV today. I recently had a blog post complaining how noone notices how I have lost weight and inches. Well today I was at a meeting and someone I haven't seen in a while was there I said hello and she didn't respond at first. She later told me I looked so good relaxed and healthy looking. I told her she was the first to tell me that other than my husband despite all my work. I don't think she recognized me at first and it wasn't until I introduced myself that she realized. I joked about dying my hair for the interview but she said no I looked better in general and all my work shows. So lets get in there and do this!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    What a terrific compliant KeriA. Most have felt awesome!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    1. To walk 30 minutes, four times a week (Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri.), 500 minutes per month.
    2. To workout with resistance bands for 30 minutes, three time a week (Tue., Thu., Sat.), 360 minutes per month.
    3. To stay within my diet: <1800 calories, < 2000mg sodium, < 60g fat, daily.
    4. To get off my diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol meds by August 15, 2012.

    1. 933 total min of 500. Monthly goal met.
    2. Resistance Training: Monthly goal not met.
    3. Today:
    1681 calories – Daily goal met.
    977 mg Sodium – Daily goal met.
    49 g Fat – Daily goal met.
    4. 300+ days to meet goal.

    I lost all of my vacation gain and a few more pounds on top of that.

    Keri, a great NSV.

    A scale victory for me, I have lost over half of the weight I want to, to reach my goal weight, 80 pounds down, 77 pounds to go. Maybe I'll have my wife take a "half way there" picture and post it with my fat boy picture.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Chuck that is absolutely fantastic, what an accomplishment! Standing up here and applauding for you!
  • greenhydrangea
    greenhydrangea Posts: 39 Member
    KeriA: I am sure you look beautiful! I know what you mean about dying your hair. My friends at work joke that dying our hair is the cheapest facelift. Gallows humor about age discrimination... When I retire I'm going grey, or white, or all pink! (only half way kidding).

    Chuck: woo hoo!

    dfeldichuk: thinking about you constantly.

    I've had a busy week back so far and may have to work over the weekend on deadline materials...darn!

    But I know we can do this. I'm in this for life so let's all raise a glass to our grit!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Thank you for your support. This is a good group.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Great work Chuck, and I'm glad to hear the vacation gain was temporary.

    I'm thinking about you too Donna.

    Thanks for the encouragement GreenHydrangea. I realize that part of my reluctance to exercise is that my back is bothering me again. I've eased back on the lifting and focusing on walking.